ivist stlin di leontologi e trtigrfi volume IIU noF P ppF QQIEQRT tuly PHII vei visygixi yhix @wewwevseX yhixseA pyw ri feexsge Ï gei xie uxteieg @ieix ifseAX iwesg exh eveiyigyvyq I P Q Ï Â Â Â Ï Â ueesxe fyqsgisg BD heixuy xixehsg D h ex wsresvysg D I I   ysge veeisg 8 tivixe wsvsytisg rd eeivedX heemer Q D PHIHY eptedX epril IPD PHII uey wordsX leistoeneD uternryD rodentsD smll mmmlsD nfiiD rettili e uelliD nonheÂmmmiferi di piol e grnde tgliF sn eriD flkn eninsulF questo rtiolo viene presentto lo studio di un fun roditoriF sl mterile fossile proviene d degli svi rheologii effettuti nel IWWSX estrtF frni is ve in the flkn mountin rnge in the engono desritti i resti di IH speie di roditoriX permophilus fF itelE estern prt of eriF st ontins four lyers of sediments of uternE loidesD gstor fierD iist sutilisD grietulus migrtoriusD grietus riE ry geF he pper leistoene deposits @lyers PERA hve yielded rih etusD wesorietus newtoniD epodemus ex grF sylvtiusEflviollisD pE nd diverse ssemlge of verterte funD inluding fishD mphiinsD lx leuodonD hryomys nitedulD e wusrdinus vellnriusF nitE reptilesD irdsD nd smll nd lrge mmmlsF sn this workD preliminry mente V speie di rvioleD nell lolitÁ sono sttirinvenutiomplesE results of study of the rodent fun from the pper leistoene sivmente IV speie di roditoriF Ï deposits of the frni gve @unjzevD estern eriA re presentedF intrmi i livelli P e R @il livello Q eÁ povero di fossiliA hnno he fossil mteril omes from the IWWS rheologil exvtionF he fornito un fun roditori tipi dei periodi freddi del leistoene remins of IH rodent speies re desried hereinX permophilus fF superiore nell enisol flni on un prevlenz di ittori di itelloidesD gstor fierD iist sutilisD grietulus migrtoriusD grietus mienti steppii ed pertiD m nhe on qulhe speie piuÁ tipi rietusD wesorietus newtoniD epodemus ex grF sylvtiusEflviollisD dell9miente forestleF ve ssoizioni dei due livelli sono similiD m plx leuodonD hryomys nitedulD nd wusrdinus vellnriusF vi sono lune differenze nell omposizione dell funD he potreE elong with eight vole speiesD this mkes ltogether IV speies of roE ero indire un tendenz verso ondizioni piuÁrideF ve ssoizioni dents found in this lolityF sono onfrontte on ssoizioni oeve di ltre lolitÁ in eri e foth lyers P nd R @lyer Q is very poor in fossilsA hve yielded fulgriF rodent fun typil for the old periods of the vte leistoene on the flkn eninsulD with prevlene of open nd steppe inhitntsD ut some forest dwellers were lso presentF he ssemlges from these sntrodution lyers re similrD ut there re some differenes in the omposition of the funD whih my indite slight shift towrds drier onditionsF frni is ve system whih onsists of three hey hve lso een ompred to rodent ssoitions from some erE in nd fulgrin lolities of the sme ge nd their similrities nd smll ves ± frni sD ss nd sssF st is situted in the differenes re disussedF southEestern prt of eriD four kilometres south of Ï unjzevD on the right nk of the rgovisÏkiimok issuntoF frni eÁ un grott nell ten lni nell iver @pigF IAF sts ltitude is pproximtely RHH meters Ï eri orientle @unjzevAF sn ess sono stti rinvenuti quttro livelli @wihilovi PHHRAF sn this pperD the fossils of rodents disedimentidiet Á quternriF xei depositi del leistoene superiore from frni s re desriedF @livelli PERA eÁstt rinvenut un ri fun vertertiD inlusi pesiD I heprtment of leontologyD niversity of felgrde E pulty of wining nd qeologyD umeniÏk trF TD FyF fox PPUY IIHHH felgrdeD eriY phone CQVI II PTQP ITTF Borresponding uthorX kFogievidrgfFgFFrs P heprtment of ristoril nd hynmi qeologyD niversity of felgrde E pulty of wining nd qeologyD umeniÏk trF TD FyF fox PPUY IIHHH felgrdeD eriY phone CQVI II PTQP ITT Ï Q heprtment of erheologyD pulty of hilosophyD niversity of felgrdeY gik vjuin trF IVEPHY felgrdeD eriY phone CQVI II PTQW IIW QQP fogievi uFD xendi hFD wihilovi hFD vzrevi F 8 wilivojevi tF       pigF I E qeogrphil position of the frni gveF RA hrk rown lyey silt with orse rok frgE ments @more thn IPH m thikAF sn this sediment two horizons ould lso e differentitedX R ± ompt sediment with rok frgments R ± homogenous sediment without rok frgE mentsF he investigtions in frni s egn in IWWRF prom IWWS to IWWUD some pper leolithi rtefts were found in frni s @wihilovi et lF IWWUA nd some lrge mmml remins in frni s nd ss @hiE mitrijeviÂIWWUD IWWVAF sn vyer P severl rtefts were pigF P E @A ln of frni s with the position of the trenhesD reoveredD whih proly elong to the qrvettin fter ldiÂ8 tovnoviÂIWWT ± @A etion of the pper ulture @lthough the dignosti tool types were not leistoene deposits in the frni gveF he desripE reordedAF he mteril from vyer R @out ten rteE tions of the lyers re given in the textF ftsD inluding n typil endsrperA elongsD with no doutD to the initil pper leolithi whih hs