TnURltoAr, WOVEMBElt M, 1944 li . Average Daily Circulation The Weather TOXJETEEH Manchester Evening Herald For the Moatb ot October, 1644 Forecast ol U. H. Uratbrr Borean rank t o John J. Brsnnan, who dlsd Partial clearing end aiflihtly Mathias Spiess, iocal authority 9,002 colder toolgbt; Salordoy oonelder- Parents and tmebers of the Wounded List for his country In Italy, Sspt. 19* Concordia Lutheran church school on Indian lore, will be !the guest ^Madc 33 Misslonn 1943. Ha was a Privsts First Member of the Aadit able cloudtneM with little ehaage speaker at the open meating of WAYNE W . PHILLIPS In temperatifeet About Town held their annual get-together Class. Barean ot OtreolatloM last night at the church. With a the Study Group of the W8CS at good attendance. • Mrs. Bertha the South Methodist church to­ Keeps^Growing ‘ X ' M anchetter^A City of. VillageViUage Charm -1------ tiM lAA*!* Aid safety o< Heydenrelch was In'charge .of the night at 7:46. John T. Munsie will Beth Sholom Notes Commercial Refrigerotion 'C m uiuri LuUi«r*n church w ill program, the theme which waA sing patriotic songs. The Men’s Bcrthold W<ty«haler, EabM Friendship Club of the church has tCtaaolOed AdvertWag ea Faga U> MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1944 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEI k a v« B Swadlah baking m 0« at "When 1 Think of. My Churcla’ Names of Additional Lo* ^ngiheerieig and Sejrvice VO L. L X IV , NO. 41 Kale'a itora, Saturday trom 9;S0 Miss Ann Demko and Mrs. Rob­ been Invited to attend, and any Friday, Nov. 17: Evening serv­ ethers Interested In hearing cal Names Are Sent in OB. Th# committaa expecta t o ert Wbraer also took part In the ices will be held at 8 p. nf. 'The Service and Equipment for Markets, Girills, Ros|dtR^ about the Indians, young or bid. i hava a wlda variety of hakad program. Alfred Lange, superin­ To The Herald. Rabbi will 'speak about Ben Dairiaa,) Restaurants, Milk Coolers, Deep Preexe Cabi­ /foods to offer for sale. Cootrlb- tendent o f the church school, ex­ will be welcome. A soda) time Hecht’s latest book. " A Guide for with light refreshments will fol­ Nazi Flak Gets ^y in g Fort utora are aaked to have their do­ plained the literature now In use. the Bedevilled'.” nets, Etc. nations at the store as soon after the "Christian - Growth” series. low. Additions to the list of wound­ Saturdayi Nov. 18: Children’s Limon Near Grasp ed previously unreported to this TELEPHONE 3622 MANCHESTER Allies Thrust Ahead nine o’clock Saturtay morning as A fter the discussion period re- services at 10 a. m. All children of T. Sergt. Anthony I>anzano. the newspaper, are; f^ivate Gilbert freshmenU were served. the Religious school are urged to ^ o ^ b le . son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lan- Hunt, Army, wounded In Southern France. A ’jg. 17, 1944 and Robert attend. , zano, of 170 Bissell street, recent­ Sunday, Nov. 19: Minysn and Mr. and Mrs. A. tawrence Members of the Red Men s ly enjoyed a ’’recess’’ from aerial i C. Hillman, wounded June 8, 1944. Of Yapkee Units; Breakfast for Bar MItzvoh boys at jUkar of Hlfbland Park are Lodge and Red Men’s Social club warfare at an Air Service Com- , Pfc. Franklin Delaney, previ­ Japending the week at the Lord 8:30 a. m. On 400-Mile Frent; will meet at 7:30 tonight at the mand Rest Center—an English , ously reported wounded and listed V^effrey Hotel, Amherst, Mass. Scaaide Resort Hotel where Amer- I an Army, is a member of the Ma­ Supper and Game night, spon­ club rooms on Brainard place sored by the Sisterhood, will start .aswe - iY l,'' 'i from which point they will pro­ lea’s airmen may relax between | rine Corps. G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. at 7 p. m. RoadTUnder Fire Ffc. Anthony M. Choman. who ceed to the T. P. Holloran Kuner- missions. T. Sergt. Lanzano has | Pvt. Thotant Mozzer, earlier re­ - a member of the Infantry .Re- completed 19 missions over Nazi- . ported wounded four times, has re­ Tuesday, Nov. 21: Red Cross el Home to pay their respects to Sewing St Center church from t Lumber of All Kinds . :ement Training Center, Camp their late president. James F. Mc­ dominated .Europe. ceived his fifth wound In action in p. m. to 4 p. m. Americans Take Virtual , Wedge Is Deepened^ rp .-»o «n g. FU.. has been promoted Donnell. 