THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER One Hundred and Fourth rAnnual COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, JUNE THIRTEENTH NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR ORDER OF EXERCISES PROCESSIONAL-Triumphal March . Gounod Robert]. Berentsen at the Organ PRAYER THE REVEREND HuGH CHAMBERLIN BuRR ADDRESS F. CYRIL JAMES CoNFERRING oF DEGREES THB AUDIBNCB IS REQUBSTED TO REFRAIN FROM APPLAUSE UNTIL THE RECIPIENTS OF DEGREES ARB RETURNING TO THEIR SBATS Candidates of the College for Men Presented by Dean Wilder Candidates of the College for Women Presented by Dean Habein Candidates for Honors Degrees Presented by Dean Hoffmeister Candidates of the Eastman School of Music Presented by Director Hanson Candidates of the University School of Liberal and Applied Studies Presented by Dean Anderson Candidates for the Diploma in Nursing Presented by Director Brody Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Medicine Presented by Dean Anderson Candidates for Masters' Degrees Presented by Associate Dean Beck Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Presented by Dean Noyes CoNFERRING oF UNIVERSITY CITATIONs TO ALUMNI Charles Lewis Rumrill, Class of 1922 William Caesar Warfield, Class of 1942 Presented by Cornelis W. de Kiewiet ORDER OF EXERCISES CoNFERRING OF HoNORARY DEGREES Doctor of Science HERMAN GATES WErsKOTTEN Doctor of Music HERBERT ELwELL Doctor of Humane Letters AGNES ERNST MEYER Doctor of Laws KENNETH B. KEATING Doctor of Laws FRANK CYRIL jAMES Presented by the University Orator Bernard N. Schilling COMMENCEMENT HYMN 0 Mater academica Rocestriensis, te Quae nobis tanta munera dedisti libere Nunc salutamus, agimus nos tibi gratias, Et semper te laudabimus cui nomen Veritas. 0 Mater, quam cognovimus per laeta tempora, Quae demonstrasti omnibus laboris gaudia, Quae "Meliora" indicas, excelsa praemia, Ad caelum omnes incitas, tu Mater splendida! 0 Mater ave, salve, tu, vale, carissima! Nos juvat jam in exitu dulcis memoria. Per vias due nos asperas semper ad optima; Mercedes da perpetuas, bona caelestia! 1907 -JOHN ROTHWELL SLATER REcESSIONAL- Triumphal March from "Tannhauser" . Richard Wagner The Organ PRIZES AND HONORS SIGMA XI Elected to full membership in 1954 DIMITRI AFONSKY EDwARD EvERETT HALEY HowARD DEAN BATRA JoHN ALLEN HxLcoN WILLIAM RALPH BusH JoNAS E. RicHMoND PHILIP STANLEY CHEN, ]R. JACOB SHAPIRO EMMETT RAND CosTICH WILLIAM J OBL SPRY, JR. NATHAN ALLEN CowARD JoHN HENRY WEIKEL, JR. JAcK DwoRIN Elected to associate membership in 1954 ROBERT wARREN DBTBNBBCK GENE MARSHALL SMITH JosEPH TIMOTHY MuLLHAUPT ROBERT GLENN THOMAS BENJAMIN BERLIN Ross PHI BETA KAPPA *GEORGE MARSHALL ABBEY BARRY LEONARD SIEGEL HERBERT PAUL BLOOMQUIST DAVID GEORGE w ADB DoNALD RicHARD BROADRIBB RICHARD HUTTBN WENDT MATTHEW PATRICK CoRNELIA ROBERT W ARRBN DBTENBECK CBCILY MARIE AGGBLBR BARRY CARL DuTcHER MANUELA MILAGRAS CRBSPO FRANCIS RAYMOND GREBE *PATRICIA MARIE GAJEWSKI *JAMBS THOMAS HAGGERTY PHYLLIS ScHwARTZ KASDIN STANLEY IRVING HARRIS ]BAN HELEN KEELEY ROBERT BASIL HAYBS JoYcE LEJEuNE WILLIAM JoHN KAMMERER ELIZABETH ANN MILLS GEoRGE AusTIN MALLEY NANcY BoswoRTH SEWARD FREDERICK WILLIAM McNABB, JR. NANCIE SCHERMERHORN STRUBVBR DANIEL ScoTT MICKEL ELEANOR LouiSE TROXELL JosEPH TIMOTHY MuLLHAUPT