The Halliwick Method (PART ONE) by Dr. Fran Stanat and Johan Lambeck

The Halliwick Method (PART ONE) by Dr. Fran Stanat and Johan Lambeck

The Halliwick Method (pmror.m) By Dr Fran Stanatand Joban Lambech disobililiesfior wouldbe kno*n m rhe Europebeoon lo work w,A McMilon |o Aher his relurnhonr militoryduv in Hol|wictPhilosophy lFiguío rl Thisphi oppi rhe merhodwith therrclients. Thrr world wor [, JomesMcMillon l]913 - losophy@s bosedon Generolsystem loid Ée ÍoundorionÍor fieropeuricopplico- 1994)woseoger lo rerumeporl,c poiion in Thory {o pre-worhoLirtic opprooch lo llon. ThefieÍopeul,c opplicoton oÍthe Ten compêtiiiveswimmino. McMillon oLricllv monoqemqroÍoborl ond opeiorionolized Poinr Proorum wo5 de,eloDed in Bod reolizedrhor his odlimihd h s dbiir Ë wilhospects oÍ Íluidmechonics, neuropsy- Rosoz,S;izerlond ond collà rhe woter compeieH 5olhr;olive wos to helpyouth clology,psychology, pedosogy o"d sroup Specilic ExercisêSyslem or the Logic leornto eniovthe octiviv he so deorlv dynomi.s.The ÍesL,li wos o psychosen5ory Approoch to Exercisein lhe Woter l*"d. !" ïé beqon*oikinq wih laól ;obr leominssrrdr,esy collà rheHolli\"kl swimclubs. he r<lized ihere w:os on obun TênPoinr Prosrom {Fisure 21. Ihe Holliwick Philo5ophy donceol coochesond inslructorslo work ïhe Hollwi(k Philosophyis lhe (orne. wiA oblebodied children ond odolescenrs. Figurr 2 sroneoÍ rhe HolliwickMèÈod. lFiqurel) Theoooortuniv forchildren with di50biliiies Wirhour firm to be;;ÍirÍrom worer ThêHolliwict l0 PointProorcm o undenrondinoond io..l- 3p,orrswo, noro'qif menttc the philorcphy,rhe methodsimply oble So,wiÈ o lons.+ondinsond períon r.T;rol-Adt*,oi,*..-í,l'"",riffi- (ommilment Dilen€ogemenr b<omesonolher swlm inrhuclion re€hnique. ol ic swimmino,McMillon, premi*wos *ho sbdiedfluid mechonic;,ser our ro 2. So€itlol RolElionConhol McMillon'sIint weryoneis developo mehod to t<ch swimminoro 3. Verlicdl RoíolionConlrol o swimmer He belie,ed, ond rEqulorlv childre;wifi disohiliii.. 4. l-olerul Roiolion Conlrol dêmon5rrohdhor oll DeDh.,"q.dl*' ;t Combinsd RoiorionConirol disobilivcould swim l" Ë.r, . È.yd"'*r In Ho i*kL philosophyis o Íocu5on obili ó. Uphrusl "il 7. Boloncein síllnas t,,. McMillonwould oftensx is ohiliry rfioicounb'lCunninqhom. 19971. For lhk r. J mp|srrogrêssron reoson.rheropisrs hoia noredrhe Holliwick rehob'lb ,n 10. BosicSwimming À4ovêmênl opproocherèmpliÍ'es on hot the lcus is moxióizinoírcnolh ond mini- mizinodisob liv Thein-srruoois lwho orein McMillon implêmênted$e Holliwick rhe*;ie, onoiherHolli-ick chorocreri5ricl Merhodond wi6in mon$sbochinq í,ofÍ ol idenriÍyon individuoli ob,liriesond rhen rhe school ohserved the childàn hod utrlizehydrodynomic Íorces ond compenso improvedmouth ond h*d conhol,posture, rofy lêchniqueslo prcvid€oppoÍuniiies lor movemenrond personolbehovior When success.hstruclors uso lhese soccess expe" M.Milk t tu/ .hitd in kp in laïetutíotatun osled whot he wos doinq ro enobleÀese nencesos molrvoictslo encourogeprcSrcs- i" Etndl phyrkol ond psycholoslàlimprovemenh, !a'rta,. " sion hom menrolodiush€nl lo improved McM,llon rerponded, .rhey ore bêing boloncelo movementconlrcl to swimmins In eorly1950 McMillon'sworkbeqon oi rc,uohtbolqn(e in lhe woter usinoDrooer skills. Encourogementis provided ond nó 