August 3, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9675 The question was taken; and the Boehner Graves Pickering reprintings pursuant to clause 7 of rule Speaker pro tempore announced that Bonner Hall (TX) Pitts XII. Bono Hastert Platts the ayes appeared to have it. Boozman Hastings (WA) Poe The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, on that Boustany Heller Porter objection to the request of the gen- Brady (TX) Hensarling Price (GA) tleman from Connecticut? I demand the yeas and nays. Broun (GA) Herger Pryce (OH) There was no objection. The yeas and nays were ordered. Brown (SC) Hobson Putnam The vote was taken by electronic de- Brown-Waite, Hoekstra Radanovich f Ginny Hulshof Regula vice, and there were—yeas 228, nays Buchanan Hunter 1715 Rehberg b 196, not voting 8, as follows: Burgess Inglis (SC) Reichert Burton (IN) Issa AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL FUNDS [Roll No. 818] Renzi Buyer Jindal FOR EMERGENCY REPAIRS AND Reynolds YEAS—228 Calvert Johnson (IL) RECONSTRUCTION OF INTER- Camp (MI) Jones (NC) Rogers (AL) Abercrombie Green, Gene Napolitano Campbell (CA) Jordan Rogers (KY) STATE I–35 BRIDGE IN MIN- Ackerman Grijalva Neal (MA) Cannon Keller Rogers (MI) NEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Allen Gutierrez Oberstar Cantor King (IA) Rohrabacher Altmire Hall (NY) Obey Capito King (NY) Ros-Lehtinen Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I move Andrews Hare Olver Carter Kingston Roskam to suspend the rules and pass the bill Arcuri Harman Ortiz Castle Kirk Royce Baca Hastings (FL) Pallone (H.R. 3311) to authorize additional Chabot Kline (MN) Ryan (WI) Baird Herseth Sandlin Pascrell funds for emergency repairs and recon- Coble Knollenberg Sali Baldwin Higgins Pastor Cole (OK) Kuhl (NY) Saxton struction of the Interstate I–35 bridge Barrow Hill Payne Conaway LaHood Schmidt located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Bean Hinchey Perlmutter Cubin Lamborn Sensenbrenner Becerra Hinojosa Peterson (MN) that collapsed on August 1, 2007, to Culberson Latham Berkley Hirono Pomeroy Sessions Davis (KY) LaTourette waive the $100,000,000 limitation on Berman Hodes Price (NC) Shadegg Davis, David Lewis (CA) emergency relief funds for those emer- Berry Holden Rahall Shays Davis, Tom Lewis (KY) Bishop (GA) Holt Ramstad Shimkus gency repairs and reconstruction, and Deal (GA) Linder Bishop (NY) Honda Rangel Shuster for other purposes, as amended. Dent LoBiondo Blumenauer Hooley Reyes Simpson Diaz-Balart, L. Lucas The Clerk read the title of the bill. Boren Hoyer Rodriguez Smith (NE) Diaz-Balart, M. Lungren, Daniel The text of the bill is as follows: Boswell Inslee Ross Smith (NJ) Doolittle E. Boucher Israel Rothman Smith (TX) H.R. 3311 Drake Mack Boyd (FL) Jackson (IL) Roybal-Allard Souder Dreier Manzullo Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Boyda (KS) Jackson-Lee Ruppersberger Stearns Duncan Marchant resentatives of the United States of America in Brady (PA) (TX) Rush Sullivan Ehlers McCarthy (CA) Braley (IA) Jefferson Ryan (OH) Tancredo Congress assembled, Emerson McCaul (TX) Brown, Corrine Johnson (GA) Salazar Terry SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY RELIEF English (PA) McCotter Butterfield Johnson, E. B. Sa´ nchez, Linda Thornberry FUNDING. Everett McCrery Capps Jones (OH) T. Tiahrt Fallin McHenry (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Trans- Capuano Kagen Sanchez, Loretta Tiberi Feeney McHugh portation is authorized to carry out a project Cardoza Kanjorski Sarbanes Turner Ferguson McKeon for the repair and reconstruction of the Carnahan Kaptur Schakowsky Flake McMorris Upton Carney Kennedy Schiff Interstate I–35W bridge located in Min- Forbes Rodgers Walberg Carson Kildee Schwartz neapolis, Minnesota, that collapsed on Au- Fortenberry Mica Walden (OR) Castor Kilpatrick Scott (GA) gust 1, 2007. Fossella Miller (FL) Walsh (NY) Chandler Kind Scott (VA) (b) FEDERAL SHARE.—The Federal share of Foxx Miller (MI) Wamp Clay Klein (FL) Serrano Franks (AZ) Miller, Gary Waters the cost of the project carried out under this Cleaver Kucinich Sestak Frelinghuysen Moran (KS) Weldon (FL) section shall be 100 percent. Clyburn Lampson Shea-Porter Gallegly Murphy, Tim Weller (c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— Cohen Langevin Sherman Garrett (NJ) Musgrave Westmoreland Conyers Lantos Shuler There is authorized to be appropriated Gerlach Myrick Whitfield Cooper Larsen (WA) Sires $250,000,000 to carry out this section. Such Gilchrest Neugebauer Wicker Costa Larson (CT) Skelton sums shall remain available until expended. Gillmor Nunes Wilson (NM) Costello Lee Slaughter Gingrey Pearce Wilson (SC) SEC. 2. WAIVER OF EMERGENCY RELIEF LIMITA- Courtney Levin Smith (WA) Goode Pence Wolf TION. Cramer Lewis (GA) Snyder Goodlatte Peterson (PA) Young (AK) The limitation contained in section Crowley Lipinski Solis Granger Petri Young (FL) 125(d)(1) of title 23, United States Code, of Cuellar Loebsack Space $100,000,000 shall not apply to expenditures Cummings Lofgren, Zoe Spratt NOT VOTING—8 Davis (AL) Lowey Stark under section 125 of such title for the repair Davis (CA) Lynch Stupak Clarke Gohmert Markey or reconstruction of the Interstate I–35W Davis (IL) Mahoney (FL) Sutton