MOTHER OF THE SAVIOR SEMINARY BLACKWOOD, NEW JERSEY 101.5-1067 7hese 7wenty-7u,o Years . .. Under the patronage of Mary, the Mother of God, Mother of The Savior Seminary has grown and fulfilled its purpose of educating young men according to Christian apostolic principles, especially for the holy priesthood. We humbly ask Mary's intercession and the bless­ ing of the Divine Majesty upon . .. Our Priests, who devote, dedicate and consecrate themselves to the formation of Christ in those favored youths who are called from men in order to be ordained for men in the things that pertain to God ... Our Brothers, who with apostolic purpose undertake the hidden and arduous labors of Nazareth as coadjutors of the ministers of Christ . .. Our Lay Faculty, who so generously contribute their talents, time and interest to the formation of proper Christian attitudes, ideals and goals of the Seminarians . .. Our Students, who in selfless love of Jesus, the Supreme and Eternal High Priest, entrust their young minds, bodies and hearts to their educators . .. Our Friends, our Benefactors, Members of the Mater Salvatoris Guild and all those who have shared or known our apostolic dreams and labors during the past twenty-two years of service. HIS EXCELLENCY The Most Reverend Celestine J0 Damiano, SoToDo Archbishop-Bishop of Camden A Message from the Sal'vatorian Provincial ... .. FATHI::R RON :\LD BULLINGHAiII, S.D.S. A WORD OF THANKS! ONE of the greatest duties of a Christian is to give thanks. As we face a very sad event in the closing of Mother of the Savior Seminary it is this Chri.~tian spirit of thanks that pervades our minds and hearts. While the future is in the hands of a Provident God the past twent)r-one years are gratefully to ..I be remembered. We know that the efforts and sacrifices of all­ Salvatorian Fathers and Brothers, the lay faculty , parents, students, friends and benefactors-in educatin.g and formin.g future priests will remain as a significant contribution to the people of God in the work 0/ Salvation. Weare grateful to all who in any way have contributed in making this venture possible and successful. Together we can glory in the redemptive fruits of its priest alumni. May the Divine Savior bless you., one and all. Provincia.l Superior, Salvatorian F a.thers The Present Administration and Staff ... REV . BRENOA.N FLANAGAN , S. D. '. Rector·Principal REV. DANIEL MORIARTY, S.O.S. Assistant Principal Dean 0/ Students REV. DOMINIC GILES, S.O.s. REV. EDWARD ALLEYNE, S./).S. Snperior Trea.'wrer THE FATHERS (J.,·ft to Right) -FRONT ROW: Re\". Edward Alleyne, S.O.S.; Very Rc\". Dominic Gilcs, S.O.S. ; Rev. llrendan Flanagan, S.O.s. ~ECO;'110 ROW: Rev. Dani,'l "'lol'ial'ly, S.O.S. ; Rev. Gary ~l c Cinni s , S.D.S.: Hev. Ki m'an Curley, S.O.S.; Mr. Robert Schneider, S.O.S.; THIRD ROW: Rev. Carlton Brick, S.O.S.; Hev. Richard Ca!(nlln, S.D.S.: -".Jr. Marvin Chrislman, S.O.S.; Mr. Clarence ,<.;ikarskie, S.D.S. Teaching Assignments -1966-1967 FR. BRENDAN FLANAGAN, S.D.S.- Rector, II Consultor, Phol" Shop "Ioderator; Latin, Religion and Guidance. FR. DOMINIC GILES, S.O.s.- Superior, Matcr Salvatoris Guild; Enl\lish and Heligion. FR. DANIEL MORIARTY, ' .D .s.-·Uean of Siudents, Assistant Reelor, Siudent Council :'.1oderator, Explorer Scouts Moderator; Engli ~ h, Religion, Physical Education and Guidance. FR. EDWARD ALLEYNE, S.D.S.- I Consultor, Procurator, Confps,or ; Lalin. FH . .JA~ IIE S STEFFENER, S.n.S.