16378 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 56 / Monday, March 23, 2020 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR responsibilities under NAGPRA, 25 Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, U.S.C. 3003(d)(3). The determinations in based on geography and oral tradition. National Park Service this notice are the sole responsibility of Additional Requestors and Disposition [NPS–WASO–NAGPRA–NPS0029883; the museum, institution, or Federal PPWOCRADN0–PCU00RP14.R50000] agency that has control of the Native Representatives of any Indian Tribe or American human remains and Native Hawaiian organization not Notice of Inventory Completion: Baylor associated funerary objects. The identified in this notice that wish to University’s Mayborn Museum National Park Service is not responsible request transfer of control of these Complex, (Formerly Baylor for the determinations in this notice. human remains and associated funerary University’s Strecker Museum; This notice corrects the cultural object should submit a written request formerly Baylor University Museum), affiliation published in a Notice of with information in support of the Waco, TX; Correction Inventory Completion in the Federal request to Anita L. Benedict, Baylor University’s Mayborn Museum AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior. Register (84 FR 7115–7116, March 1, 2019). An offer of disposition, which Complex, One Bear Place #97154, Waco, ACTION: Notice. was followed by phone calls, emails, TX 76798–7154, telephone (254) 710– 4835, email [email protected], SUMMARY: The Baylor University’s and brief in-person conversations, was by April 22, 2020. After that date, if no Mayborn Museum Complex (formerly extended to the Apache Tribe of additional requestors have come Baylor University’s Strecker Museum; Oklahoma; Fort McDowell Yavapai forward, transfer of control of the formerly Baylor University Museum) Nation, Arizona; Fort Sill Apache Tribe human remains and associated funerary has corrected an inventory of human of Oklahoma; Mescalero Apache Tribe object to the Tonkawa Tribe of Indians remains and associated funerary objects, of the Mescalero Reservation, New published in a Notice of Inventory Mexico; San Carlos Apache Tribe of the of Oklahoma may proceed. The Baylor University’s Mayborn Completion in the Federal Register on San Carlos Reservation, Arizona; Tonto Museum Complex is responsible for March 1, 2019. This notice corrects the Apache Tribe of Arizona; White notifying The Consulted Tribes and The cultural affiliation. Lineal descendants Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Tribes Whose Aboriginal Territory or representatives of any Indian Tribe or Apache Reservation, Arizona; and the includes Reeves County, TX, that this Native Hawaiian organization not Yavapai-Apache Nation of the Camp notice has been published. identified in this notice that wish to Verde Indian Reservation, Arizona, request transfer of control of these hereby referred to as ‘‘The Tribes Whose Dated: February 19, 2020. human remains and associated funerary Aboriginal Territory includes Reeves Melanie O’Brien, objects should submit a written request County, TX’’, in compliance with 43 Manager, National NAGPRA Program. to Baylor University’s Mayborn Museum CFR 10.11 before a relationship of [FR Doc. 2020–06034 Filed 3–20–20; 8:45 am] Complex. If no additional requestors shared group identity could be BILLING CODE 4312–52–P come forward, transfer of control of the established. Transfer of control of the human remains and associated funerary items in this correction notice has not objects to the Indian Tribes or Native occurred. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed. Correction National Park Service DATES: Lineal descendants or In the Federal Register (84 FR 7116, [NPS–WASO–NAGPRA–NPS0029870; representatives of any Indian Tribe or March 1, 2019), column 2, paragraph 1 PPWOCRADN0–PCU00RP14.R50000] Native Hawaiian organization not under the heading ‘‘Determinations identified in this notice that wish to Made by Baylor University’s Mayborn Notice of Inventory Completion: Office request transfer of control of these Museum Complex’’ is corrected by of the State Archaeologist, University human remains and associated funerary replacing the paragraph with the of Iowa, Iowa City, IA objects should submit a written request following paragraph: AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior. with information in support of the Officials of Baylor University’s ACTION: Notice. request to Baylor University’s Mayborn Mayborn Museum Complex have Museum Complex at the address in this determined that: SUMMARY: The Office of the State notice by April 22, 2020. • Pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001(9), the Archaeologist Bioarchaeology Program, ADDRESSES: Anita L. Benedict, Baylor human remains described in this notice previously listed as the Office of the University’s Mayborn Museum are Native American, based on the State Archaeologist Burials Program, has Complex, One Bear Place #97154, Waco, preservation, associated funerary object, completed an inventory of human TX 76798–7154, telephone (254) 710– and museum documentation. remains, in consultation with the 4835, email [email protected]. • Pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001(9), the