The Newar"k Post ~====~== 'C:.~ . ;:::=== NEWARK, DELAWARE, ....~ ". ... , =T=H=U=R=S=D=A=y~,~J=A=N=U=A=R=Y~2~5,=" 1=9=34============================N=U=M=B=E=R==51=== President's Birthday Party Tuesday Evening At Old Coll~ge Wharto n Declines Job As Head Of Delaware N. E. C. iUsESJ OB AS HEAD OF DELAWARE N. E. c. Deliver Lectures on ILions Club ~as . SSUl\lING PLANS COMPLETED FOR SECOND ~ ~~~~:~ 1 ~~ 1 :: 1~~~ 1 ~~~ 1 At ~~~v::~yS~::~eo ~::~:;: 1 PREPARATIONS AT U. OF D. A L . ANNUAL N. C. COo 4.H ~LUB BANQUET (·f Uelaw HI"t'. will deliver six lec- the Lions Club at the Deer Park I ROSEATE HUE FOR CENTENARY . Hockessin ' and 'm current ",:o'HJ n:ic p roblem s Hotel '['uesday night. members of t he I Plans were co mpleted last night fo~ ~r t ~lIr 'e G~~~~a~l, Marshallton: Pro- he Ad ult r:r1ucallO n l as~ of local board of e du c a t ~ o n and the men t he SeconJ Annual New Castle Cour~_ Fr ~ ~~ n c Commi~t~e-Chairman , Ted I The (las was organized members of t he pubhc school facul ty -- ty 4-H Club Banque: ~o 3~ e ~eldc: in ~I e r so n Hoc kessin ' Albert BuckwOl.th , Prl,f R T :\l lt"k , uper intendent wer e guests. I bdivi Slons r apid- and Wrlha m Floyd Wingett, '09 ; W ll- day, F e brua~' y 9, ~ 'k ~ce~hodist Summit Bridge ' J ohn Montgomery, th pU blic 'rhr,r,1s of Frede ~'ic a. , Each of the teach rs contributed lo With comm~tee s ~n d the per sonnel h am J ones Bra tt~ n , E sq., and Alb~n the. evening, 111 t ~e B ~v~:t Hall, Wilmington; rr ~ n e Morl'lson , Mar- fo livlllnK lee ures Wi ll be the entertainment with a short talk on ly assuming s ape,. cess of announee- P eop les Shaw, 10 ; James Rankl~ Ep~s~oP ~1 hU ~ C ' . .a q sored by the , shallton ; Edna Ball ard, Rockland ; , The l'. '. ;\lonelary Pl'O- . of the work a t t he sch ool of each g roup In PIO ive chairman, Davis, E sq. , a nd Cla rence E?wal' '1 hiS anque IS spon er of the and Mar vin Kla ir, Marshallton. Dec- The ,\grll"ul' J ral Adjustment hlSd ~:~~: in e d his con tribut ion to the ment by the r :srl~~s at the Unt- Taylor, 'lJ ; Robert Cal'ter,kev]s t nd N.e \~ ~a~~ e 4C~t~hlbm~~~n ~f Dela- orabon Co mmi ttee-Chairman, Louise ' Thl :\alional Recov- I an ' knowledge The general Centenary prepa ra re assuming a Albert Rae duBell, '12; WI ~am es- Lin 0 e - . of older 4-H Huber t Marshallton ; Alrce Weldin, Ist ratl"n. Inte r nat ~ onal , ~~ud e n ts f t he talks 'was " Pr e par i ~g versily of D e l·~ t ~~~ : urety' that this li e Beck m?d Captain Eph~lm J Oll ~tr~ ' b an or~an:~~tl~~h o are working Newark; Elsie Sowden, Mar shallto.n ; and T.ll'Ifr,; Intern at ional erne 0 for lhe Future." Sup e r~n - roseat.e hue, WI 1 'n 'the hi stor y ofl '13; Archie Homewood, ~an a.nd .u oys an ~b A ent G. M. WOl'- and Oliver Keehg, Jr., Newark: Ml s- DebtH ; Thr' Banki ng. ystem a nd It he dYo:t~ Schools Ira S. Brinser , In- hl slo r l~ occa~l~n ~i a mo n d State will Cha rl es Edward Grubb,. \ 4, ~e Olg e ,~:th Co ~ntYJ~niOr fdvisol'Y Council. cellaneo us Co mmittee _ Chalr!nan, m eet l~~ "~\ A T331~e held on i~~d~~e / by Mr. Richards, pl'esented i~l~c:::.~n \;~ly b ~ adeq uately o b se r v~ ~, ~~~;~~ g~~ ~e,~~o;n J~ ni l :xr:~d~~' c~~~~~ 1 ~h~;~ ~~y~ and bg,rlS urge te v e~d \~~:: ~~~~~o r~~v ifll~id~ :::,~~\lt~~l'i~h~~O:~ ClrnlnK- and lh public the teachers, . 0 f th School Board One of t he mos imp~r ~ a;lt c~:~;d- ers and H a l"l"~ s S am o nr s k~i .' 