FAMILY Platytroctidae Koefoed, 1927 - Tubeshoulders [=Platytroctides, Platytroctides, Searsidae, Mirorictinae, Barbantini] Notes: Platytroctidés Roule, 1916:12 [Ref

FAMILY Platytroctidae Koefoed, 1927 - Tubeshoulders [=Platytroctides, Platytroctides, Searsidae, Mirorictinae, Barbantini] Notes: Platytroctidés Roule, 1916:12 [Ref

FAMILY Platytroctidae Koefoed, 1927 - tubeshoulders [=Platytroctides, Platytroctides, Searsidae, Mirorictinae, Barbantini] Notes: Platytroctidés Roule, 1916:12 [ref. 3818] (family) Platytroctes [published not in latinized form after 1899, not available] Platytroctidés Roule, 1919:14 [ref. 19805] (family) Platytroctes [published not in latinized form after 1899, not available] Platytroctidae Koefoed, 1927:58 [ref. 2650] (family) Platytroctes [family name sometimes seen as Platyproctidae or Platytrochtidae; see also Sazonov 1980 [ref. 20577]] Searsidae Parr, 1951:3, 15 [ref. 3380] (family) Searsia [corrected to Searsiidae by Lindberg 1971:66 [ref. 27211], confirmed by Kreft in Hureau & Monod 1973:95 [ref. 6590] and by Nelson 1976:107 [ref. 32838]] Mirorictinae Parr, 1951:15 [ref. 3380] (subfamily) Mirorictus Barbantini Sazonov, 1986:89 [ref. 6003] (tribe) Barbantus GENUS Barbantus Parr, 1951 - searsids [=Barbantus Parr [A. E.], 1951:18] Notes: [ref. 3380]. Masc. Bathytroctes curvifrons Roule & Angel, 1931. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Barbantus Parr, 1951 -- (Krefft 1973:95 [ref. 7166], Quéro et al. in Whitehead et al. 1984:258 [ref. 13675], Sazonov 1986 [ref. 6003], Matsui & Rosenblatt 1987:106 [ref. 10670], Sazonov 1992:5 [ref. 21036], Sazanov 1999:1895 [ref. 24740], Carter & Hartel 2003:879 [ref. 27000]). Current status: Valid as Barbantus Parr, 1951. Platytroctidae. Species Barbantus curvifrons (Roule & Angel, 1931) - palebelly searsid [=Bathytroctes curvifrons Roule [L.] & Angel [F.], 1931:6] Notes: [Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique (Monaco) No. 581; ref. 3825] West of Gulf of Gascony, North Atlantic, 46°N, 10°W, station 3318, depth 0-4500 meters. Current status: Valid as Barbantus curvifrons (Roule & Angel, 1931). Platytroctidae. Distribution: Cosmopolitan, except Polar waters. Habitat: marine. Species Barbantus elongatus Krefft, 1970 - elongate searsid (author) [=Barbantus elongatus Krefft [G.], 1970:22, Fig. 1-4] Notes: [Archiv für Fischereiwissenschaft v. 21 (no. 1); ref. 7757] Central Atlantic, 3°00'S, 20°16'W, depth about 2000 meters. Current status: Valid as Barbantus elongatus Krefft, 1970. Platytroctidae. Distribution: Eastern and central Atlantic. Habitat: marine. GENUS Holtbyrnia Parr, 1937 - searsids [=Holtbyrnia Parr [A. E.], 1937:6, Paraholtbyrnia Krefft [G.], 1967:1] Notes: [ref. 3376]. Fem. Bathytroctes innesi Fowler, 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Holtbyrnia Parr, 1937 – (Krefft 1973:96 [ref. 7166], Quéro et al. in Whitehead et al. 1984:259 [ref. 13675], Matsui & Rosenblatt 1986:222 [ref. 5688], Sazonov 1986 [ref. 6003], Matsui & Rosenblatt 1987:54 [ref. 10670], Paxton et al. 1989:212 [ref. 12442], Sazanov 1999:1895 [ref. 24740], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:159 [ref. 25968], Carter & Hartel 2003:880 [ref. 27000], Paxton et al. 2006:381 [ref. 28995], Williams & Sazonov 2008:208 [ref. 30623]). Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia Parr, 1937. Platytroctidae. (Paraholtbyrnia) [ref. 2687]. Fem. Paraholtbyrnia cyanocephala Krefft, 1967. