Farms for Sale or Exchange by M. T. STREETER, Real Estate Dealer, St. Johns, Mich. Clinton Independent. uS\ VOL XXXII.—NO 40. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1898. WHOLE NO-1655 midnight, however, before the body the Spanish ships destroyed by Admir ­ Noble Burnett could be identified. In the dead girl's al Sampson’s fleet when the prisoners pocket were found numerous blood­ WITH TEARFUL EYES made a break to get possession of the Has on sale a line of all wool Novelty stained notes and addresses In the way ship. They killed 6 and wounded IN THEIR CONVENTION Dress Goods which are a bargain at of introductions to people in the course some 50 before subduing the prison­ 25c. per yard; 36 to 42 Inches wide. of her business, but strangely enough, ers. Don’t Forget all of these referred to her imperson­ The Michigan Soldiers Bade Their That the regiment did not escape A Liberal Number of the Faith- ally. without mentioning her name. casualties is shown by the following That we are now selling our spring Finally Mrs. Cliapman, with whom Native Land Farewell. letter from Walter S. Swanger, a fill Assembled. and summer styles at cost . Miss Bailey roomed, becoming alarmed musician In Co. I, Thirty-fourth Mich. Boucher & Petsch . at her non-appearance at the house, Vols., of Ionia, published In the Ionia I have some special values to offer in after reading the account of the acci­ THE TRIP TO SANTIAGO WAS FULL. Sentinel. He gives the following as DELEGATES CHOSEN—RESOLUTIONS Hosiery and ’Underwear. dent in The News, went to the under ­ OF INTEREST. wounded: PRESENTED AND ADOPTED. Noble Burnett . taking establishment. Her worst fears Musician Raymond L. Horton, Ionia. Private John Kordt, Berlin. Miss Cora Bailey Meets a Ter­ were confirmed, for the body was that Private C. Cooley. Lake Odessa. Sold at Mrs. S. J. Jones’. of her roomer. Corporal Harry Rice, Ionia. Meanwhile the sick sister up stairs The Hoy* Amused Themselves by Witness­ Four others wnosc names have not been The KepubUrans Endorsed \V. A. Norton Hats, former price $1.25, now 50c. rible Death in Detroit. learned. Hats, former price 1.00, now 45c. had been weeping piteously, and call­ ing the Antics of Flying Fish and Continuing under date of Tampa for Congress and H. M. High for Hats, former price 75, now 35c. ing for her sister. As soon as Mrs. State Senator. Chapman returned with news of the Shooting at Sea Tortoise. Heights, Fla., July 17, he says: Hats, former price 50, now 20c. girl’s death a physician was called, “A few of the boys were wounded Hats, former price 38, now 15c. FELL FROM AN ELEVATOR who, fearing for Lena’s life if the but not seriously, I, myself the worst. Hats, former price 25, now 13c. I got a ball In the head and then went The Republicans of this county held Flowers, Perfumes and other goods truth were told her, administered a On Board the Transport Harvard , » to the hospital to get my wound dress ­ at very low prices. strong opiate, under which she slept Orr the Coast of Cuba , July 1. f their convention at the court house until nearly noon today, when she From Our Regular Correspondent. ed, after which I took my gun and Elliott’s Dry Good’s Store the Scene went at sharpshooting. I shot three last Friday afternoon, for the purpose Complete assortment of Muslin Un­ awoke and was told the truth. Her The second and third battalions of Spanish sharpshooters out of three of electing the requisite number of derwear at Noble Burnett ’s. of the Accident. grief was heart-rending to witness. the Thirty-fourth regiment, and the The girl’s parents at St. Johns were tall cocoanut trees, but was injured delegates to attend their state, con­ Bargains all along the line from this notified of their daughter ’s death, and Ninth Massachusetts, boarded the twice more myself, one ball striking gressional and senatorial conventions. date on all goods in stock to close, steamship Harvard, at Newport News, me in the side, passing through my the father, who is a retired business body, and another In the ankle. I The convention was liberally attend ­ without regard to previous cost. man, arrived here today noon to take endrick BODY TERRIBLY CUT AND BRUISED last Saturday evening, for Santiago de walked about three miles to the hos­ ed, considering the busy season of the H. L. K . charge of the remains. Cuba. At 2 p. m. Sunday the boat fin­ Miss Bailey was well known among pital and then reeled and fell to the year with farmers. Every township, Fine Organdies, Mulls, Dimities, local artists, who recall that she