THE WEATHER NW I FBBSS r 1 Forecast br U. »• Weather Bareaa. AVBRAGB OAl|iX CIRCULATION Conii. New Havea for the Silonth of June, 1929 Pair today; partly cloudy to­ 5,307 mncx a i morrow. Members of the Andlt Bareau ot CIrcalattona PRICE THREE CENT^ SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1929. SIXTEEN PAGES VOL. XLIII., NO. 229. (Classified Advertising on Page 14) <S>- SCOTCH PIPER PLAYS SOUTH LEADS r LA5IENT ON DEATH BED MAYOR TO DIAL FIRST CALL -<»>! ATLANTIC PLANE RACE ON; Aberdeen, Scotland, July 13 — In his dying hour, Pipe-Major IN MOONSHINE, G. S. McLennan, a world-famous piper, played his last lament in his Aberdeen home. Realizing that the end was | POLES, FRENCHMEN, HOP OFF n i » SHOW^ near, he beckoned his son to i come to his bedside and play a 1 lament on the pipes. , I The lad played, and his father | [ Prohibition Has Not Suc-i then requested him to fill the i bagpipes with wind. ; i Culver City Flyers FEW PRESENT AT START With shaking hands, the dy- , ceeded in Driving Indus-| ing piper fingered the notes. | For a tim*’ he gathered strength | ! but the lament became fainter ; 1 Down; Up 246Hours FROM FIELD AT PARIS try Out of Mountains; and fainter until bis fingers I i could no longer play. i j Pipe-Major McLennon won | Culver City. Cal., July 13.— Kx-a A refueling ship, in charge of Georgia Heads the List. over 2,000 trophies. 1 hausted from ten days and nights Paul Whittier, was humming over Last Reports Place Maciunes as Passing Out to Sea; in the air, Loren Mendell and R. B. head, ready to lower a hose to feed Reinhart, world’s champion endur­ Washington, July 13— Prohibi­ ance flyers, today were stretched gasoline when Mendell, at the con­ Start Within Forty Minutes of Each Other— Poles tion hasn't Eucceeued in driving the out in clean sheets in cots at the trols, descended and glided the An­ old-time moonshining industry out SOVIETS MASSING 1 Culver City Community hospital geleno to a neat three-point land­ j after establishing a continuous ing. Start Firsi But Have Slower Ship— Expected to Arrive of the southern mountain.. The motor was purring nicely as Information available at the Pro­ I flight record of 246 hours, 43 minutes and 32 seconds. he came to earth in the center of hibition Bureau today placed at the TROOPS ON BORDER the airport. Thousands of specta­ In New York Tomorrow Afternoon or Evening. head of moonshining list. Georgia. Traveling long enough to have circled the globe, they exceeded tors pressed against wire barriers Tennessee, Kentucky. Maryland. around the field. Virginia and North Carolina, all the endurance record set last week at Cleveland by more than 72 Mendell taxied the Angeleno in­ New Y^ork, July 13.— With two SERIES OP TRAGEDIES ! noted for j'ears for their famous :)IARK OCEAN FLIGHTS Seizure of Railroad by China | hours. to an enclosure and half a hundred huge planes, one carrying the “corn." ^ ... officials, mechanics and reporters In addition to these states of the The single-motored Angeleno was m a hangar at the Culver City and photographers surrounded the colors of Poland the other France, A long series of tragedies real old time “ m''untain dew,” seiz­ May Cause Serious Trou-j machine. The flyers tumbled out roaring toward the United States have marked the ambitious ef­ ures of mash and stills indicated the Airport, and mechanics were look­ ing over the second-hand motor to of the Angeleno, bewhiskered and in a spectacular non-stop race forts of flyers to span the outstanding importance of ijjicit his undershirt across the Atlantic, preparations North Atlantic from east to distilling in California, New York hie in the Far East. ascertain how it had withstood the I dirty, Reinhart in record-smashing grind. and Mendell in an oil spattered went' forward rapidly and enthusi­ west since Charles Nungesser and Pennsylvania. Dr. Frederick Rhodes, who ex­ flannel shirt. astically today to give the intrepid and Francois Coli lost their 1,000 Stills Seized “ Why did you come down?” airmen a great welcome if they ac­ More than 1,000 gallons of mash amined, the pilots, said he found lives in May, 1927, while try­ Moscow, July 13.