® Serving the Hampton Roads Navy Family Vol. 18, No. 22, Norfolk, VA FLAGSHIPNEWS.COM June 3, 2010 Gates addresses troops on A seven man visit, board, search and seizure team ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal from USS Elrod (FFG 55) conducts a consensual BY JIM been in effect since 1994. boarding on a ridged hull GARAMONE “Key to successful repeal will infl atable boat to verify American the vessel’s registration be the ongoing Defense Depart- Forces Press ment review, and as such, I am and country of origin, May Service 25. Elrod encountered grateful that the amendments the three suspected WASH- … will ensure that the Depart- drug smugglers off the INGTON ment of Defense can complete coast of Morocco in — Defense that comprehensive review international waters in the Secretary that will allow our military and Western Mediterranean Defense Secretary Robert M. Robert M. Gates their families the opportunity Sea while conducting Gates told to inform and shape the imple- routine operations in the U.S. Sixth Fleet area of troops worldwide, May 28, that mentation process,” he said in a operations. any repeal of the so-called “Don’t written statement released by the Ask, Don’t Tell” law will be de- White House May 27. U.S. Navy photo layed until the ongoing Defense Obama said being the com- Department high-level review is mander in chief is his greatest USS Elrod encounters suspected completed and only after he, the honor. “This legislation will help president and the chairman of the make our armed forces even Joint Chiefs of Staff all can certi- stronger and more inclusive by drug smugglers in Mediterranean fy that the department is ready to allowing gay and lesbian soldiers PRESS RELEASE make the change without hurting to serve honestly and with integ- Commander, U.S. Naval Forces individuals discarding multiple vessel’s registration and coun- unit cohesion, military readiness, rity,” he said. Europe-Commander, U.S. Naval packages into the sea from their try of origin. Upon discovering military effectiveness and re- Any change in the law will take Forces Africa Public Affairs ridged hull infl atable boat (RHIB). the suspected smugglers were cruiting and retention. time, Gates said in his recorded The helicopter relayed the in- from Morocco, the ship notifi ed Gates recorded a special mes- message. “The legislative pro- NAPLES, Italy — USS Elrod formation to Elrod, which then Moroccan authorities and loi- sage that will be broadcasted on cess is long and complex,” he (FFG 55) encountered three sus- altered course and attempted to es- tered nearby until a transfer of the American Forces Radio and said. “While it appears likely that pected drug smugglers off the tablish radio communication with the suspected smugglers could Television Service and the Pen- Congress will eventually change coast of Morocco in international the unknown RHIB. Upon arrival, be facilitated. Elrod has since tagon Channel to speak directly the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ law, we waters in the Western Mediterra- a search and rescue swimmer was coordinated with Moroccan au- to service members and their do not expect the legislation that nean Sea, May 25, while conducting deployed and recovered several thorities who apprehended the families about the moves toward would do this to be presented routine operations in the U.S. Sixth packages, two of which tested posi- suspected drug smugglers. repeal of the law that bars gay to the president for months – Fleet area of operations. tive for narcotics. Elrod, an Oliver Hazard Perry- men and lesbians from serving perhaps not until the end of the At approximately 8 p.m., while A seven man visit, board, class Frigate homeported out of openly in the military. year.” conducting a surface search mis- search, and seizure (VBSS) team Norfolk, is on a regularly sched- “There’s been a lot of politi- The amendment is the result sion, a SH-60B Seahawk helicopter conducted a consensual board- uled deployment in the U.S. Sixth cal posturing and maneuvering of a compromise worked out be- assigned to Elrod spotted three ing on the RHIB to verify the Fleet area of operations. on this issue and the secretary tween the administration and wanted to communicate directly Congress. It allows the military to the troops about what this all to revoke the “Don’t Ask, Don’t MEMORIAL DAY 2010 means to them,” Pentagon Press Tell” provisions 60 days after a said Secretary Geoff Morrell. military study group chaired by “He wanted to make it clear that Jeh C. Johnson, the Defense De- the department’s review of how partment’s general counsel, and Thousands of to smartly implement a change Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, com- motorcyclists gather in the law is more important than mander of U.S. Army Europe, in the