ffi"fi"A RUGGEROLEONCAVALLO PAGLIACCI Librettoby RuggeroLeoncavallo Thisproduction of Pagliacciisdedicated to DiamondProducers'Circle Sponsors Karen & Donald Cohn and Valerie& Harry Cooperand Producers'Circle Sponsors Lee I FrankGoldberg and JeanneJones I Don Breitenberg. : San Diego Op"* is pleasedto recognizeU.S. Bank as CorporateProducing Partner forPagllacci. SycuanCasino, Phone Etiquette Sponsor, and PointLoma NazareneUniversity. Supertitles Sponsor. EA$Y: $KTT*NG: (in orderof vocalappearance) A Villagein Calabria,ltaly Tonio StephenPowell in the Early2Otn Century Canio Frank Porretta ACT I Beppe Joel Sorensen INTERMEZZO Nedda Adina Nitescu- ACTII Silvio DavidAdam Moore . The runningtime is approximately Conductor Yves Abel t hourand 1B minutes.with no intermission. Director Andrew Sinclair . This production(sets) constructed and owned by San Qnonin l-.)ocinnor John Coyne DiegoOpera. Cnctr rmo l-.)acinnor Ed Kotanen . Costumessupplied by MalabarLimited. Toronto. linhtinn l-)ocinnor . premiered *'v, , ', , MichaelWhitfield Pagliaccl at the Teatrodal Verme,Milan on Wig and MakeupDesigner StevenW. Bryant May 21, 1892. f-tcl crhiant t^.- Choruslvlaster CharlesF. Prestinari ',,-,^h.n/ 'Je' PrincipalPianist DorothyRandall DictionCoach EmanuelaPatroncini San DiegoOpera thanks our CommunityConversations partnersfor Pagllacci'.Media Arts CenterSan Diego Digital Supertitles lan D. Campbell Gym. Horriblelmaginings Film Festivaland CinemaJunkie. SupertitleCoordinators CharlesArthur San DiegoOpera thanks our Tasteof Operapartners Marian Porter for Pagliaccl.Great Newsl Cookware I Cooking School 5an urego upera retlut and Caff6 Bella ltalia. PfffiFffi$qfv{Ah*tilmATf;$ SaturdayJanuary 25,2014 7pm TuesdayJanuary 28,2014 7pm Friday January31, 2014 7pm Sunday February2,zAM 2pm Themicrophones you see aTe being used to broadcastopening night liveon KPBSRadio B9 5FM,B9 lFM LaJolla and 97.7FM lmperial Valley.They are not being used for voice amplification. PIOPERFORMANCES IlAGAZIllI ARTISTPRO FILES WES ABEL.Conductor DAVID ADAM MOORE. S/yio Franco-Canadianconductor Yves Abel Americanbaritone David Adam Moore made his Companv debut last sea- made his Companvdebut as Mercutio son conducting The Daughter of the rn 201O'sRomeo and Juliet.He recent- Reglment.He has been principalguest ly performed Stanley Kowalski in ,4 conductor at Deutsche Oper Berlin StreetcarNamed Deslrewith LvricOoera since 2005 where he has conducted of Chicagoand VirginiaOpera, Mercutio performancesof Don Pasquale,Slmon with Arizona Opera. and Silvio with Boccanegra, The Marrlage of Frgaro.La traviata, Dialogues New OrleansOpera. Other notableperformances include of the Carm6lites, Tiefland, Carmen and Carmina Burana. Demetriusin A Midsummer Nlght's Dream, Maximilianin He isa regularguest at the ViennaStaatsoper where he has Candide,and Cascadain The Merry Wldow for Teatro alla led performancesof The Ellxrrof Love, Madama Butterfly, Scala,Jud Fry in Oklahoma!wilh LyricOpera of Chicago, Simon Boccanegra, A Masked Ball, The Daughter of the Figaro in The Barber of Sevllle,Zurga in The Pearl Flshers, Regiment and Carmen.A frequentguest with the world's and Guglielmoin Cosl fan tutte with Seattle Opera.the great opera