BioEM2009: Technical Program Committee BEMS EBEA Dariusz Leszczynski Co-Chair Guglielmo d’Inzeo Co-Chair Ewa Czerska Elisabeth Cardis Niels Kuster Peter Gajšek Bruce McLeod Volker Hansen James McNamee Maila Hietanen Michael Murphy Jukka Juutilainen Gabi Nindl Waite Isabelle Lagroye Rich Nuccitelli Carmela Marino Frank Prato Luis Mir Joachim Schüz Theodoros Samaras Asher Sheppard Maria Rosaria Scarfì Mays Swicord Zenon Sienkiewicz Masao Taki György Thuróczy Shoogo Ueno Eric Van Rongen THE BIOELECTROMAGNETICS EBEA COUNCIL SOCIETY Officers and Board of Directors President: Niels Kuster (2010) President: Carmela Marino Vice President/ Vice President: Ferdinando Bersani President Elect: Michael Murphy (2011) Treasurer: Alejandro Úbeda Past President: Ewa Czerska (2009) Secretary: Isabelle Lagroye Treasurer: Vijayalaxmi (2010) Secretary: Philip Chadwick (2010) Editor-in-Chief: James Lin (2009) BIOLOGICAL/MEDICAL SCIENCES BIOLOGICAL/MEDICAL SCIENCES Carl Blackman (2010) Jukka Juutilainen Jeffrey Carson (2009) Maria Rosaria Scarfi Maren Fedrowitz (2010) Marion Crasson Joachim Schüz (2009) David Black (2011) Ann Rajnicek (2011) ENGINEERING/PHYSICAL SCIENCES ENGINEERING/PHYSICAL SCIENCES Dariusz Leszczynski (2009) Micaela Liberti Indira Chatterjee (2010) Kjell Hansson Mild Art Thansandote (2011) Geörgy Thuróczy AT LARGE AT LARGE Nam Kim (2009) Gunnhild Oftedal Chiyoji Ohkubo (2010) Eric Van Rongen Andrei Pakhomov (2011) NEWSLETTER Janie Page, Newsletter Editor MANAGEMENT Gloria L. Parsley, Association Services International, Inc. FROM THE CO-CHAIRS OF THE TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Welcome to Davos, Switzerland for the Joint Meeting of the European BioElectromagnetics Association and the Bioelectromagnetics Society - the BioEM2009. We have prepared a meeting that consists of four Plenary Sessions, three Plenary Topic in Focus Sessions, eighteen Podium Sessions and two Poster Sessions (from submitted abstracts), and six Tutorial Sessions (from submitted proposals). There are some novelties that we have introduced in order to increase attractiveness of the meeting. Firstly, we have extended the requested abstract length to make them more informative for both, reviewers and meeting participants. For this reason the abstract submission deadline was at date later than usually and that is a reason why the evaluation and final acceptance decisions were send out also later than usually. In addition to the 2-page abstracts we have requested 100-word summaries that will be included in the program book. This should help to guide us through the sessions without need of continuous screening through the “heavy” abstract book. Plenary sessions topics will cover several timely issues: Session #1 will review effects of RF-EMF on mobile phone users, Session #2 will review the occupational safety of MRI machines, Session #3 will present some new directions in bioelectromagnetics research and, finally, Session #4 will present some “hot topic” presentations. The speakers for this last session and their topics will be selected at the last moment before the meeting in order to present the issues that are the “talk of the town” at that very time, in June 2009. The new kind of plenary session, presented at this meeting for the first time, are the Topic in Focus sessions. These sessions are designed to present two 30-minute talks on the same issue but by researchers who have the different or opposite points of view. Following the presentations will be 30 minutes moderated discussion time. We hope that these sessions will help to better understand why we have divergent, often contradictory opinions on some bioelectromagnetics issues. As the topics for these novel sessions we have selected this year: mechanisms of EMF biological effects, RF-EMF effect on blood-brain barrier and the use of EM in clinical therapy of cancer. This year we have received record number (394) of abstract submissions. In order to make presentations more informative we have extended time of oral presentations to total of 20 minutes. As always, only part of the submitted abstracts we were able to select for oral podium presentations and the remaining abstracts will be presented in two large poster sessions. Members of both societies have submitted proposals for several tutorial sessions. These sessions are aimed at giving brief reviews of the specific topics. The sessions will run in two blocks of three sessions in parallel. Also, if you only can, it is worth to come to the meeting early and attend the Sunday workshops sponsored by the U.S. Air Force and by the Swiss Non-Ionizing Radiation Research Program. This meeting would not be possible without the efforts of many individuals. With thanks to all, we would like to mention, in particular, Gloria Parsley (Executive Director), Lynn Plitt and Kelly Husser in the BEMS Office; all the Members of the Technical Program Committee who diligently reviewed and scored all the submitted abstracts, John Harvey at Abstract Central, Carmela Marino, the President of EBEA and the members of EBEA Council and Niels Kuster, the President of BEMS and the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee and the members of the BEMS Board of Directors. Their help and advice was crucial in preparation of the program of this meeting. Finally, the both Societies are most grateful to our sponsors for their generous support. Welcome! We hope the meeting will be exciting and informative for