Executive Intelligence Review EIRMay 14, 2010 Vol. 37 No. 19 www.larouchepub.com $10.00 Brutish Bastards Are At It Again! The Crisis Is Already Here; Now, Grab the Solution Onward to Mars: The Triumph of the Weak Forces U.S. Patriots Must Ram FDR’s Glass-Steagall Through Now! What Is LaRouche Saying About How To Solve The Global Economic/Financial Crisis? Economy for Scientists: Economics as Science, in Short EIR, June 19, 2009 Lyndon LaRouche THE SCIENCE A Sequel on Economics as Science: The Rule of Natural Law OF PHYSICAL EIR, July 17, 2009 ECONOMY With this present opening of this third section of this trilogy on the underlying, practical foundations of Economics as History: the science of physical economy, we The Science of Physical Economy have presented ourselves with the EIR, Sept. 18, 2009 task of untangling the most crucial of the issues posed by recorded human history, with emphasis on the history of European civilization from its ancient to modern times, up to the present day. —LaRouche, from the final segment of “The Science of Physical Economy” SUBSCRIBE TO EIR ONLINE www.larouchepub.com/eiw 1-800-278-3135 See back cover for subscription rates Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Editorial Board: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Antony Papert, Gerald Rose, Dennis Small, Edward Spannaus, Nancy Spannaus, Jeffrey EI R Steinberg, William Wertz Editor: Nancy Spannaus Managing Editors: Bonnie James, Susan Welsh Science Editor: Marjorie Mazel Hecht Technology Editor: Marsha Freeman From the Managing Editor Book Editor: Katherine Notley Graphics Editor: Alan Yue Photo Editor: Stuart Lewis Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol The reinstitution of Franklin Roosevelt’s “Glass-Steagall” law of 1933, INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, Michele which Lyndon LaRouche and EIR have been demanding for a few de- Steinberg Economics: John Hoefle, Marcia Merry Baker, cades now, has now come to center stage internationally—which is Paul Gallagher where it belongs. In his May 8 webcast, which we will publish in next History: Anton Chaitkin Ibero-America: Dennis Small week’s issue, LaRouche hit the point repeatedly: Unless such banking Law: Edward Spannaus Russia and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas legislation is adopted soon, there is no hope to replace our bankrupt United States: Debra Freeman global financial system with something beneficial to mankind. INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS Okay, so what is Glass-Steagall? Many people know that the law Bogotá: Javier Almario Berlin: Rainer Apel separated commercial banking from investment banking, making it il- Copenhagen: Tom Gillesberg legal for commercial banks to sell or underwrite securities (stocks, bonds, Houston: Harley Schlanger Lima: Sara Madueño what are today called derivatives, etc.). Eyes glaze over. “So what?” Why Melbourne: Robert Barwick Mexico City: Rubén Cota Meza is that something that—as LaRouche said in his webcast—will destroy New Delhi: Ramtanu Maitra the power of the City of London and Wall Street, otherwise known as the Paris: Christine Bierre Stockholm: Hussein Askary British Empire? Why is that something all patriots have to demand that United Nations, N.Y.C.: Leni Rubinstein Washington, D.C.: William Jones their Senators and Congressmen support? Think of it this way: If you put Wiesbaden: Göran Haglund your savings in the local bank, you want the money to be there when you ON THE WEB need it, right? The bank can invest your money wisely, in productive ac- e-mail: [email protected] www.larouchepub.com tivities in the community, ensuring that your money will be repaid. But www.larouchepub.com/eiw what if that bank instead takes your money to the global gambling casino Webmaster: John Sigerson Assistant Webmaster: George Hollis known as the derivatives market? For a while, as we all know, the bubble Editor, Arabic-language edition: Hussein Askary created by such behavior kept going up and up; but then, as LaRouche had warned, it collapsed, wiping out your local bank, your job, your pen- EIR (ISSN 0273-6314) is published weekly (50 issues), by EIR News Service, Inc., 729 15th St. N.W., sion, and your life savings. Now, that’s getting serious! Washington, D.C. 20005. (703) 777-9451 Our cover story addresses the question from the highest strategic standpoint, including the mortal crisis in the European Union, and the European Headquarters: E.I.R. GmbH, Postfach 1611, D-65006 Wiesbaden, Germany; moves by Senators McCain, Cantwell, and others to bring back Glass- Bahnstrasse 9a, D-65205, Wiesbaden, Germany Tel: 49-611-73650 Steagall. You’ll find there a preview of LaRouche’s remarks at the web- Homepage: http://www.eirna.com cast (the video is at www.larouchepac.com). e-mail: [email protected] Director: Georg Neudekker In World News, Rainer Apel reports from Germany on the related Montreal, Canada: 