CENSUS OF INDJA, 1951 Volume XVI VINDHYA PRADESH~ PART II General Population, Age, Social and Economic Tables BY N. K. DUBE, ~r.A.~ Super·intendent of Census Operations, V indhya Pradesh t'm1STED IN INDIA BY THE LEADER PRESS, ALLAH.~B.4.D IN 1957. PUBLISliED BY TliE l\1A:.iAGER OF PUBLICATIONS, DELHI. NOTE 1. Censns of India, 1951, Volume XVI, for Vindhya Pradesh; IS divided into the following parts:- Part I-Report and Subsidiary Tables Part II-General Population, Age, Social and Economic Tables Part III-District Census Handbooks 2. The Administration Report is in two parts :- Part I--Enumeration (The Enumera4iion Procedure-Training of Staff-The Census Questionnaire and details of putting it across to the People--The .National Register of Citizens) Part II--Tabulation CONTENTS TABLES A-General Population Tables A-T-ARI:A, HorSES A::S-D PorrLATIox Thi" ta\)le shows for ~'-<wh di"tl-iet "th~ ar\'oa, the ',\Jm\:)e, (){ t(}wn~ 1l000d ",\lag"';,;, the Il"tlmber of o('cupied honses and tho total urban and rural population and males and females in the St-atll. Nutnber of houseless persons fPJd institutional inmaties are gh-en ill the fly-lertf of the tahle. A,-II-VARBTIO!\ IX POPL:L_\TION Dt:"R[XG FIFTY YE_tRS 03--7 This table cOlnpares the population as t\scertail1cd at the eens\],; of 19,,1 of eaeh di"trict in Vjndhya Pradesh as now constituted with that of five prevl&UI" een~lBes_ Himl1l1l' compariR{)11 j,,: also made in reiipect, of the Adnlini~tI"atiyc Division" into which the di"'trj('t~ al-c !(l'OUppr{. A-III-Tnwxs _\~D YILLAGES CLASSIFIED ny POI'UL,\TIO~ _._ The revenue Survey Village h"'8 been taken at; '" Ceasut> Village, 1'e1'"On8 enUllwI'ated within Railway Premises have been included in the Village or Town within the boundary of which snch premises are "itUlI.·ted, In towns where there are .MunicipaJities tlw areas having municipal jurisdiction have been taken as "town, disregarding: thc l"I'Yenue sm-vey village aroa. A- rV-Towss CT,ASSIFIED BY POPULATION WITH YARIATIOX SINCE 1901 13-,22 In this ta1Jle the population of the towns iL~ ascertained ,.t the census of 1951 is compared with the population of the five previous Cenauses. III the census of 1941 there were only HI towns in the areas now forming the'Sta.t-e of Vindhya Pradesh and now the towns are 64. VillageI'! whieh have the charact.eristics of town e,'en jf the population j,; below 5,000 haye heen eJassified as towns. List of 45 towns other than 1941 census is also given il; the fly-leaf. A- V -TOWNS ARRANGED TERRITORIALLY WITH POPCLATION BY LIVELIHOOD CLASSES This tabk shows the analysis of urban popuiatiun by livelihood dassEls illst.ead of hy l~om­ munities M in the previous censuses, In this t1>ble the towns in each district are al'rangerl according to ;population. In case of municipal t·owns ':\J' if' "h()wn in hraekf'ts aftpr tJ", mun.. of the town"_ Others are unclassified towns, ~j;;- RUMMARY .FIGURES .IlY DISTRICTS .\ND TEHSIL'" In this table arett, percentage variation, density of population and distribution of popuhtion by livelihood classos arc shown for the districts and t.ehsils witl) the eorresponding rural and nrh3..n break up. This table corresponds to provincial Tables I and II of the last census with the difference t,hat t,he figures of popUlation are now presented by Livelihood Classes and with l1.nal/lIrban hrea1 up ins toad of by communities. This table has been elaborated I-linco last, (lf3n5U,~. Itaral !Inri 111"))",n hl""ilk lip of f>lJpullltion fol" each tehsil hn," ho.. n intl"()rlue.. d fOf" tlw first time, TABLES B,-Economic Tables GENlilRAL -~()TE',s This table shows tIle 1ll1mher of persons del"iving theil" principal mOllns of livelihood from tht' <'ight livelihood clas...'<Cs grouped into the two principal categories of population, namely, _4.gri­ <mltul"al ~tnd Non.agricultural. E~ch liveliho'ld class h:.t~' (J<>Cll di-l:ided inti:) three livelihood ,mb-dast-m", "i:., (i) Solf.supporting, (ii) Non.earning dependants and (iii) Earning dcpentiallt~. 1'hus the tahle prcscnt.'! tIll' pietu!"e nf 1.11(' dilit-rilmt i('11 of per">ono.: ecollomiCJllly a,-tin·. ina,etb;e and semi-act-ixe, _H-Jl--SECO:ND,~RY .?'iJa:58 of l~l\,ELIHI)O{) This t.ahle shows the number of persons in each of the eight livelihood clusse,; who POSS(JSB a H,:::onda:ry means of livelihood and cross classifies them (according to the nature of such mean" "f livelihood) under the same livelihood classes. It also shows under each livelihood class, th", ea.rn'ug dependant, who supplement with their own contribution the resources pro"ided for l,hflir maint·enance by tIle persons on who:n they lUG dependant. 