Double Ranking On Pro Tennis Players Shows Wide Difference TORONTO HOCKEY LOUIS LITTLE’S They Make Lions Roar Richards Tops One List And LATERALS ARE PLAYER’S BRAIN Tilden The Other, Novel STRESSED BY LIONS INJURED BADLY Net Listing Indicates BY JIMMY DONAHUE Boston, December 14 — (CP) — The condition of Irvin (Ace) N'KA Service Writer Sports Bailey, Toronto Leafs’ hockey star, Issues Names of Ten Best Paid — Committee New York Three years ago critically 111 at a hospital here of Ranking Lou Little, of the Leominster, Mass a fractured skull and probable Other If’ THH IjAW OP AVF.RAGK8 hasn't been repealed, along with cerebral continued to Tourneys Decide Littles, took over the job of eradi- hemorrhage, Players—Two that other nuisance, the 18th amendment, the' Philadelphia Athletics hold his own to day, while physi- ■will win a pennant In 1948. The last time Cornelius MoGIUlcuddy cating the fleas from the mangy cians deliberated the advisability of Group scrapped his ball club was at the end of the 1914 season when, sated football hide of Columbia Univer- an operation. with sunccess after four In five seasons, he broke Winning pennants up sity's Lions. At that time he made Bailey received his Injury when his 8100,000 Infield and started the heart-breaking test of building a New York, Dec 15—(UP)—The Professional Lawn Ten- a remark that now takes its he was thrown to the Ice during a hew winning combination. For seven years’ running, the A’s finished place an- game between the Leafs and Bos- nis association introduced an innovation to-day with the hi the cellar. alongside “Have one on the house" ton Bruins Tuesday night, by Ed- nouncement of two national rankings of professional players. or “Don’t give up the ship." die Shore, Bruin defenseman. Then, in 1022, came the dawn—a seventh place cloh! And Lou's classic statement “I who Immediately after the One ranking was baaed upon tho wasn’t there rejerclng along Market Street I By 1023, the Ath- was, Shore, incident was Injured himself when showings of the prbs during tho letics had been built Into a sixth place team and Connie had did not come here to fail.’’ knocked out by Red Horner, a year’s two outdoor tourneys, tho grown much older, grayer and leaner. A not lie rstep upward in Then, to the astonishment of LION’S ACE teammate of Bailey, has been In- national championship at tho 1024 saw Connie’s dream coming closer to realisation—bnt fifth skeptical alumni. Mister Little, definitely suspended the Na- Westchester Club, Rye, N. Y., and place Is still a long from a pennant. In the next four years, with the aid of lota of lateral by way tional Hockey League officials, as the Florida championship. the A’s finished In second three times and third position passes, turned out a rejuvenated place was Horner. The other was based upon tho arrive. was the onee. The new day was about to Sweet, indeed, beast at Mornlngslde Heights that “belief and opinion" of the rank* reward for IK when Mack found the end of the has Critical years of travail gone through thre seasons ing committee regarding the rela- rainbow and the pot of gold It revealed in till. With only three defeats, and cli- X-rays taken yesterday revealed tive playing strengths of the pro- maxed his career by receiving the that Bailey received a skull frac- fessionals. For three seasons the Athletics dominated the American then, unexpected invitation to play Stan- ture five inches long, beginning in Here Hwy Are and fans the of the league made Philadelphia forget glories past ford in the Rose Bowl classic New the forehead, and extending along Vincent Richards is No 1, in the the of the Htlman nature In triumphs present. But, alackaday! Year’s Day. the side of his head beyond his ear. first list, and William T. Tllden which • • * hadn’t changed in the 15 years durliig Philadelphia had had His condition was slightly im- heads the second list. Here are tho Lou and the Lion are hailed as proved yesterday after Dr Donald two rankings a wonder combination in the east. Munroe, Boston brain specialist, Record Ranking It didn't take the man long to get who was called in by Dr Martin 1. Vincent Richards started on his new job in 1930. He Crotty, Boston rockey physician, 2. Francis T. Hunter didn’t demand a year in which to tapped his brain of fluid. 