2018 AKC Obedience Classic Eligibility List Eligibility Regnum Prefix Titles Dog Name Suffix Titles Breed Owner(s) Novice SR99162801 Jazz'D Red Hot Intentions CD PCD Flat-Coated Retriever Lance Kruse Novice DN43628304 Infinity's Limitless CD PCDX BN GN RI Border Collie Claudia Van Gee/Cheryl Turpin Novice SR80315201 Lazydaze Dave & Busters Hard Rock Cafe CD Golden Retriever David Maurer Novice DN48431105 Mccido's Uliuli Hoku O Ka Lani CD Border Collie Jamime Asido Novice SR82063105 Chilbrook Aleyeska CD Labrador Retriever Joanne J Baum/Debby Kay Novice SR81412705 Jetoca's Wishing Upon A Star CD PCDX BN Golden Retriever Polly Burlage Novice TS19429301 Sunsprite Ms Molly Brown CD PCD BN GN RN Miniature Pinscher Joy Hickman Novice MA28210401 Sleeper Cell CD PCD BN RA CGC All American Dog GEORGETTE HANLEY Novice RN27242802 Southcross Life's An Adventure CD BN RI RATN Miniature Schnauzer Ms. Sharon Beth Bloss Novice SR84218302 Sunshine Catch My Rays CDX Golden Retriever Douglas Jones Novice SR90406405 Bella D'Oro's C U At The Top CD Golden Retriever Diane Ryan Novice TS19115405 Disyre Frankly I Can Fly CD BN RE NA NAJ CGC TKA Papillon Dee Bogush Novice SR82851109 Topbrass Takin A Chance CD Golden Retriever Sandra Flaaten Novice SR95204802 Sunsplash Keeper Of My Heart CD BN Golden Retriever Mrs. Amy Eleanore Ray Novice DN42090502 Dior Jubiaba CD Briard Ms. Karol E Paulus/Mrs. Denise Simenauer/Mr. Peter Simenauer Novice DN42890608 Aven Alexander Vom Feuergarten CD BN GN RN TKA German Shepherd Dog Sheryl L Froehle Novice WS54504907 Hoytts Invincible Man Of Steel CD BN RA CGC Doberman Pinscher Noel and Dane Wester Novice DN41411708 Ciel Brae Sequence Of Events CD PCD BN Shetland Sheepdog Cindy Burgess Novice SR91666701 Tanbark's Cleared For Takeoff CD BN Golden Retriever Ms. Gayla Lavonne Blades Novice SR81734801 Turbo Apaws 4u CD BN JH Golden Retriever Ron Rubrecht/Bethany Carvallo Novice TS13600701 GCH CH Stealth Justified CD PCD BN RE CAA DN CGCA Miniature Pinscher Coleen Crowley Novice WS49953102 CH Asgard Yanni Prince Of The Vines CD PCD BN Standard Schnauzer Dr. Robert Knight/Cathryn Knight Novice SR89017801 Gaylan's Range Of Light CD JH Golden Retriever Lee Alison Clark/David L Carpenter Novice SR89656301 Juhl's Enchanted Liaison CD BN CGC Cocker Spaniel SHERYL JUHL Novice NP41140302 Designer's United Cargo CD NAJ ACT2 Keeshond Joy-Ann Pool Novice TS23088501 CH MACH Topflite Vega Hear Me Roar CD PCD BN MXB MJS NF CGC TKP Papillon Kay Detampel/Cassie Detampel/Sandra L Schumacher Novice SR89055007 Half Moon The Total Package CD PUTD BN GN GO Golden Retriever Gregory Feathers Novice DN42342604 CH Millknock-Kelso Shoot For The Moon CD PCDX BN RN Collie Dr. Kelli Carpenter D.V.M. Novice SR85704901 Ridgewood's T-Storm Fury CD PCD BN GN RE Labrador Retriever Deborah Zirwas Novice DN37006806 CH Snovalley Silva Sinkona VCD1 BN RE PT OA OAJ OF CA Collie Tanya A Ward/Linda Marie Ward Novice SR74014805 CH Saga's Toki Anna O'Johnstone CD RE Welsh Springer Spaniel Cheryl Johnson Novice DN40857210 Maces Anja Wildchild Of Fidirex CD CGC Belgian Malinois Mr. John J Delescavage Novice DN42739004 Mystix Majikal Journey With Kansu CD BN GN RE NA NAJ NF Border Collie Deborah Willis Novice PAL270504 Taylor's Perfect Summer CD PCD BN RE CGCA CGCU TKI Miniature Schnauzer Margaret Taylor Novice PR15702102 Dancingcloud Caution To The Wind CD BN RN