MAY 30, 2016 Battle of the Bathroom From schools to statehouses, what’s really at stake By Michael Scherer time.com michigan.org/detroitcomeback Everyone loves a great story. Whether they are the classics we grew up with, or the ones handed down through history. But what about the comeback stories? Where old meets new. And why meets why not. Let’s dive into a tale of fresh sights and sounds and get lost in the new chapter of Detroit. As we live, work and play in Pure Michigan. VOL. 187, NO. 20 | 2016 5 | Conversation The View 6 | For the Record Ideas, opinion, The Brief innovations News from the U.S. and 23 | Jeffrey Kluger on around the world why siblings speak out—or don’t—about 9 | Europe confronts parental abuse the terrorist threat 24 | Taste in the 11 | Brazil Cover Story Meet ’s electronic age interim President 25 | How green is your Bathroom Battle 12 | COVER PHOTOS BY ROGER SCHMIDT—GETTY T. IMAGES, PETER DAZELEY—GETTY IM Murders are hotel balcony? :K\ WKH oJKW RYHU WUDQVJHQGHU ULJKWV KDV PRYHG up; airport lines are LQWR WKH PRVW LQWLPDWH RI SXEOLF VSDFHV too long 25 | Chelsea Handler By Michael Scherer 30 on the glory of the 14 | Ian Bremmer on single woman the Middle East 100 years after the Sykes- 28 | Vacationers Why Do Drugs Cost So Much? Picot Agreement embrace the darkness 15 | 0DQ\ GUXJ SULFHV DUH ULVLQJ PXFK IDVWHU WKDQ LQpDWLRQ ǎH Chip Kidd 29 | Joe Klein on what UHDVRQ GLVWRUWHG PDUNHWVDQG ZDUSHG SULRULWLHV remembers author Trump is selling: Katherine Dunn By Haley Sweetland Edwards 38 nostalgia 16 | Double trouble for victims of sexual abuse in the military 18 | Look out! Here comes ransomware 20 | Police riot in Kenya AGES AND DIMEDROL68—GETTY IMAGES; MUSEUM: IWAN BAAN, COURT Time Of 53 | Quick Talk with What to watch, read, actor Tip “T.I.” Harris see and do 53 | Chelsea Handler 49 | Sophie Turner in does late night X-Men: Apocalypse 54 | Girl band Fifth 51 | Movies: The Nice Harmony Guys and a report from Cannes 56 | The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee 52 | A Roots reboot A new SFMOMA exhibition features works by Alexander Calder 56 | NYC debut novel Sweetbitter ESY SFMOMA; TURNER: JON KOPALOFF—FILMMAGIC/GETTY IMAGES Bay Area Masterpiece 59 | Kristin van Ogtrop 6)020$ V QHZ H[SDQVLRQ KRXVHV DQ H[WUDRUGLQDU\ would just as soon not rate her experience FROOHFWLRQ RI SRVWZDU DUW By Richard Lacayo 44 60 | 7 Questions with Bryan Cranston Turner, page 49 On the cover: Photo-illustration by Oliver Munday for TIME TIME (ISSN 0040-781X) is published weekly, except for two combined issues in January and one combined issue in February, April, July, August, September and November by Time Inc. 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As a health services and innovation company, we’re connecting every part of the system by combining data and analytics with technology and expertise. Because when it comes to making Healthier happen, we’re all in this together. optum.com/healthier Conversation PERIL AT WORK Think your job is tough? Recently updated federal data suggest it’s worse for U.S. loggers, who suffer the highest rate of on-the-job fatalities. Find out more about the most dangerous jobs—the What you riskiest ive are below—at time.com/job-danger said about ... MOST DANGEROUS JOBS OF 2014 CAPITALISM 2.0 In her May 23 cover story 2014 FATAL INJURIES PER TOTAL OCCUPATION on ixing capitalism—which recommended RANK 100,000 PEOPLE DEATHS amping up investment in research and devel- opment with an eye to long-term growth— 1 Loggers 110.9 78 Rana Foroohar “has put her inger on the crux of the problem Fishers and related with our capitalist 2 ishing workers 80.8 22 system: it has be- ‘Hip hip come a monstrous hooray. 