— Russian White j them in far better condition than somebody asked. complish their hazardous feat. ing to fly from Le Bourget to and in excess of 1,000 stills were “ Tail was wobbly,” chorused the Latest information contained in seized in these eight states last Guard troops are being massed | might be expected, but “ with pulse New York in the White Bird. near the Manchurian border as a a bit fast, blood pressure slightly weary pilots. International News Dispatches, was There has never been a suc­ year. While detailed figures have Hustled to an ambulance, the that both planes were making good not been prepared, Georgia appar­ result of the dispute between China high and temperature a fraction of cessful Europe-to-New York a degree subnormal.” aviators kept protesting, “ We’re progress after having passed out flight over the North Atlantic. ently headed the list in seizure of and the Soviet over the Chinese | not sick,” but they were taken in over the sea from the European stills and distilleries with more “ But,”' added the doctor, “ they’ll Baron von Huenefeld and two Eastern Railway, it was stated in be as good as new after they have a hurry to the Culver City Com- than 3,000. New York and Penn­ an official, news report today. companic^ns flew from Ireland a sleep.” munity hospital and tucked in bed. The biplane Marszalek Pilsudski to Canada, while attempting an sylvania were ahead in confiscation Official Soviet account of the in- (Marshall Pilsudski) carrying of alcoholic spirits and Maryland cident states that seizure of the unbroken air journey to New and North Carolina were out in Major Leon Idzikowski and Major York in the Bremen and nar­ railway by Chinese authorities fol- 1 Kasimir Kubala has a cruising front in the volume of mash captur­ lowed refusal of Russian officials j Immediately after the new dial telepgraph system is cut-in at the rowly escaped disaster. speed of 80 miles an hour while the Two women members of rich ed. to yield to the demand of the new exchange building here at midnight tonight Chairman John H. FIND LOST COUPLE AMERICAN FLYERS Red Breguet bearing the best- In Maryland Chinese provincial governor that r ’ of the Selectmen, Manchester's mayor, will dial the first call. Above and aristocratic English fami­ With the large-cities of Baltimore ku ' ll living French pilot, Dieu- railroad orders carry Chinese as shows Mr. Hyde at dial phone he'll use tonight- Behind him stands donne Coste, and Radio Operator lies lost their lives while trying and Washington furnish excellent well as Russian signature. Exchange Manager William B. Halsted. Photo was taken at last to fly from Britain to New markets, a tremendous rye whiskey ON TINY ISLAND FETED BY ITALIANS Maurice Bellonte, has a cruising night’s rehearsal of the cut-over. speed of 100 miles an hour. York. They were Princess business has grown up in southern Loewanstein - Wertheim, who Maryland. In that respect Mary­ JAPAN WORRIED The foreign flyers, if successful, are expected to zoom down into one was lost in August, 1927; and land has deserted the ranks of the Tokio, July 13.— The Japanese the Hon. Elsie Mackay, daugh­ corn whiskey states, although dis­ BOY SWALLOWS PIN, of the flying fields on Long Island government today anxiously scan­ Hear of Atlantic Plane Race ter of Lord Inchcape, who was tilling methods are much the same. NEW FARM BOARD LAUGHS, CCUGHS IT UP Boat Had Upset and They some time Sunday afternoon or Malt liquor seizures were great­ ned news from Harbin and consid­ Sunday night, the time depending lost with Aviator Hinchcliffe in est in New York and Pennsylvmia, ered measures which might have Honolulu, July 13— Thirteen- largely upon whether they encoun­ March, 1928. vear-old Solomon Kahoohalaha- Had to Swim to Land; and Are Greatly Interest­ Lilli Dillenz, former Austri­ indicating these states as principal to be taken should any crisis arise. TO MEET MONDAY ter head or tail winds. centers for production of illicit ia of the Kahihi Boys’ Home is Everything In Readiness an actress, sought to fly from Officials, while admitting that the heer. a lucky laugher. After he had Found by Searchers. ed; Ask to Be Kept Posted An air of expectancy hung over Germany to New York in a Much Cider situation was most grave, express­ put a pin in his mouth and ac­ Mitchel and Roosevelt Fields today. Junkers plane but never got More than 100,600 gallons of ed the opinion that Soviet Russia cidentally swallowed, his teach­ Everything was being put in readi­ beyond the Azores. was not likely to resort to arms to But One Member Yet to Be er look him into the emergency Charles Levine planned the cider were seized in the course of Rome, July 13.— Deep in the ness to receive them. Special police the year. New York and New Jer­ regain her position in North Man­ hospital at police headquarters. Danbury, July 13.— Motor boat will be required to cope with the Paris-to-New York hop, with sey taking honors. Cider presents churia. Nevertheless both the cabi­ Appointed— Wheat Grow­ While Solomon solemnly sat parties. scouring Lake Candlewood, task of immortalizing Roger Q.
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