514-855-1699 developments there, as voters repudiated the government’s insane sup- Denmark: EIR - Danmark, Sankt Knuds Vej 11, port for the trillion-euro bailout of the speculators (it’s officially called basement left, DK-1903 Frederiksberg, Denmark. a bailout for “Greece,” but it’s the gambling bankers who are getting Tel.: +45 35 43 60 40, Fax: +45 35 43 87 57. e-mail: [email protected]. the money, whereas the people of Greece will be squeezed tight and Mexico: EIR, Manual Ma. Contreras #100, then hung out to dry). Despacho 8, Col. San Rafael, CP 06470, Mexico, Don’t miss Oyang Teng’s excellent report on cosmic radiation and DF. Tel.: 2453-2852, 2453-2853. manned spaceflight Science( ). He and others of the LaRouche “Base- Copyright: ©2010 EIR News Service. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without ment Team” will have much more to say on these matters. permission strictly prohibited. Canada Post Publication Sales Agreement #40683579 Postmaster: Send all address changes to EIR, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390. EI R Contents www.larouchepub.com Volume 37, Number 19, May 14, 2010 World News 12 Germany’s North Rhine- Westphalia Elections: ‘No Confidence’ Vote Slams Chancellor Merkel’s Party Cover The vote shows that German This Week voters are just as disgusted with incumbent legislators as are their U.S. counterparts, and that President Franklin D. the economic crisis in Europe Roosevelt signed has sparked a mass-strike process of political resistance in the Glass- 4 Brutish Bastards Are At It Again! Steagall Act on Germany. June 16, 1933. LaRouche Demands Patriots Act To Pass Glass-Steagall 15 Operation Moshtarak: Only the immediate enactment of a Glass-Steagall Was the Attack on Marja law could prevent the United States from falling a False Flag Aimed at the into the same fate now destined for continental Encirclement of Iran? European victims such as, above all other targets With 35,000 foreign troops soon for total destruction, the Federal Republic of to be in southern Afghanistan, Germany. Lyndon LaRouche called the Glass- and military bases in place, the Steagall amendment, introduced on May 6 by a process of encircling Iran has group of Senators led by John McCain and Maria advanced considerably. Cantwell, the act of a growing group of patriotic Members of Congress. 20 Fed Judge Cancels Human Gene Patents: 11 Documentation: Cantwell-McCain on You Can’t Own a Glass-Steagall ‘Product of Nature’ The pile-up of patents on lifeforms is not the result of advances in biology, per se, but of the attempted control of the means to life by elite financial and political circles, centered in London. EI R Contents www.larouchepub.com Volume 37, Number 19, May 14, 2010 Feature Science Editorial 24 The Crisis Is Already 38 Onward to Mars: The 48 We Can Defeat Here: Now, Grab the Triumph of the Weak Fascism Again! Solution! Forces Lyndon LaRouche was the Oyang Teng, of the LaRouche guest on the May 5 edition of movement’s “Basement Team,” the LPAC-TV Weekly Update, investigates how a new science hosted by EIR Economics of dynamics will requie a Editor John Hoefle. He mobilization of the scientific and continues his series of economic means necessary to interviews on the real secure an interplanetary future economics of physical for mankind, including mastery economy, which almost nobody of the entire electromagnetic understands. spectrum and its use to sustain human life throughout the Solar System. EIR Strategic Studies BRUTISH BASTARDS ARE AT IT AGAIN! LaRouche Demands Patriots Act To Pass Glass-Steagall FLASH: The British swine have once again imposed a supported, without quibble,” LaRouche said. “If you 1923-style hyperinflationary collapse on modern Ger- don’t support this, it means you don’t care about civili- many, with the trillion-dollar bail-out scheme imposed zation.” on the Eurozone this past weekend. Only the immediate The Glass-Steagall amendment, introduced on May enactment of a Glass-Steagall law could prevent the 6 by a group of Senators led by John McCain (R-Ariz.) United States itself from falling into the same fate now and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), is the act of a growing destined for continental European victims such as, group of patriotic Members of Congress, LaRouche above all other targets for total destruction, the Fed- asserted. While they introduced their Franklin Roos- eral Republic of Germany. evelt-style legislation to protect commericial banking Chancellor Frau Merkel’s Germany was given vir- from speculative trading back in December of 2009, tually no option in this matter. Indeed, only the immedi- they have now sprung into action under pressure of the ate enactment of the return to President Franklin Roos- crisis now erupting in the Eurozone. They know that evelt’s Glass-Steagall law in the U.S.A. could create the the only way the U.S.
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