November/December 2006 October 2006 Volume XXXV Volume XXXV Number 11 Number 10 A Publication The of the American A Publication Translators of the Association American CHRONICLE Translators Association In this issue: Get a Head Start on Your Taxes Are You a Band-Aid Interpreter? The Team Interpreting Approach November/December 2006 Volume XXXV American Translators Association Number 11 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590 • Alexandria VA 22314 Tel: (703) 683-6100 • Fax: (703) 683-6122 A Publication Contents November/December 2006 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.atanet.org of the American Translators Association Taxes? Now? 14 By Dorothee Racette and Nicholas Hartmann The end of the year is actually the perfect time to think about taxes! 14 An Overview of Vendor Management Today 17 By Charles Campbell Why give business away by saying that your company “doesn’t do that language” when you could invest time and energy in finding, qualifying, and maintaining a network of vendors to provide these services? Band-Aid Interpreter or Culture Consultant? 20 A Different Approach to Culture Brokering By Zarita Araujo-Lane, Edited by Vonessa Phillips Good interpreting is not just based on accuracy, but on how the interpreter manages the dynamics of the triadic encounter. 25 Team Interpreting: Does It Really Work? By Giovanna L. Carnet A discussion of the issues facing interpreters who would like to introduce the team interpreting concept into their districts, including tips on how to approach the subject. 28 An Update on Argentine Political Jargon By Rut Simcovich As a living reflection of reality, language is constantly evolving thanks to popular creativity, which uses current developments in any field to coin new and ingenious ways of describing things. 17 The Critical Role of the Medical Interpreter: 32 An ATA Seminar By Ivonne Blandon Another opportunity to learn from experts in the field. Columns and Departments 20 6 Our Authors 36 The Onionskin 8 From the President 38 Success by Association 9 From the Executive Director 39 Business Smarts 12 Letter to the Editor 42 Dictionary Reviews 31 Upcoming Events 46 The Translation Inquirer 35 ATA Certification Exam Information 48 Humor and Translation 35 New ATA-Certified Members and Active 50 Directory of Language Services Membership Review 3 The ATA Chronicle (ISSN 1078-6457) is published monthly, except bi-monthly in November/December, by the American Translators Association, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ATA Chronicle, We Want You! 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Translators Association (ATA) was established in 1959 as a not-for-profit professional The ATA Chronicle enthusiastically encourages members to submit articles of society to foster and support the professional interest to the fields of translation and interpretation. For Submission development of translators and interpreters and to promote the translation and interpreting professions. Guidelines, log onto www.atanet.org/chronicle. The ATA Chronicle is pub- The subscription rate for a member is $43 (included lished 11 times per year, with a combined November/December issue. in the dues payment). The U.S. subscription rate for Submission deadlines are two months prior to publication date. a non-member is $50. Subscribers in Canada and Mexico add $25; all other non-U.S. subscribers add $45. Single copies are available for $5 per issue. Reprint Permission: Requests for permission to reprint articles should be sent to the Chronicle editor at [email protected]. Editor Look for coverage of ATA’s th Jeff Sanfacon Stay 47 Annual Conference [email protected] in New Orleans Proofreader Tuned in the January issue. Sandra Burns Thomson Design Ellen Banker Amy Peloff Advertising Matt Hicks McNeill Group Inc. [email protected] Advertising (215) 321-9662 ext. 19 Fax: (215) 321-9636 Directory Executive Director Monterey Institute of Walter Bacak 41 International Studies www.miis.edu [email protected] acrossSystems 5 www.across.net Membership and MultiCorpora General Information 11 www.multicorpora.com Maggie Rowe Beetext Productivity Systems 2 www.beetext.com [email protected] National Security Agency website: www.atanet.org 7 www.nsa.gov/careers Cybertec USA, Inc. 37 www.cybertecusa.com SDL International Moving? 