PARlSlAN Senior Class, Parts Htsh School, Parts, Kentucky Presents-MEMORlES t976 Su perin tenden t of Paris City Schoo t System Mr. Paul W. Potty Mrs.Edward Sutherland Tttle 1 Otrector Mrs. Merle lawson Secretary to Supertntendent Paris City School Board of Education Mr. Edward Sutherland, Chatrman; Mrs. Robert Caywood; Mr. Wtlham Woodford; Mr. Elwood Parker and Mr. James Coons 2 DEDlCATlON Miss Juanita Sutherland, a native of Anderson County has been one of the most highly esteemed mathematics instructors at Paris High School. She came to Paris in August of 1963 and ince then she has been educa ring students in all areas of mathematical skills. Yet her dedication to her students extends far beyond her hours in the classroom. Miss Sutherland has always been willing to give of her time to any student who may not understand or who may need further help. In addttion to her teaching, she has served as the Cheerleading Sponsor, the ewspaper Sponsor, and as a Senior Homeroom Sponsor. She is an avid sports fan and is an active supporter of all athletic events at the school. Whether transporting cheerleaders to a game or tabulatmg ratings at a speech tournament, she is always wllling to "smile and lend a helping hand." It is with sincere appreciation of her many services to the school and to the students, that we, the Annual Staff, dedicate our 1976 yearbook to Miss Juanita Sutherland, a woman with loyal dedication and high educational principles. 3 4 5 8 0 9 Marvln Jrffrry Abner Rtcky lee Allen Robert C. Andeuon The home of 1r. & Mrs . Quentin Walker is an appropriate setting for our senior officers. This home is formerly where Reverend John Tyle taught his seminary for young ladies, and is named a one of the earliest chools in the West. Our officers this year are: President, Mark Cubine; Treasurer, Johnny Duvall; Vice President, Joe Zumga; Student Council Representa­ tive, Debbie Hutchison; and Secretary, Susan Zuniga. Anna Marla Atklnfon Sheryl Ktm Batley Jon Beaton 12 Wtlllam BooM Btddle Charle• Douslu Brown Ktmberly Sue Bryant Tutoring is a rewarding experience for an} Junior or Senior girl or guy. It enables you to become acquainted 1\.'lth children and learn how Elementary classes are conducted. If you are planning to major in Elementary Education and you want to find out if this career is for you, join the tutoring group. Par­ ticipating in this year program were: Debbie Linville. Connie Long, Kim Parker, Kim Bailey, and Kay Smart. Donald Wayne BucHer Cheryl Lynn Buuell Kenneth Eusene Cautty 13 Gttb~rt J~rom~ Ch~nault J~ffr~y Thomu Clark Rtta Kay Crats o~bra o~ntf~ Crookf Phytltf Maxln~ Crookf Patrlcla Kaye Crumbt~ 14 Dtana Chrlstlna Crutcher Marlt Hap Cublne ltna Marte Davls The senior class had a different project in progress this year as they combined their "bicentennial spirit" wtth the Chrtstmas spirit and entered a float in the Pans annual Christmas parade. Rosey-red faced senior girls and boys with frozen hands stapled a wagon with chicken wire and then stuffed it with thousands of pieces of tissue paper. Their effort was worth ­ while. The red, white and green, six-foot ' 76 figurine was accompanied by George Washington, a few wounded soldiers from Valley Forge, and a Christmas Tree. Wttltam Eart Davts. Jr. John Wttltam Duvall 111 Etteen loutse Farchmtn 15 Nannette Fteldf Kevln leo Ftt:z:water Mafon Hart Fouythe Take talent, friendliness, determination, a lot of caring and you've got Dana W1lliams. Dana has led a great deal of the Senior Spirit this year, not only in having ideas for helping the senior class, but by also putting these ideas into action. Many a time Dana has pulled the semors through when it has come to making signs for boosting our teams to victory or desigmng and making decorations for this year's homecoming and last year's junior-senior prom . Dana has certainly made a great contribution to the Class of '76. Thanks Dana! Mar.garet loulH Frankhn Benlta Marte Gatnu Elttf Brent Garrhon 16 Leha Lynn Gravu Re tnette F. Green Atten W . Grt .q~• M1ss Kathy Jackson, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Philip Jackson, was chosen as this yt:ar's recepient of the D. A. R. Awan.l. Out of the. nominees selected by the guidance committee, Kathy was considered the most qualified. She has a very high academic standing and has always been very involved in school ac!lvities. Kathy has shown qualities of leadership during all four years of high school. Outside of school , she participates m her church's youth group and in Girl Scouting. Congratulations for an honor well deserved. Jada Ktm Gwaltney Wtlttam Mark Hefltn 17 Marlt Atan Henry Wattrr Edward Hru Wattacr Waynr Howard Sharon M . Huut Drbra loulfr