Sample file HaJJ at= Her<oes Table Of= Cont:e n t:s Introduction ....................................................................................•....................... 2 Major Characters ..................................................................................................... 3-55 Adon .............................................................................................................. 3-4 Alias ............................................................................................................... 5-9 Bruenor Battlehammer ............................................................................................. 10-13 Cyric ............................................................................................................... 14 Doin Sanehiro ..................................................................................................... 16-18 Drizzt Do'Urden ................................................................................................... 19-22 Dragonbait ....................................................................................................... 23-26 Elminster ......................................................................................................... 27-33 Kelemvor ......................................................................................................... 34-37 Prince Tristan Kendrick ............................................................................................. 38-41 Midnight ......................................................................................................... 42-43 Robyn ........................................................................................................... 44-46 Shandril Shessair .................................................................................................. 47-50 Narm Tamaraith ................................................................................................... 51-52 Wulfgar .......................................................................................................... 53-55 Minor Characters ................................................................................................... 56-105 Adventuring Brotherhoods ...............•.......................................................................... 106-128 C rleOi'ts Authors: Jeff Grubb and Kate Novak (Alias, Dragonbait); David Editing: Scott Bowles E. Martin (Adon, Cyric, Kelemvor, Midnight, Moumgrym Cover Art: Jeff Easley Amcathra, Shaerl Amcathra); Jim Lowder (King Azoun IV, Interior Art: Ned Dameron Akabar Bel Akash, Cassana, Dimswart, Mistinarperadnacles Typography: Kim Janke, Angelika Lokotz and Betty Elmore Hai Draco, Zrie Prakis, Olive Ruskettle); Bruce Nesmith Keylining: Paul Hanchette (Elminster, Narm Tamaraith, Shandril Shessair, Lhaeo,Sample Special file thanks to Scott Ciencin and Ed Greenwood Rauglothgar); Steve Perrin (Tristan Kendrick, Robyn, Alzegund, Khelben Arunsun, Pzoul Chemlbryl, Cyndre, Daryth, Duman, Finellen, Kappiyan Flurmastyr, Grunnarch, Hobarth, Kazgaroth, Maaril, Manshoon, Manxam, Mirt, Genna Moonsinger, Orgauth, Pawldo, Nymara Scheiron, ~- Storm Silverhand, The Simbul, Sylune of Shadowdale, TSA, Inc. Vangerdahast, Xanathar); Mike PondSmith (Doin Sanehiro, ltttOOUCTI Of' YOUtll tliAGIMAT'tON.,. Jinchin, Kuang, Masakado, Okotampe, Onoye, The TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. Wanderer); R.A. Salvatore (Bruenor Battlehammer, Drizzt POB 756 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton Do'Urden, Wulfgar, Alustriel, Catti-Brie, Dendybar, Artemis Lake Geneva, Cambridge CBl 3LB Entreri, Malchor Harpell, Piergeiron, Regiis, Sydney) WI 53147 USA United Kingdom ADVANCED DUNGEONS &: DRAGONS, AD&:D•, FORGOTTEN REALMS, DRAGON, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, inc. "1989 TSR, inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 9252 ISBN 0-88038-711-4 9252XXX1401 INTRODUCTION King Arthur. Robin Hood. Edward, the grail they seek would not be as valuable and the rest. Included along with their Black Prince. Roland. Joan of Arc... All without the doubt and hardship faced game stats, you will find personal histo­ of these people, whether or not they on the way to recovering it. And if they ries, background information on ever reaUy existed, have one very spe­ stumble along the way, that's fine, too; related characters, and even role­ cial thing in common-they are all we don't really expect our heroes to be playing hints. heroes. As heroes, all of these men and perfect. (Besides, they'd be rather bor­ Next, you will encounter the minor women hold an important place in our ing if they were.) In the end, however, heroes of the Realms, those who have culture, and our hearts. For heroes we expect the true hero to see through yet to play a central part in a FORGOT­ afford us aU a roadmap to the heights the troubles that block his path and find TEN REALMS"' story. You will find the we can achieve, if only we work hard a way to reach his goal, w!hether it be evil characters here, as well, from Cas· enough and follow our dreams. Mithril Hall or peace for the Moon­ sana of Westgate to Rauglothgar the What you hold in your hands is a roU shaes, by putting his beliefs into action. dracolich. For these characters, we call of heroes, and all of them call one On this front, however, the hero have given you game stats, brief charac­ fantasy world-the Forgotten Realms­ would be nowhere without a worthy ter histories, and role-playing tips, too. their home. These characters, like the opponent, someone to hide the grail in In the third section of the book, you'll Merlins and Friar Thcks who are their an inaccessible place and try to prevent find information on two famous adven­ literary great-great-grandfathers, show him from finding it. Heroes are nothing turing brotherhoods: the seemingly us magnificent feats of courage and without villains to challenge them. ever-present Knights of Myth Drannor, wisdom. You will find in these pages, there· and the Company of Eight from the Sometimes, as in Darkwa/ker on fore, the significant evil characters in module Empire of the Sands. All the Moonshae, the heroes are called upon our heroes' lives. These beings are members of both adventuring compan­ to right great wrongs that threaten a often the ones that started the hero on ies are detailed, giving you enough kingdom. Sometimes, as in the upcom­ his quest. In every case, by opposing information on each member to run the ing Avatar nilogy, the heroes are asked the hero, the villain made the hero group as weU-developed NPCs in your to battle the gods themselves and save reach for new heights of strength and FORGOITEN REALMS campaign. the entire world from certain destruc­ wisdom. That's one of the major reason the tion. The courage and skill necessary to Where would King Arthur be with· Hall was built: to give you all the infor­ succeed in these adventures is obvious. out Mordred to thwart his vision of mation you need to include these Yet, all the beings who fight for Law Camelot? Where would Robin Hood be heroes and villains in your own AD&.D* or Good included in these pages may without SampleSir Guy or the Sherifffile of Not­ games set in the Forgotten Realms. In not flash a sword with the finesse of the tingham to keep him working for the addition, we know you'll find the char­ evil swordsmen they encounter, or poor and oppressed? It's hard to imag­ acters you are not familiar with inter­ throw lightning bolts with as great a ine. esting enough to want to read more fury as the archmages who oppose Fzoul Chembryl's search for power about their heroism in the FORGOT­ them. But it was not power alone that and Dendybar the Mottled's quest for TEN REALMS products you've missed. made Shandril Shessair go on, even the Crystal Shard are realJy just as Finally, we've even thrown in previews though the whole world seemed against interesting as the goals of the heroes of some soon-to-be major heroes in the her in Spellfire. It was her spirit, her they oppose. They, too deserve a place Realms: the four heroes from the will to live and be free, as well as her in these pages. upcoming Avatar lrilogy, and the amazing powers, that let Shandril Of course there are thousands of heroes of a projected Kara-Thr novel. defeat all her enemies. heroes and villains worthy of induction The heroes you will find within the For the true hero, then the battles in to our Hall. Most of you have proba­ Hall will inspire the player characters in fought with the spirit are as important bly played characters that might your campaign to be greater heroes as the ones fought with a blade or deserve a place there. But for now, at themselves. Just as assuredly, the vil­ incantation. In Azure Bonds, for exam· least, the Hall ofHeroes is limited to just lains found within these pages will pie, Alias' battle to control her own des· some of the worthy of the Forgotten make your players strive to defeat tiny and understand her origin is just as Realms. them, if only to survive the encounter. important as her combat with the dark The monuments inscribed
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