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Create Your TRAVEL TO IRAN FREE Account Conversation Cheat Sheet CLICK MONEY & SHOPPING Is there an ATM nearby ? in nazdiki eiti em hast? ͉5ocȨȥȨƉȦ+2jlȦ one hundred fifty thousand rial twenty thousand rial How much is ~ ? thousand rial panjaah hezaar riyaal bist hezaar riyaal _DIBOEFI sad hezaar riyaal _Ȧ//2om!k¢ _Ȧ//2o5ȧ ﺻﺪ ﻫﺰار رﯾﺎل m,kÞХ͉ ten thousand rial five thousand rial two thousand one thousand five hundred one hundred rial dah hezaar riyaal panj hezaar riyaal rial rial rial do hezaar riyaal yek hezaar riyaal paansad riyaal yek sad riyaal ﯾﮑﺼﺪ رﯾﺎل ﭘﺎﻧﺼﺪ رﯾﺎل ﯾﮑﻬﺰار رﯾﺎل +Ȧ//2om+ _Ȧ//2o"k¢ _Ȧ//2or_ AROUND TOWN Where is ~ ? ~ kojaa ast? ﮐﺠﺎ اﺳﺖ؟ I’d like to go to ~ NJLIBBNCFSBN NJLIBBIBN CFSBWN _ ͨͨͨͨcr0gos(Ȩec0cs)ȧe Zayandeh river Persepolis shrine of Imam Reza zaayandeh rood takht-e jamshid haram-e emaam rezaa ﺣﺮم اﻣﺎم رﺿﺎ ﺗﺨﺖ ﺟﻤﺸﯿﺪ زاﯾﻨﺪه رود *NBN mosque Arg-e bam tomb of Hafez Masjed-e emaam arg-e bam aaraamgaah-e haafez آراﻣﮕﺎه ﺣﺎﻓﻆ ارگ ﺑﻢ ce,!5e SURVIVAL PHRASES Please take me to ~ Where is the station? Where is the restroom? lotfan man-o bebarin istgaah kojaast? tovaalet kojaast? ﺗﻮاﻟﺖ ﮐﺠﺎﺳﺖ؟ اﯾﺴﺘﮕﺎه ﮐﺠﺎﺳﺖ؟ ...man raa bebarid) beh) ͨͨͨq,Ȧɫ/leqlȦɫskeUE` COMMUNICATION Excuse me. Hello. Excuse me. I'm sorry. bebakhshid salaam babakhshid mote'as-sefam ,ȧ9) Hello. salaam ﻣﺘﺎﺳﻔﻢ ﺑﺒﺨﺸﯿﺪ ﺳﻼم cʙ4 Nice to meet you. Please. Yes. khoshvaghtam lotfan baleh, aareh ﺑﻠﻪ , آره ﻟﻄﻔﺄ ﺧﻮﺷﻮﻗﺘﻢ I am ~ Thank you. No. man ~ hastam mersi, mamnoon nah ﻧﻪ ﻣﺮﺳﯽ٫ﻣﻤﻨﻮن ﻣﻦ ~ ﻫﺴﺘﻢ ASKING QUESTIONS Do you understand? I understand. I don't understand. I don’t understand. motevaj-jeh mishin (mishavid)? motevaj-jeh misham motevaj-jeh nemisham motevaj-jeh nemisham (mishavam). (nemishavam). (nemishavam). ͉,Ȧs8Ȩelȧ9ȧeq se ͨcs8Ȩ˹g9ȧ˹q se ͨcs8Ȩeg9ȧeq se ͨcs8Ȩ˹g9ȧ˹q se Do you speak English? Yes, I do. No I don’t. mitoonin (mitavaanid) inglisi sohbat baleh mitoonam na emitoonam konin (konid)? (mitavaanam). (nemitavaanam). Ȩelȧjsȧe%< ͨgjsȨegjsȧeqa ͨgjsȨ˹gjsȧ˹qj ͉,ȧkƈlȧkƈȨ5ȧaƭj,ȧjs Can you eat this? Of course. No, I can’t eat it. mitoonin in-o bokhorin (mitavaanid in albateh na nemitoonam raa bekhorid)? (nemitavaanam) bokhoramesh. اﻟﺒﺘﻪ lȦ,ȧjsȨelȦ/s)skȦlȧjsȧe :e/s)gjsȨ˹gjsȧ˹qjͨ ͉,Ȧ/s)/ ORDERING FOOD What do you ~ please. recommend? shomaa chi pishnahaad ~ lotfan mikonin (mikonid)? UE`Х ȨelȧkƈȨe+pk9ȧ¢ȨÞ˴8 ͉,ȧkƈ Ghormeh sabzi Abgoosht Chelokabab-e barg gaz ghormeh sabzi aabgoosht chelo kabaab-e barg gaz ﮔﺰ ﭼﻠﻮﮐﺒﺎب ﺑﺮگ آﺑﮕﻮﺷﺖ رﻣﻪ ﺳﺒﺰی baqlava kotlet kookoo sabzi noodle soup baaghlavaa kotlet kookoo sabzi aash reshteh آش رﺷﺘﻪ ﮐﻮﮐﻮ ﺳﺒﺰی ﮐﺘﻠﺖ ﺑﺎﻗﻠﻮا COUNTERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~ please. yek do seh chahaar panj shesh haft hasht noh dah ~ taa lotfan ХUE` COUNTERS ده ﻧﻪ ﻫﺸﺖ ﻫﻔﺖ ﺷﺶ ﭘﻨﺞ ﭼﻬﺎر ﺳﻪ دو ﯾﮏ LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Essential Persian Vocabulary #1 National Holidays CONTENTS 2 Persian 2 English 2 Romanization 3 Vocabulary 3 Sample Sentences 4 Cultural Insight # 1 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PERSIAN What are the ve most important public holidays in Iran? .1 .1 .2 ( ) .2 .3 .3 .4 .4 .5 .5 .6 ENGLISH 1. What are the five most important public holidays in Iran? 2. 1. Iranian New Year 3. 