Hutchlfon Jamu Eart Jacltfon 18 Kathy Ann Jaclt~on Eu ,q~n~ Bllhop Johnton Jr. Rtcky Jay lohnton 1776 AND All THAT a smashtng success Robut G. Johnton Ttsnothy l~e Johnton Jasnu Paul Jonu 19 Ltnda Dawn K~lt~y Kar~n Nadtn~ K~nn~y Harold Davh Ktng JOBS WANTED For hire--4 excellent chefs Talented in the art of fine cuisine Fair wage requested Clean, industrious workers Guarantee prompt service Reference furnished: Consumer Ed . Class Robut .At~n L~u John Paul L~vart Ketth Lewtt 20 D~borah Carr Ltnv~tt~ Connt~ J~an Lons Mtcha~t s~rry Lov~tt Bcn1ta Gaines, one of the outstandmg studt·nts at Paris High has proven that women can and will do what they want. This year Benita was granted an engineering scholarship to Kentucky State Univ­ ersity by the Highway Department. As she has taken part in many school activities and her grades have been high, Benita is sure to go a long way. Robut G~ors~ A tt~n Lucky Rtcky Thomu Mattox Chartu Ktmb~rly McCann 21 Ltu Gall McCarty John Wyatt Mcl<lnnf'y Jamu Gale Mtlam 1 lark Cubine served as President of the 1976 enior Class- -and a very capable leader he proved robe. Mark's enthusiasm for a fine year was con­ tagious and the class of '76 rallied behind him for a most prosperous year. Probably one of Mark's best endeavors was rhat of getting the Student Council to function as a com­ pact and beneficial group for the betterment of the school. Mark- -may you use your leadership abilities to the best advantage for your future . John Dale Mtlam Claude Mttchetl, Jr . Douslu Eusene Morton, Jr . 22 Ktmberty Renee Parker Walter Etwood Parker, Jr . Juan E. Pterce Miss Debbie Linville, a Senior at our school this year represented the Women' s Club at their District Sewing Contest. Debbie's lovely green, two piece suit and fine sewing mastery won them a second place honor. The art of sewing well is a talent that one can be very proud of--and we at P. H. S. arc proud to have this talented pe son in our ranks. Congratulation Debbie. Kelth Attu Pottltt Penny Galt Poynter Ctlfton Chartu Purcett 23 Rtchard Ransom Vtckle lee Relnsmlth Mtranda loulfe Rtchardson Ttmmy Cleveland Roe Darlene Antta Ruuett JoHph H. Showalter 24 Kay francu Smart R~stnald Lanl~r Smtth H...rbut L~~ Stanft~ld Senior English wasn't all work, proved by party honoring substitute Miss Roseanna Royce. f~hcla Throckmorton J~ffr~y o~an T obtn Cat't't~ o~~ w~u 25 Cttfford Br~nt vv~•• Mark Clark VVhtt~ VV tlJon K. VV tldn What are the advantages of having a twin? How would you like having one? Here is how the Milam twins, class of '76 summed up the situation. Jim, "Having been born a twin, I have no choice, but to make the best of a packaged deal." Johnny, "Being a twin is like having a split image at your disposal. When you do something right you're Johnny and when you do something wrong you're Jimmy. " Robbtn Oat~ VVtlknfon Dana 1~~ VVtllturu Dtan~ VVtlloushby 26 Suun Z. Purcell Mark B. Wtthrow Jo•eph C. Zuntsa OLD 1 IE IORIE I treasure sweet old memories As time goes swiftly by. A few bring smiles of happiness And some tears to the eye. They all are precious m their way, Reopening doors of old That have been nut these many years What pictures they unfold! These dear old, sweet old memories All play their spectal part In bringing joy and opening up The larch strings of the heart. Jo•eph Calloway Shelllr Elam Dorthy Myeu 27 SENlOR ACCOMPLlSHMENTS ALLE , RICKY: P. H•• CROOKS, PHYLLIS: Latin Club 1; French Club 2; Girls Basketball1, 2; Girls Track 1-4; Awards, French ANDERSON , ROBBY : Art Club 4; Business 1; Girls Track. Club 3; Baseball 1. ATKINSON , ANNA: Whoppers Club 1- 4; Girls CRUMBlE, TRICIA: Art Club 3, 4; Business Club 4; Basketball 1-3; Band 1-3; Tennis 1- 4; Awards: F. H. A. 4; French Club 4; Whoopers Club 4. Outstanding Freshman Athlete, Basketball-Best Offensive, Tennis-Most Improved . CRU rCHER, DIA ·A: Art Club 3, 4; Business Club 4; BAILEY, KIM: Art Club 4; Latin Club 1; Girls F. H. A. 2-4; Secretary 3, Vice-President 4; Speech Track 1-4; Cheerleader 1-3; Awards, Track- Club 2, Senior Play 4; Girls Basketball 2-4; Girls 1ost Improved. Track 1, 2; Awards, Home Economics 2. BEATO, , JO : Art Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4. CUBll E, , 1ARK: Art Club 4; Beta Club 2-4; Latin Club 1, 2; Vice-Pre·ident 2; Speech Club 1-4; , 1FL BIDDLE, WILLIAM: Art Club 4; Latin Club 1; 1-4; Football 1-4; All CKC 4; Baseball 2, 3;Awards, French Club 3; Speech Club 3; Whoopers Club 4; , ational Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendatwn, Hi-Lites Staff 3, 4; Parisonna ires 4; Band 1; Bas­ Society of Distingui.hed American High School ru­ ketball Statistician 3; Golf 1-4.
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