European Observatory on Homelessness European Observatory on Homelessness European Journal European Journal Homelessness of Homelessness of Homelessness The European Journal of Homelessness provides a critical analysis of policy and practice on homelessness in Europe for policy makers, practitioners, researchers and academics. The aim is to stimulate debate on homelessness and housing exclusion at the European level and to facilitate the development of a stronger Journal of evidential base for policy development and innovation. The journal seeks to give international exposure to significant national, regional and local developments and to provide a forum for comparative analysis of policy and practice in preventing and tackling home- lessness in Europe. The journal will also assess the lessons for Europe which can be derived from policy, practice and research from elsewhere. European European Journal of Homelessness is published annually by FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless. An electronic version can be down- loaded from FEANTSA’s website www.feantsa.org. Effectiveness of Policies and Services FEANTSA is supported financially by the European Commission. for Homelessness The views expressed herein are those of the authors and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. Volume 2 _ December 2008 ISSN: 2030-2762 (Print) n 2030-3106 (Online) _ December 2008 n European Federation of National Associations Working with the Homeless AISBL Fédération Européenne d’Associations Nationales Travaillant avec les Sans-Abri AISBL 194, Chaussée de Louvain n 1210 Brussels n Belgium Tel.: + 32 2 538 66 69 n Fax: + 32 2 539 41 74 [email protected] n www.feantsa.org Volume 2 Volume EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOMELESSNESS Journal Philosophy The European Journal of Homelessness provides a critical analysis of policy and practice on homelessness in Europe for policy makers, practitioners, researchers and academics. The aim is to stimulate debate on homelessness and housing exclusion at the European level and to facilitate the development of a stronger evidential base for policy development and innovation. The journal seeks to give international exposure to significant national, regional and local developments and to provide a forum for comparative analysis of policy and practice in preventing and tackling homelessness in Europe. The journal will also assess the lessons for Europe which can be derived from policy, practice and research from elsewhere. Co-ordinator Bill Edgar, European Housing Research Ltd, Scotland Editorial Team Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Centre for Housing Policy, University of York, England Eoin O’Sullivan, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Volker Busch-Geertsema, GISS.e.v, Bremen, Germany Contributors Robert Aldridge Scottish Council for Single Homeless, Scotland website : http://www.scsh.org.uk Iain Atherton University of St Andrews, Scotland website : http://ggsrv-cold.st-andrews.ac.uk/chr/ Isabel Baptista Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social (CESIS), Portugal website : http://www.cesis.org/quem_somos.htm Cas Barendregt IVO, Addiction Research Institute Rotterdam, Netherlands website : www.ivo.nl Lars Benjaminsen The Danish National Centre for Social Research, Denmark website : www.sfi.dk Volker Busch-Geertsema GISS.e.v, Bremen, Germany website : http://www.giss-ev.de/ Dennis Culhane University of Pennsylvania, USA website : http://works.bepress.com/dennis_culhane Evelyn Dyb Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Norway website : http://en.nibr.no/ Maša Filipovič Hrast University of Ljubljana, Slovenia website : http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/ Suzanne Fitzpatrick University of York, England website : http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/chp/ Paul Flatau Murdoch University, Australia website : http://www.mbs.murdoch.edu.au Ilja Hradecký Naděje, Czech Republic website: http://www.nadeje.cz/index.php?q=node/28 Sarah Johnsen University of York, England website : http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/chp/ Marie Loison-Leruste Equipe de Recherche sur les Inégalités Sociales (ERIS), France website : http://www.cmh.eris.ens.fr/ Carol McNaughton Nicholls National Centre for Social Research, London, UK website : http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/chp/ Marie Nordfeldt Ersta Sköndal University College, Sweden website : http://www.esh.se/en/departments/department-of-social-work.html Lars-Erik Olsson Ersta Sköndal University College, Sweden website : http://www.esh.se/en/departments/department-of-social-work.html Eoin O’Sullivan Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland website : http://www.socialwork-socialpolicy.tcd.ie/ Dike van de Mheen IVO, Addiction Research Institute Rotterdam, Netherlands