2. Nature day 4. 3. Muhammad's first revelation 5. 4. Iranian Revolution Anniversary 6. 5. Birth of Imam Mahdi ROMANIZATION 1. What are the five most important public holidays in Iran? CONT'D OVER PERSIANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLASS: ESSENTIAL PERSIAN VOCABULARY #1 - NATIONAL HOLIDAYS 2 2. 1. Eid-e Nowrooz 3. 2. rooz-e tabiaat (sizdah bedar) 4. 3. mabaas-e hazrat-e rasool-e akram 5. 4. saalgard-e piroozi-e enqelaab 6. 5. tavallod-e hazrat-e mahdi VOCABULARY Persian Romanization English Class Eid-e Nowrooz Iranian New Year phrase ) rooz-e tabiaat ( (sizdah bedar) Nature Day phrase mabaas-e hazrat-e Muhammad's first rasool-e akram revelation phrase saalgard-e piroozi-e Iranian Revolution enqelaab Anniversary phrase tavallod-e hazrat-e mahdi Birth of Imam Mahdi phrase SAMPLE SENTENCES PERSIANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLASS: ESSENTIAL PERSIAN VOCABULARY #1 - NATIONAL HOLIDAYS 3 . . rooz-e tabi'at yaa sizdah be dar sizdahomin rooz norooz jashn-e aaqaaz-e saal va yeki az az maah-e farvardin ast. qadimitarin jashnhaaye be jaa maande az iraan-e baastaan ast. Nature Day is the 13th day of Farvardin. Nowruz is the beginning of the year ceremony and one of the most ancient ceremonies of Old Persia. . . hazrat-e mohammad dar rooz-e mab'as jabra'il raa saalgard-e piroozi-e enqelaab rooz-e 22 bahman molaaqaat kard. ast. Prophet Muhammad met the angel Gabriel The anniversary of the Islamic Revolution on ''Mab'as'' day. is on the 22nd of Bahman. nime sha'baan rooz-e tavallod-e emaam mahdi ast. Nime Sha'baan is Imam Mahdi's birthday. CULTURAL INSIGHT 1. Iranian New Year Iranian New Year marks the first day of spring and the beginning of the year in the Iranian calendar. It's celebrated and observed principally in Iran, but has also spread to many other parts of the world. In Iran, this official holiday lasts for 13 days. 2. Nature day This is a traditional Persian ceremony that takes place on the thirteenth day of the first month of the Iranian calendar, when people spend the day outdoors. It may have started because some people believe thirteen is an unlucky number, so everybody should stay outside on that day. 3. Muhammad's first PERSIANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLASS: ESSENTIAL PERSIAN VOCABULARY #1 - NATIONAL HOLIDAYS 4 revelation Muhammad's first revelation celebrates when the angel Gabriel revealed to him a verse from the Quran. It's a big ceremony in Iran, where they decorate the streets with illumination and hand out sweets, making it a traditional wedding day as well. 4. Iranian Revolution Anniversary The Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution celebrates the overthrow of the empire and replacement with an Islamic republic. During this ten-day festivity, there are many events and activities to mark the victory of the Islamic Revolution. 5. Birth of Imam Mahdi The birthday of Imam Mahdi, the 12th imam of Shia Muslims, is marked as the Day of the Deprived, to show people who are less fortunate that there's no need to despair. PERSIANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLASS: ESSENTIAL PERSIAN VOCABULARY #1 - NATIONAL HOLIDAYS 5 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Essential Persian Vocabulary #2 Foods CONTENTS 2 Persian 2 English 2 Romanization 3 Vocabulary 3 Sample Sentences 4 Cultural Insight # 2 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PERSIAN What are the ve most popular foods in Iran? .1 .1 .2 .2.3 .3 .4 .4.5 .5 .6 ENGLISH 1. What are the five most popular foods in Iran? 2. 