1942 PAGE FOUR THE YPSILANTI DAILY PRES*, YPSILANTI, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 20, ORDERS INCREASE month. Ickaa has authorised a The YpsilantiDailyPress Observations Your Health Today Lansing, Mar. 20 —Secretary of state production of 60,200 barrels Pick of the Air j Rural Events GEORGE c. HANDY, Publisher Interior Ickes has ordered an in- dally In April, compared with 49,- Condition of Nails crease in Michigan crude oil pro- 500 this month and 47.G00 In Fet* TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION Treachcrv in Axis National Broadcasting Company 11:30—CKLW BBC News Reel TODAY duction for the ruirjr. ' Dally, per In city 15c to . ( Indicate State second consecutive week. Powers Helpful Mten - Red network. WL\ 700. WWJ WWJ Unlimited Horizons E. Ypsilantl Dally, one year In Ypsilantl 'ijo. 1100, 670; Blue trading tone, Cause of of Health WHAM WMAQ card comprising Allies u-twork. WXYZ 1270, WLW 700; 11:45—WJBK Popular Melodies Spencer School dance and Washtenaw County, and By Dunn -Lienaming, M. D. WHN 720. WJR Harry James party, 8 p. m. at school; milk fund Wayne By Cbarlas P. Stewart Krupa AVAILABLENOW western portion of Columbia Broadcasting Company WXYZ Gene benefit. County $3 00 NAZI AND Jap treachery nat- FINGERNAILS are often a 12:00 WJBK Corn Til Morn general —WJR 760, WBBM 780. WCKY Six Months $1.75 urally Is resented by the United good indication of health. WJR Dance Orchestra Stony Crack Although they living 15.10. WFBM 126. WGAR 1480, Three Months SI.OO Nationalities for all they are worth contain no WWJ News and Music Stony Creek Parents and Teach- New 5 Room House cells them- lvcs, they are formed WBNS 1460. WDOD 1310; Blue Dally, per year, outside Ypsl- when It s directed their way, but WXYZ Erskln# Hawkins ers Associations, to meet at Tam- $5.00 from living cells located back of network, WO WO 1190. | lantl trading sone there are ob- Mutual Broadcasting Company 12:15—CKLW Conga Rhumba LOT Independent of politics, and the half i under the cuti- arack School. COMPLETE WITH servers among network, WLW TOO, too; 12:3b WJR Hal Leonard Board will meet at Stony published dally ex' ept Sunday, CKI.W Official them who re- Dr. Clendening will answer - Red network WLW 700; Blue WXYZ Sonny Dunham with an aim toward serving the it Creek Church. FOR LESS THAN S3OOO mark that questions of general interest WBK 720. CKLW Dawn Patrol best Interests of Ypsllanti and prove London territory. may yet only, and then only through the Ypsilantl trading extreme- Telephones: an his column. Tonight TO RECEIVE IDENTIFICATION Barnes School P. T. A. meet at ly valuable — Bay City, Mar. Business lice 170. C:CO WJR News 20—As an anti- the school. Os thing if the cle at the rail base. Allchanges in sabotage Marine identi- Editorial Rooms *• WWJ Sport* Review measure. Belleville Axis folk get to the growth of the nail plate de- fication cards for employes of $385 S mail Down Entered as second-class matter WXYZ t'onica Ktjuma Time Makers Class at Mrs. < playing it on pend upon changes in the living shipping and companies, coin Home at Post Office, Ypsllanti. Mich. U& jjjßC it dock I one another. ceils of this nail matrix. CKI.W Rollin' Home merclal fishermen, and sportsmen Wajne Johnson. is progress- MEMBER OF Some prophets The nail advanced 6:IS—WJR Hedda Hopper will be issued in Bay City by Coasi Rawsonville THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I perhaps ively upward, pushed outward to- officials is to believe Guard w The Associated Press entitled edge by growing WWJ Prof. Preston Closson Pleasure Club to meet at hall \/ MURON us, r.,r republlcatl-'n of all new* before very long ward the free the ths I \\ evening. dispatches credited to it or not otner- they -are pretty ceils behind it. Any injury, or dis- XYZ Lee Smlis RESCUED FROM PIT in the V..,- paper and also gen- Homes V...- wtse credited in this Adolf Hitler likely to do just ease, or lack of nutrition, or ( KI-W Joe Norrlst Pontiac, Mar. 20— Neighbors MARCH 25 the local news published herein. All the that. era! bad health of nail matrix — nchtn r.f repuMicatlon of special 6.30 WJR Frank Parker Thursday rescued Grant Browning. Stony Creek dispute also reserved. anybody doubts will affect the nail for the term of 15 \V. Mich. Open Eves Phone 1049 tea herein are I don't suppose WWJ News 13. and Donald Smith. 