•• ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^1 MfONA Division of Iffligp^portunityNewunc SERVING PLANO, DALLAS, RICHARDSON, ALLEN, MCKINNEY AND FRISCO Volume 9, Number 22 "The Paper of Opportunity' November 15-31, 2000 Niiws Presidential election not yet over BKIHFS Deadline for certifying votes nears BY DAVID ESPO (AP) - soon as they received Friday set his lead. filed by three Bush supporters staunch Bush supporter. Texas set to break execu­ The election long over but the morning mail delivery. Still, they conceded the from Brevard County. They Republicans pointed out that all tion record winner unknown, presidential At the same time, officials recounts wouldn't be completed claim their rights are being vio­ seven members of the Texas is expected to break rivals Al Gore and George W. in Broward and Palm Beach before Harris' deadline, adding lated because their counties are Florida Supreme Court its ovk'n U.S. record for most Bush are t>oth reaching for vic­ coimties -heavily Democratic to the prospect of more legal not owe their appointments to executions in a year with the tory in Florida, a combustible areas around Ft. Lauderdale action in a case that has gener- recanvassing votes by hand. Democrats. deaths of three men this week. blend of overseas ballotSj hand and West Palm Beach were In Tallahassee, Florida There were moments of The three executions would recounts, legal skirmishing and human emotion as well as polit­ give Texas 38 for the year, the a midnight deadline for certify­ most by any state since U.S. ical spin. ing votes that may or may not authorities began keeping "We're going to have a trial," death penalty records in 1930. stand. "Let the will of the peo­ Republican activist William Texas holds the current record ple be done," Gore campaign Scherer said as he burst in - with 37 executions 1997 has chairman William Daley said subpoenas in hand - on elec­ put a nation-leading 234 peo­ Thursday, welcoming a Florida tions officials recounting votes ple to death since the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that in Broward County. "The Supreme Court lifted a ban on allowed manual recounts to nation is watching you. The the death penalty in 1976. continue. Other Democrats state of Florida is watching you. warned of legal action if the And Broward County is watch­ Six Flags unveils plans for state's top elections official ing you." refuses to accept the results of new roller coaster Republicans also released the hand recanvasses. Bush's Six Flags Over Texas in federal court affidavits ft-om at campaign chairman said a mid­ Arlington will debut a new least five wimesses who contend night Friday deadline for vote 255-foot roller coaster that they observed possible ballot will be the tallest, fastest and certification set by Secretary of tampering in earlier hand longest in the Southwest. State Katherine Harris was recounts in Palm Beach County. Officials unveiled plans for fixed by state law and "must be Bush running mate Dick the litan, the new hypercoast- honored." Only the tally of the Cheney, interviewed on Fox, er that is at least 200 feet tall. estimated 2,600 absentee bal­ Titan's first hill will be 255 said, "It is no longer really lots fi-om overseas remain to be feet high. Currently, the counting, it is manipulation." rolled into previously certified tallest ride at Six Flags is Mr. Gore's pick for vice president. vote totals showing Bush with a Freeze at 218 feet. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, coun­ 300-vote margin, Don Evans tered for the Democrats. "I insisted. Whitney Thames waits in line at the polls to cast lier vote during elections BET sold to Viacom think we've got to have some Photo by Maggie Ybarra process to end this where the (NNPA) - Robert Johnson, And then, he said, "Win or chief executive of Black lose, this election will be over. working their way by hand ated plenty. Circuit Judge Terry Lewis said person elected president does Entertainment Television "Possible, but not likely as a 10- through hundreds of thousands The controversy's lengthen­ he would rule on a request, not go in, not only with a cloud (BET) sold the NETWORK TO day post election struggle in the of ballots cast on Nov. 7. The ing docket ran to a federal backed by the Democrats, to over his head, but with millions Viacom Inc. for $3 billion. state that stands to make either Gore campaign is hoping the appeals court in Atlanta, where force Harris to use the recount of people in America thinking Johnson owned BET for 20 Bush or Gore the nation's 43rd results of those recounts, as well judges are considering the Bush totals. that he got elected unfairly," he years and is now supposedly said on CBS. The pivotal event president. as one the vice president's aides campaign's bid to shut down the