all. Guglielmo d’Inzeo (EBEA) and Dariusz Leszczynski (BEMS) Co-Chairs of the Technical Program Committee TIME BIOEM2009 LOCATION SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE FRIDAY, JUNE 12 13:00–18:00 The Next Generation of Bioelectromagnetics (by invitation only) Press Centre SATURDAY, JUNE 13 8:30–18:00 BEMS Board Meeting Press Centre 13:30–18:00 EBEA Council Meeting Office 41 18:00–20:00 BEMS & EBEA Presidents’ Reception (by invitation only) Kirchner Museum SUNDAY, JUNE 14 8:30–12:00 US AIR FORCE LABORATORY WORKSHOP: SHORT PULSE Plenary Hall ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS & BIOLOGY 8:30–18:00 SWISS NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMME 57 (NRP 57): “NON- Aspen IONISING RADIATION – HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT 12:00–19:00 Poster Setup Sanada & Foyer C1 12:00–19:00 Registration Foyer A2 12:00–17:00 LOADING TIME FOR MONDAY’S ORAL PRESENTATIONS Convention Office 13:00–18:00 EFHRAN Presse 16:30–18:30 NRP STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Office 41 TBD COST MB0704 TBD 16:30–18:00 URSI COMMISSION K Plenary Hall 17:00–19:00 Welcome Reception Foyer A2 19:00–21:00 Student Ice Breaker Musicbar Rotliechtli MONDAY, JUNE 15 7:30–18:00 LOADING TIME FOR TUESDAY’S ORAL PRESENTATIONS Convention Office 8:00–8:30 Opening & Welcome Remarks Plenary Hall 8:30–10:00 PLENARY I: RF-EMF EPI AND HUMAN Plenary Hall 10:00–10:30 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 10:30–12:00 Poster Session 1 (odd numbered posters will be presented) Sanada & Foyer C1 12:00–13:00 Lunch On your own 13:00–14:30 Topic in Focus 1: EMF Interaction Mechanisms Plenary Hall 14:30–15:00 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 15:00–16:40 Session 1: Dosimetry I Plenary Hall Session 2: Animal Studies Aspen TIME BIOEM2009 LOCATION SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE 17:00–18:00 Tutorial 1: RF Safety Standards Plenary Hall Tutorial 2: Medical Imaging Aspen Tutorial 3: Biofilms Pischa & Parsenn 18:00 Editorial Board Dinner TBD TUESDAY, JUNE 16 8:00–18:00 LOADING TIME FOR WEDNESDAY’S ORAL PRESENTATIONS Convention Office 8:30–10:00 PLENARY II: MRI SAFETY Plenary Hall 10:00–10:30 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 10:30–12:00 Poster Session 2 (even numbered posters will be presented) Sanada & Foyer C1 12:00–13:00 Lunch On your own 12:00–13:00 BEMS 2010 Technical Program Committee Meeting Jakobshorn 13:00–14:30 Topic in Focus 2: RF-EMF and BBB Plenary Hall 14:30–15:00 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 15:00–16:20 Session 3: Dosimetry II Plenary Hall Session 4: Mechanisms of Interaction I Aspen 16:20–16:40 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 16:40–18:00 Session 5: Dosimetry III Plenary Hall Session 6: Epidemiology Aspen 19:00 Social Event, Sponsor Recognition & EBEA’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Hotel Schatzalp WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 8:00–12:40 LOADING TIME FOR THURSDAY’S ORAL PRESENTATIONS Convention Office 8:30–9:30 PLENARY III: NEW DIRECTIONS Plenary Hall 9:30–9:45 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 9:45–11:25 Session 7: In Vitro Studies I Plenary Hall Session 8: Medical Applications Aspen 11:25–11:40 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 11:40–12:40 Tutorial 4: Deep Brain Stimulation Plenary Hall Tutorial 5: Medical Applications Aspen Tutorial 6: Preservation of Art Pischa & Parsenn 13:00 Free afternoon for optional tours 13:00–18:00 COST BM0704 MCM (by invitation only) Strela & Rinerhorn THURSDAY, JUNE 18 8:00–18:00 LOADING TIME FOR FRIDAY’S ORAL PRESENTATIONS Convention Office 8:00–9:40 Session 9: Dosimetry IV Plenary Hall Session 10: Mechanisms of Interaction II Aspen TIME BIOEM2009 LOCATION SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE 9:40–10:10 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 10:10–11:50 Session 11: In Vitro Studies II Plenary Hall Session 12: Theoretical and Practical Modeling Aspen 12:00–13:15 BEMS Annual Business Meeting Aspen (bag lunches are available for advance purchase) 13:20–14:50 Topic in Focus 3: EM Cancer Therapy Plenary Hall 14:50–15:20 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 15:20–16:20 Session 13: Devices, Instrumentation Modeling Plenary Hall Session 14: Pulsed Fields Aspen 16:20–16:30 Short Break A & C Foyers 16:30–18:10 Session 15: Human Studies Plenary Hall Session 16: Animal Studies Aspen 18:15 EBEA Assembly Aspen FRIDAY, JUNE 19 8:30–10:10 Session 17: Epidemiology Plenary Hall Session 18: Risk, Safety Standards, and Public Policy Aspen 10:10–10:40 Coffee Break A & C Foyers 10:40–12:10 PLENARY 4: HOT TOPIC Plenary Hall 12:10–13:00 Student Awards and Closing Ceremony Plenary Hall 13:00–17:00 SPEAG SEMCAD X Workshop Aspen II 13:00–17:00 EMSS WORKSHOP: RF COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT FOR Aspen I MOBILE NETWORKS 13:00–17:00 CST WORKSHOP: COMPLETE TECHNOLOGY FOR MEDICAL AND Plenary Hall BIO-EM-SIMULATIONS 13:00–17:00 SWISSCOM Workshop (by invitation only) Room 2 13:00–18:00 BEMS Board of Directors Meeting Jakobshorn 13:30–18:00 EBEA Council Strela & Rinerhorn 13:00 IEEE ICES TC34 Pischa & Parsenn REGISTRATION INFORMATION THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF PAYMENT FOR DISCOUNTED EARLY REGISTRATION IS MAY 22, 2009 Payments received after that date will be charged the late registration fee.
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