16; ~ame~ t - l~ ?l~b al~~:I~~ e:~ e ]l::~~ue: and en- penter, p dl't Penn; Weldon Burge, ' M The me~b ~ l sR S G~ llagh el' , ]lresi- tees has now b;e?t ~o n?G~ I~e;' a~ Chair: Ca r~ to n Ha s ~ng~ ~n~~~ ~~~ e tt 0:1~~ I j~~ ~~i s °co unty-wide 4-H get-together, Middletown ; a nd P aul Hitchens, New- - · ' -=- I~~~ ~~ n~~vr. e RiCh'al'd S , vice-president; t hr O u g~, t h~.e SO;p~e~' d, This is the ~~. ~~:'t ' ~t~ t o~\.y ll :on: '1 ; Garrett Th.e f ollowing committees h a~e be~n ark~ lub members may secure ban- ' "' tin Ban , F ..;. w. wu" . ,., """ to. p,""OO, " ':m.'"A',m • • Co mmitt" of 0", R,,' C.. t w, 1I ..d John GU"',I ,p~ml " b, Joh. Mootgom"" !:" ,: tHti ~k , t , f",. th, , ..d" of Ihm ' peaker at yv om en s Member s of, t~ e fa<:~I, t y o fi~ eG~f;: ~f~ I~~ mlr e d co nsisti ng Ofd 81~ g ~::~:~: ~:: CI'aig, '1 9; ~arr~ , W~1t e rl LO~~l1fann~ b,~e: ~~ : ~~\~j' t l~~ \~l~(\~ ~:~~~ e~o~o n~ I ~ ca l c,lub,' f rom any member - of the BLl mess Club s c~oo.l s t~~ \ h e 'i:;~:~ch o ol; Charles of ~e l a;ar ee~~ I ~:I~e~~, wh o~e duty it iY aY;I~nCB~~~~vhe,~iI ;~d J;~n~p Henry mitt~-Ch a irl11an , Norman Co lli~~s : b;' e ~e (~n g ~o mml ttee s , or the County fr" r~ g u l a r Il1('PIlllg of l he Wom- rtn~p~ John L. Phillips, Charles of ~ ~ t omet In to uch with every S11r- Me~~ve l '21 ' John James DeLuca, Middletown ; J oseph Cross, Newal, u gen . ' B u~ m e and PI f> Cession al Club B~on e~lie on Buchler, Jack H, Mohr, ~~ I~ IJ1 ; ~:mb er of their. r es ~ ec tlv e Esq" a~d Milton Lowber Draper , '22; ,a the Bl u~ 111'/1 Tea Roo m ~n N 1ris Overly and Oscar Suttles, I' Res With the purpose In mllld o ~ J ay E dward Murphy and J ohn Joseph AMILIES T"KEN OFF Janua ry 21 1' (1. Dr. ~ar t rn 0 ~ ~~Irin as neal'i y a one hundred pel Murray, Jr., '23; J, Allen Frear and 1500 F {"\ . the s p ~a1:e I'. ~e t tfendance a t the Ce ntenary ex- J ohn Henry Schaefer, '24; Roger _ Bar:, \\hrl \Ias Head Physician Organized Delaw~re. c ~ ~ i se~ on May ll, 12 and 13, as Isl walcott Can'n an~l John Gilbert Leach, THE DIRECT RELIEF ROLl S I ~,IWIn ~(h,)0 1 for F eeble- LOb ASSOCIatIon e I po Sible '25 ' J oseph Mi chael Cherpak and oJ hrldrcn f')I' 4~ year s, was a I rary hU;~~ ~ ~om~itte~, as fin a ll y made ~p, Pa~1 1 Leahy, E sq., '26; Curtis Clayton . .4 uf Dcla wRl'1 He had retired --I-rnoo n, January nsists of the foll owing graduates,; . Hanby, Jr., and Harold p, Nutter , _ _ _ positlOll Plghl times ~nd On Thursday a te a nd women en- co Geo rge Morgan, '75, for 1,874-~5 ;' 1 '27; Rober t .James McLucas ~n~ . h mired f amilies have been S. <lu P ont, It is anticip ated wrll suc- onc pf' l l"d h(' s pent nme L th a group of men . the State of I Charles Minot CurtiS, 77, 0 Francis AloysIU S Reardon, E sq" 28, Flftecn u . 11 b ceed Mr. Gant , l among ,I apan Royalty, lectur- gag~d in library ~o rk ~~ Delawar e J 1I~~_;7_7 ' J ohn E .- Grein er, , 0, for Edgar Park ~ Reese, Jr .~ and Ch.arles taken off the direct rehef 1'0 S . e- Co mpensation In surance for CW A a he Emp lrI,ll [Tniversity: His Delaware org .an~z e d e I i ~79-8 0 -8 1 ; F ormer , Co ngr :ss m8a2~ Allen Ow e n ~ , Jr" '29; ~I c h~rd Rtn,ar~ cause thc wage e a1"l1 e ~' of .t he famil y workers in t he f uture will now be ba ('d 'II hi s cx pen ences II Library ASSOCiation. I 'gani- W' lIi um Henry Heald , 83, fO l and Frederick Luther StelgleI' 30 has gotten a CWA .J ob, It was re- cared fol' by the F ederal government, lIa ~ l8d Jlpan. Tn addition t~ the natIOn a eO lstates I, LOUI S Lincoln Curli , ,' 8~ ; • ~ ~e J. Cal eb Bogg , Robert W. !' ~ an d_ orted at a meeting of t he Civil J . A. Barn'holt will be i~ charl?e of lh (, ], I 'n!'s:; meetm g a zation of a ll of th tion of I Baynard Woolley, a nd J ohn Nelson MCDow;ll, 'k Administration of Dela ware this work and a ll CW A Jobs wlli be st IDTilun n~of dl ne"1 \H I S elected as.
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