North American Martyrs Church October 27, 2019 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Witnessing to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and living the Sacramental life. Parish Calendar 30th Week in Ordinary Time GRIEF SUPPORT group will meet on Monday, October 28th at 6:00 pm. Monday October 28 REAL SUFFERING book study concludes on Tuesday, Oct. 29th at 7:00 pm. 6:40 AM Irene Sullivan† BIBLE STUDY meets on Wednesday, October 30th at 6:00 pm. Gen. 5-7 8:00 AM Patty Krings RCIA will meet on Wednesday, October 30th at 6:00 pm. Tuesday October 29 THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY will meet on October 31st a 9:00 am. 6:40 AM Fr. Paul Rutten† FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS will be November 1st after the 8:00 am Mass. 8:00 AM The Ruth Family Wednesday October 30 MARTYRS MEN meet on Saturday, November 2nd at 7:30 am. 6:40 AM Mary Logsdon FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS are November 2nd at 8:30 am. 8:00 AM Sierra Mongeon and EXPOSITION & CONFESSION is next Sunday, November 3rd at 3:00 pm. Lane Mongeon Thursday October 31 Altar Flowers are in memory of Germaine and Richard J. Moser, Sr. and 6:40 AM Mary Ngu Nguyen† Carolyn and Alfred Classen. 8:00 AM Robert Benes† All Saints Day Vigil Mass STEWARDSHIP RECEIVED LAST WEEK: Thank you! 5:00 PM David Houdek† Friday, November 1, All Saints Day Adult Tithe Envelopes (204 families)……………………….. $ 11,430 6:40 AM Our Parish Family Adult Electronic Tithe (295 families)……………………….. $ 9,552 8:00 AM The Ruth Family Plate ……..…………………………….………………….. $ 979 7:00 PM Ngot Le† & Oanh Nguyen† Youth …………..………….………….……..……………... $ 145 Saturday November 2 Total Tithe Received……..………………………………… $ 22,106 9:00 AM Special Intention Weekly Tithing Goal………………………………………… $ 30,834 Received to Date July 1—Oct. 20.…………………………… $436,580 Weekend Masses Needed for annual budget……………………………………….. $493,344 Saturday November 2 Annual Budget shortage to date……………………………… ($56,764) 6:00 PM Poor Souls in Purgatory Sunday November 3 Bishop’s Appeal for Vocations. Goal is $34,680 7:00 AM Helen Benes† Current Total: 203 pledges Total $34,765 8:00 AM Intentions of the Holy Father Appeal cards are available in the Parish Office during the week. Your contribu- 9:30 AM Robert McManus† tions will help to fund the formation of our future priests. 11:00 AM Our Parish Family For those in need of healing: Lay Ministry for Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, All Saints Day Mike Arnold, Monica Barber, Dan Benes, Marvene Bruner, Acolytes Readers Servers Greeters Security Larry Chamberlain, Cari Co- 5 pm Nagel Barnes Ortiz, Hardin Hardin bler, Trung Dang, Ray Doug- 10/31 Dunlap Myers, Cleaver Lochner las, Connie Gebhardt, Clint Lochner, Jerome Mazour, Jack McCor- 7 pm Doty Rupp Johs, Hellbusch Hellbusch mick, Donna Miner, Adam Mutaz, Barba- 11/1 Johs Need 2 subs ra Noll, Marlys Parish, Raymond Parolek, Jamie Price, Barb Roth, Candy Rueb, Lay Ministry for November 2-3 Derek Ruth, John Sedlak, Grady Simants, Connie Skoglund, Rich & Rose Stehno, Acolytes Readers Servers Greeters Security Pat Steiner, Norman Sweitzer, Zander Ways-Bothe, Lane Whitaker & Stacey 6:00 J. Benes Barnes J. Benes Jesse Lochner PM Ruskamp Wisnieski (2) Korus Kool Young. Names will remain on the list for 3 Fuchs Family months unless otherwise notified. 7:00 Ketchmark Unger Wilson, Dee Eastman AM Miller Meyers, Codr S C R I P Scrip workers for November 2-3 8:00 Belger Loecker Siegel (2) Brian B. AM Fry Cantrell Ohnoutka Schlautman 6:00 PM Goodwater / Nebesniak Need Sub Family 7:00 AM T. Seidl / C. Seidl 8:00 AM Busboom / Huber 9:30 McManus Bourek Bode Jim Schroeder 9:30 AM Reisdorff / Ketchmark AM Schepers Wiechman Dowling Hansen 11:00 AM Fredrick / Drehs Burr McManus (2) Family Total Sales: $ 8,420 11:00 Haug Lostroh Kondohoma (2) Brandon Odgaard Total Profit: $ 318 AM McMichen Valish Hart Delp # of Families: 47 Mazour T. Nguyen Family All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. All Souls Indulgences: An indulgence, applicable only to Mass times will be Thursday, October 31st at the souls in purgatory, is granted to the faithful, who devoutly 5:00 pm and Friday, November 1st at 6:40 am, visit a cemetery and pray for the departed. The indulgence is 8:00 am, 7:00 pm. plenary each day from the first to the eighth of November; on other days of the year it is partial. A plenary indulgence, applicable only to the souls in purgato- Martyrs School News ry, is granted to the faithful, who on All Souls Day, November November 1 No School—Holy Day 2nd (as well as on the Sunday preceding or following, and on