Onentasusn~ zdit U. & NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Phone 9-5247 Date Tuesday June 30, 1970 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Rogers States U.S. Will Continue Air Support WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS) -- Secretary of State William Rogers has said that the United States will not send American troops into Cambodia again. But he says the United States will con- CHARLIE V Returns, tinue to supply air support to disrupt communist sanctuaries. Rogers said in the future communist forces in Cambodia will wGuantanamtes on Rebound have to face Thai and South Vietnamese troops. This .has been GUARTANAMO BAY ARTST) -- In the first official reference to Thai troops nCambodia. policy order to preserve lawns and The Secretary of State addressed a national foreign shrubbery, water condition conference of editors and broadcasters in San Francisco. Charlie IV is set for a limit- Secretary of State Rogers ed period. says it is possible communist This condition allows lawn Polio Epidemic forces in South Vietnam may sprinkling* Monday thru Friday negotiate an agreement which from 6-7 p.m. Threatens in Texas gives them proportionate Repairs at the desaliniza- RIO GRANDE, Tex. (AP/AFRTS) representation. tion plant are continuing and --Doctors and nurses have im- Rogers is on his way to the base fresh water producing munized an estimated 67,000 Asia where he will have talks capacity is stillAeverelylim- persons against polio in the with South Vietnam's Presi- ited. lower Rio Grande Valley of dent Thieu. Re pointed out Therefore all base residents Texas where an epidemic is that there are difficult mil- must continue tb practice wat- threatening the population. itary, economic, and politi- er conservation on a daily Within the past three weeks,, cal problems still to be fac- 'basis three persons have died and ed. (Continued on Page 2) another (Continued on Pg.2) A significant decrease in current base water storage will necessitate further water re- strictions. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, June 30, 1970 ROGERS (Cont'd from pg. l)--He said that by mid 1971, "We expect that the South Vietnamese will have assumed primary responsibility for ground combat." News Gazetteer Rogers said that the military operations in Cambodia have succeeded, but there are thou- sands of Communist troops still left in Cam- bodia. WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--Young men born in WAR AMENDMENT (Cont'd from pg. l)--Southeast 1951 will know tbeir order of induction tomor- Asia. Republicans made no secret that they row. hoped to kill the proposal outright. They Selective Service officials here have the wanted to avoid a showdown with the White lottery all prepared for the double drawing House. of red and green capsules. One red capsule Senator Allott offered his amendment as a will be drawn for the hirthdate and one green rider to the foreign military sales bill. That capsule for the order of induction. The bill has been the vehicle for eight weeks of double drawing is aimed at providing a random debate over U.S. incursion into Cambodia. selection. POLIO EPIDEMIC (Cont'd from pg. l)--13 DES MOINES (AP/AFRTS)--Central Iowa has ex- cases of polio are suspected. Most of the perienced its fourth dynamite bombing in six persons receiving the vaccine in the past two weeks. The blast ripped through a modern weeks have been infants and children from science building on the Drake University cam- three months to three years old. pus. Damage may exceed $200,000. Governor Robert Weatherscope Ray says the bombings must be stopped before 89 someone is killed. Abilene 81 Kansas City 91 N.Y. Burlington,Vt. 70 Los Angeles 71 S.F. 70 SANTE FE (AP/AFRTS)--Temperatures lingered Dallas 96 Memphis 89 Tucson 96 around the 100 degree mark yesterday as fire- Harrisburg,Pa. 80 Phoenix 104 Topeka 90 fighters-continue to battle massive forest will be near 89 blazes. .Winds clocked at 45 miles per hour The high expected here today 75 tonight. have been fanning the fire which has swept while the low will be through. nearly 2,000 acres in Southern New Mexico and Arizona. HIGH Tides Low Sourise Sunset 061L 2023 0210 1240 0623 1943 TEL AV (AP/AFRTS)--Israeli Premier Golda Meir.has reacted defensively to the U.S. peace initiative in the Middle East. 41thpugh she welcomed the plan, she stress- Water Condition Charlie V ed Israel will never accept a limited cease firQ, which is said to be the main point of. the plan, - Tuesday, June 30, 1970 Guantaname Gazette Page 3 Tecumseh Court, Site Of CNO Change Of Command Tecumseh. Court at the Naval Midshipmen decorate him with turnover on Aug. 1, 1963, for Academy in Annapolis, Md., war paint three times a year, Adm. David Lw Mc Donald re- will be the site for the July before athletic contests a- lieving Adm. Anderson,,and