Black Panther Raiders Indicted; State's By JAMES M. STEPHENS JR. On December 4, 1969, Illinois Davis, along with white officers Black Panthers Fred Hampton Daniel Groth, John Sadunas, Ray- and Mark Clark were killed by a mond Broderick, Edward Carmo- special detachment of Chicago dy, John Ciszewski, William Cor- policemen acting at 4 a.m. on a tip bett, Joseph Gorman, Charles Ko- that the Panther leaders had a ludrovic, John Meade and John cache of weapons in a West Side Mulchrone and Hanrahan aide Chicago apartment. Not much Richard Jalovec. Named as unin- hope was held by the city's Black d icted co-conspirators, Chicago community that any justice would Supt. of Police James B. Conlisk be done. But last week, all the po- Jr., police officials Sheldon Soro- lice officers who participated in sky, Harry Ervanian, Earl Holt the raid, together with Cook Coun- and James Meltreger were charged ty State's Attorney Edward V. "with intent to obstruct criminal Hanrahan, were indicted by a spe- prosecution . ." cial grand jury for "willfully, Conviction for conspiracy to ob- fraudulently and deceitfully con- struct justice carries a possible spiring, confederating and agree- maximum penalty of one to three ing to commit an offense of ob- years in an Illinois penitentiary. struction of justice." The minimum is a $1,000 fine. The Criminal Court Judge Joseph designation of co-conspirator Power, before a packed courtroom means that the person had some filled with journalists and survi- knowledge of the purported con- vors of the raid, opened the two- spiracy, but that there was insuffi- month, suppressed indictments cient evidence to indict them. under order from the Illinois Su- Reaction from those intimately preme Court which had ruled that involved with the case was re- the indictments had to be opened served as the indictments only pre- and the appointment of Mitchell cluded trial on the charges, and Ware, as special investigator in possibly appeal by either the win- the case as "friend of court," was ner or loser, when the case goes be- illegal. Ware, at one time the high- fore a court. Kermit Coleman, at- est ranking Black in law enforce- torney for the Fred Hampton fam- ment in the country, is the for- ily who has filed a multi-million mer head of the Illinois Bureau of dollar suit against the police de- Investigation. He quit his post partment and the state's attorney to look into alleged illegalities in office, said quietly : "I was sur- the Panther case by the special prised that it was finally seen fit to prosecutor, Barnabas Sears. follow the letter of the law. This The indictment named with case would have been forgotten six Hanrahan two Black police officers, months ago if the people of the George Jones and James (Gloves) community had not raised ques- 6 Attorney Asked To Quit His $35,000 Post tions about the conduct of the raid Black folks believe that ice won't and the police. But anything can melt in hell than to make them happen in Cook County, so we'll believe that Fred Hampton and have to wait and see what happens Mark Clark were not murdered," after this." one West Side Chicago resident Sherman H. Skolnick, a legal re- told JET. He was expressing the searcher who probes politicians views shared by a wider segment and others of suspected wrongdo- of Blacks in Chicago and other ing, said simply, "It's not enough. cities where the Black Panthers There should have been more." have been the victims of violent Bill Hampton, brother of the police actions. slain Black Panther Fred Hamp- Meanwhile, both Hanrahan and ton, said, "The people won a vic- the Panther police raiders have tory by putting pressure on the been urged to take a leave of ab- judicial system. I just hope that sence from their jobs until the case the pressure is strong enough to is settled. E. Hanrahan Mark Clark Fred Hampton K. Coleman make the indictments stick, and As an elected official in Illinois, that we won't be betrayed by a Hanrahan has the right to stay on tokenism thing. If this case is suc- his $35,000-a-year job until the cessful, we hope to do the same for case is resolved, even though he is countless other Blacks who have indicted of criminal charges. How- similarily been murdered." ever, political pressure from his While some Blacks were sur- Democratic Party could force such prised and pleased at the indict- action. In that event, he would ment of Hanrahan and the police take leave and be required to give raiders, others expressed disap- up his five-figure salary. pointment. They argue that the Police Supt. James B. Conlisk Panther raiders should have been Jr. was firm about his intentions. indicted on charges of murder and "I will continue to direct the ac- that the lesser charges are a white- tivities of this (police) depart- wash. ment." He made no comment about "It would be easier to make the special grand jury indictments. 7 .
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