In a controversy drenched interested in buying USAir. on Thursday was a brief ruling Officials in the state's 67 are seeking in Miami-Dade recounts. in politics, no one escaped Under the deal with Viacom, by the Florida Supreme Coiu-t BET's management will counties said they would begin County, will let him vault ahead The federal court also scrutiny. Democrats noted that remain in the hands of current tallying their overseas ballots as of Bush by enough votes to off- agreed to consider a related case Harris was a Republican and senior management for the ...See ELECTION page 7 next 5 years. Viacom owns CBS, UPN, MTV, VH-1 and hifinity Broadcasting. How Collin County voted: Piano and AT &T Federal I-T workers to GENERAL ELECTION LIB - Lance Flores. receive salary increase COLLIN COUNn;TEXAS JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, resolve outstanding (NNPA) - hi an effort to 3,338 PLACE 2 better compete for informa­ Precincts Counted - REP- Pricilia Owen franchise issues Precincts Counted - 25 tion technology talent, the TOTAL 126 129,935 PLANO, Texas - AT&T sion services," said Piano Mayor TOTAIVUS REP 4 federal government recently Registered Voters - LIB - Joe Alfred Izen, Jr. Broadband and the City of Jeran Akers. "This setdement announced that it will TOTAL 300,426 15,640 Piano have reached agreement satisfactorily resolves the dis­ increase the salaries of entr)' Ballots Cast - UNITED STATES REPRE­ on issues regarding franchise putes between the parties and level, and mid-level workers. TOTAL 177,673 SENTATIVE DISTRICT 4 The increase will be 33 per­ JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT, fees collected from 1995 to maintains all of the terms of our REP -Jon Newton cent and will take effect Jan. PLACE 3 present. Under this agreement, current franchise with AT&T l.The plan is intended to STRAIGHT PARTY 8,349 REP-Al Gonzales the City of Piano will receive a Broadband." REP - Repubhcan Party DEM-Raiph M. Hall attract young, college gradu­ 126,258 lump sum payment of "AT&T Broadband greatly 64,904 8,416 ates and retain mid-level tal­ LIB-Lance Smith S500,000.The City and AT&T appreciates the openness and DEM - Democratic Party UB-Joe Turner ent. Nearly 33,000 federal 19,470 Broadband win jointly withdraw responsiveness of the City of employees in computer spe­ 19,254 468 the franchise fee audit findings Piano in resolving these issues," cialist areas will benefit from LIB - Libertarian Party PRESIDING JUDGE, COURT and pending lawsuit. said Richard D. Treich, senior the plan. 440 Precincts Counted - 11 OF CRIMINAL APPEALS The agreement resolves all vice president of Rates and GRN - Green Party TOTAL/US REP 26 REP-Sharon Keller outstanding issues surrounding Regulatory Matters for AT&T 500 118,158 franchise fees, including charges Broadband. "We are extremely UNITED STATES REPRE­ DEM-Bill Vance for unreturned checks, unre- pleased with the cooperative PRESIDENT/VICE- SENTATIVE DISTRICT 26 43,996 turned converter boxes, late- relationship that has developed PRESIDENT REP-Dick Armey fees charges, treatment of mis­ through this process, and are REP-George W. Bush/Dick 12,776 JUDGE, COURT OF cellaneous revenues, reimburse­ looking forward to fostering this Cheney 128,160 DEM-Steve Love CRIMINAL AITEALS ment of consulting fees incurred relationship in fumre," Treich DEM-Al Gore/Joe Lieberman 2,883 PLACE 1 by the city, and other franchise- said. LIB-Fred E. Badagnani 42,872 REP-Charles Holcomb fee related issues during this "This agreement exempli­ 210 LIB - Harry Browne/Art Oliver 127,771 five-year period. Additionally, fies the seriousness with which 853 UB-Rife Scott Kimler imder the terms of the resolu­ we approach our role as a cor­ RAILROAD GRN- Ralph Nader/Winona 15,883 tion, AT&T Broadband will porate citizen and a provider of COMMISSIONER INSIDE Laduye 3^192 make subsequent changes to quality services," said Dick Pat Buchanan/Ezola Foster REP-Charies R. Matthews JUDGE, COURT OF reflect ftimre payment of fran­ Kirby, regional director of Nftt. News Briefs I 296 121,516 CRIMINAL APHiALS chise fees on several of these Franchising for AT&T LIB-Carolyn Fields PLACE 2 items. Broadband. "We look forward I^atlonal News 2 UNITED STATES 16,275 REP-Barbara Parker Hervey "During the past five years, to continuing to work with the SENATOR GRN-Gary Dugger Local News 2 120,367 the City has utilized all available City of Piano as we continue to REP - Kay Bailey Hutchinson 7,311 DEM-William R. Barr means to ensure the City of bring advanced services to our You & Your Money ...2 138,227 40,410 Piano maximizes the franchise Piano customers." DEM -Gene Kelly RAILROAD COMMISSION- 24itorial 3 fees it receives from cable televi­ 30,648 ER-UNEXPIRED TERM Capitol Watch 3 LIB - Mary J.
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