The Halliwick Method (pmror.m) By Dr Fran Stanatand Joban Lambech disobililiesfior wouldbe kno*n m rhe Europebeoon lo work w,A McMilon |o Aher his relurnhonr militoryduv in Hol|wictPhilosophy lFiguío rl Thisphi oppi rhe merhodwith therrclients. Thrr world wor [, JomesMcMillon l]913 - losophy@s bosedon Generolsystem loid Ée ÍoundorionÍor fieropeuricopplico- 1994)woseoger lo rerumeporl,c poiion in Thory {o pre-worhoLirtic opprooch lo llon. ThefieÍopeul,c opplicoton oÍthe Ten compêtiiiveswimmino. McMillon oLricllv monoqemqroÍoborl ond opeiorionolized Poinr Proorum wo5 de,eloDed in Bod reolizedrhor his odlimihd h s dbiir Ë wilhospects oÍ Íluidmechonics, neuropsy- Rosoz,S;izerlond ond collà rhe woter compeieH 5olhr;olive wos to helpyouth clology,psychology, pedosogy o"d sroup Specilic ExercisêSyslem or the Logic leornto eniovthe octiviv he so deorlv dynomi.s.The ÍesL,li wos o psychosen5ory Approoch to Exercisein lhe Woter l*"d. !" ïé beqon*oikinq wih laól ;obr leominssrrdr,esy collà rheHolli\"kl swimclubs. he r<lized ihere w:os on obun TênPoinr Prosrom {Fisure 21. Ihe Holliwick Philo5ophy donceol coochesond inslructorslo work ïhe Hollwi(k Philosophyis lhe (orne. wiA oblebodied children ond odolescenrs. Figurr 2 sroneoÍ rhe HolliwickMèÈod. lFiqurel) Theoooortuniv forchildren with di50biliiies Wirhour firm to be;;ÍirÍrom worer ThêHolliwict l0 PointProorcm o undenrondinoond io..l- 3p,orrswo, noro'qif menttc the philorcphy,rhe methodsimply oble So,wiÈ o lons.+ondinsond períon r.T;rol-Adt*,oi,*..-í,l'"",riffi- (ommilment Dilen€ogemenr b<omesonolher swlm inrhuclion re€hnique. ol ic swimmino,McMillon, premi*wos *ho sbdiedfluid mechonic;,ser our ro 2. So€itlol RolElionConhol McMillon'sIint weryoneis developo mehod to t<ch swimminoro 3. Verlicdl RoíolionConlrol o swimmer He belie,ed, ond rEqulorlv childre;wifi disohiliii.. 4. l-olerul Roiolion Conlrol dêmon5rrohdhor oll DeDh.,"q.dl*' ;t Combinsd RoiorionConirol disobilivcould swim l" Ë.r, . È.yd"'*r In Ho i*kL philosophyis o Íocu5on obili ó. Uphrusl "il 7. Boloncein síllnas t,,. McMillonwould oftensx is ohiliry rfioicounb'lCunninqhom. 19971. For lhk r. J mp|srrogrêssron reoson.rheropisrs hoia noredrhe Holliwick rehob'lb ,n 10. BosicSwimming À4ovêmênl opproocherèmpliÍ'es on hot the lcus is moxióizinoírcnolh ond mini- mizinodisob liv Thein-srruoois lwho orein McMillon implêmênted$e Holliwick rhe*;ie, onoiherHolli-ick chorocreri5ricl Merhodond wi6in mon$sbochinq í,ofÍ ol idenriÍyon individuoli ob,liriesond rhen rhe school ohserved the childàn hod utrlizehydrodynomic Íorces ond compenso improvedmouth ond h*d conhol,posture, rofy lêchniqueslo prcvid€oppoÍuniiies lor movemenrond personolbehovior When success.hstruclors uso lhese soccess expe" M.Milk t tu/ .hitd in kp in laïetutíotatun osled whot he wos doinq ro enobleÀese nencesos molrvoictslo encourogeprcSrcs- i" Etndl phyrkol ond psycholoslàlimprovemenh, !a'rta,. " sion hom menrolodiush€nl lo improved McM,llon rerponded, .rhey ore bêing boloncelo movementconlrcl to swimmins In eorly1950 McMillon'sworkbeqon oi rc,uohtbolqn(e in lhe woter usinoDrooer skills. Encourogementis provided ond nó 6e Holli;ick school Íor CripoledGirls in fies;f Íuid me(honic,.momenrsïí inànio oresu.e is