PAGE TWELVE THE LETHBRIDGE HERALD THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1936 COLEMAN AND BLAIRMORE CHALK UP WINS CANADIANS TROUNCE'HATTERS ; Maple Leafs Play 'Hat Tonight Medicine Hat Monarchs, fresh from an 8-1 larruping at the hands 8-1 FOR NINTH STRAIGHT WIN- ^Served ub bu- of mighiy Coleman Canadians, will endeavor to regain some of their lost prestige tonight when they take on Maple Leafs in the Arena in a Crow league engagement. Leafs and Monarchs aro nt present dead­ BEARCATS DOWN BELLEVUE 4-2 locked at third place.in the standings. Leafs hold the edge hi league engagements with the 'Hatters thus far, having drawn the first game , t •'NEWS'OF here 3-:: r.nd won the second in Medicine Hat 5-4. r Listless Game Seen as 'Hatters Slacken Pace in Efforf .DAVE STOW The game tonight will start at 8:30 and promises to produce the Roy Meredith, who has just re­ bruising type of battle which usually characterises play whenever the to Avoid Defeat by Large Score—Sparkling turned from a trip through the two old inter-city rivals lock horns. ' States, tells me he spent a day cr Hockey Seen at Bellevue as Bulldogs' 'so renewing his acquaintance with "Kid" Forwards Again Keep Team -Dave Stori. Dave will be remember­ ed by many rugby and basketball in Fight from Start to,Finish ;fans throughout the district and LEAGUE STANDING friends will be glad to know that he THE BEST By Jack Sords VERTICAL BRITISHER - By Ja~ck Sord? .is the fair-haired boy to every man, F. C. MALCHOW P. W. J.. D. F. A. Pts. woman and child In his home town Coleman .... 9 9 0 0 63 12 18 of Menominie. Wisconsin. 7 5 2 0 34 36 10 When Dave walks down the WINS N ANTON Lethbridge .... 6 2 3 1 20 24 5 streets of Menominie, everybody .he meets don's their bonnet, acccrding Medicine Hat .... 9 2 6 1 25 41 5 to Roy. Bellevue .... 7 0 7 0 12 41 0 While here Stori coached Leth- COMPETITION bridge senior and junior grid en­ (From Our Own Correspondent) tries 1:1 the Alberta provincial cir­ COLEMAN, Jan. 9—Coleman Canadians continue*! cuits and was, fcr a short time, Defeats Johnston of Cal­ playing coach of the Young Liberals, their winning ways in one of their easiest victories to date senior hoop aggregation. gary in Finals—'Spiel when they romped home over the luckless Medicine Hat Ends Today Monarchs 8-1 in a league game here Wednesday night. PLAYING PBO Play was the most listless seen here for some time. The BASKETBALL ("From Our Own Correspondent11 'Hat team freely admitted that they did not want an NANTON. Jan. 8.—F. C. Malchow Henry Viney sava me some wen the Nanton competition from enormous score chalked against them and were quite con­ - additional information on the Johnston cf Calgary, this being tent to slacken the pace whenever possible. feats of Brother Stcr;. Dave is Johnston's first defeat of the Foot­ Only in the third period did the | the puck was deflected off Quail playing professional basketball : hills 'spiel. Johnston won the Canadians show any ambition and into his own net, Joyce being cred­ villi (two outfits. Sunday aftcr- Claresholm competition from LeBow dented the net behind Reburn five ited with the goal as he was in on •noens he gambcls with the team of Vulcan. McNeil of Brant and times to add to the three . goals the play. Fisher of the 'Hat wa3 'of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, Cunimings of Nanton are in the secured in the two opening frames. close when he drew out Scodellaro and in (he evcn:"ags he stru's semi-finals of the Okotoks compe­ As the score steadily mounted, tl-c only to have Scodellaro throw him­ b's stuff for the Red Birds of tition. The winner plays in the 'Hat opened up and gave Scodellaro self around sufficiently to deflect lUencminie. In between times he finals on the late dr%w. some work to do, Craven rocking the puck into the nlr and out of coaches the high school squad of The Stavely competition and the Scodellaro of his fourth successive danger. Barron, Wis. High River competition are well un­ shutout with only six minutes to go 'Hat Drive < Stori was the outstanding der way and the 'spiel closes today. in the final frame. The 'Hat meant business and player on the floor recently . Wednesday Draws twice within a few seconds play was when Red Birds defeated Sanar- The opening exchanges saw Cole­ Nanton competition <semi-finals) called owing to the puck being steirfs oririnal New York Globe man trying to work their way close —F. C. Malchow. Stavely, 12; M. E. blocked on the side of the Coleman .: Trotters 38-36 in a five-minute in on Reburn before shooting, the Malchow. Stavely. 