- Vocation Director. FR. KIERAN CURLEY, S.D.S.- Direelor of Alhletics, Head of Hisl"ry Dept., Confes ~ or; World Hislory, Economics and Religion. FR. GARY "I"GINNIS, S.Il.$., Librarian, Readers for COl1lm . Re f., Conf"","or; U. S. History and National Problems. FR. CARLTON BRICK, S.O.S.- Spirilual Direclor, Knight I.loderator, jrll/ g!Pllr :Vlori eratllr, Confc, or, Heau of Religion Dept.; Engli,.h and Religion. FR. RICHAHO GAGNON, S.Il.S.- Assistant Dean of Students, CSMC ~Ioderalor, "faster of Ceremonies, Head of Mathematics O"pt.; Algebra, CeollH'lry and Cuidance. '\iR. MARVIN CHRISTMAN, S.D.S.- HiAe Club, Assistant Mou.'ralor, An:hery \.Iuh Moderator; Algebra, Elementary Algebra anu Physical Educalion. :\1R. CLARENCE SIKAHSKIE, S.D.S.- Infirmarian, Hobby Club Moderalor; Latin, French and Physical Education. ~' IR. ROBERT SCHNEIDER, S.D.S.--Assistant Director of Athlelics, A !; ~ i s tant Prefect of Dorms, Choir Director, RiAe Club Moderalor, Heau of Physical Educalion Department ; French, Lalin and Ph\'sical Education. .MiL JOSEPH CHAPMAN-Head of English Department; English. MR . CLENl\ KUHNEL- Direclor of Dramatics, Head of Class;';al and "Iodern Foreil'n LUIlj?:uage Deparlment, Oratory and De· hate; Latin, Speech and Language. "'fR. JOSEPH CARnONE- Head of Science Department; Biology. MR . BReCE ASHLEY- Algebra and General Science. MH. JOHN WIEOERWAX- Physics. MIt WARREN CAMBRIDGE- Chemistry. MR. ALFRED MINfCOZZf- Head of Music Department, Band-Orchestra, Glee Club, Piano; Music. BRO. JEROME FILAR, S.O.S.- Public Relations Director, Chronicler. BRO. CORNELIUS POPE, S.O.S.- Bookkeeper, SJudcnt Treasurer. THE LAY FACULTY BOTTOM ROW: Mr. Bru 'e Ashley, Mr. JOEeph Carbone, Mr. Joseph Chapman. (ENTER: Mr. John Wieuerwax. TOP: \Ir. Alfreu .\'1inicozzi, 1\1r. Clenn Kuhnel, MI". Warren Ca mbridl!e. THE BROTHERS (Left to Ri ght)- FRONT ROW : Brother Thaddeus Huebner, S.O.S.; Brother Philip Roldan, S.D.S.; Brother Isidore Rothcn· bacher, S.D.S.; Brother Stanislaus Gurnieny, S. D.s. BACK ROW: Brot her Hichard Canturella, S.O.s.; Brother David Souzer, S.O.S.: Brother Cornelius Pope, S.O.S. ..=: ~ ~ a .r ":.~ OJ ~ 0 ~ • ...... ~en «~ w I: >­ 3 U :;- LUI «C U « • w g ~ J: 'J I­ • '-. ~ u.. ~c 0 ~ t.n ~ L.LJ """ I­ -~ '1j.... « .::: ::J cr; 0 ~ « .... ~ ~ ­(I;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N THE JUNIOR CLASS (Left to Right) -FRONT ROW: Louis Vincelli, Dennis Vouglas, Waller Urban, Anthony Testa, Dennis Desanto, Louis Manzi. SECOND ROW: Ri chard Gass, David Handerhan, Robert Kacinko, John Acs, Raymond McBride, Lawrence Bernaski, William GIordano, Rober! Ouerke ~, Dennis Arians, William Kowal. THIR D ROW: Theodore Pedergnana, Theodore Kin, Anthony Palombo, John Crf'lchen, Joseph Mauro, Louis :Vl ehlinger, Anthony Vitiello, Frank Sermarini, James Carmody, Edward Duffy. FOliRTH ROW : James Cordon, Francis Miller, Edward Johnson, Wayne Smith, Gerard Hahn, Mic hael Catando, Michael Reilly, James Knickman, Dennis Larken, Frank l\'(urray. FIFTH ROW: John Wya u , Michael O'Neill, Fran~is Szczesiak, Ernest Geresy, Carl Wern('r, Anlhony Badowski, Thomas Gluth, Francis JVlcGralh, Michael Piprr-e, Laurence Gregorio, Fredrick Bergold. THE SOPHOMORE CLASS (Left 10 Ri ght) -FRONT ROW: Bruce Greening, Daniel Meyer, Philip Mare~ca, John Czahur, M ark Leadem, 10hn Musser, Wil­ liam Ross, Michael Knox. SECOND ROW : Daniel J ennings, Thomas Neller, Alfred Frank, Stephen Kin, James Cirillo, James Ht'ndrix, Joseph