Lepidoptera) Fauna of Mutki District (Bitlis Province, East Turkey

Lepidoptera) Fauna of Mutki District (Bitlis Province, East Turkey

Sakarya University Journal of Science ISSN 1301-4048 | e-ISSN 2147-835X | Period Bimonthly | Founded: 1997 | Publisher Sakarya University | http://www.saujs.sakarya.edu.tr/ Title: Contributions to the knowledge of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) Fauna of Mutki District (Bitlis Province, East Turkey) Authors: Erdem Seven, Kesran Akın Recieved: 2018-03-07 00:00:00 Accepted: 2019-01-17 00:00:00 Article Type: Research Article Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Month: June Year: 2019 Pages: 435-445 How to cite Erdem Seven, Kesran Akın; (2019), Contributions to the knowledge of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) Fauna of Mutki District (Bitlis Province, East Turkey). Sakarya University Journal of Science, 23(3), 435-445, DOI: 10.16984/saufenbilder.402727 Access link http://www.saujs.sakarya.edu.tr/issue/41686/402727 New submission to SAUJS http://dergipark.gov.tr/journal/1115/submission/start Sakarya University Journal of Science 23(3), 435-445, 2019 Contributions to the knowledge of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) Fauna of Mutki District (Bitlis Province, East Turkey) Erdem Seven*1, Kesran Akın2 Abstract In this paper, the contributions to the Macroheterocera fauna of Mutki district of Bitlis Province (East Anatolia) are presented. The samples collected between 2010-2012 are evaluated. All given 192 species are recorded for the first time from moth fauna of Mutki and likewise 85 species are recorded for the first time from moth fauna of Bitlis. Additionally, adult and male genitalia of Eupithecia gemellata Herrich- Schäffer, 1861 and Chondrostega palaestrana Staudinger, 1892 are illustrated and distribution of them are given. Keywords: Fauna, Macroheterocera, Lepidoptera, Mutki, Bitlis 1. INTRODUCTION The terrain of the Mutki district (Bitlis Prov.) is generally composed of hills, mountains and steep valleys (Fig. 1 a, b) and the vegetation in the region is covered with mostly oak forests. Mutki has characteristics of southeast and eastern Anatolia, has rich vegetation and different habitat types [1]. * Corresponding author [email protected] 1 Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Batman University, 72060 Batman, Turkey ORCID 0000-0002-7587-5341 2 Bitlis Eren University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology ORCID: 0000-0003-2921-948X Erdem Seven, Kesran Akın Contributions to the knowledge of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) Fauna of Mutki District (Bitlis Provi... Researches were carried out in 13 localities: Yeniköy (38°23'33"N 41°58'54,2"E), Çatalsöğüt (38°26'27"N 41°54'01"E), Yumrumeşe-Ocaklı (38°27'47"N 41°52'04"E), Kavakbaşı-Koyunlu crossroad (38°28'49"N 41°51'16"E), Çaygeçit 4 km NE (38°25'50"N 41°51'40"E), Ulaş (38°28'53"N 41°46'28"E), İkizler (38°33'38"N 41°37'22"E), Çaygeçit (38°25'00"N 41°50'15"E), Alatoprak (38°23'37"N 41°49'07"E), Kaşak (38°19'59"N 41°54'39"E), Geyikpınar (Bridge) (38°19'34"N 41°48'44"E), Tolgalı (38°20'09"N 41°49'54"E), Gümüşkanat (38°24'22"N Figure 1. Some habitat types in Mutki district. a. Kaşak, 41°44'02"E). 