Planning and Transportation Schedule of Strategic Allocations: Summary of Site Size, Permissions and Ownership November 2016 Planning and Transportation Department of Place and Infrastructure This document sets out the site areas, land ownership and application status (in broad terms) that applies to the eight proposed strategic allocations in the submitted Luton Local Plan 2011-31 Policy Subm Curre Floors Plannin Ownership itted nt pace g Local positi Permis plan on sion? Policy LP5 Land Hecta Hect Squar J South of res ares e o Stockwood Park metre bs Strategic s Allocation & subject to 2.5 2.5 Stadium No 2020 Masterplan Developments (Luton Town 0.7 0.7 Ancillary sports No Football Club) 0.3 0.3 Ancillary enabling No 2 2 P&R No 5.5 5.5 9.5 Business Park gross No (3 ha for landscaping etc.) Sub total 11 11 Tot al 14 15 Developable area (roun ding) 18.62 Gross site area 16/01401/OUTEIA. Outline planning permission, with all matters reserved except for access, for mixed-use development comprising: office floorspace (use class B1(a); retail floorspace (use class A1); food and beverage floorspace (use class A3 - A5); leisure floorspace (use class D2); a hotel (use class C1), car and cycle parking; and associated access, highways, utilities, public realm, landscaping, and associated ancillary works and structures. Awaiting decision. 1 Policy Subm Curre Floors Planni Ownership itted nt pace ng Local positi Permis plan on sion? Policy LP6 London Hect Hecta Squar Jo Luton Airport ares res e bs Strategic metre Allocation s & subject to 42.6 43.13 Century Park 37.9 London Luton Masterplan Airport Ltd Mix B1, B2 and B8 Yes Light industrial and small scale affordable manged B2 units, B8 and airport/aviation related 240.65 London Luton Airport Yes. London Luton estate Expansi Airport Ltd on to 18 million passeng ers per annum by 2028 and existing master plan 41.14 Wigmore Valley Park of No LBC which 35.67 ha is the District Park allocation Tot al 325 325 Rounded 12/01400/FUL. Full planning application for dualling of airport way/airport approach road and associated junction improvements, extensions and alterations to the terminal buildings, erection of new departures/arrivals pier and walkway, erection of a pedestrian link building from the short-stay car park to the terminal, extensions and alterations to the mid-term and long-term car parks, construction of a new parallel taxiway, extensions to the existing taxiway parallel to the runway, extensions to existing aircraft parking aprons, improvements to ancillary infrastructure including access and drainage, and demolition of existing structures and enabling works. Outline planning application for the construction of a multi-storey car park and pedestrian link building (all matters reserved). Approved June 2014. 15/01213/FUL. Construction of multi-storey car park and pedestrian link building together with ancillary works and environmental impact assessment screening opinion. Approved May 2016. There are also a variety of other extant permissions on individual sites across the wider airport estate. 2 3 Policy Submi Curr Floors Planni Ownership tted ent pace ng Local posit Permis plan ion sion? LP7 Butterfield Hecta Hect Squar Jo Green Technology res ares e bs Park metre s & subject to 6.78 B1 55000 48 Yes Masterplan 00 1.52 Hotel Yes 2.3 Remaining undeveloped No P&R 23 22.67 Remaining - No Three undeveloped B use landowners who are in a collaboration agreement - Crown Estate, Butterfield Land Ltd (a trust connected with the former Putteridge Bury estate) and LBC. Tot al 37.3 33.2 Gross 7 No significant, extant permissions 4 Policy Submi Curr Floors Planni Ownership tted ent pace ng Local posit Permis plan ion sion? LP8 Napier Park Hecta Hect Squar Jo res ares e bs metre s & subject to 7.85 B1 a 35000 Yes Reacquired plot Masterplan back to GM Vauxhall B1 c 20000 Yes 600 dwellings Napier Yes J2 Global & Gateway Redrow Homes A1 retail 2,500 Yes Hotel Neighbourhood centre 24.37 Napier Park Yes 1.69 Stirling Place B1 and C1 Yes London Luton and A1-A5 Airport Ltd Sub total 26.06 Napier Park + Stirling Place Tot al 25 16.5 Net of Vauxhall land 2 transfer 13/00280/OUT. Outline application for a mixed use development - Residential, Retail, Office, storage and distribution, hotel and casino uses, new landscaping, park and public realm, car parking, means of access, new access to Kimpton Road and other associated works. (With EIA). Approved April 2015. 