11. net. Coleman played five forwards overtime game. Lefhbridge and Monarchs, taking their shots on Finals—Johnston. Calgary, 2; F. and they swarmed all over the 'Hat *Ea.ym">cd fans will remember goal from the Canadian blue line. C. Malchow. Stavely. 14. defence only to be balked by Re- i- the rcintilla tins' ball played by P. Brown opened the scoring for Claresholm competition _ (semi- burn. Jenkins missed W. Fraser's ' 'the Globe Trotters—a coon out­ the Canadians when he shot the finals)—Jchnston. Calgary, 9; Mc- rebound before the puck was shot fit—when they heat Aces and puck like a bullet through Reburn's Hattie. Nanton, 8. >LeBow, Vulcan, up the ice. Four defencemen and Union Ja.-ks while on ttur legs from the 'Hat blue line. 10: Wellman, Blackie, 7. one forward appeared for the Ca "tlircngh Alberta two sccssns uirto,WAiue eArreRTAiAiirfs- The 'Hat swarmed to the attack nadians on the change of lines and frtttietfrc OF ReriReMetfi; Finals — Johnston, Calgary. 14; to regain the goal and Scodellaro LeBow, Vulcan. 10.» they furnished some excitement as ISO "Jfte MAfieAlAt. was called to save the first real shot J. Kwasnic m'v-sed by inches on a Okotoks competition: put to him during the period. The FENOY Fipsf SACkERs FOR. I935~* hard drive. Three goals within a Stewart, Stavely, 9; Loree, Nan­ Fraser-Fishcr-Jenkins line scooped FALLA l-HlS REC&JT OVER. minute made the •'••.is sit up and ton. 11. up the puck from the face-off and '6ABE RiW, MIDDU£rt£l&**r take notice. R. Kwasnie passed to .Dave, playing forward, was high Hallstt, Nanton, 8; McNeil, Brant, with beautifully timed combination CAAMPioAi, wfrtm w UAe Lopichuk who made no mistake. To rrian for both teams, notching six 12. split the defense wide open and firti A CRACK AT CMAMPKW avoid a shutout, Craven and Fisher field goals and a foul point fcr a Patterson. High River, 10; Cum- Fisher banged it^ome. totel of 13. A clipDing states that TERRY Boofeo BUT si* OF i.'ffl'f dA»Jces Jo>W MfaJRVJ-E Wis took it on themselves to prevent mings. Nanton. 11. 'Hat rushes were being broken up "without a doubt this year's team this Insult, and Craven took Fish­ .•tflAf CAMe-ToMlM l-AST SEASON _ Copyright, 1935, by Central Irving. Calsary, 12; Coultis, Tur­ at^the blue line and their drives is; the best to ever represent Meno­ er's pass to beat Scodellaro when were easily brushed aside by the minie. The players have size, are ner Valley. 11. the latter was lying full length on agile Scodellaro. Reburn came to his fast, can shoot from any positicn " Gtendenning. Turner Valley, 13; the ice. Jenkins scored thirty sec­ team's rescue when he saved point and like tc play. In the game againsi Wellman. Blackie, 12. H0CKEY RESULTS onds later when he rounded the blank from W. Fraser who had out­ the Globe Trotters, Captain Dave McDonald, High River, 13; Loree, • - 'Hat net and slid the puck In be­ S HOCKEY STANDINGS ] guessed the defence. J. Kwasnie Stori. made a basket over his head Nanton, 10. Northwestern fore Re-burn could move. Lopichuk nicked up a loose puck at his blue and another while enrfis-knees. « .> Irving, Calgary, 12; Roney, Nan­ Edmonton 4; Calgary 3. combined with R. Kwasnie to finish Come out and see a really great FOOTHILLS Portland 3; Seattle 3. line, skated close to the 'Hat blue the scoring, Kwasnie' getting the P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. ton. 11. line before letting drive the puck, ;J8ted Bird team play .. ." Southern Alberta goal. Vulcan ... 9 6 2 1 38 22 13 Glendenning, Turner Valley, 12; which rebounded from the cage In case this column ever reaches Bronks 1: Drumheller 4. Calgary . 9 5 3 -1 34 32 11 LeBow. Vulcan. 11. Last Night's Results before Reburn knew what H was all The Lineups Dave's eyes, he might be. interested • West Kootcnay Claresholm 11 5 5 1 38 33 11 Stavely competition: Rookies 632 677 about. A fistic encounter between Medicine Hat — Reburn; Quail, to know that the blonde says every­ Rossland 2; Trail 3. High River 6 5 1 0 34 15 10 Miles, High River, 3; Parsons, Topplers 835 636 Lopichuk and Simmons livened the Simmons; Younir. Melbourne. Wood, thing is forgiven . she'd even be International Macleod .. 6 5 1 0 21 14 10 Nanton. 9. High—Mrs. Wilson, 204: I. Chap­ game somewhat when Lopichuk took Lutes, Craven, Cook, McArthur. glad to see him ... Pittsburgh 3; Cleveland 4. man, 232; M. Flynn. 167. Coleman—Scodellaro: Johnson.R.
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