1. celery stew 3. 2. Tabrizi meatball 4. 3. Ash Reshteh 5. 4. Persian green herb stew 6. 5. sheep head and feet soup ROMANIZATION 1. What are the five most popular foods in Iran? CONT'D OVER PERSIANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLASS: ESSENTIAL PERSIAN VOCABULARY #2 - FOODS 2 2. 1. khoresht-e karafs 3. 2. koofte tabrizi 4. 3. aash-e reshte 5. 4. qorme sabzi 6. 5. kalle paache VOCABULARY Persian Romanization English Class khoresht-e karafs celery stew phrase koofte tabrizi Tabrizi meatball phrase aash-e reshte Ash Reshteh phrase Persian green herb qorme sabzi stew phrase sheep head and feet kalle paache soup phrase SAMPLE SENTENCES . . khoresht-e karafs yeki az khoreshhaaye asil-e koofte tabrizi yeki az qazaahaaye maroof-e tabriz iraani ast. ast. Celery stew is one of the original Iranian Tabrizi meatball is one of the famous stews. foods from Tabriz. PERSIANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLASS: ESSENTIAL PERSIAN VOCABULARY #2 - FOODS 3 . . aash-e reshte yeki az marooftarin va qorme sabzi yek khoresht-e iraani dorost shode motadaaveltarin aashhaaye boomi-e iraan ast. az sabzijaat ast. Ash Reshteh is one of the most popular Persian green herb stew is a Persian stew and common Iranian stews. that's made from vegetables. mardom mamoolan kalle paache raa sobh-e zood mikhorand. People usually eat Kale Pache early in the morning. CULTURAL INSIGHT 1. Celery stew This is an Iranian stew that's served with rice. It's made of onion, celery, mint, parsley, salt, pepper and beef or lamb. 2. Tabrizi meatball This dish consists of balls of minced or ground beef or lamb, mixed with spices and onions, peas, rice, and egg. In Iran, they also have barberries, dried plum, and walnut inside the meatball. 3. Ash Reshteh Ash Reshteh is a type of stew commonly made in Iran. The ingredients used are thin noodles, a dairy product called kashk, chickpeas, black eye beans, lentils, spinach, onions, and herbs such as parsley and dill. 4. Persian green herb stew The main ingredients in Persian green herb stew are a mixture of sauteed herbs—consisting mainly of parsley, leeks or green onions, coriander, and spinach. It's seasoned with the key spice of shambalileh, or dried fenugreek leaves. PERSIANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLASS: ESSENTIAL PERSIAN VOCABULARY #2 - FOODS 4 5. Sheep head and feet soup This is a traditional dish in Iran. It's made with lamb's head—including the brain, eyes, and tongue—as well as its hooves, seasoned with lemon and cinnamon. PERSIANPOD101.COM CULTURE CLASS: ESSENTIAL PERSIAN VOCABULARY #2 - FOODS 5 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Essential Persian Vocabulary #3 Beverages CONTENTS 2 Persian 2 English 2 Romanization 3 Vocabulary 3 Sample Sentences 4 Cultural Insight # 3 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING.
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