University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 5-22-2002 Central Florida Future, Vol. 34 No. 33, May 22, 2002 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 34 No. 33, May 22, 2002" (2002). Central Florida Future. 1587. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1587 THE central florida Awork of art Atypical day of two Orlando artists and how they use skin as their canvas. -SEE NEWS, 8 May 22, 2002 •THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING UCF SINCE 1968 • www.UCFfuture.com Frankenstein Solicitors "The Creative School is one of the few living themes are legacies left on this campus." bother relevant to -A.J. RANGE students Crea ive Schoof for Children 21st century 25th Anniversary Celebration on· campus TIFFANY REPECKI SHEYLA NIEVES STAFF WRITER STAFF WRITER The exhibit, Frankenstein: ,... UCF students say campus Penetrating the Secrets of solicitors are disrespectful, pushy Nature, examines 21st century LISA APPLEGATE I CFF and too numerous. topics through Mary Shelley's Junior Laura Sejnowski said novel. a man approached her at the "Thei:e are numerous cul­ Recreation and Wellness Center tural and scientific themes Creative School offering her a Bible. introduced in Shelley's novel ''I got offered two Bibles that are strikingly relevant going inside and another coming today," said Susan Lederer, out," she said. 'Those solicitors exhibit curator and professor make you feel guilty if you don't of history of medicine at Yale celebrates 25th listen to their five-minute spiel." University. "It's like they're saying, "Through this exhibit, 'Here's a Bible. Your religion adults and families can explore • sucks,'" she said. these themes, their relationship Political science major with more recent scientific anniversary Stephanie Schaap she turned phenomena-like cloning and down a Bible and the solicitor fol­ genetic engineering, -and JASON IRSAY lowed and asked her why she discuss their own views about STAFF WRITER declined. personal ~nd societal responsi- Loren Knutson of Gideons The UCF Creative School International, an organization that PLEASE SEE Exhibit oN 7 for Children celebrated its 25th has distributed copies of the New anniversary with festivities and Testaments at UCF, said," We a ceremony on May 18 with the don't force the books on anyone." school's founders, teachers, "If they don't want one, they Expanding child parents and former and current shouldn't accept them," she said. students. Some students feel solicita­ care, healthcare The school opened in tion on campus occurs too often. 1976 as a day care service for Sejnowski said she avoids the services in students who needed someone Student Union because she is to care for their children while approached every time she enters Research Park they attended class. At the time and leaves. the school was called the "It's not like they remember DENISE AUFFANT Florida Technological your face," she said. "If you go STAFF WRJTER University Child Care Center. various times through the Student The school became the Union, solicitors attack you vari­ Many faculty and staff Creative School for Children in ous times." members at UCF and in 197~ the same year that the "It's the fact that I don't have Research Park use the servic­ university became the the choice of avoiding the solicita­ es of the 25-year-old Creative University of Central Florida. tion." School for Children on cam­ Hundreds of people gath­ Vice-president of Campus pus for their childcare needs. ered to commemorate the Cellphones Ryan Kessell said, ''If More than 2000 UCF Creative School's 25th anniver­ people don't want your product, faculty, staff, students and sary. Former students of the then they don't want it," employees of Research Park school brought their own chil­ ''We're not pressure sales­ were surveyed on issues such dren to meet the teachers who man like car dealers," he said. as childcare and health care. had made a difference in their Before UCF's 1999 solicita­ They indicated they wanted lives. Parents of former stu­ tion policy, which restricts solicit­ expanded childcare and eld­ dents came to thank the teach­ ing to the Pegasus Circle and erly care on UCF's campus. · ers for the impact they had buildings where building manager Dolores Burghard, direc­ made with their children. have consented, solicitors often tor of the Creative School for During the ceremony, LISA APPLEGATE t CFF came on campus without permis­ Children said, "We offer pro­ Parents, teachers and students celebrated the 25th sion, said Frances Pacione, public grams for children from ages PLEASE SEE School ON 3 anniversary of the UCF Creative School for Children. PLEASE SEE Vendors oN 4 PLEASE SEE New ON 3 ishes every o~her Wednesday in _th_e Summer Index: ·- ·- ·-- __ _ In a long line, at a theater near you Graduate Studies won the first place Police Beat .. ..... .... 