companies.he has conductedperformances title role of Billv Budd and Ned Keene in Peter Grlmes for at the RoyalOpera. Covent Garden. lVilan's La Scala.the New lsraeliOpera. Prior Walter in Angels ln America wilh MetropolitanOpera. Lyric Opera of Chicago,San Francisco LA Phil,BBC Symphony, and FortWorth Opera.papageno Opera,Seattle Opera, Glyndebourne Festival. Bayerische in The Maglc Flute wilh New York City Opera, Carmina Staatsoper.L'Opera National de Paris,Netherlands Opera, Buranafor St. LouisSymphony and at CarnegieHall with Grand The6trede G6ndve,Teatro San Carlo in Naples. Orchestraof St. Luke's,Mercutio for OperaTheatre of St. Teatro Comunaledi Bologna.New NationalTheatre in Louis.Utah Opera. and PalmBeach Opera, and the Countin Tokyo,Welsh National Opera and OperaNorth. In 2OOghe TheMarriage of Frgarowith OperaGrand Rapids, Figaro in was awardedthe title oI Chevallerde l'Ordredes Arts et des TheBarber of Sevrllefor StaatsoperHannover and the title Lettresby the FrenchGovernment. roleof Don Glovannr,a role he also performedfor the Oper Kieland NationaltheaterMannheim. STEPHEN POWELL, Tonio Americanbaritone Stephen Powell made ADINA NITESCU. Nedda his Companydebut as Ping in Turandot San DiegoOpera debut. Romanian soprano Adina Nitescu in 'l 997 and was heardthat sameyear recentlyperformed the title role of losca with the Opera as FelipeN0nez in the world premiere Companyof Philadelphia,a role she also sang in Dusseldorf. oI The Conquistadorand as Dancaire Duisburg.Naples and Tokyo.Other notableroles include in Carmen.He returnedas Guglielmo Cio-CioSanin Madama Butterflywith the CanadianOpera in Cosl fan tutte, Slim in Of Mlce and Company.The DallasOpera. Opernhaus Men, ClaylonMcAllister in Cold SassyTree, and Sharpless Zirich, Opera de Toulon.Semperoper in Madama Butterfly.Recent engagementsinclude the title Dresden,Opera Colorado, Berlin's Unter roleof Falstaffwith Virginia Opera,Giorgio Germonr rn La den Linden and at the Saito Kinen travlatawith lVichigan pittsburgh Opera Theatre, Opera, Festivalin Japan,Maddalena in Andrea and MinneapolisOpera, the titie roleoI Rigolero with Lyric Chdnler for Op6ra de Gendve,Nedda Opera Baltimoreand Cincinnati Opera.Rodrigo in Don with Teatro La Fenice,the title role of Carloswith the Caramoor Festivaland Enricoin Lucla dt Manon Lescaut at Palermo, Catania, Lammermoorwith Atlanta Opera.a role he sings laterthis ViennaStaatsoper and DeutscheOper Berlin and Elizabeth seasonwith Los Angeles Opera.Other recent highlights in Mary. Oueenof Scotsat The DallasOpera. She maoe ner includethe title role of Slmon Boccanegrawith Warsaw's MetropolitanOpera debut as DonnaElvira in Don Glovannl. Ludwig van BeethovenAssociation, CarmlnaBurana wilh She has appearedin many of the world's opera houses the ClevelandOrchestra and Peer Gynt wilh Leipzig's includingthe L'Op6raNational de Paris.lVilan's La Scala, MDR Sinfonieorchester. He has been heard at the Lyric TeatroCarlo Felicedi Genova.Maggio MusicaleFirenze, Operaof Chicago.L'Opera de Montr6al,Opera Company of Teatro La Fenice.Teatro Regio Torino, Glynoeoourne Philadelphia.Florida Grand Opera, ArizonaOpera. Kentucky Festival.Leipzig Opera. Cologne Opera, Hamburg State Opera.and