OA NAJ OAP OJP Poodle Deb Meaut/Bob Meaut/Margaret Beckman Novice PR17098703 CH Safranne's Dreams Of An Autumn Mist CD PCD BN RN FDC NAJ NF CGCA TKI Poodle Linda Puckett Novice RN27135902 GCH CH Aardehond Life Is A Cabernet Ol Chum CD BN RE JE THDN RATM CGCA TKP Border Terrier Mrs. Laurale Stern/JENNIFER TOLLEFSON Novice SR94607701 Spirits Flaming Hot Tequila Shot CD BN GN RI BCAT CGCA Golden Retriever Donna Todd/Sherri Farmer Novice DN42104404 Karmayne's Crooked Arrow CD PCDX BN GN RN NA NAJ Shetland Sheepdog Alice Drexler Novice DN40806703 CH Trilliant Chilly Willy CD BN Shetland Sheepdog Amy Aitken/Stephanie Trautman-Riley Novice SR83186501 Regen's Plays Dirty CD BN RE JH AX AXJ NF Weimaraner Judi Voris/Anne Tyson Novice DN39184002 Stargazer-Ashmead's Sirius Spitfire VCD1 PCDX BN MX MXJ BH CGCA German Shepherd Dog Kristin Brooks Jones Novice DN39648503 CH Voila! J'Adore Le Velo Pour Deux CD PCD BN RI FDC CAA ACT1 SCN SHDN DJ CGC TKN Briard Ms. Jacqueline Ann Campbell/Mr. Mike Troxell Novice PR17998604 Sandstorm Switcharoo CD BN Poodle Nancy Pantusa Novice DN37627401 Elite's Little White Lie CD PCD BN GN RE Border Collie Aaron Terwiske Novice DN40051705 Pangari's Mischief Maker CD PT CA Border Collie Tammy Keller/Kent Keller Novice NP36412502 Banaer's Onya Ayanna CD PCD BN RN American Eskimo Dog Ms. Millie Vanover Novice NP43350101 Keepsake What Were You Smoking CD BN RN OA OAJ Keeshond Margaret Bissell Novice NY00012106 Patchmt& Blackthorn Echo Of My Dream CD ACT2 Dalmatian Amy D Stephens Novice SR75636302 Graden's Major Mariah CD RA MH Labrador Retriever Milly B Welsh/Charles L Hayden Novice SR78705807 Leonardo's Scarlett Ladd Of Camerons Den CD PCD BN FDC Golden Retriever Tamara Morrow/Greg Morrow Novice SR78794904 Margold Koa No Ka 'Oi CD RN AX AXJ OF SDPRO CGCA CGCU TKP Golden Retriever Joanne Sato Novice SR82698909 Golden Lineup's Third Times A Charm CD BN CGC Golden Retriever Mrs. Heidi May Smerek Novice SR85041304 Heritage's Ghost Riders Dream CD PCD BN RN CGC English Springer Spaniel Jennee Stalzer-See Novice SR86150701 Sommit's Gone With The Wind CD BN RA JH CGC Labrador Retriever Linda Waco/Susan C Sommer Novice SR90448602 Tayla N Firemark's Stay With Me Titania CD RN TD SH JHR NAJ CGCA CGCU TKP Weimaraner Gretchen Chapman Stephenson/Janet Boggs Novice SR90502307 T-Pines Rollin' Thunder CD RN Golden Retriever Roy Mashaney Novice SR90647702 Ardentts Wait Till You See Me Now CD Labrador Retriever Donna Brocht Novice SR90829405 Highroller's Out Of This World CD Golden Retriever Sally Walker Novice SR90976601 Firemark's Play It Again CD Golden Retriever Linda C Garrett Novice WS33774701 GCH CH Wolfrivers Kj's Blue Eyed Boyd CD PCD BN RAE Siberian Husky John Perusich/Kathy Perusich Novice WS47657604 Hoytts Bridge To My Heart CD BN RN Doberman Pinscher Barrie Hoytt Novice DN50678205 Rapideye Wireless Dell CD Border Collie Mary Whorton Novice NP38431604 Pure Countrys Pipen Hot Sensation CD BN RA NA NAJ Boston Terrier Tina Crumpler Novice SR83813701 GCHB CH Jasmine's Over-Nite Sensation CD PCD BN RI JH RATN Golden Retriever Janice Royce/Raymond Royce Novice PAL265643 Runaround Love And Rockets CD PCDX BN RN CA DJ TKN Border Collie Leslye Pinnell/Kim Bailey Novice PAL268271 Desert Sage CD Boykin Spaniel Kay Davis Novice RN26809201 CH Kilyka's Witch Upon A Star CD NA NAJ Norwich Terrier Betty McDonnell Novice SR81468103 