1800 m, 26.07.2011, b. Alatoprak, 1190 m, 06.04.10. Photos: K. Akın Field studies were performed day and night as the individuals belonging to the Macroheterocera The order Lepidoptera is one of the richest insects fauna were active at different times of the day. In group in terms of diversity. Most lepidopteran the daytime collection, samples were collected species are nocturnal, but they also have with help of an insect net and a light trap was used crespuscular and diurnal species. And, the for attract specimens for the collection at night. majority of the Macroheterocera species are active The light trap was prepared by a white cloth at night. covered the light source. As the light source, a 160 Watt mercury steam lamp, which burns with the Studies on the Macroheterocera moth fauna of the generator, was preferred. Collected moths, were research field have been conducted by Kemal et al. killed in jars containing ethyl acetat. After the [2], Akın [3-4], Koçak and Akın [5], Akın and pinned and softened, the specimens were streched Kayci [6], Kemal and Koçak [7]. In Mutki district, as standard museum material. 333 moth species are known in 21 families and Diagnosis procedures were initially based on among them 110 species belong to the external characters (wing color and patterns, Macroheterocera [7] group. antennas, mouth structures, etc.). Genital structures were used when morphological In this study, it is aimed to contribute to the fauna characters were not enough to diagnose or to of the species belonging to the Macroheterocera support diagnosis. Identification were done fauna which spread within the Mutki district. according to these sources: De Freina and Witt Faunistically, 192 species of the Macroheterocera [15], Fibiger [16-18], Varga and Ronkay [19], are reported here as new to Mutki district Hausmann [20-22], Ronkay et al. [23], Hacker et according to Kemal and Koçak [7] and 85 species al. [24], Goater et al. [25], Mironov [26], Zilli et of the Macroheterocera are recorded here new for al. [27], Leraut [28-29], Fibiger and Hacker [30], the fauna of Bitlis Province according to Özkol [8] Zolotuhin and Zahiri [31], Fibiger et al. [32-33], Kayci [9], Koçak and Kemal [10-11], Kemal and Rajei [34], Hausmann and Viidalepp [35], Stadie Koçak [7, 12-14]. This study is important in terms et al. [36]. The samples are stored in Biology of the determination of Lepidoptera fauna of the Laboratuary of Bitlis University. region. In the results part, species are presented in alphabetical order within the families. 2. MATERIAL AND METHOD Additionally, an asterisk (*) is suffixed to after the name of the species for the new records in Bitlis province. Furthermore, studied materials are The material of this study are collected by the added for each species. second author from Mutki district (Bitlis Prov.) between April and November 2010-2012. Sakarya University Journal of Science 23(3), 435-445, 2019 436 Erdem Seven, Kesran Akın Contributions to the knowledge of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) Fauna of Mutki District (Bitlis Provi... 3. RESULTS Materials. 4♂♂ 1♀, Çaygeçit-4 km NE, 1150 m, 11.x.2011; 2♂♂, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 05.xi.2011. Arctiidae 16.Comibaena bajularia ([Denis & 1. Andala semiramis (Staudinger, 1892) Schiffermüller], 1775) Materials. 2♂♂, Yeniköy, 1650 m, 27.vi.2010. Materials. 1♀, Yumrumeşe-Ocaklı, 1660 m, 2. Axiopoena karelini Ménétriés, 1863* 13.vi.2010. Materials. 1♂, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 29.vii.2011. 17. Cyclophora pendularia (Clerck, 1759)* 3. Euplagia quadripunctaria (Poda, 1761) Materials. 3♂♂, Yeniköy, 1650 m, 15.viii.2012. Materials. 1♂, 1♀, Çaygeçit, 1260 m, 15.ix.2011; 18. Eumera hoeferi Wehrli, 1934* 1♂, Çaygeçit-4 km NE, 1150 m, 14.viii.2011. Materials. 