een huring the IWWREIWWS exvtionsD three smll lredy doumented in the nery fulgrin lolities ± trenhes were opened ± trenh e @PFS x IFS mA generlly uozrnikD emnt nd fho uiro @uozlowski IWVPY oriented estEwestY trenh f in the entrne of one of hroniewiz et lF PHHHY snov PHHVAF the side rooms nd trenh g in the southern entrne of he undne of remins of oth lrge nd smll the ve @pigF PAF he trenhes were dug to depths of mmmls ws lredy notied in the erly phse of the etween P nd PFS metersD ut the edrok ws not reserhF sn ddition to the mmml reminsD this ve rehed @wihiloviÂPHHRAF lso yielded some remins of other nimls nd plnts he exvtions reveled four lyers of ve deE @irdsD reptilesD mphiinsD fishD gstropods nd seedsAF posits @pigF PAX ome pollen grins were lso extrted from hyen9s IA urfiil ly of roloene geF prgments of oprolites @ergnt 8 himitrijeviÂPHHUAF hese remins prehistori nd omn pottery were found in this lyerD of flor nd fun re desried in severl ppers @erE whih indites roloene ge @QH mAF gnt 8 himitrijevi PHHUY fogiÂevi PHHRY frunetEveE PA ellowish ly with orse rok frgments nd omte et lF PHHIY himitrijevi IWWUD IWWVD PHHRY porE the remins of lrge nd smll mmmlsF wo horizons sten 8 himitrijeviÂPHHRAD ut the study of smll mmE were distinguished in this unitD P nd PD whih differ ml fun is still in progressF e seprte pper hs een minly in olour @P eing somewht drkerA @VH mAF dedited entirely to the study of rvioline remins QA esh grey homogenous silt with rre smll @fogiÂevi et lF in pressA nd some of the results oE mmml reminsF st underlies vyer P in the northern tined in it will lso e inluded hereF he preliminry prt of trenh eF he upper prt @QA ontins rre smll nlysis of the rodent fun @exluding volesA is the mmml reminsD while the lower one @QA is pleonE tologilly sterile @PH m thikAF sujet of this pperF Ï vte leistoene rodents @wmmliX odentiA from the frni gve ner unjzev @istern eriA QQQ wteril nd wethods he rodent mteril desried in this pper is result of smE pling undertken during the IWWS rheologil exvtionF ediment smples were tken t PP smpling points in frni sX T in vyer PD one in vyer Q nd IS in vyer RF ell smples were sreenEwshed on three sreens of PD I nd HFS mm meshF ell ones were piked out under inoulr mirosopeD ut for txonomil identifitions lmost only teeth nd frgments of upper nd lower jws were usedF sn totlD more thn five hundred teeth re inluded in this studyF himensions @most often length nd widthA re given in mmF he methods of mesurements re desried in reinrih @IWUVA ± for siurids ± nd wul @PHHIA ± for rietidsD muridsD storids nd gliridsF por muridsD the terminology of torh @IWVUA is employedY for siuridsD tehlin 8 hu @IWSIAY gliridsD fruijn @IWTUAY storidsD tirton @IWQSA nd rietids hms 8 preudenthl @IWVVAF he teeth were drwn unE der inoulr mirosopeF por the purpose of identifitionD omprE tive olletions of reent nd fossil rodent teeth of the heprtment of leontology were usedF he mteril desried in this pper is stored t the heprtment IDP pigF Q E permophilus fF itelloides @uormosD IWITAF @A w dextFD of leontology of felgrde niversityD under the inventory numers Q @A w dextFD @A dextFD @dA w sinFD @eA w dextF R I Q fe PGIESD PGITEIUD fe QGIET nd fe RGIEIID RGPTEQIF ht on the leistoene distriution of speies were tken minly from uowlski @PHHIAF he reltive undne of the different tx ws lulted hue to thisD espeilly in older litertureD vte leistoE ording to wxs @minimum numer of individulsY fter hite IWSQAF ene remins of ground squirrels hve usully een reE ferred to the reent speies F itellusD insted of to its extint nestor ± F itelloides @uowlskiPHHIAF ystemti pleontology he struture of the posterior root of n R pmily iuride qryD IVPI sometimes e used for speies determintionX n undiE vided posterior root is hrteristi for F itellusD while permophilus guvierD IVPS in F itelloides nd F susliusD this root is divided into two prts in the mjority of ses @SH ± VH 7D fter permophilus fF itelloides @uormosD IWITA uowlski8 xdhowskiIWVPAF roweverD on the R pigF Q from furgtonn @desried s F itelloidesAD the posterE IEP ior roots re fused on more thn VH 7 of the teethD dextF @PFHT x PFVQAF wteril nd dimensionsX vyer PX w IEP IEP sinF @PFII x QFHAD Q w dextF @IFVW x PFTIY fe PGIF vyer RX w hene this riterion is not entirely relile for speies Q dextF @PFUP x PFTUAD P dextF @PFII x PFPIY PFHT x PFUPY PFII x EAD w R determintion @uoenigswld IWVSAF foth premolrs sinF @PFPI x PFRTAD w dextF @IFVT x PFPIAD w sinF @PFUT x IFUS x IFTVAD w I I Q from frni hve only two rootsD without ny sign dextF @QFQI x PFSPAF fe RGIEP PFPRAD w Q of ifurtion of the posterior rootF sn western nd entrl iuropeD two groups of hesriptionF he upper molrs @pigF QD A of the speies lived during the leistoeneF he lrger
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