June 23, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S6879 that are also published in foreign countries, man, President and CEO, Pioneer Hi- on April 27, 1998: Mr. DREIER, Mr. BAR- (3) protects investments in processes and fac- Bred International, Inc.; H.W. TON, Mr. BALLENGER, Mr. MANZULLO, tory equipment of American manufacturers Lichtenberger, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. BILBRAY, Mr. SANFORD, Mr. HAMIL- by creating a prior user defense, (4) provides Praxair, Inc.; Jeremiah J. Sheehan, TON, Mr. FILNER, Mr. DELAHUNT, and a low-cost, speedy alternative to district Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, court litigation by strengthening the Patent Reynolds Metals Co.; Eric Schmidt, Mr. REYES. and Trademark Office's reexamination pro- Chairman and CEO, Novell, Inc.; W.W. f cedure, and (5) improves efficiency of the Allen, Chairman of the Board and Chief MEASURES REFERRED Patent and Trademark Office. Executive Officer, Phillips Petroleum The substance of this bill has been debated Co.; Gary DiGamillo, Chief Executive The following bills were read the first in many Congressional hearings since the be- Officer, Polaroid Corp.; John E. Pepper, and second times by unanimous con- ginning of the 104th Congress. The House Chairman and CEO, Procter & Gamble; sent and referred as indicated: passed a companion bill earlier this year and Bill Budinger, Chairman and Chief Ex- H.R. 2411. An act to provide for a land ex- S. 507 was favorably reported by the Senate ecutive Officer, Rodel, Inc.; Larry Wil- change involving the Cape Cod National Sea- Judiciary Committee by a vote of 17 to 1. son, Chairman and Chief Executive Of- S. 507 enjoys strong bipartisan support, de- shore and to extend the authority for the ficer, Rohm and Haas Co.; Scott spite the substantial misinformation that Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Com- McNealy, Chairman of the Board of Di- has surrounded it. It is time for the Senate mission; to the Committee on Environment rectors, President and Chief Executive to vote on this bill, which will strengthen and Public Works. the U.S. economy and keep jobs in America. Officer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.; Melvin H.R. 3303. An act to authorize appropria- Sincerely, R. Goodes, Chief Executive Director, tions for the Department of Justice for the Grant Saviers, Chairman, CEO and Presi- Warner-Lambert Co.; Alan F. Shugart, fiscal years 1999, 2000, and 2001; to authorize dent, Adaptec, Inc.; H.A. Wagner, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and appropriations for fiscal years 1999 and 2000 Chairman of the Board, President, and President, Seagate Technology; Wil- to carry out certain programs administered Chief Executive Officer, Air Products liam H. Joyce, Chairman and Chief Ex- by the Department of Justice; to amend title and Chemicals, Inc.; John R. Stafford, ecutive Officer, Union Carbide Corp.; 28, United States Code with respect to the Chairman, President and Chief Execu- Ernest H. Drew, Chief Executive Offi- use of funds available to the Department of tive Officer, American Home Products cer, Industries and Technology Group, Justice; and for other purposes; to the Com- Corp.; John I. Shipp, President, Apollo Westinghouse Electric Corp. mittee on the Judiciary. Camera, L.L.C.; Carol Bartz, Chairman, f President and CEO, Autodesk, Inc.; The following concurrent resolution Clateo Castellini, Chairman of the MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE was read and referred as indicated: Board, President and CEO, Becton, At 3:26 p.m., a message from the H. Con. Res. 288. Concurrent resolution ex- Dickinson and Co.; Donald V. Fites, House of Representatives, delivered by pressing the sense of Congress that the Chairman and CEO, Caterpillar Inc.; Mr. Hays, one of its reading clerks, an- United States should support the efforts of William J. Hudson, President and Chief nounced that the House has passed the Federal law enforcement agents engaged in Executive Officer, AMP Inc.; James C. investigation and prosecution of money Morgan, Chairman and Chief Executive following bills and joint resolution, in laundering associated with Mexican finan- Officer, Applied Materials, Inc.; Wil- which it requests the concurrence of cial institutions; to the Committee on the liam H. Williams, President and Chief the Senate: Judiciary. Executive Officer, Bear Creek Corp.; H.R. 2411. An act to provide for a land ex- f Gregory Bentley, President, Bentley change involving the Cape Cod National Sea- Systems, Inc.; Frank Baldino, Jr., shore and to extend the authority for the MEASURES PLACED ON THE Ph.D., President and CEO, Cephalon, Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Com- CALENDAR Inc.; Dominique Goupil, President, mission. The following joint resolution was H.R. 3303. An act to authorize appropria- Claris Corp.; Hans W. Becherer, Chair- read the first and second times, and man and Chief Executive Officer, Deere tions for the Department of Justice for the & Co.; John A. Krol, Chairman and fiscal years 1999, 2000, and 2001; to authorize placed on the calendar: Chief Executive Officer, E. I. du Pont appropriations for fiscal years 1999 and 2000 H.J. Res. 113. Joint resolution approving de Nemours and Co.; George