1♂, 1♀, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 02.x.2010; 4. Lacydes spectabilis (Tauscher, 1806) 2♂♂, Tolgalı, 1220 m, 23.x.2011. Materials. 1♂, Çaygeçit, 1260 m, 15.ix.2011. 19. Eupithecia gemellata Herrich-Schäffer, 1861* 5. Paidia rica (Freyer, [1855])* (Fig. 2) Materials. 3♂♂, 1♀, Alatoprak, 1190 m, Materials. 2♂♂, Çaygeçit, 1260 m, 02.vi.2010. 17.v.2010; 2♂♂, 4♀♀, 11.vii.2012; 2♂♂, 13.viii.2012; 1♂, 1♀, Tolgalı, 1220 m, 29.vi. 2011; 1♀, Yumrumeşe-Ocaklı, 1660 m, 15.vii.2010. 6. Phragmatobia fuliginosa (Linnaeus, 1758) Materials. 2♂♂ 1♀, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 01.viii.2010; 1♂, Kavabaşı-Koyunlu crossroad, 1610 m, 22.vii.2011. Cimeliidae 7. Axia theresiae (Korb, 1900) Materials. 1♂, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 10.vi.2010. Ctenuchidae 8. Amata kruegeri (Ragusa, 1904)* Materials. 1♂, 1♀, Çaygeçit, 1260 m, 02.vi.2010. 9. Dysauxes famula (Freyer, 1836) Materials. 2♂♂ 1♀, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 21.08.2011; 1♀, Tolgalı, 1220 m, 22.ix.2011. Geometridae 10. Aplocera plagiata (Linnaeus, 1758) Figure 2. Eupithecia gemellata. a. Male adult, b. Male genitalia with sternit (GP571). Photos: E. Seven Materials. 1♂, 2♀♀, Geyiklipınar (Bridge), 1330 m, 27.v.2011. 20. Eupithecia silenicolata Mabille, 1867* 11. Ascotis selenaria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], Materials. 1♀, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 05.xi.2010. 1775)* 21. Eupithecia spissilineata (Metzner, 1846)* Materials. 2♂♂, Tolgalı, 1220 m, 22.ix.2011. Materials. 1♂, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 14.iv.2010. 12. Catalysme subtilisparsata Wehrli, 1932* 22. Eupithecia venosata (Fabricius, 1787)* Materials. 1♂, 1♀, Gümüşkanat, 1120 m, Materials. 2♂♂, 1♀, Tolgalı, 1220 m, 29.vi.2011; 28.vi.2012. 1♂, 24.v.2012. 13. Chiasmia clathrata (Linnaeus, 1758) 23. Gnopharmia irakensis Wehrli, 1938* Materials. 1♀, Tolgalı, 1220 m, 24.v.2012. Materials. 3♂♂, 2♀♀, Yumrumeşe-Ocaklı, 1660 14. Chlorissa cloraria (Hübner, [1813])* m, 13.vi.2010; 2♀♀, Yeniköy, 1650 m, Materials. 3♂♂, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 10.vi.2010; 27.vi.2010. 1♂, İkizler, 1500 m, 10.vi.2012. 24. Charissa dubitaria (Staudinger, 1892)* 15. Colotois pennaria (Linnaeus, 1761) Sakarya University Journal of Science 23(3), 435-445, 2019 437 Erdem Seven, Kesran Akın Contributions to the knowledge of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) Fauna of Mutki District (Bitlis Provi... Materials. 2♂♂, 1♀, Kavakbaşı-Koyunlu, 1660 43. Pseudopanthera syriacata (Guenée, 1852) m, 14.vi.2011. Materials. 2♀♀, Kavakbaşı-Koyunlu, 1610 m, 25. Idaea degeneraria (Hübner, [1799])* 22.vii.2011. Materials. 3♂♂, 1♀, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 44. Pydna badiaria (Freyer, [1841])* 27.iv.2011. Materials. 2♂♂, Gümüşkanat, 1120 m, 26. Idaea elongaria (Rambur, 1833)* 28.vi.2012. Materials. 1♂, 1♀, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 17.v.2010. 45. Rhodometra sacraria (Linnaeus, 1767)* 27. Idaea filicata (Hübner, [1799])* Materials. 2♂♂, 3♀♀, Kavakbaşı-Koyunlu, 1610 Materials. 1♀, Alatoprak, 1190 m, 17.v.2010. m, 22.vii.2011; 1♂, Çaygeçit 4 km NE, 1150m, 28. Idaea ochrata (Scopoli, 1763)* 14.viii. 2011. Materials. 2♂♂, Çaygeçit, 1260 m, 21.vii.2011. 46. Rhodostrophia discopunctata Amsel, 1935 29.Idaea troglodytaria (Herrich-Schäffer, Materials. 2♂♂, 1♀, Kaşak, 1800 m, 26.vii.2011.

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