12. who Golden Harvest Bazaar Guild. that the Japs took the warpath its life. were buried in a sand pit. Neigh MEMBER MICHIGAN WXYZ Abner W.S.C.S., at 7:30 In home of Mrs. HOME PAIEIKd when they did-for the sake of what Watt causes fingernails to split Lutn and hors shoveled furiously to LKAUI'E Dl remove Hammond. Rd National Advertising Representative calculated they could win for or peel? As far as can be deter- , CKLW Conga Rhumba four or five feet of earth Harold Stony Creek and Cos. they piled Scheerer themselves in the midst of the gen- mined there is no reason to sup- 6:45-WJR Melody Marvels upon them. The mishap occurred Members to bring slips of plants, 413 I.exlngton Ave. New York pose that any nail polish in gen- 15 E. tv s ker Drive. Chicago eral confusion and not on account In a vacant lot near Huron Gar- pictures scrap books and books for eral use today can be held respon- WWJ Lowell Thomas of the slightest inclination to help dens. off Telegraph Hoard west miscellaneous booth, also something r.g or peeling WXYZ of Victory FRIDAY, MARCH *O. 1942 the rest of the Axis or that they'd se e for the al of March of Pontiac, near the boys' homes. to sew during evening hesitate to dump Herr Hitler in a nails. On the contrary, studies 7:uO—WJR Amos 'n' Andy INVINTIONS injuries minute if they considered it a bit demonstrate that more WWJ Fred Waring The United State* Patent of- and dryness of the nails occur in advantageous to do so It equally j WXYZ Ontario Show fice which Issues several hundred that women not using nail polish than Bov Scouts in WAY PAINT! CKLW Val Clare TO i Adolf NEW a foregone conclusion Participate la those who use regularly. patents each week tor gadgets ! doesn't care a hoot for the Japs ex- in it 7:15--WJR Lanny Ross large and small will no doubt cept as he can use them for his per- Splitting Nails WWJ News of the World Competition on First Aid jk J 8 f Just thin KEM-TONE military sonal benefit. The commonest cause of split- WXYZ It" Pays to Llsteu handle a grist of a more ; that 4/ Now, there begin to be signs ting or peeling of the nails is care- CKLW Novelesque nature In the future Scout J* apply to turface. Nazi and Jap interests are starting lessness— failure to prevent fray- 7:IO—WJR How m I Doin'? Six patrols front Boy sion of John Cline, committeeman fl/f A* we to new troops in the Ypsllanti com- of troop look and bril- to diverge. ing at the free edges of the nails WWJ Evening Melodies district 7.. liantly com loved devices for the The Fuehrer obviously deems it by keeping them properly filed. WXYZ Lone Ranger peted In the annual first aid meet Plan for Emergency evening in George Marshall, M KEM-TONE tpreadaon and defense, is urgently necessary for h.s forces What causes nails to become CKI-W Music for Dancing Wednesday Y’psilanti W. chairman a! needs of war it co*t to the Russians off their hands thin general, ill 7:45 WWJ SLA Marshall High School. of health and safety, announced <iuickly> not without regret that we glance get and brittle? In this spring. They distract him like health will do this. The nails do CKLW Hnedown by Ogden Each patrol was given three Wednesday night that plans were 9 cover * even wallpaper! when our ef- on they were grad- fyO c'!ui\WKT back at the days sixty from attending to h's other not simply 8 mi WJR Kate Smith problems which rapidly being formulated for an become thin and brittle Hour training forts were turned to peaceful pur- fronts and it stands to reason that because they have been covered WWJ Lucille Manners ed A, B, C'. or D. in accordance emergency service pro- with degree of in Scouts in the KEM-TONE driea in Inventive desperately anxious to make nail polish. Thin, brittle, WXYZ Herbert Marshall their proficiency gram for Ypsllanti /a) suits—when minds and he's with analysis performance. quick work of them. Spring weath- thickened and deformed nails are CKLW Sizing up the News and district. The course will Include If. one hour. Room* rpay be hands were occupied with bright Judges the coxuest were In aid. ->U\ er probably will be somewhat help- the result usually of some local 8:15 CKLW Interlude for work communications, first yed stme day painted- house George W. Marshall, health and fire fitness, fyO 9 li contraptions to facilitate ful to him, but It will be a heap damage or infection, including in- B.lb- WWJ Information Please protection, physical lA** TZliff*-vTJ I safety Ypsilantl knowledge many * work, sport activities and business. more helpful if the Japs will jump fection with fungi or other germs WXYZ -Ned Jordan chairman of the of community and ,h District; Gerald Fulford, vice others, covering approximately 2U instance, a week re- them from their point of the com- in the nail bed.
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