appropriate Indian Tribes or Native SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is human remains described in this notice Hawaiian organizations, and has here given in accordance with the represent the physical remains of one determined that there is no cultural Native American Graves Protection and individual of Native American ancestry. affiliation between the human remains Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 25 U.S.C. • Pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001(3)(A), and any present-day Indian Tribes or 3003, of the correction of an inventory the one object described in this notice Native Hawaiian organizations. of human remains and associated are reasonably believed to have been Representatives of any Indian Tribe or funerary objects under the control of placed with or near individual human Native Hawaiian organization not Baylor University’s Mayborn Museum remains at the time of death or later as identified in this notice that wish to Complex, Waco, TX. The human part of the death rite or ceremony. request transfer of control of these remains and associated funerary object • Pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001(2), a human remains should submit a written were removed from a dry cave 25 miles relationship of shared group identity request to the Office of the State northwest of Toyah, Reeves County, TX. can be reasonably traced between the Archaeologist Bioarchaeology Program. This notice is published as part of the Native American human remains and If no additional requestors come National Park Service’s administrative associated funerary object and the forward, transfer of control of the VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:26 Mar 20, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\23MRN1.SGM 23MRN1 jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 56 / Monday, March 23, 2020 / Notices 16379 human remains to the Indian Tribes or deaccessioned and transferred to the human remains should submit a written Native Hawaiian organizations stated in Iowa State University Archaeological request with information in support of this notice may proceed. Laboratory (ISUAL). The transferred the request to Dr. Lara Noldner, Office DATES: Representatives of any Indian human remains were given accession of the State Archaeologist Tribe or Native Hawaiian organization numbers 8–1 to 8–12, 8–14, 8–16 to 8– Bioarchaeology Program, University of not identified in this notice that wish to 18, 8–20, 8–22 to 8–44, 8–46 to 8–51, 8– Iowa, 700 S Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA request transfer of control of these 57, 8–59 to 8–81, 8–83, 8–85, 8–87, 8– 52242, telephone (319) 384–0740, email human remains should submit a written 89 to 8–91, 8–93, 8–95 to 105, 8–107 to [email protected], by April 22, request with information in support of 8–114, 8–116 to 8–134, and 8–136. In 2020. After that date, if no additional the request to the Office of the State 1994, the ISUAL transferred the human requestors have come forward, transfer Archaeologist Bioarchaeology Program remains to the Office of the State of control of the human remains to The at the address in this notice by April 22, Archaeologist Bioarchaeology Program. Tribes may proceed. 2020. At least 25 adults, including two The Office of the State Archaeologist ADDRESSES: Dr. Lara Noldner, Office of possible males and five possible Bioarchaeology Program is responsible the State Archaeologist Bioarchaeology females, are represented by the human for notifying The Tribes that this notice Program, University of Iowa, 700 S remains. Additionally, long bones has been published. Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA 52242, representing 10 juveniles ranging in age Dated: February 18, 2020. telephone (319) 384–0740, email lara- from six months to 13.5 years are Melanie O’Brien, present (Burial Project 753). No known [email protected]. Manager, National NAGPRA Program. individuals were identified. No SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is associated funerary objects are present. [FR Doc. 2020–06036 Filed 3–20–20; 8:45 am] here given in accordance with the Belle Glade mound is the type site for BILLING CODE 4312–52–P Native American Graves Protection and the Belle Glade culture in Florida, Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 25 U.S.C. which may have spanned the period DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 3003, of the completion of an inventory from 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1700. Currently, of human remains under the control of the cultural affiliation of human National Park Service the Office of the State Archaeologist remains from Belle Glade sites cannot Bioarchaeology Program, Iowa City, IA. be determined. [NPS–WASO–NAGPRA–NPS0029888; The human remains were removed from PPWOCRADN0–PCU00RP14.R50000] Belle Glade Mound (8PB41) in Palm Determinations Made by the Office of Beach County, FL. the State Archaeologist Bioarchaeology Notice of Inventory Completion: Illinois This notice is published as part of the Program State Museum, Springfield, IL National Park Service’s administrative Officials of the Office of the State AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior.
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