r Forestry Commission Handbook 5 Forestry Commission ARCHIVE Prepared in co-operation with the Department of the Environment Forestry Commission Handbook 5 Urban Forestry Practice Edited by B.G. Hibberd Research Communications Officer, Forestry Commission Prepared in co-operation with the Department of the Environment LONDON: HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE HMSO BOOKS HMSO publications are available from: Acknowledgements HMSO Publications Centre Much of the advice and information in this Handbook dealing (Mail and telephone orders only) with the establishment and health of urban trees comes directly PO Box 276, London, SW8 5DT from research funded by the Department of the Environment. Telephone orders 01-873 9090 The Department has also encouraged and assisted the production General enquiries 01-873 0011 of this Handbook from the outset. In particular, thanks are due to (queuing system in operation for both numbers) John Peters and Graham Davis who have given invaluable HMSO Bookshops guidance as referees. 49 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6HB 01-873 0011 (Counter service only) The Countryside Commission and Forestry Commission are 258 Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2HE 021-643 3740 partners in the promotion and development of urban forestry Southey House. 33 Wine Street, Bristol, BS1 2BQ (0272) 264306 and Rick Minter of the Countryside Commission's Conservation 9-21 Princess Street, Manchester, M60 8AS 061-834 7201 Branch is at the forefront of this co-operation. His work as 80 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4JY (0232) 238451 referee and advisor for this Handbook is gratefully 71 Lothian Road, Edinburgh. EH3 9AZ 031-228 4181 acknowledged. Drs Dick Morris and Steven Newman of the Open University HMSO's Accredited Agents together with Chris Rose of the Milton Keynes Development (see Yellow Pages) Corporation have offered sound guidance at all stages of the and through good booksellers Handbook's development. Within the Forestry Commission thanks are due to Alistair Scott for his co-ordination of responses from other senior staff and his work as referee. © Crown copyright 1989 Special mention should be made of authors from outside of the First published 1989 Forestry Commission. Without their contributions this Handbook could never have been sufficiently comprehensive to ISBN 0 11 710273 3 do justice to the breadth of the subject. ODC 26 = 913: (410) Finally, the editor wishes to record his gratitude for the timely and careful work done in the Typing Pool at the Forest Research Keywords: Urban forestry Station, Alice Holt Lodge. Front cover Top Urban landscape with mature trees; Morpeth, Northumberland. (38333) Bottom Tree planting in Surrey with David Bellamy. (38738) City centre planting; Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (38381) Harvesting quality timber generates income: Leeds City Council. (T. Exley) Back cover The Forestry Commission's Chopwell Wood in Tyne and Wear has served the needs of an industrial urban population for many decades. 2 Contents Acknowledgements page 2 Section 4: Aftercare and Management Foreword 5 9. Managing the growing trees 92 10. Pruning practice 94 Summary 7 11. Diseased and damaged trees 101 How to use this Handbook 8 12. Buildings and trees 108 13. Managing existing woodlands 115 Section 1: Urban Forests 1. The need for advice 10 Section 5: The Potential for Timber 2. A short history of urban forestry in Britain 18 14. Timber from urban forests 122 Section 2: Urban Forestry and the Community Further Information 3- Involving the public 26 I Contracts 130 4. Community events and projects 35 II Useful addresses 134 III The main diseases and pests of urban trees 136 Section 3: Preparation and Planting IV Further reading 141 5. The new site 40 V Glossary 145 6. Choice of species 48 Index 147 7. The planting stock 72 8. Establishment and early maintenance 78 3 Foreword Most town dwellers are countrymen at heart, and trees in the Forestry Commission research work on which the Hand­ built-up areas satisfy a deeply-felt need. It is easy, however, to book is based has been funded by the Department of the take trees for granted, something which was demonstrated to us Environment. so dramatically by the tragic loss of many fine urban trees in The need for such a Handbook was identified at the first UK south-east England during the great storm of October 1987. The Conference on urban forestry held at Wolverhampton in the storm also vividly brought home to us the fact that trees can be spring of 1988. The Conference brought together delegates from retained too long beyond their prime and that careful planning is this country and from overseas with a wide range of interests needed to maintain a continuing tree cover. and experience, and with a common concern to do more about I