Serials Collection

Serials Collection

Latino Periodicals Collection List Microfilmed and Uncataloged Newspapers, Newsletters and Magazines ABC (Newsletter, Madrid, Spain) Affiliation: Prensa Española, S.A. Paper: Jan. 18, 1973; Feb. 1, 1973 W, Ceased, Spanish Call No: Uncat. LA ACTUALIDAD (Newspaper, Huntington Park, CA) Microfilm: Vol. 1, no.7, Sep., 30, 1971 Bi-W, Ceased, Spanish Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 ADELANTE (Newspaper, San Jose, CA) Affiliation: Mexican American Community Services Agency, Inc. Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1, Apr., 1965; Vol.1, no.3, Apr., 1968 Irreg., Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 ADELANTE (Newspaper, Riverside, CA) Affiliation: Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, University of California at Riverside Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1, Oct., 14, 1969 Irreg., Ceased, English Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 ADELANTE (Newspaper, Topeka, KA) Affiliation: Centro de Servicios Para Mexicanos Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1-3,7,12, 1972-Vol.5, no.24, Jun., 1977 (incomplete) Bi-M , Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 ADELANTE RAZA (Newspaper, Appleton, WI) Paper: Oct., 1973; Dec., 1975-Mar., 1976, Jun., 1976 M, Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 A63 ADOBE (Newspaper, San Luis, CO) Affiliation: San Luis High School Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1-2, 1975; Vol.1, no.3, 1976; Vol.1, no.4, 1976-77 Q, Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 AGENDA (Magazine, Washington, D.C.) Affiliation: National Council of La Raza Microfilm: Copy 1: Vol.1, 1972-Vol.5, no.11, 1975 (incomplete); Vol.6, no.1, Jan., 1976-Vol.6, no.10, Dec., 1976 Copy 2: no.1, Summer, 1973-1976 Paper: 1975-1976 Q, Superseded, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980; Paper: E 184 S75 A56 AGENDA (Newsletter, Washington, D.C.) Affiliation: National Council of La Raza Microfilm: Vol.7, 1977-Vol.10, 1980 Paper: Vol.5, no.3, 1975-Vol.11, no.10, 1981 M, Superseded, Bilingual Call No: E 184 S75 A58 EL AGRICULTOR MODERNO (Newspaper, Barnillo, NM) Microfilm: Vol.2, no.4, Mar. 23, 1916 D, Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 EL AGUILA (Newspaper, Susanville, CA) Affiliation: Mexican-American Culture Group Microfilm: Mar., 1970; Jan., Nov.-Dec., 1972; Mar., Sep., 1973; Jan.-Feb., May 1974 M, Ceased, English Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 EL AGUILA (Newspaper, Santa Monica, CA) Affiliation: Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, Santa Monica College-Library Microfilm: No.1-3, 1971; Vol.2, no.1-4, 1971; Vol.3, no.1-3, 1972 Irreg., Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 AGUILA NEGRA (Newspaper, San Jose, CA) Affiliation: United Farmworkers Support Committee, California State University at San Jose Microfilm: Dec., 1976 Irreg., Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 AGUILA VOLATICA (Newspaper, Fortworth, TX) Affiliation: Fortworth Independent School District Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1, Oct., 1975-Vol.1, no.4, Jun., 1976; Vol.2, no.2-3, 1977 Irreg., Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 AHORA (Newspaper, Oakland, CA) Affiliation: Oakland Mayo Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1, Mar. 5, 1968-69 Irreg., Ceased, English 