204 SILHETI ZAMINDARI. SOR:\R, 205 was a Darbari, Kbas-mulakati, and exen1!Jt: under lhl: ~amindar's income were fixed at Rs. 496. The cesses Arm5 Act. On his becoming insane the management of have since been reduced toRs. 201 ow in~ to the abolition the estate was assumed by t~H! Court of Wards in of the additional rate l patwari ce~. The ayerage November 1902. The Court ot \\'ards has paid off th_e rent-rate falb at A~ . 'r~ per acre, as against As. 9-7 at debt of Rs. 7000 contracted by the zamindar. On the the regular settlement of 1866-68. death of Bahadursingh in January 1906, his widow ~!st. The Dongargarh-Pandaria road runs through the Ba:;ant Kuar was recognised as zamindarin. The estate Miscellaneous. eastern group of villages. The still continues to be under the management of the Court of principal article of export is wheat, Warcls. which is either sold to traders at Gandai or conveyed to In rgor the population was 4408 persons, having Dongargarh on the Ben~al-Nagpur Raitwav. F.~ports decreased by 23 per Cl:nt .luring of forest produce are small. Population. the previous decade. Tht: density Sorar.-A village in the Sanjari tahsil, about 9 ts 8o persons per square mile as against the District figure miles east of Balod. The ruins of temples and other )f 146. Silheti, which is 43 miles from Drug and so buildings which arc found here show that it was a place .niles from Raj-Nandgaon, is the only large village with a of considerable importance in the past. The mo-.t population of 960 persons. There is a District Council interesting remains are a number of stone pillars standing rimary school at Silheti, and· a weekly market is held in a row and surrounded L:r stone circles. These ~Ir . ere on Fridays. Hira La! considers to be the tomb~ of olden times. The\· Of the total area 10,925 acres or 57 per cent. are are, he states, ex:actly like the stone circles found i~ occupied for cultivation. the crop­ the Maratha country with anadditional pillar in the centre. Agriculture. ped area being 8o89 acres. The probably marking the burial-piace of the principal men incipal crops grown in the estate were in 1906-07 kodon­ of the family. This is the solitary example of such stones .tki (4628 acres), wheat (r682 acres) and rice (584 acres). in Chhattisgarh. It is supposed that Sorar was once The revenue at the time of its separation from ~he capital of a Raja, about whom the folio\\ ing legen<1 Gandai was Rs. 598-4-8 in Govern­ Land Revenue. ts related : Long ago a Kalar woman lived here, anr.l a ment currency. At Mr. Hewitt's Rajput king from a distance was huntin~ with his falcon settlement of r866-68 theincome was estimated atRs. 4200 and the falcon flew away on and on and the Raja fol~ on which a takoli of Rs. rooo was fixed. At ~lr. Carey's lowed it, until it finally came to Sorar and flew into the summary settlement of 1888-89 the gross income was Katar woman's house, and when the king came up, the estimated at Rs. 5918 on which a kamil jama of Rs. 3896 woman said to him that be was far from his home and was proposed. The Government demand or takoli in­ had better rest there for the night. So he stayed there cluding the cost of police was fixed at Rs. 1790 and and fell in love with the Kalarin and married her, and Rs. 438 as cesses. At Mr. Scott's settlement of 1901-02 ~ they had a son called Chhachan-Chharu, chhachan mean­ gross income of Rs. 5750 was estimated and the takol ing a falcon ; and when the son grew up he was very sanctioned was Rs. 1790. The cesses payable from tht strong and became a great warrior, and conquered all the THAKURTOLA ZAMINDARI. 206 TANDULA RIVER-TliAKURTOLA ZAMINDARI. 207 neighbouring kings, and whenever he conquered one, he estate is very wild and jungly. The western tract con­ took his wife or daughter for himself, until at last he stituting two-thirds of the estate, consists of hilly c;untry had 160 wives; and he made all his wives pound rice in on the Balaghat plateau of Saletek.ri. The eastern tract stone mortars, and the 160 mortars are still to be seep.. forming a portion of the country below the ghats is scare~ But one day he said to his mother that she was more ly less wild than the uplands. Spurs from 'the main beautiful than ~11 his wives. And on this, his mother was range run to the borders of GanJ.ai, and the valley lying afraid of him and determined