TOGETHER Magazine 2018 0 Contents Intro HUMAN & MACHINE CONTENTS 1 04 PAGE HUMAN & DYNAMICS & 1 MACHINE 4 METALL p. 04 When partnership p. 20 In the fast-paced sport of begins with technology wheelchair basketball, in your own body. no balls end up in the TEAM SPIRIT basket without a special measure of team spirit. MY PARTNER, 2 THE ROBOT 08 DIVERSE & p. 07 Industrial and service 5 LIMITLESS PAGE robots are increasingly part of our lives: an p. 24 Explore this surprising infographic. partnership potpourri. TEAM SPIRIT TUBE 2 6 CONVEYANCE Partnerships at p. 08 TÜV SÜD – as diverse p. 26 Together on the way to as the company itself. the fastest tubes in the world: the Hyperloop vision. MIND & MAGIC 3 Living and researching SECURITY p. 18 together – is it possible? 7 NETWORK DYNAMICS & METALL TUBE CONVEYANCE Two married scientists describe their relation- p. 28 A strong initiative: more ship … security in cyberspace 4 6 through the Charter of Trust. 20 26 MIND & MAGIC PAGE PAGE 3 VIDEO TEASER/ IMPRINT 18 PAGE p. 31 Team spirit moves mountains: experience this directly in our TÜV SÜD videos. 02 “The Next Level. Together.” Under this slogan, TÜV SÜD is setting the strategic course for further development of the company. In a highly complex world, “together” has a special meaning: Only together, within TÜV SÜD’s global net- work of experts and in close cooperation with researchers, scientists, and high- tech companies, can current and future challenges be mastered using new tech- nologies. This magazine is dedicated to the idea of partnership in all its diversity. Here at TÜV SÜD we are adamant that we want to work jointly and bring together know- how, experience, and good ideas – and that we will nevertheless avoid compro- mise when it comes to issues of techni- cal safety. That is TÜV SÜD’s promise. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 03 Magazine 2018 1 Human & machine Report HUMAN &04 MORE ABOUT THIS SPECIAL HUMAN-MACHINE PARTNERSHIP www.annualreport.tuv-sud. com/2018/deeplink eil Harbisson arrives on time to our meeting on an afternoon in Barce- lona. He didn’t need to travel far from the district in which he resides, El Raval. From some distance, I can already spot him standing in the middle of the Ramblas at metro station Liceu – and not just because This young man stands of his blond hair and bright blue quilted windbreaker. The thin, flexible antenna out. Neil Harbisson had which seems to grow out of the back of a new sense designed his head takes me by surprise for a moment. Harbisson is conspicuous, but for him – and everyone he doesn’t really want that. The 34-year- can see it. Harbisson old Briton rather sees himself on a mis- sion to achieve general awareness of entered into an unusual cyborgs and the recognition of artificially partnership between designed senses in humans. his body and digital On a brief tour of the city in the direction technology. We met this of Plaça de Catalunya, Harbisson begins to explain how he became what he is cyborg in his adopted today: a human-machine hybrid and home of Catalonia. avant-garde artist who is the living embodiment of a very special direct part- nership between humans and technology. “I’ve been color- blind since birth. I never perceived that as a handicap, but as a child I was curious about the colors that surrounded me. In 2004 I had an antenna implanted in my head that allows me to transform the colors of the surroundings into audio tones. I can therefore hear col- ors, like the red and green of the flowers at the shop over there.” His antenna picks up the light waves of the colors and sends them to his skull bone as vibrations. The vibrations are transformed into internal sounds, so that Harbisson hears different notes for differ- ent colors. In order to be able to visualize the sounds for himself, he memorized a color for each pitch before the device was implanted. “By the way, the red of the flower sounded very deep to me just now. 05 Magazine 2018 1 Human & machine Report This union between my body and technol- ogy has worked very well for more than 15 years now. The antenna is therefore no longer a device for me, but an organ.” Once we arrive at Plaça de Catalunya, Harbisson says he has to get something. Without hesitation, he heads in the direc- tion of the famous El Corte Inglés depart- ment store directly on the square, and I quickly understand why. A smile is on his face as we enter the basement with its fashion and perfume articles in all colors. “I like coming here. For me, it’s what vis- iting a nightclub is like for other people. A lot of exciting soundscapes.” Harbisson In addition to his commitment to the dives into this spectrum of sound and recognition of