'l'he contrihl1tir)fl made too "('l)l1omie iIf"tivit,:t' hot, pc(mnmkally '>emi-[\.('tiv{' pllT':wns if! t,hll'" 'lhown in the tah!e. 11 PAGES B-llI-EMPLOYERS, EMPLOYEES AND INDEPENDENT Vi'OR1I:ERS IN INDUSTRIES AND SERVICES BY DIVISIONS AND SUB-DIVISIONS 103-209 This table shows the classification of the self-supporting persons in non-agricuHural classes according to their secondary economic status, namely, employer.~, employees >Lnd independent workers and their distribution in the various divisions nnd sub·divisions of Industries anli Services. TABLES C-Household and Age (Sample) '1'ables C-I -HOUSEHOLD (SIZE AND COMPOSITION) 211-211; This table is prepared from a four per cent. sample of the households recorded in the National Register of Citizens relating to each village or townfward. C-n-LIVELIHOOD CLASSES BY AGE·GROUPS 217-225 This table has been prepared from the data collected from 10% sainl)le slip~ which were taken out from the entire lot of slips when they were initially sorted. This tabie is new. No smoothing formula lJ.as been adopted in preparing the table and "the figures have been tabulated as actually returned in suitable age-groups. C-IlI-AGE ANP CIVIL CONDITION 227-237 The table contains the information with regards to age and civil condition of the general population on the basis of the data collect,ed from the ten per cent. sample slips, as in the case of the Table C-II. It also contains the figures for all the displa.ced persons in the districts. The figure for the sample population and the displaced persons population are exhibited side by side and not in separate tables to effect economy. In this tn,bl{', the figures for the divorced and widowed persons are ahowD together. C-IV-AoE AND LITERACY 239-251 In this table figures of Hliterte include figures of partially litElrate, ~·.e .• those who can read simple letters but cannot write one. The detail$ of such persons are given in this table. C-V- SINGLE YEAR AGE RETtTRNS 253-281 This table WitS prepared on the basis of data collected from the ten per cent. sample slipg of general population, as in "the case of Table C-II, and the figures have been tabulated as returned without the use of any smoothing formula. TABLES D-Social and Cultural Tables D-l-LANGUAGES 283-291 (i) Mother Tongue 285-287 (ii) Bi-lingualism 289-291 These tables show the languages spoken in the districts as mother tongue and the number of persons speaking each one of them, and the number of persons commonly speaking any Indian languages (or dialect) other than his mother tongue,' as subsidiary language respectively. Languages shown in the table include dialects which have acquired distinctive status of "Mother Tongue" in particular localities. The languages have been a,rranged in order of number of people speaking them within the distriQt. A list of languages spoken in Vindhya Pradesh is given as fly-leaf abstract. D-ll-RELIGION 293-295 This table shows the distribution of population by religion. The table shows that none of the tribal classes has returned his 'l'eligion as "tribal". AU have been recorded as Hindu1!. The table also shows that only the Hindus Community form the bulk of population. D·IJI-ScHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 297-29B This table shows the distribution of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the distrkts. The apecification of the acheduled ca.ste required under the constitution scheduled castes (Part C States) order 1951 1'£de Notification No. S. R. O. 1427 A, dated 20-9-1951 is published in the Gazette of India-Extraordinary Part II, Section 3, dated 20-9-1951, pages 1198·1198G. The specification of aeheduled tribeS as required under "the constitution (scheduled trjb~s) (Part C States) order 1951" t·ide Notification No. S. R. 0.1427 B, dated 111 PAGES 20-9-1951 is published in the Gazette of India-Extra_ordillary Part II, Section 3, da.ted 20-9·1951 pages 1198G-1l98K. Caste'are deemed to be the scheduled castes and S<lheduled tribes within the State of Vindhya Pradesh are given in the fly-leaf of the table. D-IV-MIGRANTS 299-352 This table gives the number of persons born in different places and enumerated in a distriet of this State. D· V -DISPLA<JED PERSONS -353-356 (i) Displaced Persons by Year of ArrIval 354-355 (ii) Displaced Persons by Livelihood Classes 356 These tables show the number of displaced persons from dis~rjct of origin as well as their number as actually enumerated in the State and • dktribution of displaced persons by livelihood classes.
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