to kill him. So she gave between these low ranges of hills contains very little him food which created a great thirst, and he went down culturable land, except in the neighbourhood of Thakur­ to the large stone well here to driQ.k from it, and she threw tola Khas. The prevailiag soil is bhiita, except in a small stones from above and killed him. And going a little group of villages on the uplands and near Thakurtola way off she stabbed herself with a dagger and was turned in the lowlands, where good dorsa land is met with. 1 into stone, and her figure with the dagger is still to ~orty-four villages are situated above the ghats and 27 be seen. And Chhachan-Chharu is worshipped by the m the low country. Of these villages, 26 are held by people of Sorar and the surrounding villages. thekiidiirs, one by a muafidiir, apd the remaining 44 are Tandula River.-The Tandula rises in the north of under direct management. Protected status was con­ Kanker State and Bows north through the Sanjari tahstl ferred at Mr. Carey's summary settlement on 14 theka­ passing Balod and Gundardehi, until it joins the Seonath dars and two muafidars, but II of the former sur­ near Changori in the south of Drug. Its total length is rendered their leases on account of poverty. The whole about 6o miles, and it is joined by the Siikha stream near tract abounds in game of every description excepting Balod. The Tandula is named from tandul, the Sanskrit the buffalo. The forests contain some valuable timber and Marathi word for rice, because it is said that a Gond principally teak, saj, bija, harrii and bamboo but th~ once threw a dam across it and grew 400 acres of irrigated facilities for its export are small. They have 'however rice below the dam. All the Gonds of this part of the been improved by the construction of a road'along th~ District speak Marathi. The bed of the Tandulais sandy Morum Ghati. The estate has been under the manage­ and its banks are low. ment of the Court of \Vards for some time, and has been Thakurtola Zamindi.ri.-A zamindari situated in the freed from debts which amounted toRs. 23,000. Bemetara tahsrt, and bounded on The zamindari was bestowed on an ancestor of the Natural features. the north and east by the Gandai History. present family Cha~ Rai in 1842 zamindari, on the south by Chhuikhadan and Nandgaon by the Maratha Government the Feudatory States, and 'On the west by the Balaghat old chieftain bet' ng dispossesse d for misconduct. ' The District. Its area is 187 square miles, 149 of which family tree since Chamar Rai is given below. or 8r per cent. consist of hills and forest. It contains 81 villages, ro villages having lapsed into waste. The I The figure is really that of a male warrior. :zoR THAKURTOLA ZAMINDARI. THAKURTOLA ZAMINDARI-WARARBANDH. 209 Chamiir Rai. I is under wheat. Much of the wheat-land round Thakur­ I I . I . tola in the Jhilmili valley is overrun with thatching grass Bisriim Singh Adhilr &ngh Hate Stngh and a large area of rice-land above the ghats has lapsed ---· I I I I I . h into waste. Anand Singh Kehar SinJlb Kanhai Singh Amlin Smg _ _ I The revenue demand was originally fixed at I I I Rup Singh Shyaro Singh Land Revenue. Rs. 350. Itwas subsequently raised l to Rs. 445 or in Government currency 1 I I lh . KbumiinI Singh on·ta·l Bhy•nltar D1mankar Gird lln Rs. 38I-IJ-IO. At Mr. Hewitt's settlement of r866-68 the I Singh Singh income was estimated at Rs. 2250, on which a revenue of I (Heir-appf\rent). Rs. soo was fixed. At Mr. Carey's stu:ilmary settlement of r888-8g the total income was estimated at Rs. 7279, on The family is related to r ~ Dilheri and Pitehra which a takoli of Rs. r8oo including the cost of police was Raj-Goncl families of the Nar~; , 1 .,¥ Di<:.tri <'t ann thf' sanctioned, and also Rs. 351 were fixe.d as cesses. At Mr. Bhanrlra family of the Jubbulpore Dtstrict. Tlle present Scott's settlement of rgor-02 a gross income of Rs. 86oo zaminrlarin ic; 1\fst. Prem Kuar, widow of the late zamin­ was estimated, on which Rs. rgoo were sanctioned as dar Riip Singh, and on her death Lal Khuman Singh will t{1koli. The cesses fixed at this settlement were Rs. 544· succeed. Thf> zamindar is invariably a Darbari, and TJ ~sses have since been reduced to Rs. 219 owing to Khas-mulakati and exempt under the Arms Act.
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