Taighde in Éirinn ar Riachtanais Speisialta Oideachais Nollaig 2018 Clár Taighde ginearálta...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Taighde maidir le Measúnú........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Taighde maidir le Bodhaire ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Taighde maidir le Teanga agus Urlabhra ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Taighde maidir le Disléicse ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Taighde maidir le hUathachas.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Le cuardach a dhéanamh: Ctrl+F Taighde ginearálta Teideal Údar Foilsitheoir Nasc/Foinse Bliain Exemptions from Irish: An Tynan F., Reach Volume 31, (1) 2018 Inclusion Dilemma Educational experiences and Cosgrove, J. 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