6e Holli;ick school Íor CripoledGirls in fies;f Íuid me(honic,.momenrsïí inànio oresu.e is usedio rmch qool5 London. He observedthe children,spoke r,ocontol unwoniêdmovemenls lespeciolly McMillonols beliweJÈor swimminois wh medicolleden in Enqlond.pondered oround Èe midline).ond bodv movement o meonsro indop€ndence.And os o ,eir,lt rhehydrodynomrcs oÍworei ond de,eloped ond shope by rocrile iimuldrion" he strictlyÍoÀode the useol frototionoids o peBpecliveoÍ oquolicsÍor children-ith {cunninshom,l99Z). becoure!'rch o,dsencouroqe dopendence McMillonhod creoted o psycho*ensory {Lombek, lc95l. Lomh*k exploinedrhor Figurc I motor l@rnins proqromeffed re Íoí ndi M<^aillonidentrÍied three othe, problems or TheHoll;wick Philosoohv viduol5who neededoc ve mororleomino issueswith the u* oÍ Ílototionoids 1. Everyoneis o vimmer or rclernino in o slowmedium with limitoà Fi6l, oids chongebody position,con 2. Swimminsshould be tun mechonicoimoqct. Theodvonrooes of rhe inhibilmóvemênt ór.dusê rnwonH how- 3. lís obilib,drol counls HolliwickMerËod were thot soJent hod ment. ïhey moy kep tàe loce cl<r ol the 4. swi"ïï'ing is o mêonsl,o iime b lêorn (becouseoÍ the diÍÍerent woler,so brêothconlÍo is not necessorily sloses),vory rhenbody responseslÈroush mostered.K*oinq theh*d uo olsoresult: 5. No Íloioliondevices ore used leorninsin woter),ond íêceivêossistonce in leo,nns o Íokà body posiiion,lood'ng (lhrcush ó. Gfoupwork is es€nliol rolation)wifi posturednd move- wentuollyto poor shokelechnique. Aids mênls.Poriiciponts were 7. BoloncêInsr, swimming írokes ociivelvinvolved in inhibt the leornng ond performonceol leominobolonce in woterond Íocusinoon some movêmentskills, e.9., subde€ing, posturoTcontrol h 8. Têdchê6orc in Ée woier be(omeopporenlïot rcllinq ond bolonceconhol Aids do not rheHolliwicl MeÈod is uniquelysuied Íor 9. Progessionis compénsoreÍo, osymmetryond compound encourogod;no neuroloqicolrehobilirdrion ol boih children presureis used fie prcblemsof leomingio conrolun*onF ond odults.Physico iheropisbÍrom oround ed roiólionol móvêmênls .oni.d on poge40 Poges39.42 orè presênrêdby rhe Àquori<Íheropy & RehobInrrirure {AÍRt). Quesrioíi ó..onn6nrs doy hê dirêGredro ATRIor 45450 Cofioge Rów, Cholsêll,^ 4991ó; phone {90ó) 482-95@; íqx (9Oó)482.4388r ê-noil [email protected]êr ' ' AkwA )unê/ )Jt 2wl \ ,,t t The Halliwick Method cont. Seond, fobiion dêvicesprcvide o folse ruchtocton os oqe. ohrii' ond/o, hrel oÍ restorotionbefore Éê stepsin mentolodop- seise ol securiryond overdependence. osrstoncerequlri. FinoÍ1y,M.Millon hod toiion hovebeen completed. For fiis rêo Flohtiondevicês slip, breok, be;me punc- o chectnq svitemÍo' tl,euse oÍoom* dnd 5on íudenls ore osigned to groups qnd turêd cdn inodverienilysuppod dn srolps È;r;orEd w,rho helpe;pro,tdins occordinglo lhen oquoticobililies. individuolfoce dow in Éê worêr o$iíonce, progresringio clenl ,ndepend- Fi'rolly, use oÍ froidion oids con hove o enceond crsiinq new sillolionstor inde negohveimpocr on psychoso<iolÍoctors pendenceond ,eÉlcorinsrhe proce$ !nril P@de who ore reiont oí oppl,on(e5on the+udenl .orld ochlêvêr,... .s lond con operieice Íreedomin $e worer AidsinfÍinoeon Èorrnr of independence. ^,4€niclodiuslmênl/dilensosemenr goloncê al5o oids idenht rhe lessoble