16/00900/FULEIA. Erection of 685 flats comprised of 424 one bedroom and 261 two bedroom units, Retail and Leisure (Class A1-A5 / D2), Hotel comprising of 209 bedrooms, conferencing and banqueting facilities (Class C1), Medical Wellbeing Centre (Class D1) together with landscaping, car parking, new access and associated works. Awaiting decision. 5 Policy Submi Curr Floors Planni Ownership tted ent pace ng Local posit Permis plan ion sion? LP9 Power Court Hecta Hect Squar Jo res ares e bs metre s & subject to A1 convenience 3,393 No British Land own Masterplan 2/3 A1 Comparison Leisure Culture Entertainment 600 Housing B1 Sport Existing infrastructure/ LBC own 1/3 car parking land. with majority long leasehold to British Land 7.21 16/01400/OUTEIA. Outline planning permission, with all matters reserved except for access, for mixed use development comprising: a new football stadium (use class D2), with ancillary stadium-related facilities (including spectator and media facilities, conference rooms, catering facilities and commercial space); residential floorspace (use class C3); flexible educational / community / commercial uses (use class D1/D2/B1(a)); hotel accommodation (use class C1); retail and food and drink (use class A1-A5); a food store (use class A1) car and cycle parking; and associated access, highways, utilities, public realm, landscaping, river works and associated ancillary works and structures. Awaiting decision. 6 Policy Submi Curr Floors Planni Ownership tted ent pace ng Local posit Permis plan ion sion? LP10 High Town Hecta Hect Squar Jo res ares e bs metre s Master Plan to be Residential led mixed No LBC and Adopted. Existing use 750 dwellings numerous East village Design private Codes Employment small scale 35 offices, workshops , 0 live work units Shops Creative industry, art and the public realm Art Block 6 5.8 East Village Block 5 3.61 Paths Estate Block 4 2.46 Old Bedford Road Sub total 11.87 Tot al 26.64 16/01279/OUT: 98 units Charles Street. 15/00210/FUL: 97 affordable housing units Hitchin Road Multiple permissions across various sites including at least 299 new dwellings. 7 Policy Submi Curr Floors Planni Ownership tted ent pace ng Local posit Permis plan ion sion? LP11 Creative Hecta Hect Squar Jo Quarter res ares e bs metre s Creative quarter Mix use including No LBC and Private education related to art media and design A1, A3, A4, D1, D2, C3, B1 Studios, and spaces for artists, live work units and creative business 1. Northern 0.5 0.48 Retail led Gateway comprehensive scheme A1, A2, A3, B1, D2, C3 and A4 C1, 600 units Café culture/night time 2. Station Gateway 1.5 1.51 Residential led - substantial - contemporary flats Offices and ancillary hotel 3. North of St 0.92 Mixed use development Georges Square including leisure culture and retail A1-A5 at ground floor that contribute to café culture D1, D2 8 Policy Submi Curr Floors Planni Ownership tted ent pace ng Local posit Permis plan ion sion? LP11 Creative Hecta Hect Squar Jo Quarter res ares e bs metre s v) Delivers opportunities for education establishments to locate in the area Sub total 2.91 Tot al 10.11 Total area Multiple permissions across various sites including at least 113 new dwellings. 9 Policy Submi Curr Floors Planni Ownership tted ent pace ng Local posit Permis plan ion sion? LP12 Marsh Farm Hecta Hect Squar Jo res ares e bs metre s & subject to Rearrangement of Yes LBC and Private Masterplan [Note housing estate and Masterplan now residential units with adopted] retail units A1 Food store anchor 1,000 No 5.77 Total 21.15 13/00782/FUL: Regeneration of Marsh Farm housing and retail area. Approved October 2013 16/01144/FUL: Erection of 24 one bedroom and 58 two bedroom flats and 5 two bedroom, 3 three bedroom and 3 four bedroom houses together with associated works after demolition of the Purley Centre. (Phase 2 and 3). Awaiting decision. 10 .
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