therefore warmly welcome this Forestry Commission Hand­ growing and managing trees near where most people live. The book which gives practical advice on how to establish trees, outcome has been a fresh enthusiasm for using trees, in all their especially on difficult sites, and how to manage them for a variety, to improve the quality of life in and near our towns and variety of purposes. Its publication is designed as part of a major cities. initiative by the Countryside Commission and the Forestry I commend this Handbook to all who are concerned with the Commission to promote forestry for the community. Much of quality of our urban environment. The Rt Hon John MacGregor OBE, MP Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Summary Practical advice is provided on the establishment and subse­ Une autre partie traite des entretiens ulterieurs et de la gestion, y quent management of trees and woodlands in urban and urban compris l’ebranchage, les arbres malades et endommages, les fringe areas of the United Kingdom. The Handbook draws batiments et les arbres, et la gestion des bois actuels. On decrit et heavily on the research work funded by the Department of the discute les possibilites qui existent d’engendrer des revenus par Environment and carried out at the Forestry Commission’s l’abattage des arbres. Les autres renseignements comprennent Research Station at Alice Holt in Surrey, England. The history des conseils sur la preparation et la gestion des contrats, des and development of urban forestry in Britain and the aims of adresses utiles pour l’information, le conseil et la provision des tree planting in and around towns are outlined. Public involve­ fonds, et une liste d’ensemble des maladies et des indispositions ment and the planning and management of community events communes des arbres. Une bibliographie est y compris. and projects are described. A section devoted to preparation and planting deals with site preparation, choice of species, choice of planting stock and establishment and early maintenance opera­ Zusammenfassung tions. A further section deals with aftercare and management including pruning practice, diseased and damaged trees, build­ Praktischer Rat wird iiber die Begriindung und die spatere ings and trees, and the management of existing woodlands. Bewirtschaftung von Baumen und Waldern in Stadtbezirken und Possibilities for generating revenue from tree felling are de­ Stadtrandgebieten in Grossbritannien gegeben. Das Handbuch scribed and discussed. Further information includes advice on nimmt stark in Anspruch die Forschungsarbeiten, die durch das the design and management of contracts, addresses for informa­ Umweltsministerium fundiert und in der Forschungsanstalt der tion advice and funding, and a comprehensive list of common Britischen Forstkommission in Alice Holt (Surrey) ausgefiihrt diseases and disorders of trees. A bibliography is included. worden sind. Die Geschichte und die Entwicklung der stadtis- chen Forstwirtschaft in Grossbritannien sowie die Ziele der Baumpflanzung in den Stadten und in ihrer Nahe werden im Sommaire Umriss dargestellt. Die Mitwirkung der Offentlichkeit und die Planung und Leitung von Gemeinveranstaltungen und Projekten On pourvoit des conseils pratiques sur l'etablissement et la werden beschrieben. Ein Abschnitt behandelt Vorbereitung und gestion ulterieure des arbres et des bois a l’interieur et autour Pflanzung, namlich Standortvorbereitung, Baumartenwahl, des zones urbaines dans Le Royaume-Uni. Le Manuel apporte Pflanzgutwahl, Pflanzenbegriindung und friihe Pflegemassnah- beaucoup des recherches fondees par le Departement de l’Envir- men. Ein weiterer Abschnitt behandelt die spatere Pflege und onnement et performees par la Station d’Essai Forestiere de la Bewirtschaftung, einschliesslich Aufastung, kranke und bescha- Commission Forestiere a Alice Holt, Surrey, Angleterre. On digte Baume, Gebaude und Baume, und die Bewirtschaftung der esquisse l'histoire et le developpement de la foresterie urbaine schon bestehenden Walder. Die Moglichkeiten, die zur Verfii- dans Le Royaume-Uni, et les buts de la plantation des arbres gung stehen, um Einkommen von Baumfallung zu erzeugen, dans et autour des villes. On decrit la participation publique, et la werden beschrieben und diskutiert. Weitere Informationen be- planification et la gestion des fonctions et projets com- handeln: die Abschliessung und Durchfuhrung von Vertragen; munautaires. Une partie consacree a la preparation et la planta­ Adressen fur Auskunft, Rat und Fundierung: und eine umfan- tion traite de la preparation des stations, le choix des essences, greiche Liste der gemeinen Baumkrankheiten. Eine Bibliographie le choix des plants, l’etablissement, et les entretiens culturaux. wird auch eingeschlossen. 7 How to use this Handbook Urban forestry
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