Administrator to Educator. • • • • Down to the Classroom by Marjorie Palmer Weekly Staff Writer, H~ invited me into his office, we have any great written his arms full of folders from evidence of the people of Russia; Russian History, 494-3. He was a lot of this information is ar­ prepared for any question I might cheological in nature with oc­ conceivably ask, and, charac­ casional references to Greek teristically I think, wasted no historians, such as Herodotus. time, asking me ·where I wanted Then we begin to pick up the him to sit, suggesting I make tempo of the course about 1000 myself comfortable. Having AD with the formation of the first placed the reins courteously in my Russian State around Kiev, and hands, he loosened his ~ie, pugged with the conversion to the Eastern in my tape recorder and lit his Orthodox form of Christianity." pipe, while I adjusted the recor­ ding volume. We sat on colorful, Question: "Do you delve into comforable, but straight-backed Rusian culture in depth?" furniture, while I looked over a sample page of one of his exams Dr. Silverman: "Oh yes, to the before beginning the interview. extent that we have information Question: "Dr. Silverman, Why on the culture in those days. We do you feel impelled to teach in try to get into it. The main focus addition to performing your ad­ of the course is to try and examine ministrative dutires?" those important domestic and oc­ casionally foreign issues that led Dr. Silver~an: "I enjoy it." to the development of the Dr. Silverman Revolutionary Movement in Question: "Being pressed for Russia in the Nineteenth Century. time doesn't interfere with your As a consequence, one of the im­ of the semester?" portant-they are,-but I feel that pleasure in teaching?" portant things we are looking at what I'd like to establish in the right now, for example, is the Dr. Silverman: "We're hoping course, is a sense of history, a Dr. Silverman: "Well, I haven't development of serfdom in we can get up to about 1900. But sense of the sweep of Russian taught a course for about five Russia. And then for the couple the interest of the students is such history, a feel for the movement of years,. and I've missed the contact of weeks, we'll take a look and see that we simply have to stop every Russian history, rather than sim­ with the students." how the failure to deal with the once in a while and examine the ply over burden people with problem of serfdom helped to questions that they are raising; oc­ minor details. If students can Question: "Does your course bring about the revolutionary casionally the stray afield and get come out of a history course-I begin with very early Russian movement." into Western European history can't speak for other history?" with comparisons and relation­ professors-but if they come out Question: "Does the course ap­ ships, and I think this is all worth of my history course with this Dr. Silverman: "It begins with proach the present time by the end doing. I'm not especially con­ 'feel' for the broader social issues, the pre-history of Russia, before cerned if we don't hit 1900. then it would be very pleasing to That's not the point of the thing; me. tt the point is to try to learn, as well as we possibly can, what hap­ Dean Cox Vetos Strke Election pened in Russia, how the Question: "Have. you taught by Bob Heckel revolutionary movement came modern Russian history?" Weekly Managing Editor about and how did it differ from revolutionary movements in the Dr. Silverman: "I used to teach An informal meeting of those tatives, to which grievances West-and how was it similar to modern Russian history, that is invol"ed and concer'led vith ~he t.~ke:1. a;;ainst the J could be revolullo~nary moverments in the contemporarjO Russ:an histCfJ"t recent election of Gordon Strike It is important to stress the fact West." lnd in the next semester we'll get The Magazine and Rudy Sandoval's ensuing that the Dean's veto "is not a vote into the revolutions of 1905 and charge of SRJB racism, which of no confidence in Chairman 1917, then into the Soviet period. stemmed from his loss to Gordon Berardi or the members of the Question: "Is this essentially the I also used to teach Western Rip-Off: Again! Strike in an election race for one SRJB." same course you were teaching Civilization and always enjoyed it vacant seat on the Joint Board, Also to be stessed, however, is five years ago?" by Kent Anderson because the freshness and spirit the Dean of Student Relations, Weekly Staffwriter the importance ofthe SRJB's han­ and the c!J~iosity ,of Freshman Alice Cox, conducted a rapid and dling of itself henceforth, as, to Dr. Silverman: "It is and it i'srt't students make it all ~o:rt.hwhile; intense study of the situation, an­ reiterate one of Dean Cox' . I've got less respect for There are, operating in nouncing her findings, decisions opening statements, "everybody multitudes of detail than I used to Colorado Springs, some magazine and recommendations at the here has lost." have. It's not the details are unim- Continued on page 6 sales companies which are not November 15 meeting. what they appear to be. The ap­ Dean Cox stated that she had proach is usually made by a young found, on the part of the SRJB, person saying that his sales give "no intent to commit any act of him or her points in a contest for bad faith," and asked' that SRJB a trip to Europe or a scholarship Chairman Gayle Berardi be New York since Miami, or some other prize. These exonerated from charges. Also, people, once invited into your "no actual procedure for elec­ home, begin to tell you how you tions" were found by Dean Cox in Politics since the Movement the Joint Board by-laws, and, she vote for them, without mentioning by Rex Weiner/AFS any type of sales. This is illegal added, although some members of and unethical. Should the con­ the SRJB were well versed on NEW YORK CITY-New peared on downtown walls urging any sense-the Miami demon­ sumer decide to buy the election procedure, others were York's a desperate town these attendance at the Miami strations were plainly a last gasp. magazines, his chances of not. days, the kind of desperation born demonstrations seemed to hang And of course the geriatric setting receiving them are not very good. In consideration of these fin­ of boredom. Like shipwreck sur­ with. half-hearted glue. The Zippie was perfect: the Movement went Mr. Allen Franck of the Federal dings, and in the light of negative vivors adrift, searching for land, contingent of the Youth In­ to Miami Beach to kick the Trade Commission tells us that feelings, suspicions, charges and everybody seems' to be asking ternational Party, based in New bucket once and for all. So be it. the law required a door-to-door countercharges, it was Dean Cox' frantically "What's the next hip York, tried valiantly to inject At the end of September. Nixon solicitor to identify himself and decision to "declare that election thing gonna be?" For sure, in came to New York. Only a bare describe what he is sel1ing within null and void," and to have both some imagination into the Miami New York, the good ship Coun­ 500 mustered themselves to 30 seconds. Sandoval and Strike stand before effort, but the sort of theater they general election by the student terculture has sunk. performed has lost its audience. A protest. They were the same 500 You can't go anywhere in New twenty-foot joint hauled all the that always show up to demon­ If since March of 1972 you body on Dec. I 1- the date of the York these days without way U:p Fifth Avenue .last May strate, perhaps with the same com­ have purchased magazines from general student elections. somebody saying monotonously, caused a couple of media giggles, pulsion as Catholics going to con­ Publix of Colorado, Local Dean Cox strongly urged botl. "The Sixties are over, man." and 'a Smoke-in that was held in fession. They stood harm lessly Readers Service (LRS), Op­ the undertaking of a study of the Radical politics have become Central Park, (well.. what else is behind police barricades across portunities Services Incorporated, Student Relations Joint Board difinitely un-chic. Jerry Rubin new) The Sixties are over, man. A the street from the Americana Public Continental Sales by-laws, with particular attention and Huey Newton caused barely a junkie Shoot-in-now, that Hotel and bored each other and Coproration, or Public to election procedure itself and right-on comment showing up at a would've been something! '.he cops with stale guerilla theater Associated Service, please contact to proper channelling of any fashionable premiere for Jack Coming back after the Miami and unoriginal chants from four Kent Anderson at 473-9 78 7. future challenges to an SRJB elec­ Nicholson's new movie at the ordeal (both Democratic nd years ago. Nixon delayed his Any information, such as can­ tion or appointment, and the con­ N.Y Film Festival. At the jet­ Republican) was like returning arrival by two hours, a not-too­ celed checks or receipts will he sideration of an appella.te board, setty party afterwards at the with Napoleon from the steppes of clever ruse which nonetheless helpful in finding those persons comprised of student represen- Ginger Man restaurant a wry line Russia.
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