AGNES ANN VAN BRANTBGHBM JoHN WEBB PRATT FAITH WRIGHT HARRY EDWARD RoBERTS DAMA ANNE ZEFERS SEYMOUR JACOB SANDLER CoLLEGE oF ARTS AND SciENCE The Davis Prizes-to DEwANB RoBERT BARNES and JAMBS WALTER MEADE The Dewey Prizes-to GREGORY MACHYOWSKY and ARTHUR MILLER The Stoddard Prizes in Mathematics-to DoNALD WINBGROVE McLEoD and MATTHEW PETER RIMMER The Hut! Prize-to GEORGE HERBERT EASTMAN The Elizab:th M. Anderson Prize-to HARRIET McCLANAHAN WoRD TheN. B. Ellison Prize-to GEORGE AusTIN MALLEY and JoHN WEBB PRATT Tha Williams Memorial Prize-to SYLVIA MARIE ADLER The Jesse L. Rosenberger Prize-to PETER AvAKIAN The Susan Colver Rosenberger Prize-to JEANNETTE RITA GREGOIRE The John Dows Mairs Prize-to BENJAMIN S. DEYouNG The Rigby Wile Prizes in Biologrto EDWARD HERZIG and DoNALD ELLIOTT HuLTQUIST The Charles A. Dewey Scholarshi~to DoROTHY ANN BoTKIN The Alumnae Prize-to SALLY JUNE SMITH Th1 Tmy Prize-to WILLIAM ABELARD REYNoLDS HowARD The Charks L. N6Wton Prize-to RICHARD ALBERT RAMPSON and HARoLD WARREN RussELL, JR. The Le1t Prize-to RonBRT EDwARD MATBS Thl William Morse Hastings Prize-to MADBLYNB MARIE WELSHON *Elected in Junior Year CoLLEGE OF ARTS AND SciENcE--continued The Charles Ellis Caldwell Pri'{e-to FREDERICK WILLIAM McNABB, JR. and CHRISTIAN RUGH The Emil "Mtichling Pri'{e-to IRWIN WAGMAN The Theta Eta Pri'{e-to MADELYNE MARIE WBLSHON The James D. McGill Memorial Pri'{e-to FAITH WRIGHT The Percy B. Dutton Award-to FREDERICK WILLIAM McNABB, JR. The Gamma Phi Pri'{e-to SoPHIE MARY BRODY The Hugh MacKenzie Memorial Priz_e-to BsNETH LouiSE BRIGHAM and CYNTHIA HELEN DowN The Fannie B. Bigelow Alumnae Awards--to FAITH WRIGHT and EMMA O'KEEFE The Sigma Kappa Upsilon Priz_e-to MARY JANE MuRPHY The Joseph P. O'Hern Scholarship--to ANITA L . KENT General Electric Senior Fellowship--to DoN OGDEN SANTOS New York State Society of C. P. A. Accounting Pri'{e-to DANIEL FRANCIS MuRPHY The Wall Street Jottrnal Student Achievement Award-to DANIEL FRANCIS MuRPHY EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC The Edward B. Benjamin Award in Composition-to MAURICE J. WEED Performer's Certificate LAWRENCE B. ANGELL, in Douhle Bass Z. MITCHELL WEISS, in Clarinet EDWARD NEIL CouRTNEY, in Douhle Bass DEAN C. WILSON, in Oboe ARNO PAUL DRuCKER, in Piano DoNALD FRANCIS ZALB, in Tuba THEODORE RICHARD GRIMES, in Bassoon EARL CuRTIS GROTH, in Oboe MARGARET GIBSON CHANDLER, ARCHIE 0. HAuGLAND, in Horn in Violoncello DoNALD Ross HuNSBERGER, in Trombone RACHEL E. EWING, in Harp HENRY BLACK INGRAM, ]R., in Piano DoNNA LouRIE Gsis, in Flute KEITH S. KUMMER, in Oboe RUTH GILLINGS GLEAVES, in Voice STANLEY SPRENGER LEONARD, DoROTHY MAE HATcH, in Opera in Percussion JoANN HAYNBS, in Horn JAMES J. MANDRos, in Clarinet Lms MARY KRIEG, in Harp GERALD RICHARD MEIER, in Viola DoNNA MAE LEREW, in Violin HARRY PATRICK MESsiNA, JR., KAREN ]BAN MARScH, in Violoncello in Clarinet MARIA APPARBCIDA PRISTA, in Piano THOMAS V ANDBVER MILLER, in Tromhone SuzANNB MARIE SHAUTE, DANIEL jOHN PATRYLAK, in Trumpet in Voice and in Opera E. WAYNB RAPER, in Oboe KATHRYN MAE SILBER, in Piano F. RAYMOND STILWELL, in Viola SCHOOL OF NURSING The Dorothea Linde Dix Award-to JANB ALicE TscroR SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY The Cushing Pri'{e for the History of