Puhalski , William Lukowski, Francis Kowalski. THIRD ROW: Michael Stachowicz, Ronald White, Daniel Mi­ chaud, Chrislopher Howell , Edward Akacki , Michael Myszka, Maurice Chaloux, Stephen K ohler. FOURTH ROW: Timolhy Akers, Robert Treml, Allen Latta, David Mihok, Walter Sikora, Joseph Cappadona, Joseph Garro, Mortimer Thompson. FIFTH ROW : .Iohn Alleballgh, James Banigan, Henry Larsen, Anlhony Gizzi, John Appel, Daniel Emery, Sylvester Sopko, Blaise Ri cci, Rirhard RaDD . THE FRESHMAN CLASS (Left to Ri ght) -FRONT ROW: David Allen, Raymond Cranden, Paul Martin, Peter Nichols, Kevin Kaminski, William Ashton, Leo nard Mendola, Robert Luder", Louis F~rrier. SECOl\'D ROW : John O'Shaughnr;;5 Y, Thomas Ciccarone, Michael Dunn, Ches· ter Komorowski, Richard Free man, Charlc:, Donahue, Wayn ' Zwicrzyn"ki, Francis Lobaccaro, Leo nard Troiani. THIRD ROW: Da\ id Lawler, Joseph Guyer, Gilbert Hawn, Loui ;; -'1iller, Michael O'l{nurkc, Gary Ros iec ki, Mi chael Duffy, Dominic Bottino, Mi· chael Hunter, John Provencil p.r. FOURTH ROW: Barry Id ell, Ronuld Wyilrallicc:, Kevin ,"loran, Fred Rowley, Thomas Zorn, Peter Cifaloglio, George Jankowsk i, Ri p- hard Heidel, Pckr Gibson. FIFTH ROW: Robert ~lains, Robert Keys, Edward Lilly, Robert Saniewski, Patrick Tammaro, Dona,ld Kuhlman, Theodore Elsesser, Ronald Cartlidl!:l', Thomas Grigal. Student Appointments 1966-1967 First Semester Second Semester General Prefect ............... .. .. John Guerrasio Donaly Duffey Assistant General Prefect Michael Kowalski Edmund Nadolny Dormitory Prefects- St. Thomas Hall Second Floor John Guerrasio William Dugan Mi chael Kowalski William Fyfe Third Floor . Francis Szczesiak Wayne Smith SL Michael Hall Upstairs James Knickman Dennis Larkin Downstairs Joseph Mauro Lawrence Gregorio Class Prefects­ 4A John Guerrasio William Dugan 4B Edwin Romond William Fyfe 3A ......................... .. Fred Bergold Louis Mehlinger 3B Michael Reilly Anthony Testa 2A Edward Akacki Michael Stachowicz 2B .. ............. ... .. Daniel Jennings Michael Myszka Freshman Prefects­ IA . Michael Catando Dennis Arians Ernest Geresy Frank Murray IB James Carmody John Gretchen Walter Urban David Handerhan General Appoinments Student Master of Ceremonies . Frank White Sacristans ................. .. .. .. ........ .. Gass, Palombo, Sermarini Clouse (Gizzi, Knox) Supply Store .................... ..... .. ........_ .. Wroten, Hahn, Manzi Book Store Lyo ns,' Urban, Wyatt Infirmarians Nocella, McGrath, J ennings Dry Cleaning .. ... Miller, Mehlinger, Cirillo. Michaud, (Greening) Laundry Barlowskim, Arians, McNally, Gretchen, Murray, Duerkes, Kohler, Leadem, Maresca, Larsen Custodian O'Farrell Head Librarian Ronald Karney; Assistant- James Knickman Periodical- Michael Pierce Assistants- Gluth, Kacinko, Catando, ChaloulC, Frank, Ross, White Special Recognition . .. ELEVEN YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE REV. ED WARD DEBRUIN, S.O.S . Disciplinarian· Teacher Dean 0/ Studies 1953·1965 REV. NEIL SEIDL, S. O. S. Teacher Athletic Director·Disciplinnrinn 1954·1966 Historical Highlights REV. GREGORY PUTZER, S.O.S. First Superior and Rector 1946·1947 THE 'FIRST FRESHMAN CLASS 1947 October 12, 194·5- Rev. Gregory Putzer, S.D.S. and Rev. Claude Klotz. S.D.5. arrive and begin their work in the Dio­ cese of Camden. May 23 , ]~H6-The Society purchases the ·IS8-acre Buffalo Farm from Mr. Louis Weher, Jr.
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