the 1st Chief of Naval Operations gainst the Army. CNO change of command On Aug. (CNO) change ot command cere- 1, 1967, tor Adm. McDonald, monies starting at 11 a.m. Tecumseh Superstitions were held once again in Te- Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, the The historical significance cumseh Court. incumbent CNO since Aug. 1, of Tecumseh Court and its 1967, will be succeeded by Ad- superstitious influence among Annapolis miral Elmo R. Zumwalt Jr., for- the midshipmen are not mean- The academy is the Navy's mer Commander, .U.S. Naval Forc- ingless to Adm. Moorer and Adm. college charged with the devel- es Vietnam, and Chief of U.S. Zumwait. They were plebes in opment of midshipmen--and pos- Naval Advisory Group Vietnam. 1929 and 1939, respectively. sible CNOs--mentally,uorally Defense Secretary Melvin R. When the 49-year-old Adm. and physically for future Laird will deliver the prin- Zumwalt is sworn in by the leadership. cipal address. Navy'sJudge Advocate General, "The Navy uniform as ,Aiways Following Mr. Laird's he becomes the 19th and young- been cut to the same pattern speech, Adm. Moorer will take est CNO in history. In the of high standards," a former the podium for his "farewell" audience watching him accept superintendent of Annapolis address. He then reads his the stewardship of the Navy once said. orders relieving him as CNO will be Rear Admiral James He also pointed out then for duty as Chairman of the Calvert, the youngest super- that". a midshipman cannot let Joint Chiefs of Staff. Adm. intendent in the academy's out the seams of integrity or Moorer, CNO since Aug. 1, 1976, history and Adm. Zumwalt's shorten the sleeves of loyalty becomes JCS Chairman in cere- classmate at Annapolis. Both or remove the lining of com- monies at the Pentagon July 3. were graduated and commission- petence." His orders read, Adm. ed ensigns in 1942. "If alterations are necess- Moorer will then request per- ary," he said. "they should mission from the Secretary of Traditional Locatin be made in (the midshipmen)."- the Navy, Hon. John H. Chafee, Washington, D.C., had always Our mission here at the academy that his flag be hauled down. been the site for CNO change is more to help the (candidate) At this point, traditional of command ceremonies, dating try the uniform on Lor size. honors in the form of ruffles back to Sept. 25, 1919, when The final fitting is up to and flourishes; followed by Adm. William S. Benson--the (him)." the playing of the Admiral's first CNO--was succeeded by March, are rendered to Adm. Adm. Robert E. Coontz. But joint Coor Guard Moorer. After the last mu- the customary change of com- To lend added dignity and sical note, a battery of mand at the seat of the govern- pomp to the Tecumseh Coutt pro- cannons fires 19 guns in ment was broken on Aug. 17,1955. ceedings on July 1, a' joint salute to the outgoing Navy when Adm. Arleigh "31-knot" services color guard, the Navy Chief. At the last gun, Adm. Burke became the CNO, reliev- Ceremonial Seaman Guard, and, Moorer's flag will be hauled ing Adm. Robert B. Carney. the Marine Honor Guard Company down. The transfer of the Carney- from Washington, will be on Facing Bancroft Hall and at Burke turnover ceremonies to hand. the head of Stribling Walk is Annapolis, some 40 miles away Members of the official cere- the bronze replica of Tecum- from Washington, was effected to inspire midshipmen to work harder and make the naval ser- vice their career. The ade- quacy of facilities at Annapo- lis was another mernna nnint Page 4 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday June 30, 1970 size. Laughing and playing with the "little ones" in that huge play pen in front of the commissary. Really listening and hearing the thaptains ltutr words of harried housewives. Out on the fenceline, hours that seem to have more than sixty minutes; thoughts of a far distant, yet of ones he loves so closely. The heat of the day, but the thought of the beach afterwarder and maybe some mail from the states; maybe. How about the get-togethers in homes and barracks - good times sharing and "He's everywhere He's everywhere" How many celebrating life. times a day do we hear these words expressed Somehow, I know that, had he walked into in a near hysteria fashion, about our friend the Copa last night he wouldn't drive us all the wonderful white winged warrior, Chicken out. He'd have a beer, rap with the men, Man. We get the message, the humor, the really enjoy the Inner Soul -, hear out the lightheartedness - a lift. headaches of the shore patrol; and when he These same words: "He's everywhere, he's invited us over to his place on Sunday we everywhere," are the response of children to might take him up on it, or at least think their primers in religion; to sailors and about it.
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