Medicine-to DoNALD AINSLIE HENDERSON The Benjamin Rush Prize in Psychiatry-to SANFORD MEYEROWITZ The Doran]. Stephens Memorial Priz_e-to PAuL OTis SIMBNSTAD ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA CHLOE GRAY ALEXSON ARTHUR EDWIN LINDNBR jOHN JoSEPH CASTELLOT SANFORD MEYEROWITZ HAROLD EDWARD CoLEMAN PERRY WILLIAMS NADIG PAuLJosBPH DoBosz CLAY EDISON PHILLIPS, JR. IRWIN NoRMAN FRANK RoBERT M. RsN:B DoNALD BoTHEN HuNToN PAUL OTis SIMBNSTAD CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES FROM THE COLLEGE FOR MEN BACHELOR OP ARTS WITH HIGHEST DISTINCTION *jAMES THoMAS HAGGERTY, in General Science STANLEY IRVING HARRis, in Biology BACHELOR OP ARTS WITH HIGH DISTINCTION *GEORGE MARsHALL ABBEY, in History WILLIAM JoHN KAMMERER, in Mathematics *FREDERICK WILLIAM McNABB, JR., in History DANIEL ScoTT MICKEL, in Economics BACHELOR OP ARTS WITH DISTINCTION jAMES STANLEY ARMSTRONG, in History HERBERT PAUL BLOOMQUIST, in Government DoNALD RICHARD BRoADRIBB, in Spanish DoMINIC PETER DIVINCENZO, in Mathematics BARRY CARL DuTCHER, in Mathematics FRANCIS RAYMOND GREBE, in Government RoBERT BASIL HAYES, in Psychology KENNETH GERALD KNox, in Government ALAN MARTIN LAZERSoN, in Psychology HARRY PATRICK MESsiNA, JR., in Music JoHN CRAWFORD RoBINSON, in History SEYMOUR jACOB SANDLER, in Psychology RICHARD JosEPH SARKIS, in Psychology IRA HERBERT ScHULMAN, in Mathematics BARRY LEoNARD SIEGEL, in General Science DAVID GEORGE WADE, in History DoNALD PETERS WEPER, in Psychology *RICHARD RUTTEN WENDT, in General Science BACHELOR OP SCIENCE WITH IixGHEST DISTINCTION RoBERT WARREN DBTENBECK, in Physics BACHELOR oP SciENCE WITH HIGH DISTINCTION JosEPH TIMoTHY MuLLHAUPT, in Chsmistry BACHELOR OP SciENCE WITH DISTINCTION EMMANUEL CARMEN PAXHIA, in Physics HELMUT FERDINAND PRAHL, in Chemistry HENRY ABRAHAM VAN DEN BROEK, in Nursing Education *Marshals BACHELOR 01' ARTS William John Adler, General Science Lawrence Keith Howard, English Lawrence Peel Ashmead, Geology William Abelard Reynolds Howard, John Frederick Atkinson, Government General Science Charles Joseph Baglio, History Arthur Jewett, Psychology Royce Edmond Bakos, Psychology David Wesley Johnson, Government Dewane Robert Barnes, History William Oscar Johnson, Psychology Victor Wilson Bartolotta, English James Edward Kinsella, English Jacob Bernstein, Government John Frederick Kneisl, Jr., Psychology Andrew Bilous, Government Robert Edward Lanning, Psychology Arthur Bjorlykke, Jr., Psychology Lester Lee Lansky, Chemistry Gerald Sloper Blow, Government Roger De Butts Lathan, Economics Thaddeus Marion Bonus, English William Alden Lee, Music Ralph Herbert Boss, Jr., Economics William Lee Wee Lee, History Albert Richard Brayer, Psychology Robert Paul Levinson, Psychology Dale Victor Buley, Economics John William Loock, Geology Richard Eugene Burke, Psychology Kenneth Adams Martin, English Russell James Cassata, Music Michael Angelo Mazza, Jr., General David Kylie Catlin, Psychology Science Carmen Cristo, General Science James Walter Meade, General Science Paul Edward Cunningham, History Edward Gates Mehrhof, General Science Samuel Whitney Day, General Science Malcolm Aberman Nanes, Psychology William Francis Deverell, General Science Peter Williams
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