'The Red Men’s bowling France. Mason Supplies— Paint— Hardware ’ Religious school will be held on it o the rank o f Conmral. Ho Is the league will not bowl tonight as Thei Howell Cheney Technical Tech. S:rgt. Jack Hever. origi­ Key Themes /Sunday morning and 'Tuesday a f­ Control o f Dominat* 'husband of M ra EUsabeth Chontan scheduled. School will be closed all day to­ nally ■‘carried In the ofBclal list as Balsam Wool Insulation d who lives at 2» Woodland street. morrow. The American Vocational a priosher of war, is still oIBcially ternoon. No classes on Thursday. K ing Breakneck Ridge; Six Allied Armies Bat* fF Corporal Choman entered service Association is holding Its annual listed as missing in action In To Be Given Greatest Air ''■'In IM S. Ho Is a graduate of M m - St. John’s' Boys club will meet conference in Meriden tomorrow IJeiit. Joseph E. .Aceto France^ Advance to Within Air Support this evening at seven o’clock in CdALv COKE OIL ter Out Gains ia i ahester High school and Just be- and faculty members of technical ‘ Corp. Thomas H. Heatley of Ly- X ., '' tifo re enterl:»g service was employed the church hall on Golway street, schools throughout the state will 1st Lieut. Joseph E, Aceto, son dall Street, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1,000 Yards of Ormoc In Reports Massive Test o f G«r*i' with Stanley Opalach, Jr., youth Sacred Concert 2 Main St. Tel. 5125 Fleet Blasts Unit in Each by Cheney Brothers. be in attendance. of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Aceto la David B. Heatley. was slightly Valley Village Now. councilor In charge. at his home on leave after com­ wounded In France on Aug. 21. He Friday, Nov. 17, 8 P. M. .man Staying Power|;;j V The executive committee of the Pfe. Charles T. Lucas, Jr . of 30 pleting 33 missions as navigator of has since been hospitalized in Eng­ Members of the American Le­ Post-War Currency and Perhaps 2 Million Meli' Pines Civic Association will meet William atreet, has been cited by a B-17 Flying Fortre.ss over Ger­ land. He was inducted In March, Covenant-Congregational General MacArthur’s Head­ Rhine Sector Yank Arm y gion post and auxiliary are re­ Monday evening at eight o’clock the 351st Infantry Regiment of many and other Axis defenses. H# 1943, and assigned to combat duty Church, 43 Spruce Street quarters, Philippines, Nov. Credits Come Up for minded that their pledges for the Engaged in What May at the home of Mrs. Leo Barrett. the 88th "Blue Devil" Division and lives at 195 Spruce street. last July with the 150th Engineers. honor roll are now due. The Com­ In the list of dead, the special 17.— (JP)—-Stubbornly defend­ Si?/- gS Deepwood Drive. It la hoped awarded the Combat Infantry For his air service he has been Rev. Eugene Lundberg, Final Review at Inter­ 3,500 Bombers Give Di­ 29th Tactical Air Com- Be Last .Great Battle mittee would like to complete all section of The Herald recently ed, shell blasted Limon, key that every member will reserve Badge for actual participation in awarded the A ir’ Medal with three Tenor, Guest Soloist. details In connection with its Issued failed to give the proper WEDDING national Conference. In Western Europe^ the date, as matters of Impor- combat against the enemy with clusters, the Distinguished Flying EUaworth Johnson, Violinist. to the Ormoc road, was lyitp- rect Support in Open­ maml, Flying in Snp- r tance will be discussed. erection at the earliest possible in grasp of weather b^t^n date. There are 137 names In­ Lt. Gen. Mark Clark’s Fifth Army Cross and the Presidential Unit Mia. Mildred ChOberg, PlnnUt. ing of Winter Offen­ BIRTHDAY Rye, N. Y., Nov. 17—W —The . port of Ninth /Irwiy, scribed on the honor roll at the In Italy. Citation. Of his 33 bombing mis­ Ooveaaat Main Chorns. units o f the 24th U. S. divi­ Bulletin! present time, with more to be sions, three were over the Ger­ Ttahrt Beoervattoae, Dial 7329. sion today as they took vir­ two topics that have been talked sive bv Eisenhower. Newest of Groups. London, Nov. 17.— added later.,,Checks or pledges man Capitol, several over Polish WILL BUY ANY ANNIVERSARY CAKES about more than any other at the tual control of dominating German lines saggeii under cities and important German In- 71 Cents. SWEDISH may be paid to Mai cel Donxe, Tliaiiksj5iving Eve Breakneck ridge. Fred Hampoon, International Business conference 'A. London, Nov. 174:,(4b.-- More Supreme Headquarters Allied steward at the legion Home. diLstrial targets. twin ofTensives in the Rhiat* GOOD MADE TO ORDER Associated Preaa war correspond­ come up for final review today. than 3,500 bombers, Ime greatest \.ieut. Joseph Aceto Is one of Expeditionary Force, Paris, Nov. land today as the First U . S. BAKING SALE Social of K. of C. ent with the 24th, reported Am er­ A fter a week of discussion be­ air fleet ever to go ipto a single Chapman Court.
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