YEAR BOOK I OF American Clan Gregor Society CONTA INING THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL GATHERING, 1922. EGBERT WATSON MAGRUDER EDITOR ME:M BERS ARE: EARNESTLY REQUESTED To SE:ND NOTICE: OF CUANGE: OF ADDRESS To TUE: SCRIBE:, MR. J . B. FERNE:YUOUGU, FORE:ST HILI" RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, AND To MR. JOHN E. MUNCASTE:R, ROCKVILLE:, MD. t, SlJRDrRARllKnIIl~ 'IY PLUISlOSIiNi'lo St\ll1\US tM""LonU"'UL·· ·VllIIGIHIA j Copyrighted By EGBERT WATSON MAGRUDER, Editor. 1- OFFICERS . HEREDITARY CHIEF, SIR MALCOLM MAcGReGOR OF MAcGReGOR, BART., Balquhidder, S cotland. OFFICERS ELECTED - 1922 D R. EDWARD MAV MAGRUDeR Chiejtaln CALeB CLARKe M AGRUDeR Rankin i] Deputy Chieftain J OH N BOWIe FeRNeVHOUGH Scrib e MRS . R OBeRTA J Ui.IA MAGRUDeR B UKeV R egistrar MISS },! ARV THeRe s e Hn.L Historian J OH N EDWI N MUNCASttR Treasurer E GBERT VATSON l\I AGRUDeR Editor R ev. J AMe s MITCHe LL MAGRUDeR, D . D Chaplain ALeX ANDeR M UNcASreR Chancellor M RS. A NNe WADe WOOD SHERIFF Dep uty Scribe D R. STEUART BROWN M UNCASttR Surgeon COUNCI LMEN-APPOINTED 1922 WILLIAM NeWMAN DORs eTT. MR S. L AURA COOK HIGGINS. HORATIO ER SKINE MAGRUDeR. MR S. CAROLINE HILL MAR SHALL. D R. R. F. F eRNeVHO UGJI. MISS HEI.EN WOODS MAcGReGOR GANTT . HERBERT THOMAS MAGRUDER. OLIVER B ARRON MAGRUDER. H ENRV B ARNeTT M c DONNeLL. CLEMeNT WILLIAM SHeRIFF. DEPUTY CHIEFTAINS-APPOINTED ANNUALLY. MAJ. ED. M. Turwrr.sa Alabama LILBURN D. MAGRUDeR ... ................ ......................... .... ............. ....•., Anicona MRS. ANNIe M , MCCORMICK Arkansas f ALDERT S. HILI California DR. ALex. C . 1IAGRUDER Colorado MRS . JessIe W. G . MYERS Dis trict of Columbia GeoRGe A. MAGRUDER Fl orida RODERT L . M AGR UDER Georqia MRS. STELLA P. LYU~s Illinois GRAHAM O. STOUT Kentucky THOS. 11 . WADE Louisiana CALVERT 11AGRUDER Massachusetts ALVIRA W. GReGORy Maiu« WILLIAM P . 1<IAGR UDER....... ............ ..... ..... ......................•..•...........•...........•.M aryland WALTER M . HIGGINS Michiqan MISS NANNIE H. M AGR UDER Mississippi MISS GERTRUDE O . PENDLETO N Miss ouri MRS . FANNIE EWELL WILSON Mont ana MRS. VIRGINIA M . CLARKJ; Nebraska MRS. HARRIeT C. JONes............•...................... .............. .........................New Jersey DO NALD D . MAGRUDER New Y OI'll CAPT. V e SALIUS S. MAGRliUER Ohio GeORGe CORBIN WASIIINGTON MAGRUDER Oklahoma RICHARD B . MAGRUDER Oreqon MR S. ELIZAB eTH P. SIMPSON Pennsylvania MISS CARRIE O. PEARMA N South CarolinCl MISS ELIZABETH M. DAVIS Tennessee JAMES TAYLOR MAGRUDER Texas HENRY MAGRUDER TAyLOR....................•.......................................................Virqinio MR S. ELIZABETH H . S NIVELy Washinqton GRAY SILVER West Virginia MR S. NANCY GRAHAM SIM MONS Wisconsin COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP JOH N Bowrn FeRNeYHOUGH, Scribe................•..