con­ ished loading and hoisted anchor to ground. After my wounds had been with the exception of Westphalia and Ducks, Piques, Linens, etc. All kinds DfceaMd Formerly • Resident of St. Johns start on its long southward journey. dressed again 1 was taken to the hos­ and prices, at Noble Burnett ’s. ducted a booth at the pure food ex­ pital at the little town of Siboney on Dallas, were more or less represented. Where Her Parents Mow Live. hibit last fall, and exhibited several It was with tearful eyes that the brave the beach. Then I was put on board It was moved and supported that a New Business. fine paintings, her own work. but tender-hearted boys took their W. H. Elliott had little to say about the Cherokee and we sailed for Key member from each voting precinct be I have leased rooms In the old Gibbs the accident. “ It is one of those un­ farewell look at their native shores as West, where we got orders to move on selected to form a nominating com­ House block where I am prepared to W. II. Elliott’s dry goods store ou fortunate affairs that I would not have we steamed out of the harbor at 2:30. to Tampa Heights, Fla. There were mittee to select delegates to all the do new work and repairing in Cabinet. had happen for almost anything,” he 350 wounded on the Cherokee, while conventions. The following named Furniture. Reasonable charges, good Woodward avenue, Detroit, was the It brought a fresh flow of tears to the another went ahead of us with 275, composed this committee: said, “but I do not think we have eyes of the soldiers when our band work and satisfaction guaranteed. scene of an accident last Friday after­ been negligent in any particular. and two more followed with 325 and Ray Robson, Bath; J. C. Brunson, O. A. Washburn . noon, in which Miss Cora Elizabeth Thousands of people have ridden up struck up the old familiar tune of 800.” Victor ; Syrel Parmenter, Ovid ; J. A. Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John and down on the same elevator, ana, ‘‘Michigan, My Michigan,” and was Swanger says they got only hard Watson, Duplain: A. S. West, DeWitt; New Fall Goods in Plain and Fancy although it is designated as a freight tack and coffee and slept in the rain, C. T. Rockwell, Olive ; H. P. Gage, C. Worsteds,Ginghams, Percales, Fleeced •ailey, of St. Johns, lost her life by followed by the Massachusetts band as their pup tents leak like paper, but C. Vaughan, Will H. Brunson, Bing­ and Outing Flannels, Fancy Prints, elevator, we have generally used it for with the softer airs of ‘‘The Girl I falling nearly live floors down the passengers in that section of the store. that they could stand all that for the ham ; Edgar Burk, Greenbush ; David etc., at Noble Burnett ’s. freight elevator shaft in the rear of The man who has charge of it has Left Behind Me.” sake of their country. He says the Hodges, Watertown; H. L. Pratt. It was discovered, soon after we men do not think much of the Cubans, Riley; W. E. Eldridge, Bengal; L. H. From now until August 1st we are the building. We clip the following worked at the same post for three and that they are not backward in prepared to make the extreme low ofTer account of the accident from the De­ years, and I have all faith in him. started, that Lieut.-Col. Logan, of the Pease, Essex ; Levi Partlow, Eagle; B. Ninth Massachusetts, was misslDg. stealing food and clothing from the J. McVeigh, Lebanon. This commit­ for the Standard Designer for one year, troit Evening News of July 16: 4 The accident is simply a mystery Americans. Natives caught going monthly, for only 50 cents, regular to me, and couldn’t occur again in a but before the ship could be stopped tee reported the following named as price 8o cents. This is for only the Pretty Bessie Bailey, crushed almost the little steam yacht Lucene was no­ through the pockets of the dead, he delegates to the several conventions : million times. Our place is open to says, were shot on one occasion. month of July. Every lady should out of semblance to humanity, lies investigation, and we will let it stand ticed steaming out from the harbor State —D. H. Hunt, F. A. Travis, have it at this extremely low price. dead at Latimer & Hamilton’s under ­ at that.” with the lieutenant waving his hand Swanger says that when he left E. P. Waldron, Bingham; Herbert Island Lake he tipped the scales at Collister, Bath; C. E. Blakeslee, Ben­ II. L. Kendrick , Ag’t., taking establishment, while at her The funeral services were held from to us from the deck.
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