PortlandOoera. Opera,State Opera Bucharest. Houston Grand Opera, Los AngelesOpera. and TeatroMunicipal de Santiagode Chrle. She has alsoappeared in concertat the ParmaFestival di Verdiand the RavjniaFestival in Chicago,under the baton of ChristophEschenbach. PI2 PERFORMANCESI,IAGAZINE FRANK PORRETTA, Canio JOEL SORENSEN, Beppe Americantenor FrankPorretta made his Americantenor Joel Sorensenmade his San DiegoOpera debut in 2OO2 as the San DiegoOpera debut as Curleyin Of Duke in Rlgoletto.Recent appearances Mice and Men in 1999, returningas includehis debut at the NCPAin Chinaas Camp Williams in Cold Sassy Tree,as the title role in Otello. Canio in Pagllaccr Andres in Wozzeck,Rodriguez in Don at CincinnatiOpera. Cavaradossi in Tosca Ouixote, Tybalt in Romeo and Juhet, at WashingtonNational Opera, Caldf in as Pang in Turandotand Valzacchiin Turandotfor Austin LyricOpera, Otello Ior DeutscheOper Der Rosenkavallerand last season as the First Tempter/ Berlinand at the TeatroMaestranza in Seville.He has also First Knight in Murder in the Cathedral. He made his appearedat the StaatsoperBerlin. Staatsoper Hamburg, MetropolitanOpera debut in Samson and Delilah,return- Semperoper Dresden, BayerischeStaatsoper, Wiener ing for Sly, Madama Butterfly, Der Rosenkavalier,War and StaatsoperL'Op6ra National de Paris,L'Op6ra de Nice. Peace, The Barber of Sevllle. Tosca and The Maglc Flute. Le L'Op6rade Montpellier.Teatro Real (Madrid). Teatro Regio made his debut with New YorkCity Operaas lVonostatos di Torino,Teatro Massimo in Palermoand OperaAustralia. in The Maglc Flute, relurning in Madama Butterfly, Falstaff, In North America.he has appearedwith the Metropolitan Turandot, The Marrrage of Flgaro, Prince lgor, La rondlne, Opera.Canadian Opera Company. Seattle Opera, Pittsburgh TheSeven Deadly Srnsand Margaret Garner.Other appear- Opera,at the CaramoorFestival and the HollywoodBowl. ances includeMr. Peasein the world oremiereoI Dolores Porretta'srepertoire includes the title rolesin Don Carloand Claiborneand Dr.Caius in Falstafftor San FranciscoOpera, Andrea Chenier,Manrico in ll trovatore. Don Alvaro in La Iosca with LosAngeles Opera, King Herodin Salomewith Forza del Destino, Radamesin Alda, Riccardoin A Masked FlorentineOpera, Pedrillo in Entftihrung aus dem Serall tor Bal/. Samson tn Samson and Delilah, Pollione in Norma, AtlantaOpera and Mime in Slegfnedfor OperaTheatre of Dick Johnson tn La Fanclulladel West. Luigi in ll tabarro, Pittsburghand LongboroughFestival. Other companies Turiddu in Cavalleriarustrcana, and Don Jos6 in Carmen. with which he has sung include San FranciscoOpera, SeattleOpera. Opera Companyof Philadelphia.Portland ANDREWSINCLAIR. Director Operaand PalmBeach Opera. Australianstage director Andrew Sinclair made his San Diego Opera debut in 2OOO with Lohengrln followed bv Aida STEVENW BRYANT in 2001. the highlysuccessful The Pearl Wig 8 Makeup Designer Fishersin 2OO4and 2008. a oroduction American wig and makeup designer he has also directedfor New York City Steven W. Bryant'swork over the last Opera.San Francisco Opera. Washington thirty yearshas encompassedover 600 NationalOpera. Op6ra de Montr6al,Florida
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