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Holtbyrnia Parr, 1937 -- (Sazonov 1986 [ref. 6003], Sazanov 1999:1894 [ref. 24740]). •Valid as Paraholtbyrnia Krefft, 1967 -- (Matsui & Rosenblatt 1987:52 [ref. 10670]). Current status: Synonym of Holtbyrnia Parr, 1937. Platytroctidae. Species Holtbyrnia anomala Krefft, 1980 - bighead searsid [=Holtbyrnia anomala Krefft [G.], 1980:55, Fig. 1] Notes: [Archiv für Fischereiwissenschaft v. 31 (no. 2); ref. 8703] Greenland Norwegian Zone, 61°21'N, 32°20'W, Walther Herwig station 682/73, depth 700-1000 meters. Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia anomala Krefft, 1980. Platytroctidae. Distribution: Atlantic. Habitat: marine. Species Holtbyrnia conocephala Sazonov, 1976 - Sazonov's searsid (author) [=Holtbyrnia conocephala Sazonov [Yu. I.], 1976:18] Notes: [Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Imeni P.P. Shirshova v. 104; ref. 8553] Western Pacific, 7°49'S, 120°10"E, depth 0-1500 meters over 4700 meters. Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia conocephala Sazonov, 1976. Platytroctidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Holtbyrnia cyanocephala (Krefft, 1967) - Krefft's searsid (author) [=Paraholtbyrnia cyanocephala Krefft [G.], 1967:2, Fig. 1] Notes: [Archiv für Fischereiwissenschaft v. 18 (no. 1); ref. 2687] South of Canary Islands, central Atlantic, 23°50'N, 20°08'W, depth 500-220 meters. Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia cyanocephala (Krefft, 1967). Platytroctidae. Distribution: Cosmopolitan. Habitat: marine. Species Holtbyrnia innesi (Fowler, 1934) - teardrop tubeshoulder [=Bathytroctes innesi Fowler [H. W.], 1934:252, Fig. 14, Holtbyrnia kulikovi Sazonov [Yu. I.], 1976:19, Searsia polycoeca Parr [A. E.], 1937:19, Fig. 5] Notes: [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 85 (for 1933); ref. 1416] Western North Atlantic [Heezen Plateau], 38°29'30"N, 70°54'30"W, Albatross station 2715, depth 1753 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia innesi (Fowler, 1934). Platytroctidae. Distribution: Atlantic; North Pacific including Hawaiian Ridge; eastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. (kulikovi) [Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Imeni P.P. Shirshova v. 104; ref. 8553] Bering Sea, 58°15'N, 175°20'W, depth 0-570 meters. Current status: Synonym of Holtbyrnia innesi (Fowler, 1934). Platytroctidae. Habitat: marine. (polycoeca) [Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University v. 3 (art. 7); ref. 3376] Near Bermuda, 32°24'15"N, 64°29'00"W, 10000 feet wire out. Current status: Synonym of Holtbyrnia innesi (Fowler, 1934). Platytroctidae. Habitat: marine. Species Holtbyrnia intermedia (Sazonov, 1976) - intermedea searsid (author) [=Sagamichthys intermedius Sazonov [Yu. I.], 1976:15, Fig. 2] Notes: [Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Imeni P.P. Shirshova v. 104; ref. 8553] Eastern Pacific, 17°46'S, 71°45'W, depth 0-720 meters. Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia intermedia (Sazonov, 1976). Platytroctidae. Distribution: Southeastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Holtbyrnia laticauda Sazonov, 1976 - tusked tubeshoulder [=Holtbyrnia laticauda Sazonov [Yu. I.], 1976:17] Notes: [Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Imeni P.P. Shirshova v. 104; ref. 8553] Tasman Sea, southern Pacific, 34°58'S, 168°33'E, depth 0-1300 meters. Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia laticauda Sazonov, 1976. Platytroctidae. Distribution: Southern Hemisphere: Africa to southern Australia. Habitat: marine. Species Holtbyrnia latifrons Sazonov, 1976 - streaklight tubeshoulder [=Holtbyrnia latifrons Sazonov [Yu. I.], 1976:20, Fig. 3] Notes: [Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Imeni P.P. Shirshova v. 104; ref. 8553] Eastern Pacific, 5°59'S, 84°59'W, depth 800-900 meters, over 4000 meters. Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia latifrons Sazonov, 1976. Platytroctidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Holtbyrnia macrops Maul, 1957 - bigeye searsid [=Holtbyrnia macrops Maul [G. E.], 1957:11, Figs. 1c, 2-3, Holtbyrnia (Krefftia) problematica Parr [A. E.], 1960:79, Figs. 52c-d, 54-55] Notes: [Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal No. 10 (art. 25); ref. 12154] Off Madeira (stomach content). Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia macrops Maul, 1957. Platytroctidae. Distribution: North Atlantic. Habitat: marine. (problematica) [Dana Report No. 51; ref. 3384] Rosengarten area, southeast of Iceland, depth 460 meters. Current status: Synonym of Holtbyrnia macrops Maul, 1957. Platytroctidae. Habitat: marine. Species Holtbyrnia melanocephala (Vaillant, 1888) - Vaillant's tubeshoulder (author) [=Bathytroctes melanocephalus Vaillant [L. L.], 1888:155, Pl. 11 (figs. 3-3b)] Notes: [Expéditions scientifiques du "Travailleur" et du "Talisman"; ref. 4496] Middle E. Atlantic, off Morocco, Soudan, Banc d'Arguin, depth 1435-2500 meters. Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia melanocephala (Vaillant, 1888). Platytroctidae. Distribution: Banc d'Arguin, Eastern Atlantic. Habitat: marine. Species Holtbyrnia ophiocephala Sazonov & Golovan, 1976 - ophiocephala tubeshoulder (author) [=Holtbyrnia ophiocephala Sazonov [Yu. I.] & Golovan [G. A.], 1976:8, Fig. 1] Notes: [Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Imeni P.P. Shirshova v. 104; ref. 8552] Northeastern Atlantic, 9°04'N, 17°36'W, depth 980 meters. Current status: Valid as Holtbyrnia ophiocephala Sazonov & Golovan, 1976. Platytroctidae. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic. Habitat: marine. GENUS Matsuichthys Sazonov, 1992 - tubeshoulders [=Matsuichthys Sazonov [Yu. I.], 1992:3] Notes: [ref. 21036]. Masc. Barbantus aequipinnis Matsui & Rosenblatt, 1987. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Matsuichthys Sazonov, 1992 -- (Sazanov 1999:1895 [ref. 24740]). Current status: Valid as Matsuichthys Sazonov, 1992. Platytroctidae. Species Matsuichthys aequipinnis (Matsui & Rosenblatt, 1987) - Sulu tubeshoulder (author) [=Barbantus aequipinnis Matsui [T.] & Rosenblatt [R. H.], 1987:111, Fig. 28b] Notes: [Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California v. 26; ref. 10670] Sulu Sea, western Pacific, 7°54'N, 121°30'E, 8000 meters wire out. Current status: Valid as Matsuichthys aequipinnis (Matsui & Rosenblatt, 1987). Platytroctidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine. GENUS Maulisia Parr, 1960 - tubeshoulders [=Maulisia Parr [A. E.], 1960:81, Aphanichthys (subgenus of Maulisia) Matsui [T.] & Rosenblatt [R. H.], 1987:93] Notes: [ref. 3384]. Fem. Maulisia mauli Parr, 1960. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Maulisia Parr, 1960 -- (Krefft 1973:96 [ref. 7166], Matsui & Rosenblatt 1979 [ref. 7024], Quéro

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