2 Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 AHORA (LA VOZ DEL CAMPESINO) (Newspaper, Alamosa, CO) Microfilm: Vol.2, no.7, Jul. 30, 1971; Vol.3, no.1, Oct., 1972-Vol.5, no.1, Jul./Aug., 1974; Vol.6, no.2, May 12, 1975; Vol.7, no.1, Jan. 28, 1976 Irreg., Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 AJUA (Newsletter, Santa Barbara, CA) Paper: Oct., Nov., 1970; Jan. 1971 M, Ceased, English Call No: Uncat. EL ALACRAN (Newspaper, Long Beach, CA) Affiliation: Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztán, California State University at Long Beach Microfilm: Copy 1: Vol.1, no.1, 1970; Vol.1, no.5,8, 1971 Copy 2: Vol.1, no.1, Mar. 27, 1970; Vol.1, no.5, 1971; Apr. 28 - May 5, 1971 Paper: Vol.1, no.1,3-5, 1970-71 Irreg., Ceased, Bilingual Call No: Copy 1: E 184 M5 C296 1980; Copy 2: El Alacran/F870 M5 A33; Paper: Uncat. ALAMBRASO (Newsletter, Madison, WI) Affiliation: Chicano Studies Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison Paper: Vol.4, no.2, 1989; Vol.5, no.1, 1989; Vol.6, no.1, 1990-91; Vol.8, no.1, 1994; Vol.9, no.1, 1994; Vol.10, no.1, 1995 Irreg., Ceased, Bilingual Call No: Uncat. ALAMBRES DE NEL (Newspaper, Oakland, CA) Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1, May 1975-Vol.2, no. 10, Jun., 1977 Paper: Vol.2, no.5-10, 1977; Vol.3, no.2-5, 1977-78; Vol.4, no.1-2, 1979; Vol. 5, no.1-2, 1980; Vol.6, no.1, 1982 M, Ceased , English Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980; Paper: Uncat. ALCO-NOTICIAS (Newspaper, [n.p.]) Microfilm: Vol.3, no.12, Apr., 1977 Irreg., Ceased, Spanish Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 ALE NEWS (Newspaper, La Tuna, TX) Affiliation: La Tuna Federal Correctional Institution Microfilm: Vol.1, no.4, Dec. 2, 1970 Paper: Vol.2, no.2, Feb. 12, 1971 Bi-W, Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980; Paper: Uncat. ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS NEWSLETTER (Newsletter, San Joaquin, CA) Microfilm: no.2, Aug. 17, 1973-no.11, Feb. 22, 1974 Irreg., Ceased, English Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 3 A.M.A.E. (ASSOCIATION OF MEXICAN AMERICAN EDITORS) (Newspaper, San Diego, CA) Affiliation: Institute for Personal Effectiveness in Children Microfilm: Vol.1, May, 1973 Irreg., Ceased, English Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 EL AMANECER ROJO (Newspaper, [n.p.]) Affiliation: Communist Collective of the Chicano Nation Microfilm: no.1, Apr. 1973; no.2, May 1973 Irreg., Ceased, English Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 AMBOS; THE HISPANIC FORUM (Magazine, San Diego, CA) Affiliation: Estrada & Associates Paper: Vol.1, no.3, 1983 M, Ceased, Bilingual Call No: Uncat. AMERICA (Newspaper, San Francisco, CA) Microfilm: Copy 1: Vol.9, Apr. 5, 1968, Vol.11, Apr., Jun., 1970 Copy 2: Apr. 5, 1968; Apr. 1, 1970; Jun. 10, 1970 Irreg., Ceased, Bilingual Call No: Copy 1: E 184 M5 C296 1980; Copy 2: El Alacran/F 870 M5 A33 AMERICAN INDIAN LIBRARIES NEWSLETTER (Newsletter, Chicago, IL) Affiliation: American Library Association, OLSD Paper: Vol.1, no.3/4, Vol.2, no.1, 1977; Vol.2, no.2-4, 1978 Q, Ceased, English Call No: Uncat. EL AMIGO DEL HOGAR (Newspaper, Indiana Harbor, IN) Microfilm: Vol.1, no.17, Nov. 22, 1925-Vol.5, no.182, Apr. 13, 1930 W, Ceased, Spanish Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 EL AMIGO DEL PUEBLO (Newspaper, Ratón, NM) Microfilm: Vol.1, no.4, Jan. 8, 1896 W, Ceased, Spanish Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 AMIGOS (Newspaper, Tucson, AZ) Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1, May 8, 1975-Vol.3, no.7, Dec., 1977 M, Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 EL ANUNCIADOR (Newspaper, Trinidad, CO) Affiliation: Compañía Publicista de El Anunciador Microfilm: Vol.14, no.21, Apr. 6, 1918 - no.53, Nov. 16, 1918 (incomplete); Vol. 15, no.2, Nov. 23, 1918-no.51, Nov. 1919; Vol.16, no.1, Nov. 22 1919 - no.53, Nov. 6, 1920 (inocomplete); Vol.17, no.2, Nov. 13, 1920-no.51, Oct. 24, 1921 (incomplete); Vol.18, no.1, Nov. 5, 1921 - no.33, Nov. 18, 1922 (incomplete) 4 W, Ceased, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 EL ARBOL (Newspaper, Hayward, CA) Affiliation: Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, Cabot College Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1, Autumn, 1973 Bi-M, Ceased , Bilingual Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 THE ARIZONA REPORT (Newsletter, Tucson, AZ) Affiliation: Mexican American Studies & Research Center, The University of Arizona Paper: Vol.1, no.1-2, 1997; Vol.3, no.1, 1999; Vol.4, no.1-2, 1999-2000; Mar., 2000 (History of Tucson Int. Mariachi Conference); Vol.5, no.1-2, 2001; Vol.6, no.1, Summer 2002 Q, English Call No: Uncat. ASPIRA NEWS (Newsletter, Washington, D.C.) Affiliation: Aspira Association Paper: Vol.5, no.4, 1991/92; Vol.7, no.3, 1994 Q, English Call No: Uncat. ASSOCIATION OF MEXICAN AMERICAN EDUCATORS (Newspaper, Lomita, CA) Microfilm: Vol.1, no.1-2,5, 1971 M, Ceased, English Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 EL ATALAYA BAUTISTA (Newspaper, El Paso, TX) Microfilm: Vol.5, no.1-26, 1919 ; Vol.11, no.27, Jul.2, 1925-Vol.16, no.12, Dec., 1930 W, Ceased, Spanish Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 ATISBOS (Magazine, Stanford, CA) Affiliation: Stanford University Microfilm: 1976-1978 Paper: 1975-1977 A, Ceased, English Call No: E 184 M5 A85 AURORA (Newsletter, Washington, D.C.) Affiliation: U.S. Bishop's V Centenary Committee Newsletter Paper: Winter, Summer, Fall, 1990; Winter, Summer, Fall, 1992 Q, Ceased, English Call No: Uncat. El AVISO (Newsletter, San Antonio, TX) Affiliation: National Association of Latino Arts & Culture Paper: Vol.1, no.3, Oct. 1999; Vol.2, no.1, Spring 2000; Vol.3, no.1, June, Oct, 2001 Q, English Call No: Uncat. 5 AWARENESS (Newspaper, Lompoc, CA) Affiliation: Mexican-American Rehabilitation Culture Organization Microfilm: Vol.1, no.2, Sep., 1971; Vol.2, no.1-6, 1972-76 Paper: Jan., Mar., May, Jul., Nov., 1972; May, 1973 M, Ceased, English Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980; Paper: Uncat. EL AZOTE (Newspaper, El Paso, TX) Microfilm: Vol.1, no.5-6, 1922; Vol.1, no.20-21, 1923; Vol.2, no.7, 1923 W, Ceased, Spanish Call No: E 184 M5 C296 1980 AZTLAN (Magazine, Los Angeles, CA) Affiliation: Chicano Studies Center, University of California at Los Angeles Microfilm: Vol.1, 1970-Vol.13, 1982 Paper: Vol.1, 1970-Vol.26, 2001 Q, Bilingual Call No: E 184 M4 A88 AZTLAN (Newspaper, Leavenworth, TX) Affiliation: Penitenciaría Leavenworth Microfilm: Copy 1: Vol.1, no.3-4, 1971 Copy 2: Mar.9,-Jul.26, 1971 Paper: Vol.1, no.3, Mar., 29, 1971 A, Ceased, English Call No: Copy 1: E 184 M5 C296 1980; Copy 2: El Alacran/F 870 M5 A33; Paper: Uncat.

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