. , ·Revived Hawkeyes Take.3d S~raight Victory I ., , . ~ The Weather CIOIld, with ....ble raiD to4a,. c.atbUIN elo", a" ral. We.,..,. IIl11a tea" 5t: ..... II. al owan Bin 1I0000" $3; .... 1•. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Tuesday, Feb. 24 , 1953 - Vol. 97, No. lOS Fee Payments Due L d . L d US D I t ::;~~::.~~ ·0 ge ea s .. e ega es are scheduled to maIle tultiOD and of the ireuurer, UniversU, haiL " lee pa,ments tocIaf In Ute offlce I C- .. I 7t hUN A bI ~;~§E~ n rucla , ssem y u_eel Frida,. An a4d1iloD&l $1 USE ft ted _;:.u_~_r:_:'~_~._f~_ea_ch_d&_"O_f d_'. Psychiatrist Pakistan Radio Official Visits WSUI U. 01 Mi ssou ri, •• X"K Durkin Sees ' GoHlieb Takes. SUI To Debate To Let Reds IOWA FORWARD DEACON DA\'lS (16) start! a hook shot toward Success qn Miami Post Speak Out first I IS ~w~ U"~t.~!'~~~'~d'- the baskd Ohio State's Merrill Hatrleld (4) attempt. to bloek baters will apoear here today with UNITED NATIONS, N, Y. (,4')- I~ 10 (lrst hP.1r action 10 the field house 1\1onday night. T• H Ch onges A member of the SUI staff for two UI students to discuss the Presld~t Ellenhower's new team 17 yeal's, Dr. Jacques S. 'Gottlieh, topic "Resolved: Thllt Intercollegi- In the UN &ave Its plans a last- WASffiNGTON (JP) - Secretary assistant director of the PSycho- ate athletics should be deempha- minute ehec)!: Monday as leadIn!: of Labor Martin 1:'. Durkin pre- pathic hospital and professor of ized," at 7:30 p.m. in the Senate delegates. flocked here to resume dlcted there will be "a meeting bt psychiatry, wlll leave here July 1 chamber of Old Capitol. today the crucial meetings of the the minds on some things" Mon- to take a similar post at the Uhi- A comhination of discussion and seventh UN ~embly. Ohio State Falls, day after the first meeting of his versity of Miami, Miami, Fla., debate techniques wlll be used at Ambassador H~nry Cabot Ladle public-,industry-labor advisory In his new capacity, Dr. Golt- the meeting, with a student from Jr., the new chief delegate who committee on recommending lieb 'will 'be chairman of the de- each school being paIred on the TEMPLlt UNIVlR81'IT IU.AD changes in the Taft-Hartley law. partment of psychiatry and neu- affIrmative and the negative. HINTED FOR 'VOICE' P08T 90~75, "It was a very good meeting," rology and professor of psychiatry Tom Brown, A4, Iowa City, on WASHINGTON (IP)- See... " As Iowans Durkin said. "Everyone was in the Miami schogl of medecine. the negalive, and Roy Azernotf, G. at S"-te JoIIIl ........ DolIet! .... , agreeable to getting right to work Is Secretary Nominee on the affirmatlve, will represent reported Ide MoIIda, to ha"e and trying to reach some area ot At present, a nominee for the , SUr. Ed Travis, a freshman from askeel Robert L. JoImIoD. ,..... agreement." post of associate secretary for the. St. Charles. Mo., will speak on the deat of T~ _venit, to take This was contrSl"Y to advance Group for the Advancement of - al!irmatlve for Missouri. He was a over tUrecu.. 01 tile Volee 01 Hit .381 Per Cent predictions that the key industry Psychiatry, Dr. Gottlieb has head- ma"y Iowan Photo) member of the runner-up team in Arnerlta and ..... Rate depart, Ry JACK BENDER and labor union leaders who are ed or been associated with a num- the Missouri state high school mebt lDIormaUon ope,.., ..... Dally Iowan Sports Edltor committee members would be un- ~er of psych.iatric .groups in ~ddi- JIM WATT, A2. DAVENPORT, questions Mahmud Nazaml, dl, tournament. last year. J Iowa traded place with Ohio State in the Big 10 conference able to reconcile their sharply lion to writing SCientific artlcie3. rector of one of Pakistan's I,OIlO-watt radio tatlons, over W Uf, Thc negative will be taken by sits with EIsenhower's cabinet. standings L, a generally unspectacular but free-scoring game, !