0.40.%004'*00..Al-4.0- • BECAME GREAT BY BEING HIMSELF ( 3, 2 . / Just above the desk in a downtown office is a picture ; TH . Gifi•1801' CrAN 042( of Abraham Lincoln, and as we gaze upon that portrait we j It 1 / think what a splendid example he was of one who became : t . '- 4_ 4 1 great by being himself. He used no theatrical props. He used / ./ AKRON EDITION * : no sourding brass or tinkling cymbals. He did not pretend j * / to be great, por did he strive for effect. He let his natural : PROTECT OUm GOOD NAME j qualities of simplicity, humility and tolerance shine through. / •..........0-'b.,-0.b.....0.-0...-I....•........•0.-4........0.-I.......h....b....b..*....".....4.'*.0-4..0*...-N....*...., JA , Vol. 45 AKRON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1956 Number 32 .-I, 1 r<042-042----e,-*-*•-*,-*.--*.--*.--*.-*.-*.-.0.-e-...-*.--*.--*.-....-*..-...-...-...=...-.*..-......+...............,=•e042.........042042.-042042••-.#042--*0.-*.--..--*.----.*.--042042--042042--#042--042042--042042-* ,1 Chairmano Litchfield •A,·8036.5 Ofici•Hy Open New Plant In Venezuela 2 4 4.-**40*...*...1.1.-.0.-4-........b.-*.4.-I...f..,-*•----9..r.4.0-0.0.-4--* * *•i...•...., -I. .....4/... , ..-/h..1-0.-Ibl.-/h.. 14 .w//b . * 1'*#* ./-/4 ./-,//b..*///b .. 1042•404204214.,14004294.04214004294.042144,9•.,%.,94..40b..%.04•...%..%.r•..%.042' ....... 34. , '.> 9,%*A'Vr•-:-/ I ..0,036*./ *'*.... ......1.-I '*R..4 ..: '.. 11?..,4....... * 4':.• ./... ly. h 0,1'.4, Sp 4 " * ., , 1 41,; , r R' 9 2,3'· ' ) S 4.89-+ \f »b. • :, , m * / 44, i 1 1 ¥ •. 4 4 9'*. 6 1 01.·4 /4 *A I. »Til i /4/ * , f #Ill.ds 3 b 't: .'. A I .b' * 44. 13 4./..•' ./ 0 0361 1 • .t.'". ·· 4, 1 44· 1. ...,i.*-Il-.-*.,.:4' 'm11:lk dit''9.•.5. • • -I . 0 «• ...5 4% '.,3 4 1 *. 1 t .. .« . I 4 * ,=.1, 11''- 4 r. :*44 'I..:5,.1 4 I Q J' ., 1*.= 1. Li 7"I'll.- . ... ,• \ 4 ::.·:. i 4.:., 3 · 1, *ab I ., th., 16.0... , ./.1,\ /2424. ·t I 1... 1. I , 1'; .Ci 44· 0 '·. 1 111-•- 11.1 1 *43;.,© * W./ 9•* :822: 4..6#1 .-..,.• f , 1"ll ' 1 El.•I < A-. 9 4.&•. .-.-. -. --, .:. 1.0.... I jes.. · \ 1 11. .=F,P.• 9 ....RlillI.I-... \,i,4 3-7'.'r..'Mil.A. 4 t..4 '.. 'Rr.*3'A.... _-- I 11.Mt: ' $ .* 8:,. I 1. .' *•14.'k I ., 340"/. S;t ·'*?2./165%0' j '81'>. b.,1 4 .I) ·A b ' * r i.. I 'h, 1r .,4* ..' .f .:." :,2 .. i.4 ' 3'.,4 . '4.j· ,. 0363 'll :, .' \ , 'i.:.5 f..'. 9 M . '.:'. * ..r 4 k * ::...::.:.2 1 .., 4 .... A 4 ...,4 . C I. /' ' '5 t %. 9 C *14 ...:'..7 ... t.:441",2 * 4 4 .- /3 4 '' *4 A ... .' 3 1•. 4 I # J '0 :Vt':, 4.:./4 , t,•'6*.' f ·f•* I . 114, i. * ..4 'llj ':t .Pcl t.. .. 0 4 * ....'' dit•' 5<'. I.* 1 . .., '... 'i / . Pi.•:... .::6 1.. :, «' ''...11·,/::ttlit I. .'11/· '1, .., fs I '/ . '. : ' t,- * 0 J...I-'. L..': 1 1' p. ' ''«51'' *4 .* t '4it 'A0425/VIV,:ty.,S f 2 0, 4*0" 4 4. .*'f.... 4 ARMA#*et'**2.>4446' /• * i W. J. Smith D. A. Chase M. H. Lehman AL A. Passareli R. A. Bauer C. R. Kline Jr. J. A. •IcCloskey G. E. Shumaker Jr. L. B. Whitehead Jr. (•HAIRMAN P. W. Litchfield will officially inaugu- Tires are now rolling off the production line at the sufficient land for expansion. Goodyear has been - rate Goodyear's newest plant in Venezuela at cere- new plant and full production lS expected by the end active in the Venezuelan market more than forty monies on Tuesday, August 14. of the year. The first tire was lifted from the mold at years. Mr. Litchfield will inspect the single-story structure the plant in July, marking another milestone in Good- J. N. Reese, formerly associated with the company at Los Guayos, near Valencia, and make the dedicatory year's worldwide manufacturing operations. in Recife, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil, was address. Accompanying him will be F. T. Magennis, Plans call for the production of a full range of appointed Managing Director of the Venezuelan vice . president and general manager of Goodyear • passenger and truck tires and tubes, and a line of company. * Foreign Operations, Inc., and G. K. Hinshaw, vice hose designed for the oil industry will also be manu- president and production manager of Foreign Opera- factured. William J. Smith, a Goodyearite thirty-one years 042tions. Many Venezuelan dignitaries will attend. With eyes on the future, the company acquired ( Continued-With More Pictures, Page 3) ..Ilill--Ii-----P-Ip----I--i-----*I-.I-..I--Ili--.-i.-I-lil--I• /4 ....I.....b..94..40'-0.-"h....I.b...lib *.-I.