usedio rmch qool5 London. He observedthe children,spoke r,ocontol unwoniêdmovemenls lespeciolly McMillonols beliweJÈor swimminois wh medicolleden in Enqlond.pondered oround Èe midline).ond bodv movement o meonsro indop€ndence.And os o ,eir,lt rhehydrodynomrcs oÍworei ond de,eloped ond shope by rocrile iimuldrion" he strictlyÍoÀode the useol frototionoids o peBpecliveoÍ oquolicsÍor children-ith {cunninshom,l99Z). becoure!'rch o,dsencouroqe dopendence McMillonhod creoted o psycho*ensory {Lombek, lc95l. Lomh*k exploinedrhor Figurc I motor l@rnins proqromeffed re Íoí ndi M<^aillonidentrÍied three othe, problems or TheHoll;wick Philosoohv viduol5who neededoc ve mororleomino issueswith the u* oÍ Ílototionoids 1. Everyoneis o vimmer or rclernino in o slowmedium with limitoà Fi6l, oids chongebody position,con 2. Swimminsshould be tun mechonicoimoqct. Theodvonrooes of rhe inhibilmóvemênt ór.dusê rnwonH how- 3. lís obilib,drol counls HolliwickMerËod were thot soJent hod ment. ïhey moy kep tàe loce cl<r ol the 4. swi"ïï'ing is o mêonsl,o iime b lêorn (becouseoÍ the diÍÍerent woler,so brêothconlÍo is not necessorily sloses),vory rhenbody responseslÈroush mostered.K*oinq theh*d uo olsoresult: 5. No Íloioliondevices ore used leorninsin woter),ond íêceivêossistonce in leo,nns o Íokà body posiiion,lood'ng (lhrcush ó. Gfoupwork is es€nliol rolation)wifi posturednd move- wentuollyto poor shokelechnique. Aids mênls.Poriiciponts were 7. BoloncêInsr, swimming írokes ociivelvinvolved in inhibt the leornng ond performonceol leominobolonce in woterond Íocusinoon some movêmentskills, e.9., subde€ing, posturoTcontrol h 8. Têdchê6orc in Ée woier be(omeopporenlïot rcllinq ond bolonceconhol Aids do not rheHolliwicl MeÈod is uniquelysuied Íor 9. Progessionis compénsoreÍo, osymmetryond compound encourogod;no neuroloqicolrehobilirdrion ol boih children presureis used fie prcblemsof leomingio conrolun*onF ond odults.Physico iheropisbÍrom oround ed roiólionol móvêmênls .oni.d on poge40 Poges39.42 orè presênrêdby rhe Àquori<Íheropy & RehobInrrirure {AÍRt). Quesrioíi ó..onn6nrs doy hê dirêGredro ATRIor 45450 Cofioge Rów, Cholsêll,^ 4991ó; phone {90ó) 482-95@; íqx (9Oó)482.4388r ê-noil [email protected]êr ' ' AkwA )unê/ )Jt 2wl \ ,,t t The Halliwick Method cont. Seond, fobiion dêvicesprcvide o folse ruchtocton os oqe. ohrii' ond/o, hrel oÍ restorotionbefore Éê stepsin mentolodop- seise ol securiryond overdependence. osrstoncerequlri. FinoÍ1y,M.Millon hod toiion hovebeen completed. For fiis rêo Flohtiondevicês slip, breok, be;me punc- o chectnq svitemÍo' tl,euse oÍoom* dnd 5on íudenls ore osigned to groups qnd turêd cdn inodverienilysuppod dn srolps È;r;orEd w,rho helpe;pro,tdins occordinglo lhen oquoticobililies. individuolfoce dow in Éê worêr o$iíonce, progresringio clenl ,ndepend- Fi'rolly, use oÍ froidion oids con hove o enceond crsiinq new sillolionstor inde negohveimpocr on psychoso<iolÍoctors pendenceond ,eÉlcorinsrhe proce$ !nril P@de who ore reiont oí oppl,on(e5on the+udenl .orld ochlêvêr,... .s lond con operieice Íreedomin $e worer AidsinfÍinoeon Èorrnr of independence. ^,4€niclodiuslmênl/dilensosemenr goloncê al5o oids idenht rhe lessoble sw,mmer, FiguE 3 . reslorction which con llmii