Eve & Adam God created the first man and woman as the first family. They made a horrible choice to sin against God. But God had a perfect plan to rescue them and all of us. It’s the first promise. (Genesis 3:15) 1 Noah & Wife God told Noah to build a big boat called an ark. God was going to Seth send rain to destroy the earth through a flood. It had never rained Cain was wicked. When Adam was 130 years old, he had another son before. The people mocked Noah for building the ark but God named Seth. God had chosen another man from which He would bring the promised to save Noah, his wife and sons. Noah lived another Messiah. Then men began calling on the Lord again. (Genesis 4:25-26) 350 years after he and his family left the ark. Each son went a different direction and Shem stayed in the same region as the ark landed. It is believed that Abraham is part of Shem’s family. 2 3 Abraham & Sarah Shem God spoke to Abraham and told him to pack up his wife and his house- hold (which was a lot of people that worked for him and all their animals) Noah had three sons. Shem, Ham and Japeth. Ham went south (Israel, and move to another place. God didn’t tell him where but told him to get Egypt, Africa), Japeth went north (Europe) and Shem made his life going. (Genesis 12) They had no children but a nephew named Lot. God around the same area (Iraq, Iran and Asia). It is from Shem’s family that gave a piece of land to Abraham and a child to them in their old age. God Abraham was born. was starting a new country through them. 4 5 Rebekah & Isaac Jacob Isaac was the special child born to Abraham and Jacob tricked Esau for Sarah when they were old. Isaac grew up and married a everything that belonged to Isaac. Jacob was woman named Rebekah. Isaac and Rebekah had twins and afraid and ran away to his uncle’s home in picked favorites. Esau was irresponsible but Isaac’s favorite. another country. There he fell in love and married Rachel. But first he was tricked too. 6 7 Judah Joseph Judah was one of the ten brothers who disliked Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob He bragged about his special Joseph. However, he stepped in and stopped them from hurting their half dreams which made his half brothers dislike him. -brother instead selling him to the grandchildren of Ishmael and Esau. 8 9 Moses Ruth & Boaz There was a powerful ruler named Moses. He had everything: power, A good and honorable man named Boaz allowed Ruth to pick from his wealth, and comfort but he couldn’t deny he was truly a Hebrew saved field. Boaz and Ruth fell in love. Ruth and Boaz had a son and they from when he was just a baby for something special. God used Moses to named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse and Jesse was the free His people from slavery. father of the Great King David. 10 11 Samuel Samuel’s job was to find the new king for Israel. God sent him Jesse to Boaz’s grandson Jesse was the grand- Jesse. God told son of Boaz. He had Samuel that He seven sons. Jesse would show Samuel thought Samuel which young man would anoint one of would be the next the older sons but king. instead he anointed his youngest son David to be king. 12 13 Solomon Solomon had everything but could not remain faithful to God. So the kingdom of God’s special people was David torn and would never be the David was handsome and same. One part was the talented but more than Northern Kingdom and one that, he was a man after the Southern Kingdom. God’s heart. David was a shepherd who grew to be the great king of Israel. 14 15 Jesus Jesus is special because he is 100% human and 100% God yet He never sinned. Jesus was tempted just like we are but never sinned in His thoughts, feelings or actions. At the time God the Father had chosen, Jesus went to Jerusa- lem, was arrested, wrongly punished, treat- ed horribly, and died on a cross for our sin. And then, after being buried for three days, He came back to life finish- ing the God Saves story. Mary and Joseph Because of Jesus, God Jesus was miracu- saves us still today. lously placed inside of Mary to grow and Have you trusted Him as be born into Mary your Savior? and Joseph’s family. 16 17 REDEMPTION FACT #5: Jesus died. The final and full pay- HOW DOES GOD SAVES US? ment for my sin was made. Jesus purchased my life for God. ASK: How does it make you feel to know that Jesus did this be- REDEMPTION FACT #1: I was born with a broken friendship cause He loves you and wanted your broken friendship with God with God. God wants my broken friendship with Him to be the Father to be fixed? (John 15:9-11) fixed. ASK: Why were you born with a broken friendship with God? REDEMPTION FACT #6: Jesus came back to life—because He (Romans 5:12: Sin including bad choices made my friendship is God. with God broken) ASK: How does it make you feel that the God who can bring the dead to life loves you? (Matthew 27:54) REDEMPTION FACT #2: God came as a man in Jesus Christ to fix my broken friendship with Him. REDEMPTION FACT #7: Even people who hear about Jesus, ASK: Why would God come to Earth as a man to fix your broken don’t always see Him or trust Him as their Savior. friendship with Him? (John 3:16-17: He loves you and had a plan ASK: Why is it hard for people who know so much about Jesus to for your life before you were born.) believe that He is God’s Son and will do what He says He will do? Do you have trouble trusting Jesus? (Matthew 7:13-14) REDEMPTION FACT #3: Although Jesus wanted to fix my broken friendship with God the Father, He knew it would be REDEMPTION FACT #8: God wants me to ask Him questions very painful. trusting Him and His Word. ASK: Why was it painful? (Isaiah 53: 5: God requires a sacrifice ASK: Why do you think Jesus was so good to Thomas by showing to pay for our sin.) How did Jesus know it would be painful? Thomas His hands? (Philippians 2:12, John 20:29) Jesus wants (Because He is God.) Why would it be painful if He is God? us to believe and wants to help us believe because He loves us.) (Because He was a man too.) MORE CONVERSATION: REDEMPTION FACT #4: Jesus was perfect, guilty of noth- Do you believe you were born with a broken friendship with ing, yet was beaten and left alone because of my sin. God because of sin and God wants your broken friendship ASK: Why would Jesus who never did anything wrong, who with Him to be fixed? healed people, and who helped people, have to suffer and be left alone like a criminal? (Isaiah 53:10-12 and Romans 3:23: Our Do you believe God came as a man in Jesus Christ to fix sin is so bad that God requires a huge payment for it, one we your broken friendship with Him? could never pay.) Do you understand Jesus wanted to fix your broken friend- ship with God the Father even though it would be very pain- ful? 18 .
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