3. Robert Murray install his system at Columbia. He Decision on the operation will 4. Paul La. Heston stepped out and with 32 right oi^y be made and if symptoms ol 6. Charles M. Wood men in the over an at- today, squad, put internal bleeding continue, it Wil 6. J. Basil Maguire tack that was probably the most be performed Immediately. 7. Ted Rericha deceptive in the east. 8. Herman Peterson nuA Mrs Mabel from Little’s career previous to his Bailey, rushig 9. John Cardegna husband's bedside Columbia appointment was as spec Toronto to her 10. Tom Iannlcelll tacular as his tenure at the Morn- with their daughter ,was due here Opinion Ranking institution. He was an All- today. She will be looked after V ingside 1. William T. Tilden America tackle at Penn In 1916 by Connie Smythe, Leafs' manager, 2. Vincent Richards Columbia was chosen to the and, after dodging shells In France Here are three reasons why represent who plans to remain here while 3. Bruce Barnes New Year’s turned the trick again in 1919. east in the ltose Bowl classic against Stanford, Day. Upper Bailey’s condition remains critical. 4. J. Emmett Pare a Is sensational end, Pro football lured him for a left Is Coach Don Little; catching pass Tony Matal, wuicr iu'suiis 5. Harvey B. Snodgrass but and lower Is Joe Ferrara, while, Georgetown University right tackle.__ who was charged with 6. Howard O. Kinsey called him back to cir- Smythe to wait for a winner. Too much of a pood thing was still fatal to base* collegiate assault and battery by Leonard 7. Francis T. Hunter ball in as cles, and it was at that sohool that Heston Quakertown. Again, they had done in 1914, the fans grew Kenworthy of Everett, a spectator 8. Paul I*. bored with ball he made a name for him- M. Wood winning clubs and began to stay away from the park, coaching at the was released on 9. Charles self. game, $100 when the A’s dropped out of the lead two years ago, the attendance P. bail when arraigned yesterday. Hie 10. Robert Murray •ell in five campaigns ms teams won L. I. League Bowling Gossip off greatly. trial was set for December 27. 37. lost 8 ana tied 3 games, scoring Eddie Shore, who suffered a The point was reached eventually where the man 1437 points against 172 for oppo- win knocking A little knock—A little boost pins, which Rave tlicin a to scalp wound when he was knocked at the door, waving a mortgage deed, couldn’t be stalled off nents. This shows that he devoted sextet. First its me—Then it's you. over Brother Joe's wonder down by Horner, remained at his any longer, so the tall, gannt Mack had to peddle five of his best as much attention to attack as to to Recreation harm — It’s all in fnn And maybe it isn’t fun watcli home. The only ill effects he players to the creditors from Into Shlbe and defense. No done keep moving park Miss Cotta Strikesanspeares. the expression on Joe’s face when seems to have suffered were the heaving him and the Shlbe boys into the alley. For $290,000, To take the job at Columbia, Lou (By then viee o his team is winning ami cut and a headache, but he also Connie disposed of Mickey his star catcher: had to turn down an offer to pilot Yowsa; back again and full Notes Cochrane, lefty versa, if the odds are against them. was put under an x-ray, the results Bowling his brilliant the football ship of his alma wim and wigor and Attorney K< tirove, left-hand pltheer; George Earnshaw, the Ask Slokus, he knows. Don’t lei of which will be made known to- who mater. Penn. But this wasn’t so Bobbins well wishes for an unin right-hander figured so strongly in the 1920 campaign; it free*, Joe. day. Kube Walberg, his other good southpaw, and Max Bishop, sec- hard to do, for he received a three- terrupted every Thursday nigh Palmer Bricks Cubs increased Jenusaitis vs John Ko- ond baseman. year contract at $18,000 a year to Li. I. P. episode for the remaindei Sheriff their lead to two games last week number that contained handle the fortunes of the Lion. of the season, and when genial Et pizch was a while the second place Athletics than a barrel of monkeys ON THE SHELF Though it is hard to find tragedy in a deal which brings his club * » • says the gossips were missed, thei more fun and third place Pirates dropped handcuffing $290,000, it is a bit sad, withal, to see the school-masterish septua- it must be so, therefore, from nov with the Sherff finally down one game bringing the rest This year ho was blessed with an old Lieu- genarian starting out again over the trail he traveled on let the chips fall where the; 2 games.
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