cyborgs, Harbisson sees NEIL HARBISSON almost forgets about his purchase, but he himself above all as an artist, with his Born never gets to the point of sensory over- body as his primary work. He also creates July 27, 1984, in Belfast, Northern Ireland load. He’s long since gotten used to get- his own works of art, for example by ting all this information translating the Grew up in Catalonia that the antenna trans- music of famous Occupation mits – day and night, »The union between my songs into “color Cyborg activist and whether he’s standing in body and technology has scores.” avant-garde artist the shower or sleeping. He tells us that What sets him apart worked very well for more – Color-blind from birth CYBORG AS A his next project – Since 2004, the first person LIFESTYLE than 15 years now. The will again focus worldwide to have an We want to continue our on his own body. antenna in his skull with antenna is therefore no which colors can be heard conversation in a bar. He wants to have – Since 2004, official recog- Harbisson leads me to longer a device for me, another artificial nition by the British gov- ernment as the first cyborg. the cozy restaurant of but an organ.« organ implanted, L’Ovella Negra Ramblas with which he in the historic district of Neil Harbisson, will be able to feel El Raval very close by. Over Cyborg activist & avant-garde artist time. Now there a glass of wine and some is time for that in tapas, he explains that for him it is about reality, because a developer meeting is much more than just his own cyborg exis- planned for today. Harbisson smiles as he tence. He wants to encourage more people says goodbye: “That’s the good thing to adopt this lifestyle. “That’s why I co- about being a cyborg. In contrast to my founded the Cyborg Foundation and the traditional senses, my new senses can Transpecies Society, which are to encour- get better and better with age, because age more people to become cyborgs. technology is constantly evolving.” While What I care about is a close partnership lost in thought as I watch him leave, I ask not only between humans and technology myself: Is this what humans of the future but also with other like-minded people.” will look like? “Amy Winehouse – Rehab” as a work of art: Harbisson “hears” the hit with his antenna in this way. 06 Robots have become an indis- pensable part of our MY PARTNER, everyday lives. People and machines have to learn to THE ROBOT work as a team. SERVICE ROBOTS TOP FIVE MARKETS LOGISTICS ROBOTS In logistics, the use MEASURED of driverless trans- IN SALES port vehicles is on the VOLUME rise. They have become an integral part of fully automated logistics systems. South Korea Japan 40,000 38,000 MEDICAL ROBOTS The most important applica- tions are robot-assisted sur- gery or therapy and rehabilita- tion robots. The latter specifi- cally support people with dis- abilities. China USA Germany 138,000 33,000 22,000 FIELD ROBOTS In addition to their use in the area of milking, robots are also getting more popular in INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS cultivation of land. Agricul- tural robots for planting crops, killing weeds, and harvesting INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS – DENSITY are gaining wider use. PER 10,000 EMPLOYEES PRIVATE ROBOTS 85 Worldwide In the private sector, more and Europe 106 more people are reluctant to 91 America be without their service robot anymore, whether in the Asia 75 household, for education and training, or for entertainment. MAJOR SECTORS TRENDS & DEVELOPMENTS Automobile industry INDUSTRY 33 % 4.0 Metal industry HOUSEHOLD Machines are lighten- ing the workload for Current designs employees more and more. 10 % show that future house- People are being trans- hold robots are already WHAT GERMAN formed from workers into becoming significantly problem solvers, deci- EMPLOYEES THINK more complex and sion makers, and efficient. ABOUT ROBOTS innovators. TRANSPORT 32 % ROBOTS Electrical industry 62 % 78 % 70 % In the hospital sector, it see artificial intelli- assume that digital see robotics and will be transport robots gence as a technology helpers cannot automation also as that increasingly take up that turns machines replace human social an opportunity to learn the slack in nursing into better assistants skills. to do work requiring services in the in the workplace. more advanced quali- future. fications. 07 Magazine 2018 2 Team spirit Photo collection What does “together” actually mean to a company with more than 24,000 employees and approximately 1,000 locations around the world? We took a very close look and focused on the people who work for TÜV SÜD.
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