M. C. Fish- to carry out certain programs administered the location of a Martin Luther King, Jr., er, Chairman, President, and Chief Ex- by the Department of Justice; to amend title Memorial in the Nation's Capital. ecutive Officer, Eastman Kadak Co.; 28, United States Code with respect to the The following bill was read the sec- Alex Trotman, Chairman of the Board, use of funds available to the Department of ond time and ordered placed on the cal- Justice; and for other purposes. Ford Motor Co.; Eckhard Pfeiffer, endar: President and CEO, Compaq Computer H.R. 4059. An act making appropriations Corp.; William S. Stavropoulos, Presi- for the military construction, family hous- H.R. 4059. An act making appropriations dent and Chief Executive Officer, The ing, and base realignment and closure for the for the military construction, family hous- Dow Chemical Co.; Earnest W. Department of Defense for the fiscal year ing, and base realignment and closure for the Deavenport, Jr., Chairman and Chief ending September 30, 1999, and for other pur- Department of Defense for the fiscal year Executive Officer, Eastman Chemical poses. ending September 30, 1999, and for other pur- Co.; Robert N. Burt, Chairman of the H.R. 4060. An act making appropriations poses. Board and Chief Executive Officer, for energy and water development for the fis- f FMC Corp.; John D. Opie, Vice Chair- cal year ending September 30, 1999, and for man, General Electric Co.; Phillip W. other purposes. EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Farmer, Chairman and Chief Executive H.J. Res. 113. Joint resolution approving COMMUNICATIONS Officer, Harris Corp.; Thomas F. Ken- the location of a Martin Luther King, Jr., The following communications were nedy, President and Chief Executive Memorial in the Nation's Capital. laid before the Senate, together with Officer, Hoechst Celanese Corp.; Gor- The message also announced that the accompanying papers, reports, and doc- don E. Moore, Chairman, Intel Corp.; House has agreed to the following con- uments, which were referred as indi- Richard A. McGinn, President and current resolution, in which it requests Chief Executive Officer, Lucent Tech- cated: nologies; William H. Gates, Chairman the concurrence of the Senate: EC±5653. A communication from the Presi- and Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft H. Con. Res. 288. Concurrent resolution ex- dent and Chairman of the Export-Import Corp.; Lewis E. Platt, Chairman, Presi- pressing the sense of Congress that the Bank of the United States, transmitting, dent, and Chief Executive Officer, Hew- United States should support the efforts of pursuant to law, the report of a financial lett-Packard Co.; Louis V. Gerstener, Federal law enforcement agents engaged in guarantee for the sale of aircraft to Hainan Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Offi- investigation and prosecution of money Airlines in the People's Republic of China; to cer, IBM Corp.; Jeff Papows, President, laundering associated with Mexican finan- the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Lotus Development Corp.; William W. cial institutions. Urban Affairs. George, Chairman and Chief Executive The message further announced that EC±5654. A communication from the Presi- Officer, Medtronic, Inc.; L. D. pursuant to the provisions of 22 U.S.C. dent and Chairman of the Export-Import DeSimone, Chairman of the Board and 276h, the Speaker appoints the follow- Bank of the United States, transmitting, Chief Executive Officer, Minnesota ing Members of the House to the Mex- pursuant to law, the report of a financial Mining and Manufacturing Co.; Edward guarantee for the sale of aircraft to Air Pa- J. Mooney, Chairman and CEO, Nalco ico-United States Interparliamentary cific Ltd. of Fiji; to the Committee on Bank- Chemical Co.; William C. Steere, Jr., Group, in addition to Mr. KOLBE of Ari- ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Chairman of the Board and CEO, zona, Chairman, and Mr. GILMAN of EC±5655. A communication from the Direc- Pfizer, Inc.; Charles S. Johnson, Chair- New York, Vice Chairman, appointed tor of the Office of Regulatory Management S6880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 23, 1998 and Information, Environmental Protection EC±5667. A communication from the Ad- Whereas, The Commission has provided for Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ministrator of the Agricultural Marketing equitable treatment of all parties without report of a rule regarding residue tolerances Service, Department of Agriculture, trans- regards to political boundary; and for the pesticide tebufenozide; to the Com- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule Whereas, The Commission includes both mittee on Environment and Public Works. entitled ``Tobacco Inspection; Growers' Ref- the Delaware River and Delaware Bay, which EC±5656. A communication from the Chief erendum Results'' (Docket TB±97±16) re- serve the port of Pennsylvania, a port that of the Programs and Legislation Division, ceived on June 19, 1998; to the Committee on handles the largest volume of petroleum of Office of Legislative Liaison, Department of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
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