National Highways Authority of India (Ministry of Road Transport & Hig h way s G overnment of I n dia ) Consultancy services for Feasibility Study and Preparation of DPR for Total Length 9.000 Km. for; (i) Construction of Elevated corridor at Sarojini Nagar and Banthara ( Km. 14.300 & Km. 23.000) on Lucknow Kanpur Section of NH -25- (Length 4 Kms). (ii) Construction of Elevated corridor from Shaheed Path to PGI ( Km. 12.700 to Km.16.000) on Lucknow Raebareli Section of NH-24B (length 3.300Kms) . (iii) Construction of Elevated corridor from near Madiaon to IIM Crossing (Km. 488.270 to Km. 486.570) on Lucknow Sitapur Section of NH-24 (Length 1.700 Kms) . REQUEST FOR PROPO SAL (RFP) National Highways Authority of India Regional Office, 3/248, Vishal Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow- 226 010. (June 2017) Page 1 of 302 IND E X Sl. No. Contents Page No. 1 Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) 3-4 2 Letter of Invitation 5-20 3 Annex -I:Listof Projects alongwith Pac kage Nos. 21 4 Annex-II: Procedure of Asse ssment of Least Cost to NHAI under 22-28 special circumstance 5 Data Sheet 29-41 6 Appendix-I: Terms of Reference 42-111 7 Supplement-I: Additional Requirements for Hill Roads 112-118 8 Supplement-II: Additional Re quirements for Bridge s 119-122 9 Supplement–III: Additional re quire ment for safety audit 123-128 10 Enclosure-I: Manning Schedule 129 11 Enclosure-II: Qualification Re quire ments of Key Pe rsonnel 130-137 12 Enclosure-III: Schedule for Submission of Reports and 138-139 Documents 13 Appendix–II: Formats for Eli gibilit y 140-147 14 Appendix-III: Formats for Technical Proposals 148-162 15 Appendix-IV: Formats for Financial Proposals 163-173 16 Appendix-V: Detailed Evaluation Criteria 174-193 17 Appendix-VI: Draft Contract Agreement 194-243 18 Check List 244-302 Page 2 of 302 Ministry of R oad Transp ort &Highways Government of India NOTICE IN VITING TENDER (NIT) [2nd Call] 1. National Highways Authority of India has been assigned the work for preparation of Feasibility / Detailed Project Report for Total Length 9.000 Km. for; (i) Construction of Elevated corridor at Sarojini Nagar and Banthara (Km. 14.300 & Km. 23.000) on Lucknow Kanpur Section of NH -25- (Length 4 Kms). (ii) Construction of Elevated corridor from Shaheed Path to PGI (Km. 12.700 to Km.16.000) on Lucknow Raebareli Section of NH-24B (length 3.300Kms). (iii) Construction of Elevated corridor from near Madiaon to IIM Crossing ( Km. 488.270 to Km. 486.570 ) on Lucknow Sitapur Section of NH -24 (Length 1.700 Kms). 2. Proposals are here by invited from eligible Consultants for prep aration of Detailed Project Report of: (i) Construction of Elevated corridor at Sarojini Nagar and Banthara (Km. 14.300 & Km. 23.000) on Lucknow Kanpur Section of NH -25- (Length 4 Kms). (ii) Construction of Elevated corridor from Shaheed Path to PGI (Km. 12.700 to Km.16.000) on Lucknow Raebareli Section of NH -24B (length 3.300Kms). Construction of Elevated corridor from near Madiaon to IIM Crossing ( Km. 488.270 to Km. 486.570 ) on Lucknow Sitapur Section of NH -24 (Length 1.700 Kms). The Letter of Invitation (L OI) and Terms of Reference (ToR) including R equest for Proposal (RFP) is available online on e-tender portal of https://etenders.gov.in.The document can also be downloade d from National Highways Authority of India website. Cost of the Document in the form of a Non-refundable document fee of Rs.5,000 (Rupee s Five Thousand on ly) in the form of Demand Draft favouring National Highways Authority of India and p ayable at New Delhi must be furnished in a separate envelop while submitting the proposal. 3. The RFP has also uploaded on “INFRACON”(www.infracon.nic.in ). as such before submitting the proposal the Consultant shall mandatorily register and enlist themselves (the firm and all key personnel), on the MORTH portal “INFRACON ” and furnish registration details alongwith its RFP. 4. All the bidders registered on Infracon shall from a Team on Infracon and which would be assigned unique Infracon Team ID. Bidders while submitting the proposal shall quote the Infracon Team UD. 5. To participate in the e -bid, it is mandatory for the Applicants to get themselves registered with the NHAI e-Tendering Portal ( https://etenders.gov.in ) Page 3 of 302 For the bidders participating in NHAI ’s tenders: (i) Registration is free of cost. (ii) No tender processing fee (iii) Bidders have to use CLASS III DSC with Signature and encryption Component. (iv) Tender cost/Cost of Bid document is only DD MODE (OFF LINE ) (v) Bid security/EMD is offline. For any clarifications of the above, may contact 0522 - 2391287/97 