THE BELFAST GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 22, 1935. Reformed Presbyterian Church at Rathfriland, to burn, in the County of Antrim, Solicitor, to be the be invested by them and the income applied in aug- Executors. And Probate of said Will was on the1 menting the stipend of the Minister for the time' eighteenth day of February, > one thousand nine being of said Church. hundred and thirty-five, granted to the said James Probate of said Will was granted on the 14th Morrow and D. Barbour Simpson, forth of the day of January, 1935, forth of the Principal Regis- Principal Registry of the King's Bench Division try of the King's Bench Division (Probate) in the (Probate) of the High Court .of Justice in Northern. High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, to Hugh Ireland. Dickson, of Lisnamulligan, Hilltpwn, and Thomas Dated this 20th day of February, 1935. Cromoe, of Barnmeen, Rathfriland, both in the D. BARBOUR SIMPSON, Solicitor for the. County of Down, the Executors named in said Will, Executors, 35 Royal Avenue, Belfast; and Dated this 14th day of February, 1935. Lisburn. W. G. McSPADDEN & SON, Solicitors for To the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, and all other; said Executors, 2 Wellington Place, Belfast; persons whom it may concern. and Rathfriland. To the Minister of Finance for Northern Ireland, and to all others whom it mav concern. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. In the Goods of CATHERINE McGRATH, late of Ballygally, County Down, Spinster, deceased. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 30 In the Estate of THOMAS MARTIN, late of Cargy- and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the said Catherine croy, in the County of Down, Farmer, deceased. McGrath, by her Will and one Codicil thereto, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute dated respectively 8th June, 1931, and 14th August, 30 and 31 Vic., Chap. 54, Sec. 19, that Thomas 1931, made the following Charitable Bequests : To Martin, late of Cargycroy, in the County of Down, the Parish Priest of Crossgar, £15; to the Catholic Farmer, deceased, who died on the 6th day of Curate of Killyleagh, £15, to .be applied by each December, 1934, having previously made his last for Masses as therein; to the Superior of the Will, dated 15th day of September, one thousand Maynooth Mission to China, £5 for the charitable nine hundred and thirty-three, by which Testator purpose of said Mission. And Testatrix devised left and bequeathed the following Charitable Be- and bequeathed her share of House Property in quest : . Killyleagh, Co. Down, to said Parish Priest of Crossgar, to be applied by him as therein. The said " I leave and bequeath to the Trustees of the Testatrix died on 23rd December, 1931, and Pro- Bailiesmills Reformed Presbyterian Congregation bate of her said Will and Codicil was on 28th June,. the sum of Two Hundred Pounds, to be invested 1934, granted forth of the Principal Registry, King's by them and the interest on such investment to Bench Division (Probate) of the High Court of go towards the stipend for the benefit of the Justice, Northern Ireland, to Joseph Casement, of Minister for the time being of said Congregation." Ballygally, and Joseph Shields, of Magheracran- And Testator declared that the receipt of the money, Farmers, the Executors therein named. Treasurer for the time being of said Congrega- tion should be a good and valid discharge 'to his Dated this 15th day of February, 1935. Executors for said legacy. BELL & CO., Solicitors, 1 College Square And of his said Will, Testator appointed James North, Belfast; and Downpatrick. Morrow, of Cabra, Legacurry, in the County of To the Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, and Down,, f Farmer, and D. Barbour Simpson, of Lis- all others whom it may concern. BELFAST PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses 80 CHICHESTER STREET, BELFAST; Adastral House, Kingsway, London, W.C2; 120 George Street, Edinburgh 2; York Street, Manchester 1; 1 St. Andrew's Crescent. Cardiff; . or through any Bookseller 1935. Friday, February 22, 1935. Price One Shilling Nett<.
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