Pioneer's Winning Shot On Goal CD BN GN RN Labrador Retriever Alicia & Gary Mangels Novice SR87297105 Kizmar Doran Pm True From The Start CD PCDX BN RAE MX MXJ NF CGC Vizsla Anne Standen Novice SR89348003 Gaylan's Brewed In The Abbey Of St Francis CD PCD JH Golden Retriever Therese Leafstedt/David Leafstedt Novice SR92645803 Flickering Fire Reach For The Sky VCD1 BN NF ACT2 CGC TKP Golden Retriever Mrs. Cynthia L. Everett Novice DN30904502 Whisperwind Whirlaway CD BN Shetland Sheepdog Laura Smith Novice DN31509104 CH Mpossible Lillian Russell CD RE Australian Shepherd Barbara J Solzsman Novice DN39637407 Stryker Von Bairdhaus CD BN German Shepherd Dog Mrs. Kathryn Snowden Foster Novice DN39980106 Valhalla Valkyrie CD BN RN German Shepherd Dog Ms. denise m. whitlow Novice DN40299404 Jerland'S-Charlotte-Rose-Of-Aspenwood CD German Shepherd Dog Richard Fallstrom/Marilyn Fallstrom 7/26/2018 48 2018 AKC Obedience Classic Eligibility List Novice DN41362502 Scalloway's Golden Skye CD BN RN CGC Collie Joanne Jones/Lea Bertsch Novice DN41496501 Jazzcreek's Take A Chance CD BN RA AX OAJ OAP NJP NF CGC German Shepherd Dog Joan Plank Novice DN42238503 Norwood's To Infinity And Beyond CD RAE AX OAJ XF SCN Border Collie Mr. Justin Sims Novice DN43200803 CH Constellation Cassi O'Bryan CD FDC CGC Belgian Malinois Joel O'Bryan Novice DN46177503 Shalako's Nutin But Nikko CD BN RI DN CGC Australian Shepherd Angela Averhart Novice HP49108202 FC Teine Mirage At Riju CD BN RN SC SHDN Borzoi June Mintchell Novice MA42357601 Savage's Shadow Girl CD BN RI CGC All American Dog Cheri Savage/Larry Savage Novice NP40189901 Minneka Abugslife CD BN RE Schipperke Kathy Sweet Novice PAL266434 Hudson Winter CD BN RAE CGC Labrador Retriever Donna Winter/Paul Scott Winter Novice PR17998504 Limelite Charming Charlie CD BN OA OAJ Poodle Diane Brundage Novice PR18633903 Teri's Sweet Chanel CD BN RI CGC Poodle Ms. Teri L Jenkins Novice RN23157702 GCHB CH Christhill Coachella CD BN GN RE Australian Terrier Kreg B Hill/William I Christensen Novice RN24121702 MACH Southcross Secret Code CD BN RN MXS MJS OF Miniature Schnauzer Clay Lincoln/Nancy Lincoln Novice SR69908801 Pipe Major Of Highmoor CD BN RN JH English Setter Sandra Hudson/John Hudson Novice SR77664207 Lakewood Rafael Centercourt CD BN RA CGC Labrador Retriever Patricia B. Clouser Novice SR80556704 Bristolwood Country Time Song Bird CD PCD CGC Golden Retriever Charlene Murphy Novice SR83898901 Trisun's Boys Of Summer CD PCD BN RN Golden Retriever Kathy Thurman/Judy Sherman Novice SR84179606 High Times Souper Sauced CD Golden Retriever Kerry Kibby Novice SR87873301 Wyatt Ii Vom Jagdkonig CDX BN GN German Wirehaired Pointer Frank Bauer/Joyce Bauer Novice SR88456505 Heartbreaker's Goldun Summer Breeze CD PCD BN Labrador Retriever Jerrilyn D Petty Novice SR88521207 GCH CH Rolyart's Play Time CD BN RA Welsh Springer Spaniel Linda Brennan/Cindy Ford/Shelley Traylor Novice SR92516702 CH Silhouette 'N Casablanca Speakeasy CD PCD BN Cocker Spaniel Linda L Wiland/Nan Arnold/Linda G Moore Novice SR92673901 Steelriver Live For The Sun CD BN RN NA CGC Flat-Coated Retriever Melissa M Phillips Novice TS27364001 Divine's Sound Of Music CD BN RE CGC TKP Maltese Joanie C Carqueville Novice WS48418608 MACH Smack-Dabs Last Chance CD MXB MJS NF T2B Doberman Pinscher Mrs.
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