4 O A x^ V. ^^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OS o FROM The 5st?ite of 'r'r-eserved Smith o 0=; •mi-li.luK=— Cornell University Library BR346 .A23 1912 Latin works and the correspondence of Hu 3 1924 029 226 012 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029226012 Of this translation of the Works of Huldreich Zwmgh, seven hundred and fifty copies have been printed from type, and the type destroyed. May, 1912 HULDREICH ZWINGLI. The Latin Works and The Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli Together with Selections from his German Works Edited, with Introductions and Notes, by Samuel Macauley Jackson Translations by Henry J'reble, Walter Lichtenstein, and Lawrence A. McLouth Volume One 1510-1522 G. P. Putnam's Sons New York London Ube fcntcfierbocfter ipress 1912 >^ % Copyright, igia BY SAMUEL MACAULEY JACKSON ICbc Itnickecbockei Crera, ftew fioA PREFACE THE first collector, editor and publisher of the works of Huldreich ZwingU was his scholarly and devoted son- in-law, Rudolf Gualther, who married his daughter Regula, became pastor of St. Peter's in Zurich in 1542 and succeeded Bullinger as antistes in 1575. He translated more than thirty of ZwingH's German treatises into Latin, which gave them a much wider constituency. These translations, along with the works originally in Latin, he brought out in 1545 /,' and prefixed to the three volumes in foHo an elaborate Apologia pro Zuinglio, which was also separately published. To Gualther's three volumes a[fourth was added, ^ consisting of bibUcal annotations furnished by Leo jud and Kaspar Megander, either directly from their notes of Zwingli's ' Opera D. Hvldrychi Zvin glii, | [ uigilantissimi Tigurinse eccle | sias An- tistitis, partim quidem ab ipso Latine conscripta, partim | uer6 h uemaculo sermone in Latinmn traaslata: omnia | nouissime recognita, & multis adiectis, qu£e I hactenus uisa non sunt. | Salvo semper et incolvmi or- 1 thodoxae eccle- siae ivdicio. | [Device commonly used by Froschauer (often also spelled Froschouer) as a play upon his name, Frosch meaning a frog, a tree with frogs about it.] lesvs. | Venite ad me omnes, laboratis onerati estis, I qui & & ego| requiem uobis prasstabo. | Matthaei xi. | (There is nothing said on the title- page about this being the first volume, nor is there any date, or name of pub- lisher. On the reverse of the page is the familiar woodcut of ZwingU.) The other volumes have these title-pages, confining the transcript to the differing words: Opervm D. Hvldrychi Zvin | 'gUi tomus secvndvs, continens | | 7-4 iroXe/iiKci, id est pugnas, qua ipsi cvun Pontificijs, | Anabaptistis, & alijs aduersarijs suis | intercesserunt. | [Device, also often used by Froschauer, a boy riding a frog, with other frogs around.] (The rest of the page as above.) Opervm | D. Hvldrychi Zvin | gUi tomvs tertivs, ea, qvae in Genesim, | Exo- dum, Esaiam & leremiam prophetas, partim ex ore iUius (excepta, partim ab illo conscripta stmt, \xak cum | Psalterio Latinitate donate, cotinens. [Device ( as above] (the rest of the title-page the same). 1 iv Preface lectures or from what he had himself written out. This 5 edition was reprinted in 1581.^ ^ 7' The third edition is the one familiar to all modem students for years. / r / of Zwingli, and which has well served them many It was collected and edited by Melchior Schuler and Johannes Schulthess.^ It separates the Latin from the Christo, per Matthaevm, In Evangelicam | historiam de Domino nostro | lesv Epistolasq6 aliquot Pauli, Anno- Marcvm, | Lucam, & loannem conscriptam, ] per Leonem ludae exceptae & aeditse. | Adiecta tationes D. HvldrycM Zvinglii | Gasparem est Epistola Paiili ad Hebraos & loannis | Apostoli Epistola per with the frogs about it.] Matth. xi | Venite ad Megandrum. | [Device of tree | Tigvri excvdebat me ortmes qui laboratis & onerati | estis, & ego reficiam uos. | Augusto, Anno M.D.XLV. Christophorvs | Froschouerus Mense | | I antis- Opervm D. Hvldrichi Zvin- glii, vigilantissimi Tigvrinae | ecclesiae | | uemaculo titis, partim qvidem ab | ipso Latine conscriptorum, partim verb 6 | Accesservnt hvic aeditioni sermone in Latiniun translatonun | pars prima. | epistolae selectiores de varijs rebus scriptae. svb I finem eiusdem authoris | | Catalogum & seriem eorum, quse hoc libro conti- 1 nenttu", post Apologiam |thodoxae ecclesiae ivdicio. inuenies. | [Device] Salvo semper et incolvmi or- | lesvs. Venite ad me omnes, qm laboratis & onerati lestis, & | ego reqmem vobis I praestabo. | Matthaei xi. | Tigvri | Excudebat Christophorus Froschoverus, is I Anno M.D. LXXXI. | (The device geometric.) ri ToXe/uxi, Opervm | D. Huldrichi Zvin-| glii pars secunda, con- 1 tinens id est'pv- gnas, quas ipsi cum Pontificiis, Anabapti- | stis, & aliis aduersariissuis I intercesserunt. continentur, versa I | Elenchvm omaivm, quae hoc | volumine pagi- 1 riding frog] na exhibebit. | [Device, boy a (then the same as above to the end). D. Hvldrichi Zwin- glij Annotationes in Genesim, E- 1 xodum, Esaiam & 1 leremiam pro- phetas, vnk cum Psalterio per eundem Latini- 1 tate donate. 