website : www.ivo.nl Agnes van der Poel IVO, Addiction Research Institute Rotterdam, Netherlands website : www.ivo.nl Julia Wygnańska, Independent Researcher, Poland Kaylene Zaretzky University of Western Australia, Australia website : http://www.business.uwa.edu.au/ Content Foreword 9 Journal Approach 11 Editorial 13 Articles Isabel Baptista & Eoin O’Sullivan The Role of the State in Developing Homeless Strategies : Portugal and Ireland in Comparative Perspective 25 Lars Benjaminsen & Evelyn Dyb The Effectiveness of Homeless Policies – Variations among the Scandinavian Countries 45 Volker Busch-Geertsema & Suzanne Fitzpatrick Effective Homelessness Prevention ? Explaining Reductions in Homelessness in Germany and England 69 Dennis P. Culhane The Costs of Homelessness : A Perspective from the United States 97 Maša Filipovič Hrast Media Representations of Homelessness and the Link to (Effective) Policies : The Case of Slovenia 115 Marie Loison-Leruste Building Consensus ? The French Experience of a ‘Consensus Conference’ on Homelessness 139 Lars-Erik Olsson & Marie Nordfeldt Homelessness and the Tertiary Welfare System in Sweden – The Role of the Welfare State and Non-profit Sector 157 6 European Journal of Homelessness _ Volume 2, December 2008 Policy Evaluation Ilja Hradecký Building Capacity of Homeless Services in the Czech Republic 177 Sarah Johnsen & Suzanne Fitzpatrick The Use of Enforcement to Combat Begging and Street Drinking in England : A High Risk Strategy ? 191 Eoin O’Sullivan Sustainable Solutions to Homelessness : The Irish Case. 205 Agnes van der Poel, Cas Barendregt & Dike van de Mheen Homelessness and other Living Condition Characteristics of Drug Users 2003 – 2007, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands 235 Julia Wygnańska The Impact of Structural Funding on Service Provision for the Homeless (EQUAL and Poland) 259 Think Pieces Robert Aldridge The Limitations of Cost Analysis in Relation to Homelessness 275 Iain Atherton & Carol McNaughton Nicholls ‘Housing First’ as a means of addressing multiple needs and homelessness 289 Paul Flatau & Kaylene Zaretzky The Economic Evaluation of Homelessness Programmes 305 Content 7 Reviews Lars Benjaminsen & Ivan Christensen (2007) Hjemløshed i Danmark 2007 : National kortlægning. SFI : 07 : 22. (Homelessness in Denmark 2007 : national survey) 323 Paula Mayock & Eoin O’Sullivan (2007) Lives in crisis : Homeless young people in Dublin 327 Jane Pillinger (2007) Homeless Pathways : Developing effective strategies to address pathways into, through and out of homelessness 327 Špela Razpotnik & Bojan Dekleva (2007) On the street : homeless people talk about themselves and others talk about them. (Na cesti – brezdomci o sebi in drugi o njih) 331 Judith Wolf, Maurice van Luijtelaar, Carinda Jansen & Astrid Altena (2007) Measuring Client Satisfaction in Shelters and Housing Projects for Homeless People 335 8 European Journal of Homelessness _ Volume 2, December 2008 9 Foreword Hannu Puttonen, FEANTSA President Welcome to the second edition of the European Journal of Homelessness, a publi- cation of FEANTSA’s European Observatory on Homelessness and the only one of its kind in Europe. The overall theme of this year’s edition is Drivers of Effective Homelessness Policies. The articles in this Journal look at effectiveness from different points of view. This year’s edition has a special focus on the opportunities and threats of cost-benefit analysis of homelessness policies, which remains an underdeveloped research methodology in Europe, This Journal is the fruit of a year’s hard work by the twelve members of FEANTSA’s European Observatory on Homelessness. Although not all European countries are represented in the Observatory, the members have succeeded in covering all the different regional perspectives. This is the first time the Journal also includes external contributions from researchers who are not involved in the Observatory or FEANTSA. This is the last edition of the Journal which is produced under the coordination and leadership of Bill Edgar. Bill has coordinated FEANTSA’s research for almost 10 years and developed the Journal format in which we now present the research outcomes of the Observatory. Bill has greatly contributed to a better understanding of homelessness amongst researchers, policy makers, and practioners. He has played a vital role in making research one of the central pillars of FEANTSA’s work and has as a result helped to make FEANTSA one of the key players in anti-poverty policy in Europe. On behalf of FEANTSA and the wide readership of FEANTSA’s research, I would like to thank Bill for his commitment, devotion and hard work to the cause of homelessness and wish him a very happy retirement. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome the new team of
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