north parking ever and their participation in it presents its report in Decem- lot of the Pentagon is absolutely critical to its suc- ber. in Washington, D.C. cess.” The legislation is a deferred re- for the annual Rolling Thunder Memorial Day The House of Representatives peal, Gates stressed. “It would weekend ride, May passed an amendment to the Na- repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ but 30. The event aims to tional Defense Authorization Bill, only after – I repeat, after – the raise awareness for May 27, that would allow gay men ongoing Department of Defense the needs of veterans, and lesbians to serve openly. The high-level review is completed, prisoners of war and Senate Armed Services Commit- and only after the president, the those still missing in tee passed a similar amendment. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of action. President Barack Obama said Staff and I all can certify that we he is pleased with the congressio- are ready to make this change See A4 for more coverage on this nal actions. He has long favored event. repealing the law, in which has See REPEAL A11 Photo by Fred W. Baker III Rear Adm. Mark S. Boensel, Commander Navy Region Mid Atlantic, speaks at a reenlistment ceremony at the World Trade Center site during the 23rd annual Fleet Week New York, May 27. Approximately 3,000 Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen are participated in the 23rd Fleet Week New York, which took place May 26 - June 2. Fleet Week has been New York City’s celebration of the sea services since 1984. It is an unparalleled opportunity for citizens of New York and the surrounding tri- state area to meet Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, as well as see, fi rst- hand, the latest capabilities of today’s maritime services. Photo by MCSN Scott Pittman Sailors renew their commitment to country at World Trade Center site BY MC1 (SW/AW) W. B. SWOBODA Sailors from various commands The 20 Sailors reenlisting and “Being a HM, I was touched to today’s maritime services. Navy Public Affairs Support participating in Fleet Week were six offi cers receiving their pro- reenlist at the World Trade Cen- Approximately 3,000 Sailors, Element, East reenlisted by Commander, Navy motion had family and friends on ter site.” Marines and Coast Guardsmen NEW YORK — A promotion Region Mid-Atlantic, Rear Adm. hand to witness this special time Fleet Week New York is an are participated in the 23rd com- and reenlistment ceremony was Mark S. Boensel. in their careers. annual celebration of the sea memoration of Fleet Week New held at the World Trade Center “It’s a privilege to be here at the “Reenlisting for the fi rst time; services that began in 1984. It York. (WTC) site for Sailors of all ranks World Trade Center,” said Boen- at this site, is a reaffi rmation of provides an opportunity for the For more news from Command- participating in Fleet Week New sel. “It is an honor to do this today my commitment to my country, citizens of New York City and er Navy Region Mid Atlantic, visit York 2010, May 27. and of all places this site which is family and friends,” said Hospital the surrounding tri-state area to www.navy.mil/local/cnrma. During the ceremony, six com- now synonymous in America, to Corpsman 3rd Class Lashaun- meet Sailors, Marines and Coast missioned offi cers received a have Sailors agree to renew the da Guy, of Cleveland, stationed Guardsmen, as well as see, fi rst- See A8 for more coverage from promotion and more than a dozen commitment to the nation.” aboard USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7). hand, the latest capabilities of FLEET WEEK NEW YORK 2010 INSIDE: FLEET WEEK NEW YORK A8 FRONT AND CENTER B1 OFF DUTY C1 USO hosts ‘A Swingin NCAA football coaches Scion hosts ‘Battle of Salute to Our Troops’ visit USS Eisenhower the Builds’ for military Sailors, Marines and Coast Four Division I football coaches Unique car customization Guardsmen danced the night visited Sailors as part of USO- challenge strictly for active away with Paris Hilton. sponsored 2010 Coaches Tour. duty military personnel. NNMC promotes safety during Commander Navy Region ‘101 Critical Days of Summer’ Mid-Atlantic is: Rear Adm. Mark S. Boensel BY MCSN assessment offi cer for many hours behind the The Flagship® is produced by ALEXANDRA SNOW NNMC’s Security depart- wheel – the average dis- Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic National Naval Medical Center staff. The editorial content of this newspaper ment. While people are out tance for a summer trip is Public Affairs and any supplement is prepared, edited driving more, they are also usually about 250 miles and and provided by the public affairs offi ce of Commander Navy Region Mid- Atlantic.
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