All Saint’s Day) piously visit a church. In visiting the church it is required that one Our Father and the Creed be recited. CCD News To acquire a plenary indulgence it is necessary also to fulfill October 30 Class 6-7:30 pm, First Grade Church Tour the following three conditions: sacramental Confession, Eu- charistic communion, and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Baptism: We welcome those newly baptized. Father. This may be fulfilled several days before or after the Please pray for them as they continue to grow in visit. Christ. Gerard Damien, son of Jimmy & Mel O’Keeffe. Congratulations! Congratulations to the GIFT volunteer team. We are so blessed to have you in our Parish. As we set our sights on Advent and Father Connor will present a 30 minute informational talk in Lent, would you like to join the Light of the World Retreat the 8th grade classroom on Monday, October 28th at 7:00 pm volunteer team? Informational meeting is November 6th at on getting marriages blessed in the Catholic Church. Father 6:30 pm. We would like to see 20 to 40 people there. Contact will explain how couples proceed to get their marriage blessed April if you have questions before then at 402-619-3091. and no questions will be asked of you. If you would rather meet with a priest individually, please call the Parish Office to set up an appointment with Fr. Connor or Fr. Fleck. Trusting in the Lord is a key aspect of stewardship. Pro-Life News Martyrs Moms invite you to a faith filled event featuring speaker and blogger Ashley Stevens. Join us in the Parish Martyrs Parish will be collecting diapers throughout the month Hall on Monday, November 18th at 6:30 pm. Ashley is a Cath- of October for the annual LDCCW Diaper Drive which bene- olic convert, collegiate athlete, wife and mother to three beau- fits several organizations. We will also be collecting disinfect- tiful girls. While serving as a campus missionary, shortly after ant wipes and spray, toilet paper, tissues, liquid hand soap, getting engaged, she was t-boned by a Mack truck and nearly youth underwear for ages 2-8, and size 3-5T pull-ups for St. lost her life. She writes and speaks to encourage those whose Gianna Women’s Homes. Donations may be placed in the life isn’t going according to plan. playpen in the Narthex. Thank you. The November 1st Blood Drive at NAM has been cancelled. namartyrs.formed.org (parish code is ca823d). All Souls Day is November 2nd. There will be a Special Mass on Saturday, November 2nd at 11:00 am at North AREA EVENTS American Martyrs Church for those who have lost a child or a loved one in the past year. We will remember each person in Abortion Tuesdays 7 am to 3 pm, prayer people needed in front the Prayers of the Faithful and with a candle brought up with of Planned Parenthood, 48th & Old Cheney. Group Rosary at the offertory. After Mass we will have a luncheon in the Nar- 9:30 am. Mass at 10 am. thex. Please call the Parish Office at 402-476-8088 ext. 5, if Catholic Answers Conference is Nov. 2, 8 am –1 pm, LaVista you want to add someone to the prayer list, and if you can at- Conference Center. Speakers Trent Horn, Tim Staples, Cy Kel- tend and stay for lunch. lett, Dr. Ray and Matt Fradd. Limited seating. Purchase tickets at spiritcatholicradio.com/conference Take control of your money with Dave Ramsey’s Financial Personal Testimonies on How an Encounter with God Leads Peace University (FPU)! This nine-lesson course uses biblical to a Mission is the theme for the Catholic Coffee House. Per- wisdom and common sense to help you tackle budgeting, pay sonal testimonies will be Sunday evening at Gianna Java and off debt, and make your money work for you! If interested Gelato, 2241 O St, 7-8:30 pm. The presenter on Nov. 10 is Dr. come join us on Saturday, Nov. 2 at 7 pm, Sunday, Nov. 3 at Matthew Hecker. There is no fee or registration. ?,402-473-0615 5 pm or Monday, Nov. 4 at 7 pm for a 1 hour preview. Clas- Grief and the Holidays for those experiencing infertility, mis- ses will be held starting the second week of January. Day of carriage or infant loss. Gianna’s Gelato, Nov. 12, 7 pm. Register the week to be determined. https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/grief Pro-Life Education Series at St. Patrick’s gym is Nov. 17, 7-8 Thank you to all who helped with the Craft Fair by donat- pm. Speakers are Paul Yates and Megan Johnson from the non- ing food, bringing baked goods, working a shift, having a ven- profit “I’ve Got a Name”. Learn what sex trafficking is, how and dor booth or shopping at our Martyrs Craft Fair.
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