This document is downloaded from DR‑NTU (https://dr.ntu.edu.sg) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Additive manufacturing for space : status and promises Sacco, Enea; Moon, Seung Ki 2019 Sacco, E., & Moon, S. K. (2019). Additive manufacturing for space : status and promises. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 105(10), 4123‑4146. doi:10.1007/s00170‑019‑03786‑z https://hdl.handle.net/10356/141133 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170‑019‑03786‑z © 2019 Springer‑Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature. This is a post‑peer‑review, pre‑copyedit version of an article published in The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00170‑019‑03786‑z Downloaded on 05 Oct 2021 19:03:29 SGT Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Additive Manufacturing for Space: Status and Promises Enea Sacco · Seung Ki Moon Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract Additive Manufacturing (AM) or 3D print- 1 Introduction ing is a manufacturing technique where successive lay- ers of material are layered to produce parts. The design There are various techniques used to manufacture ob- freedom afforded by AM is ideal for the space indus- jects such as casting, coating, moulding, forming, ma- try, where part production is low volume and highly chining, and joining. Most of these processes involve customized. The objective of this paper is to review re- subtractive manufacturing, the process of removing ma- search in the area of Additive Manufacturing For Space terial in order to manufacture a final object. Additive (AMFS) in all areas, from propulsion to electronics to Manufacturing (AM), or 3D Printing (3DP), does the printing of habitats, and to identify the gaps and direc- opposite: successive layers of material are added one on tions in the research. In this paper we investigate the top of the other until the object is complete [1]. AMFS research by splitting it into two domains: space In the 1980's an early form of Stereolithography and ground-based. Space-based AMFS has been per- (SLA) [2] for producing plastic prototypes was devel- formed on the International Space Station using poly- oped to help visualization of parts during development. mers and we also discuss the future of in-space AM, a From these beginnings came many other techniques and subject closely related to more general in-space manu- machines that can be used to manufacture both func- facturing. The ground-based research is split into three tional parts and prototypes, for example Fused De- categories based on the printing material: metal, poly- position Modeling (FDM) [3], Selective Laser Melting mer, and other. The last category includes regolith, (SLM) [4], Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) [5], Digital cement, and ceramic. This paper explores AMFS by Light Processing (DLP) [6], and Rapid Freeze Prototyp- bringing together as much research information as pos- ing (RFP) [7]. Although all these forms of 3DP work sible using a combination of papers, presentations, and using the same basic concept, the key differences are in news articles. We expect that the paper will allow the the printing process and the materials used. reader to gain an understanding of the current status 3DP's main strength is removing a lot of the limita- of AMFS research and will contribute to the field as a tions present with previous manufacturing techniques reference and research guidelines. and allowing unparalleled design freedom. This greatly reduces the time and cost of development, making AM Keywords 3D Printing · Additive Manufacturing · an integral part of future manufacturing systems. 3DP AM Certification · Satellite · Space · Spacecraft is especially relevant in the production of complex and Enea Sacco · Moon Seung Ki (corresponding author) customized structures that used to be hard if not im- Singapore Centre for 3D Printing, School of Mechanical and possible to make [8,9]. Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore A sector that is poised to greatly benefit from AM is E-mail: [email protected] the space industry. Almost everything in space is cus- tom made so it is ideal for this manufacturing tech- nology. Space entities have begun using AM in a va- riety of applications broadly for two reasons. Firstly, mass savings from 40% to 90% [10] are possible and mass is directly related to cost (since more massive There is also the fact that governmental agencies spacecraft require more fuel and thrust). Secondly, AM like NASA and ESA are at times not able to release can manufacture complex parts much faster than tradi- sensitive information to the public so cannot go into tional manufacturing, reducing fabrication times from much detail. Private companies such as Space-X, Boe- one year to only 4 months [11]. Agencies like National ing, Thales Alenia Space (TAS), and Airbus usually Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Eu- release even less details, most research news coming in ropean Space Agency (ESA) have been conducting re- the form of press releases and finished products whose search into how to use AM in a variety of space related details are protected by intellectual copyrights. Finally, applications, from using it to print CubeSat propulsion there are relatively few research institutions such as systems [12], to printing ceramics [13], to using Laser universities that specialize in AMFS, most of the re- Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) [14] with Lunar and search is in general AM. Should the reader wish to, Martian regolith [15], to potentially printing an entire more specific review papers can be found for example spacecraft in orbit [16]. Regolith is the term used to on processes [18,14], materials [19,20], simulation and describe the lunar soil [17] but can be used to also for modelling [21,1], and cost models [22,23]. the Martian soil. There is currently only one way to print in space and Mass use of AM in the space industry has not oc- this has been used to test AM in microgravity to great curred yet though. This is mainly because of the diffi- success but due to the difficulties in performing space- culty in modelling the manufacturing process and pre- based research, most research is still ground based. It dicting the properties of printed parts. This leads to a should be noted that there are instances when authors lack of standardization and therefore limited use in the discuss both space and aerospace AM research. These space industry. have been included in this paper since they are typically Efforts have been made in recent years to character- from agencies like NASA. ize and model the properties of parts made with AM. This paper is organized as follows: first an introduc- This has proven to be difficult since there is an inherent tion will be given on the importance of mass savings for variability in the nature of 3DP that makes modelling the space industry in section 2. Then section 3 is a dis- complicated. The variability comes from many sources cussion of the usage of new technologies in the space but despite this progress has been made in characteriz- sector. Next the paper is split into two broad sections, ing AM materials and efforts are being made to model section 4 covers AMFS research performed in space and and predict the material properties [1]. the future of in-orbit manufacturing. Section 5 then dis- The goal of the current study is to provide an overview cusses the research done on the ground divided by ma- of the state of AM research that is aimed directly at use terial used during printing: metal, polymer, and other. in the space sector, referred to Additive Manufacturing Lastly the research gaps are highlighted in section 6 For Space (AMFS) research. This allows the discussion and the conclusion can be found in section 8. to be specifically about the accomplishments and gaps in AM research whose end goal is use in some aspect of space related applications, from launchers to habitat 2 The importance of mass reductions for building on extraterrestrial planets. Trends and knowl- spacecraft edge gaps will be identified and discussed in an effort to highlight the areas where more research is needed so A variety of materials are used in spacecraft, including that products with higher accuracy, better quality and [24]: desired properties can be produced for use in space. { Ceramic matrix composites It must be noted that although an attempt has been { Various types of carbon composites made to make this paper as comprehensive as possi- { Kapton ble, it does not cover all AMFS due to the sparsity { Teflon of details when in comes to research in this specific { Aluminium alloys area. For example some references are presentations { Glass given by NASA personnel at occasions where no pro- { Stainless steel ceedings were printed, therefore these sources lack de- { Inconel alloys tails that research papers would have. NASA has pub- { Various types of plastics lished these presentations and other sources on their server (https://ntrs.nasa.gov/) and the classifica- Some of these are used only in small amounts, such as tion numbers have been provided. gold and silver, and therefore don't add much weight. Materials such as plastics by their nature don't weigh very much so they also don't add much weight. Alu- the spacecraft is as small as possible, the mass ratio minium, steel, and inconel on the other hand add a lot increases and therefore the ∆v budget increases for a of weight because large parts are built out these mate- given amount of fuel. rials, such as the structure and nozzles. Spacecraft so far have been built using traditional methods but this section briefly describes the basics of orbits and thrusters in an effort to emphasize one, if not the main, way that 3DP can substantially help to reduce costs: mass savings for spacecraft.
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