or email: [email protected]. The detailed tender document can be viewed /downloaded/purchased and submit through online on e-tender portal ( https://etenders.gov.in ) from 24.06.2017 to 10.07.2017 (upto 11.00 AM). The complete Bid Document can be downloaded from the NHAI e -tendering portal free of cost. To participate for bidding, bidders have to pay a non -refundable document fee through Demand Draft in the name of “National Highways Authority of India ” payable at New Delhi only. The amendments /clarifications to the bid document if any will be hosted on the above website. The bid should be submitted online in the prescribed format given in the website. No other mode of submission is acceptable. The authorized signatory holding Power of Attorney shall only be the Digital Signatory. In case authorized signatory holding Power of Attorney and Digital Signatory are not the same, the bid shall be considered non-responsive. The last date submission of Bid through online on e -tender portal on 10.07.2017 upto 11.00 Hrs and physical submission is on 11.07.2017 upto 11.00 Hrs (as mentioned on the e -portal only) (" Bid Due Date"). The bids would be opened on 11.07.2017 at 11.30 Hrs online at NHAI, RO, 3/248, Vishal Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010, representatives of the bidders (maximum of two) who choose to attend, may attend the online opening of the bids at NHAI, RO on the date and time as mentioned above. However, such representatives shall be allowed to attend the opening of the bids only if they produce letter of authority on the letterhead of the bidder, at the time of opening of bids as mentioned above. To, Shri Rajeev Agrawal Chief General Manager (Tech.)/Regional Officer National Highways Authority of India Regional Office, 3/248, Vishal Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226 010. PH: 0522- 239 1287 Email : [email protected] Page 4 of 302 Letter of Invitation (LOI) <Reference> Dated: Dear Sir, Sub : Consultancy Services for p reparati on of Detailed Project Report of: (i) Construction of Elevated corridor at Sarojini Nagar and Banthara (Km. 14.300 & Km. 23.000) on Lucknow Kanpur Section of NH -25- (Length 4 Kms). (ii) Construction of Elevated corridor from Shaheed Path to PGI (Km. 12.700 to Km.16.000) on Lucknow Raebareli Sec tion of NH-24B (length 3.300Kms). (iii) Construction of Elevated corridor from near Madiaon to IIM Crossing ( Km. 488.270 to Km. 486.570 ) on Lucknow Sitapur Section of NH -24 (Length 1.700 Kms). 1. Introduction 1.1.1 NHAI has been entrusted with the assignment of preparation of Feasibility / Detailed Project Report for Total Length 9.0 00 Km. for; (i) Construction of Elev ated corridor at Sarojini Nagar and Banthara (Km. 14.300 & Km. 23.000) on Lucknow Kanpur Section of NH -25- (Length 4 Kms). (ii) Construction of El evated corridor from Shaheed Path to PGI (Km. 12.700 to Km.16.000) on Lucknow Raebareli Section of NH -24B (length 3.300Kms). (iii) Construction of Elevated corridor from near Madiaon to IIM Crossing ( Km. 488.270 to Km. 486.570 ) on Lucknow Sitapur Section of NH -24 (Length 1.700 Kms). NHAI now invites proposal from Technical consultants for carrying out detailed project report as per details given in the Annexure-I. 1.2 A brief de scription of the assignment and its objectives are given in the Appendix-I,“Terms of Reference”. 1.3 NHAI invites Proposals (the “Proposals”) through e-tender (on-line bid submission) for se lection of Technica l Consultant (the “Consultant”) who shall prepare DPR. A Consu ltant with “a Particular Team” may submit proposals for more than one pac kage. However, a Consultant is n ot allowed to bid for a package with more than one team. For the sake of clarity, it is mentioned that one consultant can not submit two p rop osals/bids f or the same p ackage. A consultant(either as sole or as in JV/Association) can be awarded only upto 2 packages. Consultants are hereby invited to submit proposals in the mann er as prescribed in the RFP . A Consultant with “a Particular Team” may su bmit only one “proof of eligibility (Part1)” and “Technical Prop osal (Part-II)” for any number of p ackages applied f or by them. However, the package s for which a Page 5 of 302 Consultant with “a Particular Team” applies should be clearly mentioned . Financial prop osal for each package are to be submitted separately. Financial proposal are only to be su bmitted on line and no hardc opy of the financial proposal sh ould be submitted. The most preferred bidder (H-1) for each pac kage would be determined on the basis of Quality and Cost as mentioned in the RFP.
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