1 | | [Device, boy on a frog] | (and same as above to the end) D. Hvldrichi Zvin- glii in plerosque Novi Testament! libros, qvorum e- 1 | lenchum post prasfationem & indicem re- peries, annotationes ex ipsius ore 1 | "=' exceptas per Leonem | Ivdae. Adiecta est epistola Pauli ( ad Hebraeos, loannis apostoli epistola Gasparem Megandrum. [Device, frog] | per | boy on | (and same as above to the end). ' HuldreichZwingU'sl Werke | Erste vollstandigeAusgabe | durch| Melchior Schuler und Joh. Schulthess | Erster Band | Der deutschen Schriften | erster ziun Behufe Theil I Lehr- und Schutzschriften | des Ueberschrittes | in die evangelische Wahrheit und Freyheit | von 1522 bis Marz 1524. | Zurich, bey Friedrich Schulthess. | (1828.) (All the contents of this volume which were written in German along with the exposition of the Sixty Seven Theses for the First Disputation, also origi- nally in German, are given in Latin translation, and this translation is some- times called Vol. I. of Zwingli's works. It bears this title: Huldiid Zuinglii opera completa 'editio prima |"curantibus Melchiore Schulero I I | et lo. Schulthessio origine scripta | Volumen primum | Gennanica | quorum pars I Preface v Gennan treatises and puts them in different volumes. In this edition the letters by and to Zwingli are included. The edition is in(eleyffl parts and a supplement. prima continet | didactica et apolegetica pro in evan- | consequendo transitu | gelicam veritatem ac libertatem | ab anno 1522 usque ad Martium 1524 | Tur- ici apud Fridericiun Schulthessium. | 1829. |) The other volumes have these title-pages, transcribing what is distinctive on each: Huldreich . | Zweyten Bandes erste Abtheiliung. | Der deut- schen Schriften | zweyter Theil | Lehr- und Schutzschriften | zum Behufe des Ueberschritts | aus dem Papstthum in die evangelische Wahrheit und Freyheit vom April bis I 1525 1528 | betreSend die Tauferey sammtliche | und | betref- fend die streitige Abendmahlslehre | von 1526 bis Januar 1527. | Zurich, bey Friedrich Schulthess | 1830. | . Zweyten Bandes zweyte AbtheUung | Der deutschen Schriften | dritterTheU Lehr- und | Schutzschriften | betrefifend | die streitige Abendmahls- lehre von bis I 1527 July 1528 | liturgische und poetische sammtliche | und | vermischte kleinere meistens poUtische |von 1522 bis July 1526 \ Zurich, in der Schulthess'schen Buchhandlung 1832. | | . ZwejrtenBandesdritteAbtheilung. Der deutschen Schriften vierter I I Theil, lapologetischen, kirchlichen, geschichtHchen, grSsstentheils polit- I | | Inhalts, 1 ischen | aus dem letzten Zeitraume, | von 1526 bis 153 1. Zurich, Druck und Verlag von Fr. Schulthess. 1841. | | Huldrici ZuingUi Melchiore | opera | completa editio prima | curantibus | pars Schulero et lo. Schulthessio | Volumen tertium | Latinonim Scriptorum[| prima Didactica et apologetica pro evincendo in evangeUcam veri- I | transitu | tatem et libertatem | ab aimo 1521 ad 1526 | Turici ex officina Schidthessiana (F. Schulthess und S. Hohr.) I | 1832.I secunda Didactica Volumen quartum | Latinorum Scriptorum | pars | et apologetica | ab anno 1 526 usque ab obitimi auctoris | ceteraque varia | poetica Psalmos paedagogica philologica historica | Accedunt | sermones vulgares in | 1. lingua plerumque vemacula. | Ttuici ex officina SchuUiessiana | 184 | . quinta Exegetica Volumen quintum | Latinonun Scriptorum | pars | Veteris Testamenti | maximam partem | Turici ex officina Schulthessiana | (F. Schulthess und S. H6hr) | 1835. sexta . Voluminis sexti tomus primus | Latinonun Scriptorum | pars | Evangelia Exegetica Veteris Testamenti residua | ac de Novo Testamento | . Turici .| 1836. I sexta . Voluminis sexti tomus secundus | Latinorum Scriptorum | pars Novi Testamenti | residua. \ 1838. I Exegetica | | ad ZuingUumque . Volumen septimum | Epistolarvun | a ZuingHo | Turici apud Fridericum Schulthessium 1 1830. scriptarum | pars prima | | . pars secimda . Volumen octavum | Epistolarum | | | I 1842. ' Schulthessio edita. Sup- Huldrici Zuinglii opera | a M. Schulero et Jo. | | I | hactenus reperta omnia plementorum fasciculus | continens | minora scripta et Gasp. Marthalero tractatus et epistolas | curantibus | Georg. Schulthessio 1861. ecclesiae turicensis ministris. | Turici ex officina Schulthessiana | | I vi Preface //, The fourth edition' is that now appearing. It was pro-
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