-.......fil......., 2 3 4 2 Weekly Review ; Estimated Nearly 50,000 At Goodyear's / - OF • Labor Relations • Annual Picnic At Euclid Beach Monday 2 --I----------*--*--*-------*--------*-----* ---*------*Il----* 0 ; i j / Union Delegates j VISITORS TO SEE GOODYEAR FACILITIES Goodyear Boating IDEAL WEATHER * 2 One Decision Club Holds Fourtli IM..%.r.-0,4.*.P.Jr.4,7.AV/b..9.*..=Ib.r.h• V IN OPERATION AT OPEN HOUSE AUG. 29 AFTER SHOWERS Local 2 delegates to the forth- Cruise On Sundar coming URCLPWA national Families Of Employes Invited On Tours Of Tire Divisions, '. .- EARLIER IN DAY convention, the Ohio state CIO Industrial Products, Rim Plant And Plant C, Also Plant 3; Members and guests of the convention and District One To Distribute 'Welcome To Goodyear' Booklets Goodyear Boating & Yachting - Council we]re elected by the Association will take their next ( Pictures On Pages, 8, 10, 12 ) membership in an election con- The welcome mat will be out Refreshment stands will be cruise of the season on Sunday, ••GAIN the annual Goodyear 1 ducted last Wednesday at the for thousands of members of located at Plant 2 and Plant 3, August 12, in Sandusky Bay. family picnic has passed plant gatehouses. families of Goodyear Tire per- and a souvenir booklet, "Wel- The association has desig- into history, but it certainly -1 The international meeting is sonnel during open house fes- come to Goodyear," will be pre- nated no pre-cruise meeting was one great day for Good- scheduled for September 24 at tivities scheduled for Wednes- sented to each visitor. place. Persons will leave from yearites at Euclid Beach Park -' Long Beach, Calif. No date has day, August 29. Assisting Tomkinson with ar- home and go directly to the on Monday, when nearly 50,000 been set for the Ohio state CIO participated in the celebration. Among the many plant facili- rangements for the event are launching site, Sonny's Boat- convention or District One N. G. Ball, director 6f personnel; house at Danbury. The site is Monday was an ideal day £41/. Council. ties which visitors will have an opportunity to tour will be the R. B. West, factory personnel across Bay Bridge, then right the annual event after the mor 1- Forty-five delegates were Plant 1 and Plant 2 tire cycles, manager; E. F. Pierce, superin- to Briddre road, down Bridge ing shower. Thousands traveled named to the national conven- Plant 2 industrial products, tendent of plant maintenance road to Danbury. in their own cars, while others tion. They include: went by busses chartered by ... Plant 3, Rim Plant and Plant C. and machine shops; C. H. Max- Cruise maps will be available C. V. Wheeler, Forrest Givens, Hours for the event will be 9 well, manager, Plant C; H. I. at the clubhouse site at Portage Goodyear. Ray E. Conner, Carl B. Baker, a. m. until 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. Belknap, manager, chemical Lakes. Members may leave When Kiddyland opened for - George D. Milliron, H. H. Fer- to 4 p. m. products production; W. H. Ed- Akron at their own discretion free rides for the children at 10 guson, Charles Twyford, Vir- mund, director 6f recreation; J. but should plan to attend dinner o'clock there was a grand rush . ginia Etheredge,.F. 0. Bakeri Children under 12 years are F. Hogan, manager, plant pro- at Johnson's Island at 1 p. m. for that amusement device. All Sam Young, Robert Parks, L. E. not permitted to take factory tection, and Charles Bloedorn, Johnson's Island is the site of concessions began doing a thriv- Artis, Norman Sullivan, Earl ' trips. Cameras are not per- ,, manager, s4uadrons. mitted on company property be- the old Confederate prison apd i ing business about that time, Jordan, Leslie Johnson, George . 1 cause of security restrictions. cemetery. Direction of the cruise and the rush continued all day, Sharpless, Ed Wynne, J. L. MEETING THURSDAY Plans for the event were an- will depend on the weather. people standing in lines at the Crano, Bruce Hicks, H. L. Fer- A preliminary meeting of of- nounced last week by Leroy - .--- various rides and other attrac- guson, Ray Brinkley, David B. ficers and' team captains of the 6 Tomkinson, general superinten- :.......4.-/*0.-I'.4.-I....4/b..4.-I.•.bl....b..<..•..4..I tions, awaiting their turn to en- b McCann, Chester Graham, H. M. Four-In-One Bowling League dent, who heads the committee ( WINS AUTOMOBILE. ' joy the fun. Jones, Sam Busby, Harold Hor- will be held Thursday, August in charge of the affair. vath, L. W. Robinson, Roger 14, at 5 p. m. in the women's 2 The Goodyear Youth Band Date of the opening event 1 Kenneth 0.
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