LOCAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE EDITION DECEMBER 2013 Cultural Holidays Great Debaters Steam Train TASTYTASTY TIDINGSTIDINGS Pecan-studded shrimp floating on sea of greens gets grand prize PagePage 3434 BestBest AppetizerMainAppetizerMain Dish,Dish, and and SideSide DessertDessert Dish,Dish, $5,000SPONSOREDSPONSORED HOLIDAY BYBY TEXAS TEXASRECIPE PECANPECAN CONTEST BOARDBOARD Introducing Kubota’s RTV X Series – the next generation of North America’s top-selling diesel utility vehicle for 10 years running. Rugged, truck-inspired styling. Powerful Kubota diesel engines. New best-in-class “extra duty” independent rear suspension. Plus more hardworking options and attachments than ever before. See your authorized Kubota dealer to learn more. ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2013 December Since 1944 2013 FAVORITES 33 Texas History Jane Long’s Christmas By Martha Deeringer 34 Recipes Holiday Recipe Contest 39 Focus on Texas Homemade 40 Around Texas List of Local Events 42 Hit the Road Steam Train By Kevin Hargis ONLINE TexasCoopPower.com Texas USA Governor’s Mansion Restored FEATURES By Jeff Joiner Observations How We Make Our Spirits Bright Around the state, The Book of Books Texans cling to rooted traditions, sacred and secular, to By Suzanne Haberman celebrate the holidays By Camille Wheeler 8 Wiley’s Sages Debate team from historically black college challenged segregated America By E.R. Bills 16 Around Texas: Check out the many holiday happenings decking towns all around the state. 40 42 16 34 39 COVER PHOTO Peggy Dickerson’s fabulous shrimp dish is the grand prizewinner in the 2013 Holiday Recipe Contest. By Rick Patrick TEXAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Darryl Schriver, Chair, Merkel; Jerry B. Boze, Vice Chair, Kaufman; David Marricle, Secretary-Treasurer, Muleshoe; Debra A. Cole, Itasca; Kyle J. Kuntz, Livingston; Robert A. Loth III, Fredericksburg; Mark Rollans, Hondo PRESIDENT/CEO: Mike Williams, Austin COMMUNICATIONS & MEMBER SERVICES COMMITTEE: Kelly Lankford, San Angelo; Bryan Lightfoot, Bartlett; Billy Marricle, Bellville; Stan McClendon, Wellington; Blaine Warzecha, Victoria; Jerry Williams, Paris; Kathy Wood, Marshall COMMUNICATIONS STAFF: Martin Bevins, Vice President, Communications & Member Services; Jeff Joiner, Editor; Tom Widlowski, Associate Editor; Suzi Sands, Art Director; Karen Nejtek, Production Manager; Grace Arsiaga, Print Production Specialist; Ashley Clary-Carpenter, Field Editor; Andy Doughty, Production Designer/Web Content Manager; Sandra Forston, Communications Assistant; Suzanne Haberman, Staff Writer; Kevin Hargis, Copy Editor; Ellen Stader, Proofreader ORNAMENTS: KLIKK | BIGSTOCK.COM TexasCoopPower.com December 2013 Texas Co-op Power 3 Land Clearing Attachments Special Tree & Brush Cutting Attachments Dougherty Forestry Manufacturing TR3200 with Grapple $5,600 msrp. 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