•....Forest Hill, Richmond, Va • DR . EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER. Chieftain Charlottesville, VII. MISS MA llY TH ERESE HILL, Hist orian R. F. D. , Landover. Md. MRS. ROBERTA J ULIA (MAGRUDER) BUKEY, Registrar Vienna, Va . SPECIAL COMMITTEES-APPOINTED 1922 I. COMMITTEE AT LARGE. Dr. William Edward Magruder, Jr. II. C OMMITTEE ON P ROGRAM . Dr. E. M. Magruder . III. COMMITTEE ON PINt. Caleb Clarke Magruder. I V. COMMI'I"I'EE ON M USIC. Miss Helen Woods MacGre gor Gantt, Chairman; John Francis Mac­ Gregor Bowie; Mrs. J. F. MacGregor Bowie; Mrs. Jes sie Waring Gantt Myers ; William Newman Dorsett ; Miss Susie Mitchell Dor sett; Mrs. A. W. W. Sheriff; R. B. Griffin ; Miss Frances F. Griffin ; Miss Rebecca Mac­ Gregor. V. COM MT'I"I'EE ON H OTEr. ARRANGEMENTS. Clement William Sheriff. VI. C OMMITTEE ON D ECORATIO N OF Hxr.r, Miss Mary Th erese Fill ; Mrs. Julia (Magruder ) McDonnell ; Mrs. Phillip Sheriff. VII. COMMITTEE ON R EGISTRATION. Oliver Barron Magruder. V III. COMMITTEE ON HO NOR Rotr., Dr. E. M. Magruder , Chairman; Mr s. R. J. M. Bukey ; Mrs. L. C. Big-· gins ; Rev. ]. M. Magruder ; C. C. Magruder, Jr. • 6 AM ERICAN CLAN GRF,GOR S OC IETY PROCEEDINGS OF THE GATHERING OF 1922. TH URSDAY, N OVEMBER 9TH . , 3 P.•~f. MUSI C- "Hail to the Chief," as the officers enter the hall, preceded by bearer of the American Flag and the Service Flag. SOCIETY CALLED TO ORDER by Chieftain. INVOCATION by Chaplain. MU SIC-"The Star Spangled Banner", ' Chorus ; Miss H elen Wood s Gantt , Accompanist. REPORT of the Scribe. REPORT of the Registrar. REPORT of the Hi storian . MU SIC-"The Braes of Balquhidder" ; Solo, Miss Jean Campbell. REPORT of the Treasurer. REPORT of the Editor. PAPER- "A Boy Soldier of 1861-65", Pa rt Second, by Horati o Erskine Magrud er, Va, MU SI C- "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia" ; Violin Solo, Miss Geneva Powell, Helen de Mott, Accompanist. ADJ OU RNMENT until 8 P. M. 8 P. M . SOCIETY CALLEDT O OR DE R by Chieftain. MUSIC-ulfacGregor's Gathering"; Solo, 1Il rs. J ohn Francis MacGregor Bowie, George Wil son, Accompanist. PA PER-"The Proscription and Restoration of a Name", Chapter F irst. Annual Address by Chieftain, Dr. Ed. May Magrud er, Va. MUSI C- "The Sweetest Flower Th at Blows" ; solo, Mr s. John F . M. Bowie, George Wil son, Accompanist. "CENTENNIAL ODE" (1822-1922)-Lieutenant John Bailey Nicklin , Jr., Tenn. MU SI C- Solo, Mr s. John Francis MacGregor Bowie, Mr. George Wil son, Accompanist. PAPER-"Dr. Th omas Baldwin Magruder", by Thomas Magruder W ade, La. " MU SIC-Duet, Mrs. J ohn Francis MacGregor Bowie and Miss Richie Mcl. ean, Mr. George Wil son, Accompanist. ADJOURNMENT until 3 P. M. Friday. PROCEIIDINGS OF THIRTEENTH A NNUAl. GATH ERI NG 7 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH . 3 P. M.-Reglliar Session SOCIETY CALL ED TO ORDER by Chieftain. MU SIC-uln the W oods'l-c-Heller-c-Piano Solo, Louise Turner. PAPER-uLawson William Magruder", by Admiral T homas Pickett Magruder, U. S.N., Mississippi. MUSIC- uScotch Fantasy"; Violin Solo, Leah Patti son. PAPER-Dr. Jesse Ewell, by Mrs. Mary Ish (Ewell) Hundle y. UNFINIS HED BU SI NESS. NEW BUSINESS. ADJOURNMENT until 8 P. M. 8 P. M . SOCIETY CALLED TO ORDER by Chieftain. SOLO- uMacGregor's Gathering" ; Mrs. J ohn Francis MacGregor Bowie, George Wil son, Accompanist. PAPER-UMagrud er Students at Leading Educational Institutions of the United States (concluded) by Caleb Clarke Magrud er, Jr. PIANO, VIOLIN, CELLO-Miss F rances Fenwick Griffin ; Mr. Robert B Griffi n ; Mr. Louis E. Bradford. ELE CT ION OF OFFICERS. SO LO-"All Th ings Come H orne at Eventide", by Mrs. John F. M Bowie, George W ilson, Accompanist. VIOLINSOLO- Robert B. Griffin. DUET- UComing T hrough the Rye" ; Misses Leah Pattison and Mil­ dred Koons. PIANO SOLO-Miss F rances Fenwick Griffi n. SCOTTISH REEL-Misses Leah Pa ttison, Mildred Koons; Miss Helen Woods MacGregor Gantt, Accompanist. \ SOLO-Miss Ritchie McLean, George Wil son, Accompanist. CE LLO SOLO-Louis E. Bradf ord. DUET-Miss Richie McLean and Mrs. John F. M. Bowie, George Wil­ son, Accompanist. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THECHIEFTAIN OF APPOINTIVE OF­ FICERS AN D COMMIT T E ES . PIA NO, VIO LIN, CELLO- Miss Frances Fenwick Griffi n, Mr. Rob­ ert B. Griffi n, Mr. Louis E. Bradf ord. • RESOLUTIONS. SONG-uThe Star Spangled Banner", by the whole Gatherin g. F INAL ADJOURNMENT. GE NERAL RECEPTION. 8 AMERIC.... N CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY SYNOPSIS OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GATHERING OF THE AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIE TY. NOVEM DER 9TH .... ND 10TH, 1922. The Thirteenth Annual Gathering of the American Clan Gregor Society met in the New Ebbett Hotel, Wa shington, D. C., November 9th and 10th, 1922. The Society was called to order by the Chieftain, Dr. E. M. Ma­ gruder, at 3 P. M., on November 9th, and the proceedings were carried out essentially as given on Pages 6 and 7. A vote of thanks was extended Miss Marga rette Muncaster for the able manner in which she had assisted the Treasurer in collecting dues. By unanimous vote, the Gathering extended its sincere sympathy to Mr . J . F . M. Bowie, who was then sick. The afternoon of the 10th was the time for the election of officers, but on motion of Mr. Alexander Muncaster, duly seconded, the election was postponed until the evening gathering. At the evening session the elective officers as given on page 3 were unanimously elected. The Chieftain an­ nounced the appointive Councilmen as given on page 3, the Deputy Chief­ tains as given on page 4, and the Special Committees as given on page 5. The report of the Hi storian showed the following member s to have died : Mrs. Maria Juli a (T urne r) Strang .1880-1922 Mr . Wm . E. Muncaster 1839-1922 Mr s. Elizabeth Rice ( Nalle) Magruder 1842-1922 Mrs. Adelina Magruder (Wyatt) Davis 1846-1921 Mrs. Carolina (Mayne) Pollock. 1842-1921 T he Rev. James Mitchell Mag ruder exhibited a miniature of Thomas Magrud er, the father of General John Bankhead Magruder. This miniatu re is in the possession of Miss Mary Amelia Fi sher, of H anover, Pa ., a mem­ ber of the society. A vote of thanks was extended to the Management of the H otel Ebbett for the courtesies extended the members of the Society during the gathering. A vote of thanks was also extended to all of the Committees who had done such excellent work in making the gathering such a success. Adjourn ment. • PROCEEDINGS OF T HIRTEENTH ANNUAL GATHERING 9 REPORT OF TREASURER OF THE CLAN GREGOR SOCIE TY. NOVE MBER 9TH, 1922. Some years ago there was a dri ve among some of the colored folks tc build a new church. It was being done in style, with teams and committees, and the town was nicely divided off in sections with a captain in charge of each. Meetings were held every now and then and calls were made on the captains for report s.
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