integrotionond peron-to- TheVolue ol Gones Ior . Sogihrl rolotion conlrol TeochinoSwimmino . Vêrlicol rclolion conhol ; McMillon underotod Èot mosi oÍ the P'*G-k;Ë; oÍÍ one ro one . tolêrol loldlion contol íudenie wrih neuroloqi<olimpo,rmenh . Combined roblion conirol . *ould needsuppod 5!tlound fi;r buoyon- Enobleso chonseoÍ helpor . UChrui {menrol/inve.3ionl cy oidsore noi os odopiobleos on insiruc- . Encourogerdrsengog€msnl. lor Theiníruclor con odiusrrupporl lo suii Élementol compelirion . Bolonceis slilln$s fie needso{ihe indi'iduol . Suppd @n be Continuiryol l$son oiÍn by usins . Tuóul€ntSlidins voriedoccordins ic ihe octivityànd rcn be someslo linkoclivifiês. vorieddurino on ocliviv. Enioyoblewoy oÍ leorning . Simplepro€rêslion A Íinol àsoecróf Ài\cMildi! Hd iwi.L r Increosesconfidence - Íeelins oÍ . Bosicawimming moveme.t Phlo5ophy ;s thot s*imminq is {should 3€cuit),in ployingtumil;or gomes. To be) tunl ènsu,eo Íun oná eniovobe . Onê exercise- pGs€nlohondil6rênr e"peíence, qomes McMilloi used wiih - ovorosrepennon. {Monyloy peope us nq Holiwckore smoll oÍ rudenrs o;d helpeG *ods sroups . lmmediole undersr,ondinsot on contusedby rhe iíhib,r|onond Íoci i (Cunnnghom, l9e7l Theidelsroup(on loiion. ociiYit. Forsimplicit Àe HolliwickMeihod sisredol five íudenrr eoch wiih o helper . is rouqhihr hêm ir threeohc* colled Thestudentswere o*ioned toqrouoshosed Asesment oÍ individuolskills with menrofodiLrÍment, bolonce conrrol ond on rheirobiliries ond TevelnÍ. i." p"i* . Prosrom.Since ihe focus oÍ Holliwickis on cenerol chockoÍ progre!5. obilry,nudent5 oe nryq plocedn o g'oup Oppoíunity for ocodemic tt^entol Addptotion Mentol odoplotionis comprisedo{ ne groups poÍ,<,porerr loíous . chpo'tnit Íor hiddenobi€.ri\€s - mentoodiurrhenr" ond "disengdgemenf' gomes. McMillonobíeived mony beneÍts leorno newskillwitiroui thought. Durinorh r phose,lhe swimmerbecomes -,rh rheuse ofsdmes ond rheyore ouilined . o\rer.onê iihihiiióhs omtorrobleànd ndependenrin rhe worer in Fiqure3 (Lombeck.19951. McMillon . Leomhow b win ond lose. MentolAdiu+ment. The Inírucbr uses descnbedpnnc ples Íor usinooomes The . Us6simoginofion. qomesto enobe Èe liudenhlo recoonize fnsiprincple is Éoieochsom;;hould h@ê ;nd odiurr to rheeÍÍRr oÍ hydrodynàmcs o nome. Porlciponlswillcome to Lnowhe ondother Íorces (e.9., buoyoncy, hydrosici- gomeby h' nomeond lhe qpectorionsoÍ Thê Hclliwi.k Ten Poinr Piogrom c_ presure,- viscoíiy, reloilve densii/, ihe,rperíórmonce. comes shouldncorpo The Holliw ck Methodwos developed rekoction,rcfleciion. nerlio, ond ihe mêro rote musrcond rhythmso $ol porlciponh to leochchildren wÍh disobilitiesto sw;m cenrerefÍecr). Breo$ conirol is emohosized con ochieveo senseoÍ Ílow ond codence McMillon obseív€dlhot beÍore childrên ond ph/sicol suppod is prcqded by fie McMllloncouiioned thot it wos criricol could swim, ihey "...ohoui "knowyour b musl eorn inírudoÍ whereneeded. Floloiiondevices siudenb"so iholon y opproprl- themsevesond their Soloncecontrol in ore neve rsedlo pÍovidesupport. ole gomes ond ocliviriês were used. thê worer"{cunnishom, 19971 He devel- D senodoement Thê utimotê dodl is Appropdolegomes ond ociivitiesconsider ope.r
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