Crenshaw Hayes Paul bridge located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Davis, Jo Ann Johnson, Sam Davis, Lincoln Maloney (NY) Tanner that collapsed on August 1, 2007. DeFazio Marshall Tauscher DeGette Matheson Taylor b 1714 SEC. 3. EXPANDED ELIGIBILITY FOR TRANSIT AND TRAVEL INFORMATION SERV- Delahunt Matsui Thompson (CA) Mrs. BACHMANN, Mrs. MUSGRAVE, DeLauro McCarthy (NY) Thompson (MS) ICES. Dicks McCollum (MN) Tierney and Mr. CANNON changed their vote Section 1112 of the Safe, Accountable, Dingell McDermott Towns from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Doggett McGovern Udall (CO) Mr. LINCOLN DAVIS of Tennessee Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1171) is Donnelly McIntyre Udall (NM) changed his vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ amended— Doyle McNerney Van Hollen (1) by inserting ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—’’ before ´ So the resolution, as amended, was Edwards McNulty Velazquez ‘‘There’’; and Ellison Meek (FL) Visclosky agreed to. (2) by adding at the end the following: Ellsworth Meeks (NY) Walz (MN) The result of the vote was announced Emanuel Melancon Wasserman ‘‘(b) MINNESOTA.— Engel Michaud Schultz as above recorded. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any Eshoo Miller (NC) Watson A motion to reconsider was laid on provision of chapter 1 of title 23, United Etheridge Miller, George Watt the table. States Code, the Secretary may— Farr Mitchell Waxman ‘‘(A) use funds authorized to carry out the Fattah Mollohan Weiner f emergency relief program under section 125 Filner Moore (KS) Welch (VT) Frank (MA) Moore (WI) Wexler PERMISSION FOR MEMBER TO BE of such title for the repair and reconstruc- Giffords Moran (VA) Wilson (OH) tion of the Interstate I–35W bridge in Min- Gillibrand Murphy (CT) Woolsey CONSIDERED AS FIRST SPONSOR neapolis, Minnesota, that collapsed on Au- Gonzalez Murphy, Patrick Wu OF HOUSE RESOLUTION 476 gust 1, 2007; and Gordon Murtha Wynn ‘‘(B) use not to exceed $5,000,000 of the Green, Al Nadler Yarmuth Mr. SHAYS. Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that I may here- funds authorized to carry out the emergency NAYS—196 after be considered as the first sponsor relief program under section 125 of such title to reimburse the Minnesota State depart- Aderholt Baker Bilbray of H. Res. 476, a bill originally intro- ment of transportation for actual and nec- Akin Barrett (SC) Bilirakis duced by Representative MARTY MEE- Alexander Bartlett (MD) Bishop (UT) essary costs of maintenance and operation, Bachmann Barton (TX) Blackburn HAN of Massachusetts, for the purposes less the amount of fares earned, for addi- Bachus Biggert Blunt of adding cosponsors and requesting tional public transportation services and VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:47 Aug 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\H03AU7.REC H03AU7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H9676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 3, 2007 traveler information services which are pro- tural integrity of bridges and their those facilities has yet to be fully eval- vided by the Metropolitan Council (of Min- operational capacity and ability; and uated. So the $250 million is a soundly nesota) as a temporary substitute for high- why, in the current law, SAFETEA-LU, based estimate, based on engineering way traffic service following the collapse of with the help of then Chairman YOUNG, evaluations, and is a fair number, and the Interstate I–35W bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on August 1, 2007, until highway I included language to authorize the so is the funding that we provide in the traffic service is restored on such bridge. funding of a new technology com- legislation to compensate the State for ‘‘(2) FEDERAL SHARE.—The Federal share of parable to the technology used in avia- the shift from highway transportation the cost of activities reimbursed under this tion to determine the structural integ- to transit as occurred in California, in subsection shall be 100 percent.’’. rity of aircraft wings, movable surfaces Oakland earlier this year in April when The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. and fuselage, to find hairline cracks their bridge collapsed due to a tanker ROSS). Pursuant to the rule, the gen- using technology that can discover mi- truck collapse. tleman from Minnesota (Mr. OBERSTAR) croscopic cracks not visible to the Those are the basic figures. Those are and the gentleman from Florida (Mr. naked eye and then measure their the justifications. We’ve limited, MICA) each will control 20 minutes. propagation and do the same with capped the dollar amount for transit at The Chair recognizes the gentleman bridges. $5 million in response to a question from Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Trans- from the other body, and we have a GENERAL LEAVE portation was offered the opportunity well-supported figure of $250 million for Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I ask to use that technology, and I am dis- the reconstruction out of general rev- unanimous consent that all Members appointed that the State rejected the enue funds.
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