3 Aircraft pilots and gambling machine,” Thanks for ight engineers 64 82 wrote Bruce Her- your ability bert of McLean, to peel the 4 Roofers 47.4 83 Va. Though the onion of a argument didn’t very complex Refuse and recyclable- convince everyone 35.8 27 5 material collectors (Glen Bowler of problem.’ West Chester, Ohio, DAVID F. DUKE, said the real reason Conyers, Ga. for a lack of eco- nomic growth was the U.S.’s “aging population”), Anthony BONUS TIME Rucci, a professor of management at Ohio HEALTH University’s Fisher College of Business in Columbus, said the article would become required reading for his institution’s MBA Subscribe to TIME’s health candidates. “Foroohar’s exhortation to bal- newsletter and ance the shareholder primacy model with an get a weekly equal focus on the value of people and so- email full of news ciety is spot-on,” he wrote. “Now we need a OFF-DUTY TROOPER The Force is strong and advice to new generation of leaders with the courage in Malin Head, Ireland, where ilming is under keep you well. way on Star Wars VIII, and locals, like this For more, visit to carve a new path.” costumed pub patron, have been sworn to time.com/email secrecy. Read a dispatch from the area at time.com/star-set TRANS MEN AND ‘Cultural SEXISM In a widely shared TIME.com SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT ▶ In “Derailed” (May 23), we mis- sexism is very story, Charlotte stated the full name of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. real when Alter explored how you’ve lived on transgender men TALK TO US have experienced ▽ ▽ both sides of SEND AN EMAIL: FOLLOW US: sexism as both [email protected] facebook.com/time the coin.’ men and women. Please do not send attachments @time (Twitter and Instagram) (After transitioning, REPROJUSTICENC , for example, they on Twitter “gained professional Letters should include the writer’s full name, address and home respect, but lost telephone and may be edited for purposes of clarity and space intimacy,” Alter wrote.) “Excellent article, we can learn a lot from Back Issues Contact us at [email protected] or trans people because of their unique experiences,” call 1-800-274-6800. 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Let’s ','127 work GOOD WEEK (;,67 BAD WEEK JAMALA, Ukrainian singer, after winning the popular Eurovision instead.’ Song Contest with “1944,” which describes how Crimean MICHEL TEMER, acting President of Brazil, who Tatars, including her relatives, took over on May 12 after Dilma Rousseff were forced from their homes was suspended in an impeachment during World War II proceeding; he has been criticized for appointing an all-male Cabinet Red Hot Chili Peppers Canceled an appearance after lead singer was ‘MY WORD, hospitalized 260% I’M AS Percentage hike in insurance premiums for some homeowners OLD 6,549 in Oklahoma, after a Number of mail carriers spike in earthquakes AS THE attacked by dogs last year, linked to oil drilling HILLS.’ according to a new report EMMA MORANO, 116-year-old Italy native, to TEMER: REUTERS; MORANO: AP; GETTY IMAGES ILLUSTRATIONS (4); BY BROWN BIRD her caregiver, upon learning that she had been named the new oldest person in the world; she succeeded Susannah Mushatt Jones, who died May 12 in New York City Number of mini liquor bottles allegedly ‘He’s got to stolen by an Endeavor Air flight attendant, come out of who sold them online, oficials say retirement.’ HILLARY CLINTON, Democratic presidential front runner, describing a role for her husband, former President Bill Clinton, working on the economy in her Administration; she later said she would not appoint him to her Cabinet ‘It’s none of your business.’ DESIGN FOR TIME DONALD TRUMP, presumptive GOP presidential nominee, declaring that voters don’t have a right to know how much he pays in taxes SOURCES: ABC, BBC, THE TELEGRAPH WHEN YOU SHIP WITH US, YOUR BUSINESS BECOMES OUR BUSINESS.
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