}I)-75, contllcting views. However, Mon- A member 01 ,the America.n concern In .. the difference bel\nen rovernment controlled radio In Fielding Potashnik, a sophomore maintained strict silence on his in the field house Monday night. day's session apparently steered Psychiatric association. he s PakIstan and commercial broadcastinr In America. NazamJ is from Sikeston, Mo. stl'ategy. A crowd o( 11,619 watched the Hawks move up to sixth with a clear of getting down to det.ailed chairman ot the comfmitteeHon r~- spenclinr three davs at UI!o ~tud)' radio prorram plannlnr. Each speaker will have about Delegates 1Q po IUon to know league mark ot 6-B. The Bucks now have 6-9. discussions of the law. s.earch ,.a mem b er 0 the othel- ten minutes to pre ent his point said they expected him to walt for The apparently rt'vived Hawks, who now have three straight. Committee of 15 :;:er r;t~ awardd·bo~~, a me~- Surveys SUl Radl'O of view. The two atfirmaltve Soviet Forel_Minister Andrei Y. wins, had a shot percent~ge of The committee is composed of te r 0 tee ~:o~ Ilia f cormmlt- speakers will approach the topic Vtshinsky to make the first mov~ . .381. Ohio's was a good .358. C a a 15 ember d aU f m. e on c Ica aspec s 0 psy- with slightly diffcrent approaches, Vis\linsky arrived in New York Neithe~ team showed much of m - s ra.wn equ y ro chiatTy, and a representative ot as will the two negative s""akers, Monday, accompanied by the , hurchlll Entertains .mdustry, organized labor and the the ..onftl·atl·on 'or the dl'visl'on of hi h kl I tal d 1 a defense with players being able pUbH~. It adjourned after an hour ~. ~ . • Pak.'stan D.'rector Compares Commercl'al Rad.'o A round table discussIon "'"with all g est ran ng ron cur n e· to shoot openly most ot the eve- and II halt initial meeting unt,il ot the Natlonul four speakers joining In wlll fol- ever co.:eh:::xe. G ' k ' a 6 tat 'd ~edll;alh sClence~1 With Government Controlled Stations eg~o~i g ~~h ( ntng. Only Iowa's . capla!n Herb romy 0 'In ra I u eMarch 5. Durkin Indicated hope esearc ~~= 'to .utA Mahmud Na7.8mi, director of - low thc maIn speeches. Later, the lour nlr:o c~rtaln ~~telgnY m7n~~ ~hom1'B9n ~eld ~p the de~ensiye a a that l\1e ~olWnltUle 1l)8y flbme up Dr. Gottlieb is a member of the one of , P\\klstan's I 1(0ver nrT)~ t dnollgh fbr'NaZbml. He·tried a tlay Q.l,IQjence ~tl1 be ~ble to u k u~s- te ; Vaclav David ot CzecllOlllo- 1 1 SIde ,of th J .garp,e,?ftt'2 1;>1?9~i~~ f.or Flood Rebel' 61ft ' then witli ¢c~mmelldatlo.ns. American Medical association, th e o onh;Cl!le~ lildip- ~t!\PQf1,':l ' II~S ;j ~;"' arid' a half befote l'lif'to(ffid a· p\ - t.lP~s on F. k~ , ~ n I ) . VJi11a; StaniJlaw Skrezsuy.rskl of shots"a d; P, Sl\~$" '. Dur;kin has ~ef,!n as~1i!led by Iowa State Medical association, l)3l1ed hat. thc_, pef.P'l.\}Il\l stJ.,n w of (Jrdm he Ll 'IiRed ' and' -then' it I as T. pm . ~ I ~ or io, Poland; Kuzma Klsselev ot Wlllt;' T~oJnp~ 04 , alsp wos lhe hi~ 1 LONDON (iP) P'M" Preside"t ~senhower \0 draft ad- the J~hnson County Medical 'as\J ~ omm llrcials,c~raq}oJ~%ing Amen- sptlilet1JL by;-db overJ Ab'urli1htll:e 'Of ""'.ll presl,d~, as chairman. Ru!!Sla an\! A. M. Baranovslty of scorer fOr iowa \V1t~ _ 21 point:: ~I). h hil' 't dS r~meA ~mlltp.r ministti\tlol\ , amendm~n,t8 to the sodation, the Iowa Neuro-Psylehj- iean raQio .. '1 , ... ,I" I 'I , .cIHI~~e commerctifls ..... ~l'di d' com~ t1 ,' ----'- '. tb~So~lei 'Ukraine. rn seven !lools ~n,? .s(jven tree toss~s, ;Joru~n<l 1?t1.~oem ;¢v:thls :cSi'j 'I: ii la~ . Ei~enhower ha~ said the atric society, Sigma Xi. the Amer- The aim 'of n(dia ;:irT' :P:Cki9~n mer~1 Is')'/tre 'laS I b'a4' \Is ellJhg Jke,, Asks for F-un;Js' Here in brief are Bome of the Deacon Dav1fl. ¥.qt 19., .' es'd M d Y a d t~ k~ law n/!eds changing in the light of ioan Psychosomatic 8ocie~y for ex- is to be ,a "public 00. \lJ~e 'aVtrlf- soap ' frolli the ptJIjHW' Naiarrii , 'n U issues before the a$selnbly; Ge~q .,. ffe~f;!C!Ic deserv:es ple~ty ~i~ ~~~e R °i~ ' say I 2~2 000 al~OOd ~xperience since its enactment in peri mental bio)ogy and medicine, able lor the p~plc's ]toOd land" not ~omn'le nted ! ,I'~ . , '~I . ... E" a ( . al ~. Korea. The U. S. delegates of th.~ crE1qlt !or the Win. Befo:~ retie, -'gift ~ ,$, ., .. 1947. and the Cen\ral Enccphalogra- a comrflercial onterpris\\,' Its pU\'- "I don't think 'r.<!'U hqve tele- for tonomlc ountl are expected to stand behind the fouhn~ out With 1:59 still left In The Ru~sian \ gift was the third Ike's Idea phers society.. oose Is to inform, educate and vision in Pakistan aUring my ser- peace plan approved last Dec~m- the th,lrd .quarter he had held the instance of generosity toward a .It apparently was Eise:nh?wer's He came to sm m 1936 from entertain thc people," Nazami, di- vice in radio," he continued.
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