BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 'W m. y in AGENDA I 35 s $ June 15, 2021 REGULAR SESSION 5:00 P.M. I. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 1. Minutes – June 1, 2021 – Regular Session 2. Minutes – June 1, 2021 - Public Hearing 3. Expense Report 4. Surplus Declaration; Robert Fletcher IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS V. CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Firewatch Council Presentation; Nick Howland Info Only 2. JAGC, Residual Meth Initiative; John Blanchard Action Item 3. E911 Grant Acceptance; John Blanchard Action Item 4. Medical Billing Hardships Assistance Guidelines; Chief Trevor Nelson Action Item 5. LPA Member Alternate to Voting Appointment; Lara Diettrich Action Item VII. PRIOR BUSINESS 1. Pending Business Report; Sara Little Info Only 2. Expense Report over $4500 Info Only 3. American Rescue Plan Update Info Only VIII. COUNTY MANAGER IX. COUNTY ATTORNEY X. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS If any member of the public desires to appeal a decision made at these hearings, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is transcribed, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation of an interpreter to participate in these proceedings should contact the County Commissioners Office at (904) 259-3613, at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. Please Note: Items marked as “information only” or “for discussion” may have Board action taken at the time of discussion. BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .m, I'J Si AGENDA I 35 s $ June 15, 2021 XI. PUBLIC HEARING All Items are presented FIRST Hearing 1. Ordinance No. 2021-036 Large Scale Land Use Amendment (Boree Investments, LLC) 2. Ordinance No. 2021-039 Small Scale Land Use Amendment (Ruise) 3. Ordinance No. 2021-040 Rezoning (Ruise) 4. Ordinance No. 2021-041 Rezoning (Burtner) 5. Ordinance No. 2021-042 Rezoning (Barrow) 6. Ordinance No. 2021-043 Small Scale Land Use Amendment (Adam’s Dairy Farm, LLC) 7. (Ordinance number not required) Variance (White) XII. ADJOURN If any member of the public desires to appeal a decision made at these hearings, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and for that purpose he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is transcribed, which record would include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation of an interpreter to participate in these proceedings should contact the County Commissioners Office at (904) 259-3613, at least 48 hours prior to the time of the hearing. Please Note: Items marked as “information only” or “for discussion” may have Board action taken at the time of discussion. BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES June 1, 2021 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, Oliver (Jimmy) Anderson Commissioner, Cathy Rhoden Commissioner, Mark Hartley Also, Present: County Manager, Sara Little County Attorney, Rich Komando County Clerk, Stacie D. Harvey Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please visit www.bakercountyfl.org/board or contact Sara Little at [email protected] REGULAR SESSION Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone in attendance. Commissioner Cathy Rhoden led in the invocation and pledge. Chairman Anderson called for approval of the agenda. Commissioner Cathy Rhoden approved agenda. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous. Chairman Anderson requested approval of the consent agenda which consisted of: 1. Minutes – May 18, 2021 – Regular Session 2. Minutes – May 18, 2021 – Public Hearing 3. Expense Report 4. Acceptance of EMS Matching Grant (Defibrillators) Commissioner Mark Hartley moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Cathy Rhoden seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous. Chairman Anderson called for public comment. There were no public comments. Darryl Register presented Competitive Florida Partnership Grant. This is to help the Economic Development Plan for Baker County. If approved, it will be sent to DEO, and they will send back SCOPE work with what they would like to see done. Commissioner Cathy Rhoden moved to approve as presented. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous. Robert Fletcher presented Paving of CR-127 Bid Award. Staff would like to award bid to Anderson Columbia Co. This is a state funded project with a total contract amount of $3,179,570.85. Commissioner Mark Hartley moved to approve as presented. Commissioner Cathy Rhoden seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous. Cheryl Rewis presented Resolution 2021-17 Budget Amendment. This Resolution is to set forth the appropriations and revenue estimate for the budget amendment for Fiscal Year 2021-2021 from $43,212,475 to $44,389,976. Commissioner Cathy Rhoden moved to approve as presented. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. Rich Komando read by title. The motion carried unanimous. Page 2 MINUTES- Regular Session June 1, 2021 Sara Little presented Bid 2021-10 Fire Extinguisher Inspection Services. Mrs. Little is requesting direction for the Bid, this has been advertised several times, and have only received one response. Chairman Anderson recommended looking into other alternatives and does not recommend opening bid right now. This was not an action item and did not need a motion. Sara Little presented SHIP Change Order-Conner Project. Whitney Construction is requesting an increase of $3,650.00 to their rehabilitation contract. It was originally anticipated to be able to reuse the skirting, however, the skirting is more deteriorated than first thought and is beyond re-use. Contractor obtained quote for materials to resolve the issue and completed the required Change Order form. The new total contract is $27,500.00. Commissioner Cathy Rhoden moved to approve as presented. Commissioner Mark Hartley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous. Sara Little presented HR Assistant Pay Scale. Mrs. Little stated the ad for the HR Assistant has been advertised since last year, and the position is currently budgeted for $10 an hour, 24 hours a week, staff is recommending an increase in pay for this position to $12 an hour, 24 hours a week. Commissioner Mark Hartley moved to approve as presented. Commissioner Cathy Rhoden seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimous. Sara Little presented the pending business report as follows: PENDING BUSINESS ITEM 0PRIORITY 0STATUS 0 START DATE % COMPLETE COMMENTS 0 Sanderson Community Fire Station High New 12/17/2019 10% Appropriation submitted for FY 2021-2022 Construction Bid awarded 11/5/2020. Site Prep is Central County Fire Station High In Progress 09/03/2019 60% underway by the Road Dept. Construction is underway by Under review by CDD and Building Official before project COA Bus Wash Normal In Progress 08/06/2019 25% is advertised. Community Development Block Grant Application Normal In Progress 02/21/2017 75% Awaiting funding announcement Infrastructure funding for County Roads Normal New 07/18/2017 50% Ongoing ROW requirements still be obtained in certain areas. Reid Stafford Road Normal New 03/07/2017 75% Phase 1 complete! Further paving approved 9/1 90% Plans are complete. We're in the FINAL Stage with St. Marys Cove Boat Ramp Grant High New 07/02/2019 50% FDEP and Army Corp of Engineers Funding was awarded in late August. Waiting on funding St Marys Cove Boat Ramp Grant Phase 2 High New 01/05/2020 5% agreements from the State. $36,214 approved. Application was submitted 8/2020. $2mill project total for renovations to the Exhibit Hall at the Baker County Fairgrounds CDBG Grant Application High New 01/05/2020 5% Fairgrounds. Funding to be annouced soon. Sara Little presented the expense report over $4500 without comment. Sara Little presented the Board with an American Rescue Plan update. Mrs. Little stated that herself and Mrs. Cheryl Rewis have made progress getting into the portal and will update at next meeting. Baker County will receive $5.65 million. The County can use 50% for the year 2021 and the other 50% in the next year, the County does have until December 2024 to use all funds. There was no action needed. Meeting adjourned. _______________________________________ ______________________________________ Stacie D. Harvey, Clerk Oliver J. Anderson, Chairman BAKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES June 1, 2021 The Baker County Board of Commissioners met in a scheduled meeting with the following members present: Chairman, Oliver (Jimmy) Anderson Commissioner, Cathy Rhoden Commissioner, Mark Hartley Also, Present: County Manager, Sara Little County Attorney, Rich Komando County Clerk, Stacie D. Harvey Note: These meeting minutes are a summarized version of the actual discussions at the meeting. These are not verbatim transcripts. For a complete audio recording of the discussion please visit www.bakercountyfl.org/board or contact Sara Little at [email protected] PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Anderson called the meeting to order and opened the public hearing. Lara Diettrich presented Ordinance 2021-033 regarding a Small-Scale Land Use Amendment for Marcie and John Pinkston. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkston have submitted an applications for a Small-Scale Amendment. The subject parcel is located on the south side of Altman’s Way, due east of County Road 127, approximately two miles north of County Road 125 North. The subject parcel is 6.00 +/- acres with a future land use category of Agriculture B (AG B) and zoning district of Agriculture 7.5 (AG 7.5).
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