52 www.translationzone.com/ata Find an error with GMT Italian Language Services 41 www.gmt-ils.it your address? WordFinder 13 www.wordfinder.com Send updates to: IDEM Translations, Inc. The ATA Chronicle 41 www.idemtranslations.com 225 Reinekers Lane Suite 590 Alexandria, VA 22314 Fax (703) 683-6122 [email protected] 4 The ATA Chronicle I November/December 2006 Our Authors November/December 2006 Ivonne W. Blandon is a partner in an English¡Spanish interpreta- Zarita Araújo-Lane, LICSW, is the president of Cross Cultural tion and translation practice in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Communication Systems, Inc. She has over 25 years of experience She practices in both the legal and medical interpretation fields, spe- working with cross cultural populations in medical and mental health cializing in the translation of technical and human resource manuals, organizations. She has published articles on cross cultural manage- employee training presentations, and general business forms and let- ment, including a chapter written in 1996 and 2005 on “Portuguese ters. She has a business degree from the University of California and Families” for the book Ethnicity and Family Therapy (second and attended extensive training at the Southern California School of third editions) by Monica McGoldrick. Contact: [email protected]. Interpretation, where she mastered in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. She also does freelance marketing translation for the Vonessa A. Phillips is the director of the Cross Cultural wine industry in her native Chile. Contact: [email protected]. Communication Institute at Cross Cultural Communication Systems, Inc. She is a Portuguese↔English legal and medical interpreter Charles Campbell is the president of spanishbackoffice SA, a trained at Bentley College in Massachusetts. She is a contributor and provider of Spanish translation and project management services, editor of the Art of Medical Interpretation training manual series. She with offices in Córdoba and Mendoza, Argentina. He was born in New travels nationwide to present on healthcare interpreting and training. Zealand and lived in the U.S. for three years. He has been living in Contact: [email protected]. South America for the last 10 years. He has recently given talks at events such as ATA’s Translation Company Division 2006 conference Dorothee Racette works as a full- in New Jersey and the ProZ conference in Buenos Aires. Contact: con- time freelance translator from her home [email protected]. in upstate New York. She is an ATA-certi- fied (German↔English) translator spe- Giovanna L. Carnet is the owner of cializing in medical and biomedical All World Translation Services, L.L.C. in texts. She served as the administrator of Sioux City, Iowa. She is a certified court ATA’s German Language Division from interpreter in Iowa and Nebraska, and 2000 to 2004. She is an ATA director has been interpreting in legal and med- and co-chair of the Business Practices Education Committee. Contact: ical settings since 1996. In addition to [email protected]. ATA, she is a member of the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Rut Simcovich has been an Argentine freelance English¡Spanish Translators and the Iowa Interpreters and Translators Association. translator and interpreter since 1971. She is the manager of Meeting Contact: [email protected]. House, a conference services company. In 1996, she established the Rut Simcovich Interpreters’ School, emphasizing the role of inter- Nicholas Hartmann began working preters and translators as facilitators of intercultural communication. full-time as an independent technical She is the former president of the Argentine Association of and scientific translator in 1984, and Translators and Interpreters. In addition to ATA, she is a member of now specializes in translating patents the International Association of Conference Interpreters. She works and related documents for attorneys and for clients such as the World Bank, the British Embassy, and the corporate clients in the U.S. and Europe. Coca-Cola Company. Contact: [email protected]. He has served ATA as director and secre- tary, administrator of the Science and Technology Division, chair of the Client Education Committee and the Science and Technology Information Committee, and co-chair of the Business Practices Education Committee. He has also been a member of ATA’s Terminology Committee and The ATA Chronicle Editorial Board. He holds ATA certification in French¡English, German¡English, and Italian¡English. Contact: [email protected]. 6 The ATA Chronicle I November/December 2006 NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY NSA DO YOU SPEAK THE LANGUAGE WE NEED THE MOST? Understanding the world and its many languages is what helps NSA solve the Nation's most difficult challenges. As a Language Analyst with NSA, your language proficiency and the understanding of nuance, context, cultural overtones, and dialect will have a global impact in providing the fullest and most accurate intelligence to U.S. policymakers, military commanders, and Intelligence Community members.
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