sw,mmer, FiguE 3 . reslorction which con llmii integrotionond peron-to- TheVolue ol Gones Ior . Sogihrl rolotion conlrol TeochinoSwimmino . Vêrlicol rclolion conhol ; McMillon underotod Èot mosi oÍ the P'*G-k;Ë; oÍÍ one ro one . tolêrol loldlion contol íudenie wrih neuroloqi<olimpo,rmenh . Combined roblion conirol . *ould needsuppod 5!tlound fi;r buoyon- Enobleso chonseoÍ helpor . UChrui {menrol/inve.3ionl cy oidsore noi os odopiobleos on insiruc- . Encourogerdrsengog€msnl. lor Theiníruclor con odiusrrupporl lo suii Élementol compelirion . Bolonceis slilln$s fie needso{ihe indi'iduol . Suppd @n be Continuiryol l$son oiÍn by usins . Tuóul€ntSlidins voriedoccordins ic ihe octivityànd rcn be someslo linkoclivifiês. vorieddurino on ocliviv. Enioyoblewoy oÍ leorning . Simplepro€rêslion A Íinol àsoecróf Ài\cMildi! Hd iwi.L r Increosesconfidence - Íeelins oÍ . Bosicawimming moveme.t Phlo5ophy ;s thot s*imminq is {should 3€cuit),in ployingtumil;or gomes. To be) tunl ènsu,eo Íun oná eniovobe . Onê exercise- pGs€nlohondil6rênr e"peíence, qomes McMilloi used wiih - ovorosrepennon. {Monyloy peope us nq Holiwckore smoll oÍ rudenrs o;d helpeG *ods sroups . lmmediole undersr,ondinsot on contusedby rhe iíhib,r|onond Íoci i (Cunnnghom, l9e7l Theidelsroup(on loiion. ociiYit. Forsimplicit Àe HolliwickMeihod sisredol five íudenrr eoch wiih o helper . is rouqhihr hêm ir threeohc* colled Thestudentswere o*ioned toqrouoshosed Asesment oÍ individuolskills with menrofodiLrÍment, bolonce conrrol ond on rheirobiliries ond TevelnÍ. i." p"i* . Prosrom.Since ihe focus oÍ Holliwickis on cenerol chockoÍ progre!5. obilry,nudent5 oe nryq plocedn o g'oup Oppoíunity for ocodemic tt^entol Addptotion Mentol odoplotionis comprisedo{ ne groups poÍ,<,porerr loíous . chpo'tnit Íor hiddenobi€.ri\€s - mentoodiurrhenr" ond "disengdgemenf' gomes. McMillonobíeived mony beneÍts leorno newskillwitiroui thought. Durinorh r phose,lhe swimmerbecomes -,rh rheuse ofsdmes ond rheyore ouilined . o\rer.onê iihihiiióhs omtorrobleànd ndependenrin rhe worer in Fiqure3 (Lombeck.19951. McMillon . Leomhow b win ond lose. MentolAdiu+ment. The Inírucbr uses descnbedpnnc ples Íor usinooomes The . Us6simoginofion. qomesto enobe Èe liudenhlo recoonize fnsiprincple is Éoieochsom;;hould h@ê ;nd odiurr to rheeÍÍRr oÍ hydrodynàmcs o nome. Porlciponlswillcome to Lnowhe ondother Íorces (e.9., buoyoncy, hydrosici- gomeby h' nomeond lhe qpectorionsoÍ Thê Hclliwi.k Ten Poinr Piogrom c_ presure,- viscoíiy, reloilve densii/, ihe,rperíórmonce. comes shouldncorpo The Holliw ck Methodwos developed rekoction,rcfleciion. nerlio, ond ihe mêro rote musrcond rhythmso $ol porlciponh to leochchildren wÍh disobilitiesto sw;m cenrerefÍecr). Breo$ conirol is emohosized con ochieveo senseoÍ Ílow ond codence McMillon obseív€dlhot beÍore childrên ond ph/sicol suppod is prcqded by fie McMllloncouiioned thot it wos criricol could swim, ihey "...ohoui "knowyour b musl eorn inírudoÍ whereneeded. Floloiiondevices siudenb"so iholon y opproprl- themsevesond their Soloncecontrol in ore neve rsedlo pÍovidesupport. ole gomes ond ocliviriês were used. thê worer"{cunnishom, 19971 He devel- D senodoement Thê utimotê dodl is Appropdolegomes ond ociivitiesconsider ope.r

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