6 2002 Award for Promotional Excellence Would you wait it line for Lucas' latest? These students did. Horse with No Name ... 12 from the National ASsociation of -SEE ENTERTAINMENT, 16 Orlando View ...... .. 17 Graduate Admissions Professionals. From the Sports Desk .. 25 • • • ~ .. 'I l • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' 1 • ., ,, - ,,, '' d ' ' '' '· d ' '·.n· i ' ! f ! l •, -..~!--~·~··· ······-•· ... -r· ~ lift..•'1 J·r .-I·-~·(-I ... -"'JliC-' · ...'e}: .l •... _,/'. ' J nrJ ,j eJW''. ; j ' , f •··.. ..>1 R'_ . ·" ,.· J P'.·, . ).,.• , •. ..'-;O·· \ ... •) w:,i. -\ , }n . l( ·i. e··.', ,- I 2002 New Beetle Gl Pre-Grand .. Opening Sale 2002 All New.GTI $234 mo/48 mos.* AD.S;Q ·t.1Jf1r1E:LY'· s.o DOWN:! $219 mo/48 mos.* *leases are calculated .with $0 total *Leases ore calculated with down. Includes 1st payment, 0 sec. $0 totol down. Include~ l st deposit, tags, title and license. payment, 0 sec. deposit, tag~, 2002 All New Cabrio G!I-""/' ntle cmd license. ~ Convertible $299 mo/48 mos.* ..... ===-· pm:::.~- • 4 YR 50,000 Mile • 4 YR 50,000 Mile Bumper-to-Bumper Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty *Leases are calculated with Warranty • 5 YR 60,000 Mile $0 total down. Includes 1st • 5 YR 60,000 Mile Powertroin Warranty payment, 0 sec. deposit, Powertrain Warranty tags, title and license. • 4 YR 50,000 Mile Bumper-to-Bumper Side airbags, Alloy Wheels, Keyless 2002 Golf Gl Warranty Remote, All Power, & Much More! • 5 YR 60,000 Mile 2002 Jena GL $229 mo/48 ·mos.* Powertrain Warranty *Leases are • 4 YR 50,000 $248 nlo/48 mos.* calculated with Mile Bumper-to­ *Leases ore cafc0'!ated wllh $0 total down. Bumper Warranty $0 total' down. Include~ ·: st Includes 1st • 5 YR 60,000 payment, 0 sec. d~pos:t, togs, payment, 0 sec. Mile Powertrain title and ~icensE:. deposit, tags, Warranty title and license. 2002 All New Passat GLS A fiiCWETCJC:::r.!! 1'4T (i} VCJL-K5VVAGa•-N $299 mo/48 -mos: www.aristocrat.vwdealer.com *Leases are calculated with $0 total down. Includes l st payment, 0 sec. deposit, tags, title and license. 4115 S. HWV 11-92 Flea -g *I. World_ • 4 YR 50,000 Mile we can Assist You With: 401-365-3300 i-- co 17~92 Bumper-to-Bumper Next to Flea World ~ Warranty COLLEGE:GRAD PROGRAM • 'FIRST TIME BUYER ~ In Sanford (1) • 5 YR 60,000 Mile ....!It Side airbags, ABS, Keyless Remote, M-F 9-9 • Sat 9-8 • Sun 11-6 _g Alarm, & Much More! Powertrain Warranty. C~EDIT PROBlEMS ·~· . School started by student government FROM PAGE l demic standards~ not only for facul­ Burghard praised the ingenu­ ty and staff, but also for the children ity of the teachers at the Creative teachers were honored with of these individuals." School. plaques. Following the ceremony, Range emphasized the need to ''They don't use any preprint­ current students of the school per­ make UCF students aware of the ed curriculum because they have formed before a crowd of hundreds. Creative School and the services the to look at their group a.S a unique A.J. Range discussed the future facility offers. group and look at their needs for of the Creative ,School. Range is the He said: It is one of the few liv­ that time," Burghard said. "Any assistant vice president of Student ing legacies left on this campus. It program that is printed out is say­ Development and Enrollment has a long and rich history." ing that all these children need one Services - Special Programs. Carol Wilson, former dean of thing at one time." He said: "I envision the women at UCF, also adcfu:;Ssed the "Our teachers need to plan Creative School to continue to exist, importance of the Creative School. for many levels of development," to thrive and hopefully to be Wilson said, "Technically, she said. "All four-year-olds aren't enhanced. Obviously there is a every student on this campus sup­ at the same level." need for it. Children of students, ports our program through enroll­ Burghard said her staff has faculty, staff, as well as community ment money. It is a service to stu­ sacrificed money to maintain the folks really depend on the existence dents. We enroll all students' chil­ high quality of the school. of the Creative School." dren before anyone else's children. LISA APPLEGATE I CFF ''We shoot for the highest He said: ''The major distinction Students get top priority." Activities for children at the Creative School's celebration included a train ride quality, and we insist on it," between this school and a childcare The idea for the Creative and a moonwalk.
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